Oh brother my underwear

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I had a suspicion that my older brother Jitu had been snooping in my room; nothing I could put my finger on, but things weren’t exactly the way I left them when I had gone to school that morning. I wasn’t too worried about it: the things that would have been really bad for him to find were all safely locked in a box under my bed. Nothing was missing, nothing seemed to have been disturbed… But I was pretty sure that I hadn’t left the panties I wore yesterday on top of the pile of dirty clothes. No, they had been buried under my pajamas, I was pretty sure of that.

Jitu was home from college that semester, living at home and working to save up money. The idea of him rooting through my dirty underwear just wouldn’t get out of my head. He wasn’t a bad looking guy really. He was tall and lean, and the only blond in the family. He had filled out since he had left for college; he was definitely a man now. I was eighteen, tall and gawky, in my senior year of high school. If he hadn’t been my brother… The more I thought about it, the more turned on I got. I was a virgin at the time; I hadn’t dated much, and the only boy I had ever dated had broken my heart the last summer. I knew that my body had changed a lot in the last few years, and I was insecure about it. I wanted to be sexy. I wondered what Jitu did with my panties. I wondered if he masturbated with them. I kind of liked the idea, though I knew I shouldn’t. I decided to try an experiment.

That night, after I got myself off (thoughts of Jitu and the bulge in his jeans kept coming unbidden into my head and I had to push them away), I pressed the crotch of the underwear I had been wearing that day against my pussy. I wiped my wetness into them. I held the damp material to my nose. My scent was all over them. I left them on top of the big stack of dirty clothes in my closet. Then I pulled a hair from my head and laid it across them. When I got home from school that afternoon, Jitu was still at work. He did noon to ten o’clock shifts, six days a week. I ran up to my room and checked the closet. Sure enough, the hair was missing, and I was sure that my panties had been moved. So it was true; someone had been messing with my dirty underwear, and I knew it wasn’t Mom. Somehow I found that really exciting. I was bold that night. I wore my red thong, my “first date” underwear, as I called it, to bed. I fucked myself hard with my vibrator, leaving the panties on, pulled to one side. Needless to say, they got soaked. I moaned out loud when I came, as loud as I dared. Jitu’s room was next to mine, and I found myself half hoping that he could hear me through the wall. The next morning, after making my bed, I took a deep breath and made my decision. I left the red thong (still damp and reeking of my sex) sitting on the top sheet of my bed. I got a piece of paper and a pencil and left a note next to them:




All day at school I thought and worried about what would happen when he found the note. Or maybe I had been making it all up. Maybe the hair I had left the other day had just blown off. What did he think about when he borrowed my underwear? Did he jerk off to them? I kind of hoped he did. I kept getting excited thinking about it. What kind of a pervert was I? I had a hard time concentrating on schoolwork. When I got home, I ran straight to my room. My panties were still there, untouched as far as I could tell, and there was a new note next to them:




I felt really bad. I hadn’t meant it that way. I didn’t want him to feel bad. It wasn’t as if he was hurting me. When we were younger, I used to borrow magazines from under his bed, and he had never said anything, though I suspected that he knew. Anyway, I didn’t really want him to stop. I hadn’t been in his room since he had been home from college. It was tidy (not like mine), and quite bare. Just his clothes in the closet and his shoes next to the neatly made bed. No decoration, just a few books. I looked under the bed, but no magazines there; they had gone away when he had left for college, and apparently hadn’t come back with him. It seemed more like a hotel room than someone’s bedroom. I left the dirty red panties on the middle of his bed with a new note:





I wondered what he would think when he found them. I was tense all evening. Mom asked me what was on my mind. I told her I had a lot to study for in school. I made sure to be in my bedroom before Jitu got in; I didn’t want to run into him before he found my note. I was confused and anxious. I didn’t even masturbate that night. When I got home from school the next day, there were my panties on my bed, with another note next to them:





I really didn’t mind. And so, believe it or not, this is how things went: every night I would masturbate with my panties on, or wipe my come into the crotch of that days panties; the next morning I would leave them sitting on my bed for my brother. I rarely saw Jitu at home, with him working and me in school, but when we did see each other, he never said anything, and neither did I. It was as if nothing was different. The next week I had a Monday off. “Teachers Planning Day” or something. Kind of a non-holiday, but I wasn’t complaining. I took the rare opportunity to sleep late. I half woke up around seven when Mom left for work, but I rolled over and went back to sleep. Usually by now I would be getting ready to start first period history. Staying in bed was such a luxury! I dozed on and off, and started to think about getting up.

When my bedroom door opened, I woke with a start. I had forgotten all about “The Panty Game”, as I called it to myself. Of course Jitu was coming to my room to get the panties I had left for him. Or would have left for him, if I had remembered. I was, in fact, still wearing them. When Jitu saw me, half sitting up in bed, he turned bright red. “I’m sorry” he stammered, backing out of my room “I didn’t realize you were home.”

I felt oddly calm just then, sitting there in my pajamas, my hair all over the place. “No, its ok Jitu” I said “I forgot. You don’t have to go.”

He stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. He was looking at the floor, not making eye contact with me. I knew he was embarrassed and didn’t know what to say. I sat up and smoothed my hair out of my face. “Do you still want to borrow my underwear?”

He nodded, still not meeting my eyes. “You’re sure you don’t mind?”

“I don’t mind.” I said “actually I think it’s kind of sexy. What do you do with them anyway? Do you wear them?

“Oh no!” he answered quickly.

“Do you masturbate with them then?”

He nodded. “I like… I like the way they smell.”

“It’s ok” I said “It’s only natural. I mean guys like pussy right? And my underwear smells like my pussy… Its all about pheromones.” I realized that my nipples were getting erect. I wasn’t wearing a bra under my pajama tops and I wondered if Jitu could see.

“Thank you Aruna” he said “This is really embarrassing for me” he added.

“Listen” I said, and now it was my turn to blush “Would you mind if I watched once?”

“You mean?”

“Yeah… While you masturbate with my panties.”

“Ok” he said “If you want me to.” He sat down on the edge of my bed.

“You don’t have to” I said, “If it makes you uncomfortable.” I was blushing hard, my heart was racing, but my pussy was getting damp.

“No” he said “It’s only fair really.”

There was a long pause.

“Hey” I said “Would you like to borrow my underwear?”

He laughed “Yeah” he said “I would like that.”

Under the sheets, I squirmed out of my panties. I wasn’t wearing anything fancy, I remembered with a little regret, just white cotton bikini briefs. I handed them to Jitu. I noticed that the crotch was a little wet. Jitu took them shyly, then held them to his face and inhaled deeply. I realized that I was incredibly turned on. I let a hand slip under the sheet, softly and unobtrusively caressing my slit. Jitu looked at me once, shrugged as if to say “What the heck”, unbuttoned his jeans and stepped out of them. He was wearing boxers, and his cock made a huge tent in the material. A little trail of fur led down from his navel, promising hidden delights below. I had never seen an actual cock before, and my pussy was drooling with anticipation. He pulled off his boxers, and his cock sprung free. It was even better than I had hoped. I mean I had seen pictures, and read stories, so I had a pretty good idea what to expect, but I hadn’t imagined how sexy and delicious it would look. I also didn’t think it would be so big. It was bigger than my vibrator, but not so big that it was really intimidating. “God, I could take that.” I thought involuntarily. His balls were drawn up tight, and a clear drop of fluid glistened at the end of the swollen purple head.

He started stroking it, his face buried in the crotch of my moist panties. Under the sheets, I diddled myself in time with him. I couldn’t believe how tight he held his cock. It was red and purple and totally excited. I knew I was close. Jitu was pumping himself faster and faster, till his hand was almost a blur. Finally he shouted and come shot out of his cock, all over my sheet. It was amazing how much came out, gobs and gobs of pearly white, and it kept on leaking out as his cock wilted. He lay there, breathing hard for a few minutes, his eyes closed, and a peaceful smile on his lips. My dirty panties lay on the bed next to his face. With a groan, my hips bucked and I came. I rode the waves of my orgasm, coming and coming. When I was done, I held my slimy fingers out to him. “Do you like the way this smells?”

He surprised me by licking my fingers clean. “I have to go to work now.” He said “Thank you Sis.”

He put his boxers and jeans back on as I lay there, head reeling. Then he left, shutting the door after himself. On impulse, I stuck my tongue out and sampled the biggest puddle of semen. It wasn’t bad, a little salty. It tasted like sex. I licked it all off my sheets, swallowing hungrily. I couldn’t believe how much he had shot out. I wished I could shoot like that. I realized that I was still incredibly turned on. I pulled the vibrator out of the box under my bed, and quickly gave myself another orgasm. I couldn’t help imaging that the buzzing latex tool in my pussy was Jitu’s swollen cock, spewing come inside me as my cunt shook. Afterward, I lay there, head spinning with guilt and confusion. Knowingly letting my brother borrow my panties was one thing, a little naughty maybe, but basically harmless. This was something else; I had crossed a line this morning. I was a pervert now, and I knew it.

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