Pramila Bhabhi 2 – Funding The Other Way

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This is the second chapter of ‘Pramila Bhabhi’ story series.


“A very good morning Rajesh! I have come to collect money for the upcoming festive service. It is only through the blessings of all residents of the chawl will we be able to celebrate this festival of love and happiness.” said a guy with energetic tone and smile on his face after Rajesh opened the door.

There were no expressions of surprise on Rajesh’s face when he attended the door. It was as if he expected it. But then all of a sudden he broke the link by making some grunting sound saying,

“Can’t talk. I’m running late.”

Then letting him hang at the door he walked to the table where all his necessary items were kept, tie, wallet, handkerchief, lunch box, etc.

“I just need a minute, Rajesh!” said this guy, raising his voice.

Meanwhile, Rajesh was busy preparing himself and putting on the socks and shoes, “I’m sorry Arun, I’m really late.”

Then walking in the kitchen he said farewell to his wife. Meanwhile, Arun stayed patiently at the door. Arun Bajah his full name, he was a college going student one year senior to Vijay. That day though he didn’t go to college as he was assigned a very important job.

He was supposed to collect funds from the chawl members to celebrate the upcoming festival. Considering the number of apartments the chawl and time taken to convey his message and collect money it shouldn’t have taken him more than an hour or two.

But instead it has taken him days and the reason is apparent in this situation itself. After a short conversation about not-know-what with his wife Pramila, Rajesh walked out of the door, passed Arun without a word and towards the stairs in a hurry. Arun too started walk behind.

While Rajesh rushed to the main gate of the chawl, Arun followed. All the way he was trying to convince Rajesh how much they need money and paying them would make Rajesh happy. Perhaps it worked, perhaps it didn’t, but at the gate, Rajesh finally stopped him from following.

Looking straight at him while placing one hand on his shoulder Rajesh spoke,

“Listen. I am not denying you the money. I want to lend a hand or cash in this case for our Festival. But I am already running late, now…” he paused looking elsewhere.

“… here’s what you have to do. I’ve talked with my wife about the money. She has agreed to keep the money out, ready for you, once she is done with her daily chores. All you have to do is to visit her in the afternoon or evening and collect the cash. Okay?” he asked.

But without waiting for any response he walked away. Arun seemed lost as he stared hard at the back of Rajesh walking away. “What did just happened?” he thought. “Will he pay or not?”

While he was lost in this thought, a phone call broke his trance. “Hi, how goes the collection business?” asked a guy on the other side of the phone.

“Don’t ask bro. Just a bunch of cheapskates are these people of the chawl. I skipped my college lectures thinking I will be doing a good deed of collecting money for a divine purpose and all I get is random insults, harsh comments and being completely ignored by the people. Anyway, what’s the status on your side…?”

The conversation continued as Arun walked away out of the chawl. At that moment the sun was a couple of hours behind reaching the horizon. With the passage of time it rose higher in the sky, it reached the topmost point and started to decline.

It was 3 pm in the clock when there was another knock on the door, same as earlier that morning.


It was Arun, yet again, on the door, asking for money as before. He would have repeated the same speech as before but he was distracted and his attention was caught by Pramila’s appearance.

She was wearing a dull green sari, proper from top to bottom, except for her chest area. Arun was unable to stop his eyes from falling below her face, every now and then. Perhaps Pramila was too busy working that she didn’t realize that her pallu wasn’t covering the chest area, rather was sagging.

A relatively darker shade of green blouse she was wearing was tight, hinting that it belonged to her younger self. Resulting in this tight squeeze, there was a huge sweaty cleavage just a couple of feet away from his face. To top that, the top hook of the blouse was open.

Based on his quick observation, the top hook might have got entangled in the centerpiece of her mangalsutra and broke off when she pulled the necklace. At the moment the ornament was perfectly stuck in the cleavage valley tempting him to look closer.

The construction of apartments in the chawl is such that one needs to take a step up, in order to get in the house. This meant that her tempting boobs were at his eye level and he had to look up to talk to her face. No man can resist that temptation.

Still, he tried, controlling himself, looking sideways, shutting his eyes for seconds as he had business to talk about. “Yes, can I help you?” asked Pramila as if she is talking to Arun for the first time.

That was true. Though Arun and Vijay were in the same college and lived in the same chawl, they weren’t the best buds. So though Pramila might have seen Arun wandering in the chawl’s compound, she didn’t get any opportunity or felt the need till then to initiate a conversation with him.

“Good Afternoon, bhabhi. I have come to collect funds for the festival.” Arun asked politely.

“You have to talk to my husband about. He will come in the evening,” she said bluntly.

“Yes, I did. I talked to Rajesh in the morning. He said he has told you to keep the money ready for me to collect.” explained Arun.

“Me?” Pramila said astonished while placing a palm on her chest hinting she had no clue about what he was talking. “Rajesh didn’t tell me anything of this sorts.”

“No, he did. He said he did.” Arun insisted, now slightly raising his voice.

“No he didn’t,” she argued.

“You must have forgotten. He clearly said…” Arun stressed. His voice was constantly going higher. Perhaps because he was tired of the chawl’s members pulling devious tricks to escape festival fund.

“No…” Pramila thought but then, “… wait I’ll just call my husband and clear things out. Wait here,” she said and went to make a call.

Even though a fellow chawl member, Arun was a total stranger to Pramila. She hesitated to invite him inside while she was alone at home. Arun stayed at the door, fed up and wanted to just leave and let the main in-charge deal with Rajesh Naik. Still, he stayed hoping the call went through.

Inside he saw Pramila dialing the numbers on her mobile and pacing in the room waiting for Rajesh to pick up. With every second of no response, Pramila was getting impatient. Every now and then she was looking at Arun with expressions of shame/guild/apologetic.

Though Pramila honestly had no clue about what discussion happened between Arun and Rajesh, she felt guilty. That was making her uncomfortable and breath faster. She tried on different office numbers but for some reason, the office employees weren’t able to put her through to her husband.

After a few failed attempts she gave up. She hung up the phone and placing it on a nearby table she walked to the door where Arun was patiently waiting. She stopped a foot away from Arun, took a deep breath and gave the bad news to him. “I’m sorry to say this, but I couldn’t connect with my husband and I can’t give you any money without talking to Rajesh.”

“What a waste of time…” he thought while cursing Rajesh a few times. He wasn’t rude to Pramila because he could see her struggles and eagerness to help him. He was supposed to leave but then he bought more time.

“Ahmm…bhabhi. My throat has gone dry after going door to door for money. I haven’t even taken lunch till now. So, can I bother you with a glass of water?” he asked politely.

“Sure…” said Pramila as his request seemed reasonable. She walked away but then turned to call him, “Arun, right? Yes. Please come in and sit. I’ll get you a glass of sharbat (sweet drink).”

Then she walked in the kitchen. Arun smiled and then removing his shoes outside, he took a step inside and slowly went and sat on the sofa. He looked at all the photos fixed to the wall in front of him. Photos of the couple of their wedding, honeymoon, their younger selves.

Arun was particularly staring at Pramila’s pictures while seated on the edge of the sofa. Despite his facial appearance and body language, Arun was not a saint. There was one specific reason why Arun chose to stay for a drink rather than return home.

The moment he saw Pramila up close, he had scanned her body top to bottom. Perhaps not literally but instinctively he had a sex-ray vision which he used to find out that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath. This was hinted by her sharp poking nipples and no bra strap bumps visible over her thin fabric blouse.

Further, her huge breasts having placed just a foot away from his face allowed him to not only be excited watching her huge cleavage but also observe the condition of her blouse in great detail. The tight blouse she wore had three hooks at front.

The top one was already broken and the other two were also sufficiently stretched that they were about to give up. The second time when Pramila walked back at the door after calling, she took a deep breath, that instantly broke the middle hook letting it just and on one loose thread.

Now, all Arun needed was some time and one opportunity after which the blouse cloth would rip apart and make Pramila helplessly flash her chest lights that would be blinding for Arun.

So while Pramila was preparing the drink, Arun was lost in his imagination picturing how Pramila’s breasts might look like without her clothes. He was in trans when Pramila walked in with a glass,

“Here!” she said extending the tray for him to pick up the stainless steel glass filled while lemon sharbat.

“Mmmmm…” Arun hummed after taking a sip. “Thank you, that was really relaxing.”

Arun continued to take small sip patiently waiting for Pramila boobs to pop. Pramila was simply sitting next to him in a chair, look here and there while taking quick glances of his face whenever he made some sounds with his mouth.

Lucky for him, Pramila was unaware of the possibility that soon she was going to find herself in a vulnerable position. The sharbat was really tasty and so it was getting empty sooner than he expected. Quickly he held the glass in mid-air and started to speak,

“I was looking at these photos on the wall while you were in the kitchen. Hope you don’t mind?” he said politely.

“No. Of course not,” she replied instantly.

“Are those photos of your college days? You were really beautiful,” he complimented.

“Oh… thanks,” she blushed and then looked at him with a naughty expression.

“No. I don’t mean. You still look pretty.” he corrected.

“Okay. Thank you.” She smiled wider.

“But that photo bothers me,” he said pointing at the topmost right photo. It was the college days photo of Pramila with her husband. “Something doesn’t feel right.”

Pramila looked at the photo carefully, “Oh that one!” she said excitedly, “That was the day Rajesh proposed me for marriage. We were very happy that day.” While saying this she instantly went in flashback.

“That’s fine. But something is odd about it.” Arun insisted.

“I was with a friend in the classroom that is visible in the picture. We were studying when there was a knock on the door. I opened it and there was Rajesh, proposing me for marriage. I instantly said yes. Luckily my friend had a camera using which this picture was taken…” Pramila continued to speak as she was re-living the moment.

“It was…”

Thing! Thing!! Thid-di-di-di-dinggggg….!

A loud noise of stainless steel glass falling on the floor. Pramila instantly bent down to pick it up.

“Oh sorry! I’m so sorry!” Arun tried to apologize.

“It’s fine. You emptied the glass.” Pramila stopped him from panicking while holding his hand.

“But…” he was interrupted again, “Don’t worry. I’ll clean later. So where was I…”

The past memory was so strong that Pramila continued to narrate the story not worrying about the falling glass or few drops of sharbat on the floor or something else. Arun patiently listened what she had to say, perhaps he wasn’t listening at all since all the necessary blood was rushing to his eyeballs to photograph the moment. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

A few seconds ago when the glass fell and Pramila bent to pick it up, the third hook of her blouse gave up showing off her big breasts along with her tempting brown nipples. The fortunate part for Arun was that Pramila didn’t hear the sound of ripping blouse as it was covered by the sound of metallic glass.

Further, she was so lost in her past memory that she sat there with her blouse wide open, flashing her breasts to a stranger college student. It wasn’t until two whole minutes later when Arun’s eyes were thoroughly satisfied and he took his phone out to take the picture, did she realize that her breasts were exposed.

The perverted expressions on Arun’s face and a camera phone in his hand that just flashed forced her to look down at her chest. In a rushing instant, the rest of her mind was pulled back to present as she tried to cover herself with what was remaining of her blouse and then rushed to the kitchen.

“Why did I come to the kitchen?”

“Why did she go to the kitchen?”

Both said this out loud at the same time. While Pramila was shivering with fear and struggling to find something to cover herself. Arun thought of her naughty intentions and stood up to follow her to the kitchen.

“Bhabhi!” he spoke in a sinister tone as he took a step inside the kitchen. “You don’t have to worry about anything. I didn’t see them.”

“That’s a big fat lie!” her voice said. Liar didn’t that fucker just photographed it. She said in her mind. At that moment Pramila had her back to the kitchen entrance while her front facing the closed kitchen window.

“Agreed,” he said slowly taking steps closer to Pramila. “But you don’t have to worry about anything.”

“Don’t I?” she replied in a shivery voice as if she was about to burst into tears. “Didn’t you just take a picture of my bare breasts on your phone?”

Normally Pramila was bolder than that. But the incident with Vijay shook her through-n-through (read Pramila bhabhi – Paying The Bills). Though nothing else happened after that, every time she thought about that afternoon, she got deadly nightmares. Though she wasn’t aware that Vijay too took her naked body pictures.

“Yes I did.” he replied, “But I assure you no one will see this photo.” He said this while softly placing his hand on her shoulder. Instantly she shook his hand off.

“Will you delete it?” she asked.

“Sure,” he said. “See, I’m deleting it.”

Pramila believed him and so she turned to look at him while she covered the front with sari’s pallu. She was shattered the instant she saw the photo. It wasn’t just that her breasts were visible, the way Arun took the photo, her face was visible too.

“Please! I beg you. Nobody should see this.” she pleaded, joining her hands while ensuring that her cover doesn’t fall off. Arun simply nodded and deleted the photo in front of her.

“Thank… you…” she said while taking a sigh of relief.

“But what’s it in for me. As you said I deleted the photo. In return I have just one request.” he said looking straight at her.

“Request?” she was puzzled.

“You know I really appreciate your beauty and I think you have a pair of really beautiful breasts. Normally I am into fair skinned with pink nips, but the moment I saw you bare-chested, my opinion changed.”

“You have a flawless skin there and the size of your breasts and nipples are just right. Not too big to creep me out and not too small to be disappointed. Your breasts are ideal ones and I just want to…” he said in a dreamy voice.

Although he was simply complimenting her, Pramila felt as if he was fucking her with his thoughts. Then seeing him take pause made her ask again,

“What do you mean by request?” she asked.

“I want to appreciate the beauty of your breasts.” he said, “By feeling them.”

Pramila was shocked to hear that. It took a while and a lot of words to convince her but she agreed. After all the time was ticking and Rajesh was going to return any moment then. Agreeing to it Pramila first maintained sufficient distance from Arun.

Then slowly she started to uncover her front by dropping the loose sari on the floor. Pramila wasn’t able to make eye contact with Arun. She felt embarrassed as she looked down at the floor while letting the blouse hang open showing partially both her perfectly round brown nipples.

“Please take off the blouse.” he requested. Acknowledging, Pramila did that without a word. Excited and desperate Arun’s grin grew wider and wider with Pramila’s every move.

He had raised his hands up front, with fingers in cupping action and was squeezing the air in front of her. Taking slow steps like a zombie he walked closer to her. In response, she took steps back until she couldn’t go any further.

Arun’s hands were just an inch away when the fingers started shaking and shivering. He wasn’t making contact with her skin because he wasn’t able to make up his mind about how to touch them first.

Meanwhile, Pramila’s bare back was rested on a flat cold wall. She had rested her head back and kept her eyes shut. “Do whatever you want,” she said in her mind.

After a minute long struggle he did it. Simultaneously he placed both his hands squeezing her boobs straight inwards. His hands were ice cold because at that moment the warm blood was being rushed to a different body part of his.

For a whole minute, Arun was doing all sorts of tricks with her breasts like a small baby would do with his newly acquired soft toy. He did all sorts of tricks with them nuzzle, juggle, squeeze, motor-boat.

He squeezed her boobs hard first straight in, then in middle, rolled them around. Then while cupping her boobs he rubbed her nipples with his thumbs to make them erect. He liked her nipples making them wet and the started sucking on them turn by turn.

He kept squeezing on one while sucking on the other, never leaving her nipples unattended. He was sucking so hard hoping for milk to ooze of them. Sadly for him, Pramila wasn’t a mother. While he was playing around just her chest area. Pramila’s mind was turbulent with flooding thoughts.

“How long is he going to do this? Don’t show you are enjoying this? What if Rajesh walks in? Did he lock the door? Is it going to go any further? My pussy is twitching and wet? Hope he doesn’t find out? Why am I enjoying this? Perhaps I’ll be a great mother?”

Pramila was still lost in her thoughts without a word when all of a sudden he said, “Get on your knees.”

She did as he asked while still keeping her eyes shut. Arun took out his erect penis and started slapping her breasts with it left and right. Then placing the dick in between he grabbed on to her breasts and started squeezing them together on his dick.

Instantly his dick exploded spilling cum on her chest and her shoulders. “Unusual, your ejaculation wasn’t as strong as it should be. Maybe you played with it earlier today,” she thought after finally opening her eyes and looking at him.

He made her stand up and the tucked his hand in her under-skirt rubbing her bare pussy with his finger. Then getting very close he whispered.

“You shouldn’t roam around the house without any underwear. If you do then don’t go that close to the doorstep during the day. Anyone with a smartly placed mirror on their foot can find out that you aren’t wearing a panty and can consider that as a sexual invitation.”

Pramila was stunned to hear him say that. While saying this he gave a gentle kiss on her left nipple that wasn’t covered in cum. While fingering her pussy he continued,

“You are wet down here. But what I’ve done is enough for today. Some other day perhaps when you are in the mood.” he said looking straight at her.

After slight rubbing in her vagina, he removed his finger. But before taking his hand out, he patted a few times on her pussy saying, “Whenever your womb swells up, don’t forget to call me. I will definitely come to taste your sweet milk.”

And then after the last kiss on her nipples, Arun walked away out of her house, leaving Pramila in a vulnerable position then and there. “Oh! And don’t forget to tell your husband that I came to collect funds,” he said with a smile.


We all know that people like to lie, exaggerate stuff to portray themselves as a hero. The same thing happened in this case. What Arun told in ‘Pramila Bhabhi Fuckfan Club – Funding The Other Way’ was a lot different from the truth. This story is what actually happened. If you don’t know what I am talking about, go read the story by the above name on this website.

There are more Pramila bhabhi stories to be told, i.e. if you readers want to read more. Mail me if you do at [email protected]

Thank you.


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