What would you do if you discovered your best friend was fucking your wife? While you were fucking his girlfriend with his permission. Will you get angry?
But why angry? You are already fucking his girlfriend, and the best part is he is fucking her with you. Will you be sad?
But why sad? You fucked your friend’s girlfriend behind his back whenever you got the chance. Will you be happy? How can you be? After all, your friend is fucking your wife.
These are the primary feelings a person has when faced with certain situations. But there is one more, the feeling where all of these are mixed.
You just found out that your friend was fucking your wife, but you still did not do anything. Instead you stayed on the bed thinking about how you should react.
And just when you were about to sort out your feelings and figure out how to react, your friend sent you videos and images of your wife. The woman you thought was plain and simple.
The woman you thought was boring. The woman you ignored. Suddenly, you saw her making a face you never saw before. A face that is totally new to you. A face you want to see more.
The next day when I woke up, Sanjay was not there in the room. Nisha was lying beside me, sleeping like a baby.
I freshened up and woke Nisha up.
Lucky: Hey, sleepy head.
Nisha woke up the moment she heard my voice. She looked around and asked,
Nisha: Sanjay?
Lucky: It seems he went out for a walk.
Saying that, I moved forward and gave a peck on her lips. Nisha’s face immediately turned red. It was cute. After a moment of silence, she became serious and spoke up.
Nisha: Bhaiya, please do not play with me. If I lose Sanjay, I will have nowhere else to go.
It is finally coming to the conversation that is going to decide how the future is going to unfold. Her eyes started to get misty. She took a pause and dabbed her eyes with her palms and then continued,
Nisha: My father is very poor. If Sanjay leaves me, I do not think my parents will be able to survive the trauma. They will die.
After another pause, she continued,
Nisha: My parents are already worried about my elder sister. Her husband is an alcoholic and beats her every night. My younger sister is still in college. I don’t know what to do.
I already knew about all these things. But still, I was quietly listening to her story. This was the first time Nisha opened up on a personal level, and it was good.
It is good because she started to trust me. She started to put her faith in me. She started to put her guard down. She started to show her vulnerable side. Though me and Nisha had sex because of her weak will and my tricks, I can still not say she was mine.
For her to be mine, she needs to know that I am much better than Sanjay. She needs to know that I am the alpha male. She needs to know that she has nothing to fear. Without saying anything, I got closer to her and hugged her.
She was a little hesitant, but after a moment, she hugged me back.
Nisha: What should I do?
I stopped hugging her and looked straight into her eyes. With a stern voice, I commanded her,
Lucky: Submit to me!
Nisha’s eyes got big. She was not sure what that meant.
Nisha: Submit… to you?
Lucky: Yes, submit it to me!
It is finally time for the end game. I had to make Nisha mine. It was now or never. With a serious look on my face, I continued.
Lucky: Forget about Sanjay… Forget about your Father… Forget about your Sisters… Forget about your problems… Forget about everything…
With each sentence Nisha’s eyes were getting wider and wider. She was having mixed feelings. A feeling in between shocked and amazed.
Lucky: I will take care of everything… Your father, sisters, family… your problems… even Sanjay…
Nisha: Eve… everything?
Lucky: Yes, everything…
It was a moment of decision. A woman who has spent her entire life in poverty can stop worrying about everything. The question is, Is it worth it?
The question is, What does it mean to submit to someone?
Right now, all these questions were scrambling through Nisha’s head. She was not sure how to respond to my offer.
Lucky: Think about it. I can make your problems disappear. I can fulfil all your desires. I can love you the way you deserve. I can make Sanjay follow you around like a dog on lease.
Nisha: San…Sanjay on lease?
Humans are slaves to their desires. That is a fact. Nisha was never treated the way she deserved. She was never loved the way she should be loved. Just because she was pretty, she became a trophy, which Sanjay eventually possessed.
But the happy marriage did not last. She eventually realized that her husband’s expectations for her wife were totally different from what she really was. Therefore, the happiness started to fade away slowly and steadily.
So she did what she did best: compromise. But now, she finally sees there is another way. She can have all the things she has always desired.
Lucky: Yes. Think about it, last night. We fucked like animals on this bed just beside Sanjay. Do you really think he is still clueless?
A wave of shock ran through Nisha, and things started to come back to her.
Lucky: Think about it, Nisha, you have been sleeping with him every day. Is he really a deep sleeper?
Nisha was terrified. The terror on her face was clearly visible.
Lucky: He knows what we did last night…
Nisha: No… how… but…
Her breath was getting unsteady, but this time, it was not because of pleasure. This time, it was because of fear. I moved forward and hugged her once again. After a moment, I let her go and spoke once again,
Lucky: If he wanted to react, he would have reacted by now.
A small light of relief could be seen in Nisha’s eyes.
Lucky: There is nothing to worry Bhabhi. Think about my offer, Bhabhi. I will wait for your answer till evening.
With those words, I left the room. The only person left in the room was Nisha, and a lot of questions were going through her head. I looked around and Sanjay was nowhere to be found in the hotel. It made me wonder where he could be.
I enquired with Chandu, and he informed me that he saw Sanjay near the parking lot. The parking lot was nothing fancy, a simple pole with a shed. It was behind the hotel.
I walked behind the hotel to the parking lot and noticed he was sitting inside the car and staring at his phone. He was so focused on watching his phone he didn’t even notice I was already near the car. I opened the door of the front seat and walked in.
Lucky: Bro, I was looking for you everywhere.
Me entering the car took Sanjay off guard and he panicked and hurriedly hid his phone.
Lucky: What were you watching?
Sanjay: Nothing… just scrolling through the internet.
Lucky: Really, the way you panicked, I thought you were watching porn.
Sanjay: Nah bro… leave all that… are you guys ready?
Lucky: Yes, Nisha is freshening up. Should we have breakfast before we hit the road?
Sanjay: Yes, sure!
After sitting in the car and discussing a few other things, we left the car and walked back to the hotel. We took a table near the window in the dining area. Sanjay called Nisha and asked her to come down once she was ready.
While having breakfast, I asked Sanjay if we should check out some viewpoints. This was the first time I saw Sanjay a little hesitant. But after a moment, he agreed.
After around another 10 minutes, Nisha walked down to us and took a seat beside Sanjay. Nisha avoided Sanjay’s eyes and ordered a sandwich. At the same time Sanjay was looking at Nisha like he saw a supermodel. Maybe it was the first time he realized how sexy her wife really was.
It was an awkward breakfast. I tried and keep the conversation going to release some tension from the room. After having breakfast, we told Nisha that we were going to visit some viewpoints before we went back to the farmhouse.
Nisha was a little hesitant, but I persuaded her, and she agreed. On the other hand, Sanjay was staring back at us like he was watching a drama unfold.
We left the hotel around 10:30 AM. As we decided, we went to some viewpoints. We had our lunch around 2 PM. Because of the detour, the farmhouse was around 4 hours drive.
After having lunch, we decided to go back to the farmhouse. Today was very important for all three of us. By evening, I was hoping to get an answer from Nisha and I was not the type to sit around.
Nisha is a simple girl who has a lot of fear, and one of her biggest fears is Sanjay leaving her. Even though I told her that Sanjay might already know about the adventure we had last night, deep down, she was still hesitant to accept that Sanjay knew about them, and she hoped for things not to change.
But I had to make sure that things did change. After lunch, I asked Sanjay,
Lucky: Bro, can you drive the rest of the road? I am feeling a little under the weather.
Sanjay: Sure, bro, I can drive, no problem!
Lucky: Also.. is it okay if I go back and sit with Nisha?
My question took both Sanjay and Nisha off guard. Sanjay was not sure how to respond. Nisha was afraid that if Sanjay really knew about them, he would get angry.
Nisha needs to know how Sanjay feels, and I need to make sure to pull the feelings out of Sanjay and show them to Nisha. To Nisha’s surprise, Sanjay’s response was something she never expected.
Sanjay: Sure… Sure, bro. No worries. It is good if you take a back seat and rest.
Lucky: Thanks, bro.
Saying that, I moved next to Nisha while looking at Sanjay. Sanjay looked at me and immediately noticed the look in my eyes. The look he had seen many times before in my eyes. The look I usually give before I devour a woman.
Sanjay: Take care of Nisha in the backseat.
Nisha was shocked. Her big round eyes were proof of that. It got bigger when I placed my hands on her round soft ass. While massaging her ass, I replied to Sanjay.
Lucky: Oh, I am going to take good care of her.
Nisha’s face was turning red. Sanjay was a good driver. It was me who taught him how to drive. He used to borrow my car a lot. Sanjay was driving, and I was sitting in the back seat with his wife. Nisha was sitting just behind the driver’s seat, and I was sitting right next to her.
After around 20 minutes, I moved closer to her. I placed my hands on her back. Nisha did not resist. In fact, she was not even sure what to do anymore. Sanjay noticed my movements and he set the back mirror in a way that he could watch us both.
After another few minutes, I slide my hands inside Nisha’s Salwar from the back. Nisha was surprised, but again, she did not say anything. She looked towards the mirror in front of her and noticed Sanjay’s eyes looking at them. The moment their eyes met, Sanjay looked away.
I was noticing all this while I continued massaging her naked ass. She was not wearing any panties inside. I had torn them the previous night. I continued playing with her ass until she got comfortable. Then I slid one of my fingers in her ass crack and searched for her ass hole.
The moment I placed my fingers on her asshole, a moan sneaked from her lips. Nisha leaned towards the seat in front of her while still sitting on the seat.
Sanjay: Everything alright back there?
Lucky: Yes, bro, you focus on driving.
I slowly started to push my fingers in her asshole, and Nisha was trying her best to control her moans. After a moment, I realized her ass was just too dry, and I may injure her. So, I asked Sanjay to pass the small bottle of oil from the dashboard.
Sanjay, without a question, opened a dashboard and passed me a small bottle of coconut oil. I thanked him. All this time, Nisha was watching what was happening with surprise. But she did not move.
I thought just maybe while I was asking for the oil she would move back to the seat to the original position. But she did not move.
Sanjay: Why oil?
Lucky: Just feeling a little headache. I want to put some on my hair.
Sanjay: Okay.
Saying that I poured a handful of oil into my hands and slid my hands back into Nisha’s Salwar. I started to apply the oil to her asshole. I started to massage her asshole and play with it gently. After a moment, I slide one of my fingers and this time, it slides deep inside smoothly.
I started to move my fingers back and forth gently. Slowly, with time, the car was filled with light, seductive moans. Nisha finally started to enjoy the little game we were playing. Why should she not?
After all, her husband is sitting right in front of her, and he is not saying a word. Worse, he is pretending like nothing is happening in the back seat. Nisha was constantly staring at the mirror in front, while Sanjay was snakingly looking at us through the mirror.
The moment his eyes met with Nisha, he would look away. I slowly moved towards her ears and gently whispered in her ears,
Lucky: He knows.
I was barely audible, only Nisha heard those words.
Once again, I whispered in her ears in a barely audible voice,
Lucky: There is nothing to fear. Just submit to me
Saying that, I pulled the fingers out of her asshole and placed my thumb on the entrance of her asshole while placing my index finger on the entrance of her pussy. I pushed both my fingers at the same time, and a loud moan sneaked through her lips.
She closed her eyes. At this moment, only my words were running through her head. ‘Submit to me… Submit to me… Submit to me…’ I kept on playing with her holes. The voice of my fingers moving in her wet dripping pussy and tight ass hole was clearly audible.
With her moans mixed, it was the best music a man could ask for. I knew she was on the edge of breaking, and I had to give her one last gentle push. Once again, I whispered,
Lucky: Look at Sanjay.
Nisha opened her eyes and noticed Sanjay staring at her with a look she had never seen before. She had noticed this look in Sanjay’s eyes multiple times, but never for her. It was always for other women around them.
But today, he was looking at her with those eyes. It made Nisha excited for some reason. Suddenly, my words from the morning popped into Nisha’s head. Sanjay is on lease.
Without even Nisha realizing a smile crept through her face, a seductive smile. She was giving a seductive face in the mirror. Sanjay was speechless. Never in his wildest imaginations did he think that his wife could make such faces.
Lucky: Look at your husband and say it.
While looking at Sanjay, words slowly leaked out of her mouth, words only I could hear,
Nisha: I… Sub.. SUBMIT!
Checkmate, that’s the word that popped into my head. With a loud moan, Nisha had an orgasm of her life. An orgasm she had never had before. An orgasm right in front of her husband.
Her breath was uneven. Her eyes looked foggy.
Lucky: Sanjay,
Sanjay was also in a daze. He witnessed something he never thought he would in this life. After I called him another 4-5 times, he noticed me calling out his name.
Lucky: Sanjay!
Sanjay: Haa, Yes. Yes, bro!
Lucky: Can you take a diversion from the highway to the city?
Sanjay: Yes… I… I will!
Lucky: Thanks!
Sanjay took a detour from the highway, and we got into the city. I asked to stop near a clothes store and get a salwar and kurti for Nisha.
Lucky: I dropped the oil bottle on her, and it ruined her clothes.
Without asking any questions, Sanjay left the car and went to buy clothes for his wife. When Sanjay opened the door, he noticed all of Nisha’s clothes lying on the front seat.
Without looking back, Sanjay passed the clothes to me and started driving the car. Nisha was sitting just behind the driving seat naked with her legs spread. Because of the tinted glasses, no one can look inside.
Her white skin was on display. Her nipples were hard. Sanjay had a clear view of what I was doing to Nisha. I had my lips on Nisha’s lips, sucking on them, and at the same time, I was playing with her wet pussy. The entire seat was wet with Nisha’s love juice.
With my other hand, I was playing with her breasts. I kissed her and played with her naked body the entire road. The car was filled with the aroma of Nisha’s love juice and her sweet moans.
When we finally reached the farmhouse, it was around 6 PM. It was almost dark. After reaching the farmhouse, I passed Nisha the clothes which Sanjay had purchased for her. She slowly put it on.
Roshni was waiting for us at the front door. When she heard the sound of the car engine, she rushed toward it. Sanjay was the first to leave the car.
Roshni: Where are the other two…
Before she could complete her question, I opened the door and walked out. She immediately jumped on me and hugged me.
Roshni: I missed you!
I gave her a small kiss on her lips, and with a warm smile, I said,
Lucky: I missed you too.
Roshni: Where is Nisha?
With a smile, I looked at Sanjay, who had an amazing expression on his face. I smiled at him and continued,
Lucky: She is in the back seat. She is not feeling well. Can you help her out?
Roshni looked at me and immediately understood what must have happened. She looked at Sanjay, who did not say anything. Then she opened the door and helped Nisha.
Nisha’s legs were still wobbly like jelly. After all, she had almost 5-6 orgasms. It was like there was no strength in her legs. But she still walked out and, with Roshni’s support, walked inside.
Only me and Sanjay were left at the front door. I looked at him and offered him a cigarette.
Lucky: Let’s have a cigarette before we walk in.
Sanjay accepted the cigarette, and we lit it and started to make smoke clouds. I pulled out my phone. I selected photos and videos I had taken of Nisha in the car while playing with her the entire road.
I selected the share option and sent it to Sanjay. Sanjay noticed the mobile vibrate and pulled out his phone.
Lucky: This was the best trip I ever had. What about you?
Sanjay, while looking at the message, replied,
Sanjay: Ye… Yes… the best!
After completing my cigarette, I threw it away and asked Sanjay.
Lucky: I hope you are not tired.
Sanjay: Yes… No! I mean, no, I am not tired.
Lucky: Good, be ready. Tonight I am going to take you to the second floor.
Sanjay had a look of confusion on his face,
Sanjay: Second floor?
Lucky: Yes.
Sanjay: Isn’t it under construction?
Lucky: Do not ask questions, that’s the first rule of the second floor. You understand?
Without saying anything, Sanjay nodded.
Lucky: Good, be ready and save some energy. You are going to have the best time of your life.
Sanjay’s eyes lit up.
Without saying anything else, I walked inside the farmhouse. Sanjay quietly followed me.
To be continued.
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