I have been reading this site for quite some time and after considerable deliberation, I decided to post and share my experiences over the last 35 years or so. I have been involved with a lot of women during these years and I have loved them a lot.
I am a 50-year-old youngster and am married for the last 20 years and we have a son who is 16 years old. I am reasonably fit and possess a good healthy body, thanks to all the effort that has gone in over the years to maintain a reasonably good lifestyle that I have had to charm girls and women. I said girls since the youngest I have taken to bed was just 18 years old. I should not be called a child molester (she was no child anyway) since it was with her mother’s permission and it was along with her mother. It was a threesome as you will read ahead. On the other hand the oldest, I bedded was her mother, who was 40 years old at that time.
I have been asked and it is quite natural of skeptics to ask this question: How is it that I remember minute details of events that happened more than 35 years ago. One, I have a good memory and two; I have been ably supported due to my own early habit of writing diaries. Of course, the language in my diaries varies considerably from what will come up in my postings. (For example We never used the word fuck as frequently and as naturally as we use it today). I have taken the liberty of adding a few exciting words and phrases (as it exists today) to improve the flavor of the text.
It also has to be noted and kept in mind that only the very best incidents that have made an impact on me have been posted here. Some of the relationships have continued for years, and some others were just a bang-bang thank you, mam, one night stand the stuff, but I have chosen not to post it lest my readers get bored.
Note: A few of these experiences have been posted by me in other websites earlier (now defunct) and readers of porn stories might have come across these, posted under the name “Babban Khan”, a pseudonym I used for a long time. Now for the sake of perpetuating a lasting legacy on the internet, I choose to use my own name. Some women who I am still in touch with have asked me to use their original names to join me in leaving their names on the internet for posterity. Which is original and which is replaced, I leave the readers to guess. But does it matter?
I have also taken the liberty of adding in round braces the English translations where the conversations have been in Hindi. Where the conversations have been in other languages, I have chosen to ignore and used English conversations.
In reply to a few of these earlier postings at other websites, (and the same I could expect here) I have been asked how I can perform and ejaculate so frequently (as you will read in subsequent posts from me). Frankly, I never knew for a very long time in my younger days that it was not natural for a man to ejaculate within minutes of the previous one. I thought I may have some unique genes that make me what I am.
Also, the volume of ejaculate in subsequent spurts actually reduces, though the first one after a few hours of “rest” is the largest in volume. I have read up on the Internet on this subject, and have come across details of a veteran porn star called Peter North who also shared the same ability as mine. I have then seen his videos and pictures too. I must admit that though I am not as endowed as he, my ejaculates are comparable with his. I also practice yoga and this too may be a reason for my superior control over my testicular fluid movements. I have no other explanation of my massive ejaculations. In my later years to keep up with the expectations of my partners, I also used a herbal pill that could be said was equivalent to Viagra, with absolutely no side effects. However, I have now chosen to avoid taking those. I have left it to nature to decide how frequently I get an erection and ejaculation. In my younger days, I was horny as hell and had the power of seduction of any woman I fancied. Girls also fell for me, due to my good looks and gentlemanly behaviour. Only in bed that they discovered that I was a mean vulture ready to bite and devour any piece of moving female flesh. I have now reduced the number of partners that I have sex with outside of my marriage, but sometimes one needs to attend to others’ sexual needs too.
I also developed a few fetishes over the growing years. For one, I have always loved a woman’s breasts. These are God’s best creations. As I grew older, I was fascinated with them and had a fetish for big pairs (not that all the women I slept with had big ones). I also fantasised sucking them, and this fantasy was fulfilled very very late in life, to more than I could ever expect.
One of the women aroused another fetish in me. Undergarments. I began to collect as a “trophy” or to put it humbly, “memoirs”, the bra and panties worn by my women during the first sexual experience. Some of these have over the years worn out and have been discarded by me, but I still retain a good collection of the more recent ones.
So readers may please be advised that the events and activities that I am posting are not fantasies, but real events.
I will start with in a chronological order since it adds up by beginning with the excitement of me as a teenager and graduating slowly towards a mature sexual relationship with women of my own choice. I have, of course, changed the names of some of the women to maintain their privacy. All of them lead respectable lives and have moved on in life; except for a few of them who are still in “love” with me and lose no opportunity to sleep with me when we are together.
Part 1: The Initial Years
The events in my diaries begin with the first event of any sexual relevance way back in 1981, when I was in Class 9 and all of 14 years.
This recollection is of Chandrika, a resident of my suburb, who also happened to be a friend’s second cousin. My encounters with Chandrika were more of the adolescent craze of eve-teasing type, which assumed alarming proportions by my own standards. It became more of an obsession until I forced myself to quit stalking her when I realized that she was a friend’s cousin.
She must have been 18 then and I, 14. She was fair, tall, reasonably well built, not the skinny type, and very well endowed for her age. She had large breasts for her frame, definitely a D-cup, and they were soft, and I could vouch for it. She had long hair until her waist, which she would tie into a double ponytail.
I had stalked her for some time and I knew her movements exactly to the dot. She would move out of her house around 5.00 pm for the market which was about a kilometer away. She would accompany her mother and her younger sister, Poornima, who was equally a stunner, but I would have preferred Chandrika over Poornima given a choice.
They would walk it up to the market and I would often lose sight of them in the crowd. But I had a strategic location, where I would wait for them to return after about an hour of shopping for their daily groceries.
I would spot them and move behind them at a safe distance of about 10 meters or so. I would drool over the swaying bums of the two sisters. Often I would cross the road, overtake them and then cross again and approach them from the front, this time drooling over the sight of their heavy bouncing busts.
This evening activity went on for some months, until the mother apparently had initiated her daughters into shopping alone. I found one fine day that only the daughters came out for their evening business of shopping groceries. Till that day, I had never dared to be within 5 feet distance with the matron around. Now my guts grew and I found myself soon trying to brush with their beautiful bodies.
I would walk very close to them from the front in the crowded roads, and brush their private parts with my palms and then disappear into the crowd before they realized and turned around. This would repeat many times during an evening, switching between the privates of either sister.
I soon graduated to pinching their bottoms from the back. I moved on in my bravado until I would manipulate my position immediately behind their backs and brush my semi erect rod on their buttocks. Though buttocks very never my fetish, I have a fetish for breasts. I longed to feel their breasts in my hands.
One day, the sisters were alone and on the way home. I over took them and as I passed by them, I whispered into Chandrika’s ear “Doodh pilayegi kya?” (Will you feed me your milk?) and then literally jogged away. Out of sight, I waited to see their reaction and they were animatedly discussing something and were examining their parts visually. I found courage and this time I approached them from the front and she probably realised that I was the same chap who asked the lewd question. When I was a foot or two close to them, she stopped in her tracks and posed a direct question,”kya chahiye?” (what do you want?)
I froze, not expecting a retort. I fumbled,”tera doodh” (your milk) and I fled the scene. They were amused and I saw them laughing all the way back home.
I was red with embarrassment but that day I shagged my balls out in the fantasy that Chandrika had fed me her breast milk.
My longing for her breasts was fulfilled soon. This time it was Chandrika alone and I found that she was wary. She was nervous and I could see that. On her way back, as usual, I stalked her. I had plans to hold her breasts that day and I chose a lonely stretch of a road. I overtook her from the across the road, crossed the road into the lonely stretch and made my way back on the same side. Thankfully, there were just 3 people on the street other than us and they had crossed me already on my way to Chandrika and were at least a good 15 meters away. I saw that Chandrika noticed me coming. She had obviously recognized her stalker. She froze in her tracks, which was in a way good for me. I walked up to her, smiled and then suddenly before I realized, she had grabbed my hands. I tried to shake her off. But to my surprise, she led my hands to her massive breasts and pressed them. She rubbed them hard and I found myself squeezing her soft but firm breast flesh. I pumped a couple of times, and then I freed myself and ran for my life fearing the worst. She had caught me off guard.
That was not the last time. Soon I found her very receptive to my stalking. She would look back at me at similar lonely spots and invite me over with a smile. And instead of the usual crossing and recrossing the road, I would just speed up to her and hold her waist briefly with one hand and the other moving over without a delay, to her boobs to feel and crush them, which she obviously enjoyed. This was borne by the fact that on one occasion; she smilingly invited me over to her side even when her sister was next to her and allowed me the liberty of feeling up her younger sister Poornima.
My only activity of any sexual note was to feel them up and press they’re more than a handful breasts. We had this all planned and it was a daily affair that ended in my masturbating in my bathroom, imagining to be sucking their breast milk.
But it soon had to stop. I discovered out that they were my classmate’s cousins and I made it a point to avoid playing with them in future.
Years have passed now, and I find Chandrika and Poornima bloated in size and a far cry from whom I was following in my teens. Chandrika, though, has failed to recognize me as the same guy who pleasured her and her sister’s breasts years ago.