The alarm on the phone starts ringing !! And someone shouts “alarm off chayy !!” hearing this Ravi hesitantly wakes up from his bed which he had spread on the floor as he didn’t have a cot to sleep on. Not that he couldn’t afford, but he simply refused to. He snoozes the alarm and says “Devuda” and yawns simultaneously. He brushes his teeth and starts walking on the verandah of his flat. He was supposed to be quicker to get to office, but he drags himself. Ravi felt the chill in air still strange even after 5 years of his stay in Bangalore. He walks lazily from one end where from he could see the road, and to the other end where the lift.
Out of the blue he remembers that he is out of shampoo, so he gets back to the flat and gets the purse and his bike keys to get to the nearest shop. Then it happens, the guy from the adjacent flat open his door and gets out. Ravi had never noticed him before , he had only seen a husband and wife there, but here was the new fellow.
Seeing him Ravi pushes his thick black hair backwards, rubs his fingers on his eyes and heads towards the lift. He tries hard not to sneak and second peak on the hottie who just started walking towards him. He was taller than Ravi, fairer than ravi, he had a green shades of mustache on his face, split chin, long nose and a pierced ear. His dark eyes shining with the early morning glow, his long black thick smooth hair dripping out water. His perfume intoxicating, he white blue stripes with white collared shirt sticks straight onto his broad chest and his voluptuous biceps ready to tear out from the fabric makes Ravi jealous. He had a brown leather bag crisscrossed around his chest and his helmet black in color held in his other hands. Ravi looked for rings on his finger but finds none instead finds a small Japanese looking like letter tattooed on his wrist.
Ravi couldn’t stop looking at him as he waited from the lift from his fifth floor. As the stranger approached Ravi started taking deeper breaths to smell his out. “Old spice, is it?” He thought. But refrained to ask to comply to dumb conventions. The steps from his leather shoes grew louder in Ravi’s ear. He looked for the the shoes, neatly polished that it seemed sparkling like a wine glass. He almost skipped a heart beat and exhaled deeply once. With great courage Ravi lifted his head to see the stranger once last time, little did he know that , this was going to be a long way ahead. But with all this, Ravi found an innocence of a child in his face, which pushed Ravi to smile at him. As they say no precious smile goes wasted, Ravi’s smile was replied with a much wider smile and a firm handshake. ttttttsssssssssshkkkkkkkk…The ice was now broken.
With the handshake the stranger broke the ice and spelled out his name : “Neel”.
The whole atmosphere started vibrating and Ravi replied “Ravi”.
Ravi : “So moved in recently?”
Neel : “Yes. Last week !! Which flat?”
Ravi: “Oh nice !!! I live in 5B with 2 of my friends !! New to Bangalore?”
Neel : “Na, Na.. I live here from past 3 years..looking for roommates, flat bit too expensive ” and he smiled untimidly. To which ravi started smiling. They went on speaking about jobs, location etc and they parted their way from the parking slots. But little did they know, this was gonna be a precursor to what future had in store for them.
Such acquaintance started happening and finally there came a Friday and Ravi was leaving to his hometown in Hyderabad and he waited for the Sampark Kranti express in Yashwantpur station around 10, and as he waited in the platform. Suddenly he glimpsed a familiar sight. It was neel. Wearing a blue tshirt and black cargo. A small American tourister bag sticking on his back and a simple flip flop. “Pretty neat” Ravi thought. Ravi was a dressed in a three fourth and a t shirt. His hair swayed as he had shampooed when he took bath a while ago. In no time, their eyes met. Neel raised his hand and so did Ravi. They met and shook hands.
Ravi enthusiastically asked : “Which train?”
Neel replied : “Sampark kranti, but ticket nahi hain yaar. RAC in sleeper.”
Ravi : “Telugena?”
Neel : “No man, I am bengali..But my family moved to hyderabad some years ago..So koncham kocham telugu vasutundi !!”
Both of them laughed. Ravi felt at ease and told : “Oh, amhi tumake bhalobasi, thats all I know in Bengali”
They laughed even harder. They started speaking and it was almost time for the train to start.
Ravi said innocently : “Hey listen up, if you want to share the berth, you can come over. Am in B 1 , 16, upper berth ”
Neel said : “Thank you so much man !! I badly want to sleep today, tomorrow I have to attend my friend’s engagement. Need to look fresh.”
Ravi : “All pleasure mine ”
They got into train and spread the sheets on the seats. Firstly Ravi got in and helped neel come up by lending his hand. And they both slept on their hand with their backs together. Slowly the train picked speed. They both fell asleep, and half way through Ravi rolled to other side, sleeping on his right side.Now, it was as though their ass were fighting with each other for space in the small berth, and with this neel in half sleep turned and now his flat tummy was sticking on Ravi’s snoopy back. As a natural instinct, Neel who was finding hard to get space for his hand had moved it across the Ravi, kinda hugging him.
Ravi had woken up from his sleep and it had started to get colder inside the train so ravi took the blanket given by the railway and covered both him and neel with it. This had interrupted neel’s sleep as well, as he did know what was happening. Again moments of silence, as neel was lightly hugging ravi from behind.
Ravi, acting as though natural, took neel hand and placed it under his t shirt on his stomach. Neel knew what was happening. Ravi now pressed his back a bit towards neel and slowly with time he started wiggling, by which he was rubbing his bottom against neel’s dick. Tension in the air, and dim lights around. Neel, being the Bi-curious that he was, felt it interesting, and with one tight pull, he pulled ravi from behind towards him. Ravi’s ass towards his dick, Ravi’s neck near his lips, hands on his cutie tootie frootie tummy.
Neel breathed heavily on Ravi’s neck letting electricity through his nerves. Ravi shivered as bit and starting doing the same uncontrollably. Both of them wide awake and tension in the air. Ravi wanted to respond, but he wasn’t sure how Neel would take it, and Neel too wanted to kiss Ravi’s neck but he too was unsure of what needs to be done..Tension every where..Burning dirty thoughts, pouncing hearts, furious dicks, only thing that was missing was the oozing sweat.
Neel decided to roll the dice of luck, he slowly moved his hand towards Ravi’s chest and started running it towards his mid rid. Slowly he slipped his hands towards ravi’s nipple and started to squeeze it lightly, and with one small effort he gather all the flesh near the nipple and pressed it softly. Now Ravi found the queue and decided to play along, instead of pressing against neel, he decided to fold his shoulders towards each other, and there by making his tiny boobs look big. With this Neel could find small little boobie and a cleavage. He started running his hands on them. This went on for 10 minutes, it was kinda getting monotonous yet it was hot enough that both of them kept going.
Now it was Ravi’s turn to do something. He thought, “What the fuck, Lemme just be bold” at the same time he added to his thought : “Nay, may be I shouldn’t do much with this, How often do I get to be with such a hot guy !!”, This was as though a devil and angel were debating inside his head. And finally he made devil his god, as he subscribed to the thought “Who knows if Neel is gay, this could very well be one night fling for him and I must make use of that.” And all this time Neel was playing with Ravi’s nipples.
Ravi tilted his head backwards and tilted to partial view of Neel’s face and he whispered harder. Ravi was in a lot of trouble as he never knew what the reply, or repercussion would be. His heart started pouncing. And amidst this confusion he shut his eyes tight. But to his surprise, Neel was all game for it. Neel hugged him harder, raised his head to bring his lips towards Ravi’s ears and said : “Oh yeah, harder is it. You know what else is harder?” simultaneously, Neel took Ravi’s hand and made it come towards his back made it touch Neel’s penis. Ravi opened his eyes. And like a person who just won a lottery he smiled in the darkness. The moments in which Ravi’s thought transpired into a small ouch when neel had pressed his boobs harder as though he was squeezing out something. But it was nice.
And now that Ravi was feeling the bulge of Neel, he understood how hard he was. He presumed 7 inch. It was thick. The started imaging, Guess from Neel’s face his dick should be white in color like his face. But he didn’t gather up the guts to put his hands inside his undies. He kept on fondling it, touching it, pressing it, looking for balls over his fabric. But inside his head it was laddo phooots. He started thinking, cut? Uncut? How big would his balls be? He went further and further deep into his thought imagining dirty things that Neel would do to his butt.
Apparently Neel was impatient, and he pulled down his three fourths and now he whispered in Ravi’s ear : “Panduka cheysko” and let out a light giggle. Ravi felt it, hard as an iron. He remember his mallu roommate telling him how erection in Malayalam was called as “Kambi” which meant iron and he had laughed at it then, but now he was holding one. All excited to play with it. It was longer than 7 inch, thicker and uncut. He slowly pulled his foreskin backwards. And started giving him a small shag.
In the meanwhile, Neel had started kissing Ravi’s neck and Neel had put his hand in Ravi’s tool and started playing with it as well, it was smaller than neel himself, but good enough. Things were getting all heated up. Now Neel pulled Ravi and made him turn back. And he gave him one tight smooch. Their lips locked, theirs jaws parted, and it was strong tongue on tongue action. Saliva mixing, and tongue making space for each other. This went on for five minutes. Neel pulled himself down to kiss Ravi’s chest and started licking Ravi’s nipples. Harder and harder. He was sucking it tightly. And Ravi was mourning in pain and pleasure. Neel now pulled ravi’s tshirt side ways and kissed Ravi’s armpit. It was a total shock to Ravi.
Finally in a split of a moment he pulled back and turned back ravi, and pushed his three fourth downwards and was getting worked up on penetrating Ravi. Suddenly Ravi remembered and turned back. And whispered “Dude, not safe, no condoms, no lubricants, I wont be able to take it.”
Neel looked as bit surprised. “Condom is it? I wanna fuck your brains out. Tell me that you don’t want me inside you”
Ravi : “I am gonna freshen up ”
And with this Ravi got up and walked towards the wash room. Neel followed him. Neel said : “Am sorry, did I do something wrong?”
Ravi : “Hey..dont..dont..Just that I am not ready, it all happened too soon, I am not prepared.”
Neel : “I know . So lets stop for a while. May be we can take it up again when we get back to Bangalore, okay” sayin this he winked at Ravi.
Ravi : “He He..I didn’t know how to tell you this..I really admire your guts”
Neel : “Is it, you are gonna get one more slice of my guts” and he leaned forwards and planted a small kiss on Ravi’s lips. He pulled backed as asked “Nachinda?”
To which Ravi replied shying away : “Khoob Bhalo !!”
N B : Wait for the continuation story when Neel is gonna fuck ravi in his all possible holes. Now on lots of man on man action in store J