The Principal Rules, With A Very Big Stick

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Your name is Sheema. u have long black hair and stand 5’2”tall. In fact when you look at your from the sides when u raise your arms and you can see your ribs. u have a very narrow waist which measures 21 inches and your hips measure 33 inches. your legs are very long and thin too which also suggests a very skinny teen, but the best part of your weight is seen in your very large tits which measure a mouth-watering 32D! Yes from the back u do appear to be just another blond skinny teen, but when your turn to the side your tits are huge, in fact pendulous.

Although your breasts are huge they don’t sag at all. They sit very-high on your chest and point up. The other thing that accents your big swaying 32D tits are your huge nipples which are always causing traffic jams and men to drool. your nipples are over an inch long and about an inch and a half wide and get even bigger when u turned on. They also sit high on the ends of your big tits, and point straight up to the sky, which adds to their eye-catching size. A blond, 5′ 2″ tall High School Senior, who is the captain of the cheer-leading team, with a slender, thin waisted frame, that measures 32D-25-33, is every mans teen age fantasy! Skinny, with huge tits and big fat nipples, without any areola! To put it quite bluntly and conceitedly, u r what is considered drop-dead-scorching-hot, and u absolutely know it.

The Principal Rules, with a VERY Big Stick!

It was just a month ago when u had an incredible sexual experience with your High School Principal. Mr. Visal was a former professional football player who became your high school football coach and your Principal. i was a huge imposing man who stood 5′ 8″ and weighed over 300 lbs. Because of my giant-like size, i was a very intimidating man that all the students and teachers feared. The main thing about My that made me even more intimidating was that i m very handsome.

Being the head cheerleader, u had to meet with me after school to discuss an upcoming cheerleader competition your school was hosting. During the week u found yourself thinking about Me constantly. u had heard many rumors about me fucking a lot of girls in your school and their mothers. u had even heard that i was fucking an Asian girl from your school and her mother together!

But, the main reason why u found yourself thinking about Me constantly, were the numerous rumors u had heard about me having an enormous cock. u had heard that my cock was over a foot long, and as wide around as a beer can! After cheer leading practice u went to the locker to clean up. u didn’t have time to change your outfit, but u did want to make a lasting impression on Me. u kept your cheerleader outfit on, but changed from your uniform sneakers into a pair of classic black high heel pumps.

Even though u was a senior in High School, u secretly wanted to show your, Principal that u was very mature for your age. u knew your high heels would draw attention to your long slender legs and your toned, sexy ass. Yes, u’ll admit, that u was hoping that by wearing your pumps instead of your sneakers, it would send Me a clear message that u purposefully wore them to look sexy for me.

u was hoping that i would see u wearing your black high heel pumps as a calculated move on your part to turn me on. u was also counting on me seeing this as your way of letting me know u had heard the hundreds of stories about my huge cock. Just as u stepped into your pumps, two cheerleaders came out of the locker room. As they watched u lift your left leg and slide on your second high heel, one of them looked at the other and said slyly,

“Looks like someone is going to get fucked tonight.”

u shot them a sly smirk and said coyly,

“Do I really look that obvious?”

They both looked at each other for a second, then as if on cue said, in knowing giggle,


u looked down at your high heels and then back at them, and said in a voice that had ‘naughty slut’ written all over it,


As u walked away, with the sounds of your high heels clicking on the tiled hall floor, they were both still gigging. u was sure they were thinking it was your boyfriend Bobbi u was going to fuck, but as u smirked, u thought to yourself slyly,

“No, its not Bobbi, or for that matter any other of his stupid jock friends that keep begging to fuck me behind his back. u thinking ‘ WAY BIGGER’!

As soon as u entered my office u could feel My eyes immediately take in the sight of your body. As u stood at the door, my massive body filled the entire door frame. your legs instantly weakened at the sight of the giant man. Even though u was standing tall in your 3 inch high heel pumps, My body towered over u. And, my massive 300 pound frame eclipsed your thin 110 pound body. There was a moment of tension, as u stood there for a few seconds in front of me, as my eyes deliberately took in the sight of your body. u felt like u was on display for my personal pleasure. As my eyes roamed over your body freely, u just stood there, thoroughly enjoying the attention your Principal was giving u.

After a few seconds i stepped to the side and u walked in, as pointed to the sofa at the other end of my office. As u walked to the sofa u could feel my eyes taking in the sight of your long thin legs and the sway of your firm round ass. The clicking sounds of your size 10, black, high heel pumps filled the silence of the room, instantly changing the tone for oyour meeting to something much more naughty. As u walked across the room, u could feel my eyes riveted to your long legs and sway of your ass. u could feel my eyes byourn right through u.

It was obvious that i was checking out your body from head to toe, because when u sat, i was leaning against the door with a devilish grin on my face. As u crossed your long legs, my eyes went right to your black high heel pumps and lingered there before slowly going up to your tight white top, which barely contained your 32D tits. As u sat with your legs crossed i continued leering at your body without saying a word, or without making direct eye contact with u.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly changed, and a sexy tension began to fill the air. As u watched me taking in the sight of your body u began getting incredibly turned on knowing that this huge, a man was enjoying the sight of your young, white, teen body. u was getting so turned on by the way I was overtly taking in every inch of your, that it caused your inch long nipples to stand straight up and push right through your sheer bra. As i was enjoying your body, all u kept thinking about were stories and rumors of my having a huge cock.

After a few minutes i walked towards u, with my eyes riveted to u, still not saying a word. i finally broke the silence by giving u a complement that didn’t need to have a hidden meaning,

“It’s very easy to see why you are the head cheerleader Sheema. You have an incredible body.”

u was very happy that i liked what I saw, and u immediately thanked me for the compliment. Before I sat down on the other end of the sofa u actually noticed a huge bulge in my pants. u thought your eyes were playing a trick on u as u saw this massive bulge trace way down my left leg, almost to my knee, making my loose fitting pants balloon out noticeably. u had to admit that there was something incredibility sexy knowing that u was turning on your Principal.

As we talked about the cheerleader competition u noticed my dark, penetrating eyes scanning your body with an animistic hunger. Although u was really enjoying the attention Principal was giving u. Even though u found men to be much more exciting and much more interesting, The more i leered at your body, the hotter u became. The rumors of my fucking your friends and their moms and me having an enormous cock were consuming u with every passing second. u couldn’t believe it, but as we talked, u began to imagine what my huge body would look like out of those cloths. u then began to imagine what my bulging cock would also look like!

By the way my eyes were talking in the sight of your body u could tell i was having the same lusty thoughts. The way I was openly steering at your body, u absolutely knew i wanted u. As my larger than life frame towered over u, your mind was racing with taboo thoughts. u began picturing yourself on your knees, squatting on your black high heel pumps, passionately stroking my big cock, worshiping it with your hands and mouth. u then pictured yourself riding it, as i just kicked back on the sofa, just enjoying the feeling of your tight young, white, pussy wrapped tightly around it, sliding up and down my hard shaft, just pleasing every inch of it!

The longer we talked, the more turned on u became. The way my eyes would linger over your swollen 32D tits and big turned on nipples and your long legs and your high heel pumps without the slightest concern if it was appropriate, made u know that i was having the same sinful thoughts of fucking as u was.

As we talked, the conversation drifted from cheer leading, to your life outside of High School. i bluntly asked about your social life, and said that because of your incredibly sexy body u must have tons of guys begging u for a date. u told me that u did have lots of offers…. As u talked, I slid close to u and put my huge hand on your thigh and began to caress it and said in a deep-dark resonating voice,

“Sheema, when i was a professional football player I slept with hundreds of young girls, sometimes two and three in bed together, and a lot of these girls were cheerleaders like yourself, but I have to tell you this, none of them were half as sexy as you .You have-without a doubt the hottest body I’ve ever seen Sheema.”

u smiled slyly and said teasingly,

“Well coming from a man as handsome as you, who’s been with so many sexy young girls, I take that as a very high compliment Mr. Visal.”

i then looked over your body over again very openly, and actually made a deep groaning sound and said candidly,

“Baby, let me tell you this. your boyfriend is a dammed fool. I’ve met your friend, and yes she is a fine piece of ass, and I’m syoure yoyour boyfriend is enjoying fucking her, but trust me baby, your friend body doesn’t close to the hot, sexy package you own baby.”

u knew your friend was jealous of your body and hearing that compliment caused u to moan and say,

“Thank you Sir. I came here hoping you’d find me sexy. That’s just what I needed to hear.”

As soon as u said that i lifted u on my lap, and said in a heated voice,

“Baby, sexy isn’t a good enough word for your fucking hot body!”

Within seconds we were heatedly kissing, as u thought to yourself wickedly,

“Its ok friend. You fuck Bobbi and his tiny 7 inch dick all you want. Cuz while your fucking my boyfriend tonight, I’ll have my tight young pussy wrapped around a real mans cock. A huge, 12 inch cock!”

As we kissed My big hands were roaming freely over every inch of your body, driving u crazy. We kissed for more than 30 minutes, running our hands freely, all over each other. Dying our wild, taboo kiss, u could feel my cock pressing against your ass, which caused u to moan like crazy. As u felt my cock swelling to amazing proportions as it pressed against your ass u thought to yourself,


My cock was so big; it actually lifted your ass off my thigh as it continued to balloon up. It was so wide around; it felt like u was sitting on a log! Part of what turned u on like crazy and made u so hot, was that this was your first experience with an your Sir. The fact that i was 10 years older than u, and had this enormous cock, had u really worked up. u never felt this horny and this naughty before. For u, sex up until this point was lackluster, and actually boring. This was totally different. It was hot. This was the ultimate taboo; a man kissing and fucking a young teen.

I had u panting and moaning like crazy. u was so turned on by the way i was playing with u. What was making u real hot was the way i was controlling all the action. u had a way with playing with your body that none of the guys your age u fucked ever did, including your boyfriend. i said i had a lot of sexy girls, and by the way i was using your body, it was obvious that i was a man who really knew how to fuck a girl, or a girl’s mother, and drive her crazy. Knowing i had a huge cock and fucked so many girls really turned u on. There was an egoistical part of u that wanted to be the best fuck i ever had. The fuck i’d remember as long as my huge cock could fuck. u know it was conceited of u, but u wanted Me to think of your pussy, every time my big cock was fucking someone else.

As u long legs were crossed, i would run my big hands down to the tops of your black high heel pumps, then run my finger inside your shoe under the high arch of your foot. When i moved my finger under your arch, sparks went through u, which caused u to moan and kiss me harder. i then ran my hand slowly up your thigh, to your swollen 32D tits. i kissed your aching nipples through your tight clinging cheerleading blouse with my big pouty lips, which caused your nipples to swell up obscenely, and pop right through the sheer material of your white, lace bra. As i was playing with u, i kept saying how sexy u was, and how much i loved your big tits on your tiny frame. i then twisted your swollen nipples between my fingers. As i twisted them between my huge fingers, i kept looking into your eyes with a penetrating hunger and told u confidently,

“Yes baby, you’re the sexiest bitch I ever had. Even the few $5000 a night pussy I paid for in Vegas, didn’t have a body that came close to your sexy package.”

By the constant propositions u received, u absolutely knew u had a body that drove boys your age and older men wild.

You moaned when i said that u was sexier than girls i paid thousands of dollars a night to fuck. It really turned u on, knowing i found u so hot. u then said with a smirk and with a little tease,

“Well sir, because of you telling me I’m sexier than my mother, and the hundreds of girls you’ve fucked,and because of all the stories I heard about your huge cock, I’m going to give you this sexy teen pussy for free baby….any time you want it,”

Wanting to tease Me and compliment me at the same time. u gave me another little popping kiss on my wide lips, and added, with a sly grin, as u ran your long manicured nails over the rock-hard bulge in my pants,

“Ummmm..That’s so nice to hear baby, especially coming from a man that has fucked so many sexy girls.”

I then added hotly,

“Thats right Sheema, I’ve had more pussy than I can count. I fuck at least three times a week, and always with new pussy, but like I said, none have a body as hot as yours baby.”

Before we kissed hotly again i added,

“Baby, you’ve got a body that was designed for fucking Sheema. A body designed to fuck a real big hard dick baby. A 12 inch dick, that’s 10 inches around, to be exact.”

Oh fuck, when i said that i was 12 inches and 10 around, it sent a shock wave through your body, and caused your pussy to get wet instantly, as u pictured a cock as big as the rulers we use in math class, and as wide around as a baseball bat! We then got back to kissing. As my hands continued to play with your body u would tighten your crossed legs and feel a rush of layers of orgasms’ flow through your body like electrical current. Like u said i really knew how to control the action.

When i had u stand to strip, i took my time removing your cloths, one piece at a time, as if i was memorizing every inch of your body. When i removed your blouse i took in the sight of your 32D tits through the sheer white lace material of your bra. Before i kissed all over your nipples and tits, i said in my dark authoritative voice,

“You have the sexiest pair of tits I’ve ever seen baby. I’ve never seen tits this big and firm on such a tiny frame. I can’t wait to fuck um’, and these are without a doubt the biggest pair of fucking nipples I’ve ever seen. I absolutely love sucking’ on a pair of huge nipples.”

Sorry if there is spelling mistake 🙂 feed back me at : [email protected] Hope you people like it 🙂

The Principal Rules, With A Very Big Stick

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