Pramila Bhabhi 5 – Apology Accepted

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This is the fifth chapter of Pramila bhabhi series.

Rajesh and Pramila were happy about her getting the job and after dinner, they were watching TV. More like TV was just ON. Pramila was sitting on the couch while Rajesh was on her kissing and fingering her after pulling up her saree.

“I am really happy you got the job, this calls for a celebration,” he said after which he started kissing her neck while unbuttoning her blouse. Slipping her bra to the side, he started sucking on Pramila’s erect nipple while playing with the other using his thumb.

After many days, for a change, Rajesh was in the mood of some fun until there was a sudden phone ring.


“Hey! It’s Ashwin.”

“Ashwinji! Thank you, Thank you so much.”

“Cut it out with that ‘Ashwinji’ thing. Only people at work call me that.”

“Which means my wife will have to call you that because…”

“What are you saying? Pramila didn’t show up.”

“What do you mean?”

“I had told the office in-charge that Pramila will be coming for the interview. But she never came for one.”

“How is that possible? Are you sure? Pramila went and gave an interview today.”

“Come on Rajesh, my eyes won’t fool me. I was there to ensure that Pramila gets the job.”

“There seems to be some confusion I will talk to Pramila and get back to you.”

“I’m sorry to say this my friend but I am insulted today.”

“I apologize for that. I will surely get to the root of this problem.”

“Please do that. Bye.”


After this phone call, Rajesh was shaken out of happiness. The confused yet sad expressions on his face were identified by Pramila and so she asked him. “What happened? What did Ashwinji say?” she asked with excitement as she didn’t know what conversation went on the phone.

Pramila still had a big smile on her face until Rajesh spoke, “Ashwin said that you never showed up to the interview. Did you lie to me?” he asked grimly looking at her.

“No! Not at all! Why would I lie about getting the job?…” Pramila got disturbed by this thought and tried to justify herself.

Pramila didn’t have any proof, certainly, she can’t tell him to meet the guys who fucked her during the interview. So she kept giving shallow reasons to convince him that she would never lie to her husband, i.e. Rajesh. But he didn’t fall for that and so he simply said,

“Whatever it may be, we will have to go personally and apologize to my friend Ashwin.” With those words, Rajesh went to bed alone. Disappointed and confused, Pramila followed him.

Later that weekend, Saturday morning. Pramila and Rajesh were at Ashwin Sharma’s place. The couple was stunned to see Ashwin’s place, which was royal like a mansion and named ‘Sharma Villa’. Clearly, he was very rich which means he must have been really hurt to know that Rajesh promised and didn’t live up to it.

The three of them were sitting outside in the garden sipping tea. There was a lot of tension in the air as Ashwin invited him to come to sit for tea, but other than that he did not speak in any friendly words. There was an awkward silence until Rajesh spoke.

“I am really sorry for what happened on the interview day. It was a really big confusion that led to this situation.” Rajesh took a pause until he had Ashwin’s attention. Pramila preferred to keep quiet and let Rajesh do the explaining.

“What happened was that on the day of the interview, I simply gave her the card of your office which she didn’t get time to read. At your office place Pramila collided with another woman were the cards got swapped and so Pramila by mistake went to the other place for the interview.”

Rajesh said all this hoping for Ashwin to forgive him. It was evident from Ashwin’s expressions that his anger towards them had calmed down a little when Rajesh continued, “After all this, I don’t expect you to give her another chance at the interview. Also, Pramila got the job in this new place and is well paid. The place is…” while Rajesh was still speaking, Ashwin interrupted.

“I don’t want to know where Pramila got the job, Rajesh. Based on what I heard from you a few days ago, you couple needed some cash and Pramila needed a job is what I care about. She has got a job and so it doesn’t concern me where she earns money from.” said Ashwin smiling at them.

Breaking the tension all laugh and continue to have tea with some biscuits. Pramila was happy to know this and is still quiet about all this. There was something that bothered Pramila and so she spoke,

“Ashwinji, I know that you are kind enough to forgive us but if there is anything…”

Before she could even complete the sentence she was interrupted by a handsome young man walking towards them. He was wearing a full white dress with white shoes, cap and a bat in his hand.

“Dad. I am going to the ground for the Cricket match. I will be back by evening,” said he. Simply telling his father instead of taking permission. Looking at him, Ashwin replied, “Yes. But don’t forget, you have to do your homework,” said Ashwin smiling at him but in a serious tone.

“Oh! come on Dad!” he said as he turned to leave, “Wait! let me…” Ashwin tried to stop him in order to introduce him to his friend Rajesh and Pramila, but the boy walked away. While smiling he turned to the couple.

“That is my son Aman. He is 18 and in the last year of his schooling. I am really worried about this boy. Right now is the last year of his schooling and soon he will have to make a career choice. But even now I don’t see any seriousness on his face about it. All he thinks about is Cricket! Cricket! and Cricket!” he said all this as he took another glance to see his son running outside the gate.

Suddenly Ashwin realized that Pramila was interrupted and so, “Sorry! Pramila… you were saying something?” he asked politely.

For a moment there Pramila was silent to rethink whether she should say it or not until she made up her mind and she spoke.

“Ashwinji, I still feel guilty to betray your trust. If there is anything I can do to make up to you, please tell me,” said Pramila softly, expecting an answer from Ashwin.

“No need for that. Really!” he said until he thought of something and spoke, “My son Aman, he is bad in Math. And Rajesh tells me you were good at math at your school times. It would be a big help if you could tutor him on the weekends or whenever you get time.”

This seemed a good idea and so Rajesh and Pramila both said “Yes!” agreeing to this request without thinking any further. Pramila smiled thinking that this way she will be realized of the guilt. A few minutes later all got up to depart.

“Don’t worry, my wife is good. She will surely make Aman good in Math,” said Rajesh shaking the hand of his friend.

“Looking forward to teaching Aman,” said Pramila joining hands.

“Yes. And don’t worry I will pay you for the tutoring hours,” said Ashwin while they leave.

Settling the things they went their separate ways. A month went by, tutoring Aman. Pramila’s teachings seemed to improve Aman, but the biggest test was when he gave the exam. When the results were finally out, there were cheers and happiness at Sharma Villa.

For the first time after many years, Aman scores well in all subject but topped in Mathematics.

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