New Office Secretary

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Kamala never thought that she will ever have to go back to work. Her husband Sri was well employed as an engineer with a foreign firm and was handsomely paid until the economic downturn affected the apple cart. His firm had to shed some highly paid employees and he was one of the unlucky few who had been made redundant. Even though he was given a good termination package, it was a concern how long they will be able to manage on that, being accustomed to a certain quality of living.

She was also bored to death. The kids were grown up now and there was nothing exciting in life for her. Sri was trying to keep himself busy around home and didn’t have much time for her. He was quite depressed too because of his unemployment status and was very moody. They don’t even get to talk to each other leave alone having any quality time together. Sex was a rare thing, not as much as they used to when they were first married.

Kamala was a very attractive woman. Bit on the shorter side compared to Sri who was quite tall. Her boobs were still large and quite firm unlike some of her friends who have drooping tits. But she was getting bored with every thing in life. The previous night they had sex; but she wasn’t turned on at all and didn’t get an orgasm; even though she did pretended that she had one just to make Sri feel adequate. It wasn’t his fault either. He still was good in bed and had a quite large erection. But her mind wasn’t with it.

She had to get some regular income. She knew that Sri didn’t like the idea of her finding a job. She has to get out of the house not only to find a job but also for the sake of her sanity. She used to be a terrific secretary before she married. She gave away her career for the sake of her husband and family. So, she thought, she just wouldn’t tell him she was going out looking for one until it materialised. Maybe if she found a job, she could recover some of the feelings lost in her marriage. Maybe she could drive away the boredom driving her crazy constantly.

The ad read – A clerical staff for a busy medical practice – she looked through the small ad. They had quite a few doctors working there and they needed a junior clerical staff. It was really meant for some one with no experience. But she thought, any job would do, to start with. She rang up and made the appointment to see the recruitment officer.

Sri was still in the backyard when she dressed up to go. She told him earlier that she was going out with one of her friends for a movie. Was she going to wear a sari or salwar kameez? After lots of deliberation she chose a dark blue blouse which was quite tight and was exaggerating her boobs. She was half a mind to change to a looser fitting blouse but thought it may be better to look a bit alluring! She wore a matching light blue sari. Simple but quite elegant. Being informal was the style. She studied herself briefly in the mirror

When she rang and made the appointment, she was told that she would be seen by the recruitment office, who also was the general maintenance person in the busy office. As he was occupied during the day time, he could see her only after 6 pm when the office was closed.

The usually hectic office was quiet by the time she arrived. Only a couple of staff were there closing up the office. She was sent to the upstairs office of the manager.

“Well, Mrs. Kamala,” said Mr. Kumar, the office manager, “these are hard times; recession and all. Lots of people are out of a job. We have more people wanting this single job than you can imagine.” He looked in his mid 30s, quite a dark large made.

“But I’m qualified,” Kamala protested, leaning forward slightly. “I can do the work. I want to do the work.”

Mr. Kumar leaned back in his chair, as if seeing her for the first time. His eyes raked over the obvious swell of her tits pushing against the thin material of her blouse. He hadn’t missed a single sway of her womanly ass as she’d come into the room. His cock began swelling as he eyed her.

“I can see that, but what we need is team players, Mrs. Kamala. Do you understand what I mean?”

“I’ll do whatever I can for the practice,” Kamala said slowly. She had the uneasy feeling he was watching her like a snake watches a bird.

“It goes beyond that. We get lots of women as qualified as you are. You need to show me something … extra. You need to show me you can work on my team, do things for me … as well as the company,” the overweight man added hurriedly.

“I don’t understand,” Kamala said slowly, afraid that she did understand. He wasn’t going to give her the job unless she pleases him.

“Come, come, Kamala,” he said, taking the liberty of calling her without the prefix of Mrs. “You’re not stupid. I can see that. And I can see much more. You know what I mean.” Mr. Kumar licked his lips and stood up, the bulge obvious in his pants.

Kamala didn’t know what to do. She could have walked out, but she wanted the job very badly, not only because she was in need of money, but also she wanted some thing exciting and some thing fresh in her life and thus this work seemed perfect; some thing she has done before and could do well. But does she have to put up with such a pig!

Surprisingly, she was excited in a strange way, to find her self in the situation she was in. No one has even been rude to her in her life before. Sri treated her like a queen. He came over and laid his hand against her cheek, stroking lightly. “So lovely. I’ll bet you have a damned near virgin-tight pussy, too. Don’t you, my dear?”

She was shocked by his crudeness and forwardness. “Burn in hell, you creepy pig!” she cried, recoiling from his hand as if he’d burned her.

There was sudden change in his manner. She read the anger in his eyes and tried to run. She only got a couple steps before he caught her. He spun her around, his fingers grabbing her by the top of her blouse. He dipped down the neckline and grabbed. With a savage jerk, he sent the buttons skittering to all corners of the room. Her bra covered tits bobbed into view.

“Mr. Kumar! You can’t do this!”

“I can and I will. You come here dressed like a tart. I’ll show you what it takes to make it around here!”

His fingers locked like steel bands on her arms. She fought, but it did no good. He lifted her like a doll and carried her to the small couch near the far wall of the office. He dumped her unceremoniously on the sofa. She felt the springs protesting the sudden load. Before she could get her feet under her to roll away and escape, Mr. Kumar was beside her.

“I’m going tie you up and show you what I expect from you if you want to work in this office.” Kamala gasped when he pulled loose the curtain sash. She knew that he was intent on tying her up.

She cried out, “Please Mr. Kumar. Please don’t tie me. I will do what ever you say”

“No you will try and escape. I know your kind”

“I promise I won’t” she pleaded. Kamala was scared at the same time was getting wound up. She has never been with any man other than her husband, whom she married when she was in early 20s. That was almost 20 years ago. Even though she was 40, all her exercise and ‘keep fit routine’ made he look lots younger. She has understated her age and lied about her date of birth to show that she was 30!

She begged, “Please don’t tie me up. Do what ever you want to do”

He looked at her. She was not struggling any more. He pushed her sari up and moved it until her undies were exposed. From where she lying, he looked menacing. He started to take off his shirt. He was bare bodied underneath. She noticed that he was well muscled. Some one who spends lots of time in the gym. Mmmm she liked the body even though there was an evidence of a small tummy creeping up.

To her surprise she was getting turned on by him! She has never been with any other man other than her husband and Sri was a tall and slim person, not muscular as he was not known for exercising or weight lifting. Kumar was aware of the fact that she was admiring his body.

“You are enjoying this, aren’t you, you slut? Well, I’ll show you what a real man can do. I’m going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before. And you’re going to love it.”

Even though she was turned on by him, she wasn’t prepared for this ordeal, especially as she was not in control of the situation. She couldn’t help noticing that he was taking off the rest of his clothes, his pants came off and in no time his undies were off. Wow. She was not prepared for the size of his cock! It was enormous. She has watched a few X Rated videos in her time but this was definitely in the same league as ‘John Thomas’ the king of the porn.

He smiled and then bent over her and virtually ripped her bra off. Shit. She wouldn’t be able to wear it again. Then he pushed her sari further up to her belly. The only thing which was covering her was her scanty panties.

She could smell his body odour. It was so strange experiencing the smell of some one else other than Sri. It was so different and for some reason or other, it aroused her. The novelty of the situation and the fear of what may be in the offing; all put together was having unexpected effect on her. She still kept protesting.

“Please, Mr. Kumar, let’s talk about it. We can “

“We’ve talked enough. It’s time I did something.”

He pulled her panties down and threw it aside; she was totally naked on the sofa. Never had she felt more helpless in her life.

“Now I am going to fuck,” he said.

She shivered with cold and fear. His hands caressed her belly and then moved up to her boobs. She was always proud of them. Even though Sri always complained they were getting smaller because of her exercise and weight control, she knew that they were quite pert and firm, very good for her age. He took hold of her boobs with both his hands and started to squeeze them roughly. She screamed.

“Mr. Kumar, please, don’t be rough me.”

“I will show you what real roughness is, you bitch” he bellowed

While squeezing even harder with one hand with the other he took hold of a tuft of her pussy hair and pulled hard on it. She thought she would go out of her mind with pain. She has never experienced any thing like this before in her life.

“Oh God, Mr. Kumar, stop! Don’t do it to me! Not like this.” She began to sob quietly. The tears ran down her cheeks.

In then midst of her agony, she did notice that his cock was getting bigger; the bastard was getting a hard on just torturing her. The sight of the man’s cock did things to her. Kamala didn’t know how to react; but her body responded for her. Thick juices began boiling in her pussy. She felt the sluggish fluid leaking around her puckered pussy lips and running down into the crack of her ass. As the love oils ran into her asshole, she remembered with growing lust how it would feel having Mr. Kumar fucking her there. She couldn’t believe that she was even thinking in those terms. What the heck was happening to her?

She shrieked in agony as his fingers dived down into the humid gap between her buttocks. She couldn’t help remembering the usual gentle touch of Sri. Unfortunately it never turned her on. But she was getting hotter and hotter now because of Mr. Kumar’s rough treatment. Kamala was confused. She didn’t know what to do or what to feel. She felt her hips lifting in response to the brutal man’s orders.

“That’s more like it. Now what do you want up that slimy cunt of yours?” He lifted even harder until Kamala thought her arms would come unglued from her body.

“Your c-c-cock!” she stuttered. “Stuff it in and fuck my cunt!” She couldn’t believe her ears that she was using such crude language which she has never used in her life!

“Good, but not good enough. You’re going to have to beg me for my cock after all you’ve said. It’s not dull, is it, having me fuck you? Tell me!”

Kamala hardly knew what to do or say. As the man kneeled between her wide-spread legs, she experienced a completely and totally helpless feeling that wouldn’t go away. It was even worse than when she went to her gynaecologist to have her vagina examined. Feet in those metal stirrups made her feel exposed; this was infinitely worse.

“Please fuck me!” she gasped. She would do anything to make the pain go away. She was humiliated and debased. Anything that would get the man satisfied so he would leave her alone was okay with her.

“Again. Tell me again and in more detail.”

“I need you fucking my cunt. I need to feel your cock buried all the way up my pussy. I need it please!”

She was shrieking with the misery of her situation. And when the man’s cock slammed into her delicate inner cunt lips, she shrieked again. It was so unexpected that it sent a tremor of fear throughout her tender body. The head of his throbbing cock parted her slippery cunt lips and sank into her body. She thrashed around but couldn’t really move. His hands brutally pinched her ass cheeks and lifted her off the couch. His prick shot another inch into her convulsing cunt.

She gasped and tried to tell him to stop. The words wouldn’t come. In spite of her predicament, Kamala found herself being more and more turned on. This was a different style of fucking. Kamala hardly knew her own body any more. She never could respond to her own husband this way any more, but Mr. Kumar’s rough fucking made her all wet in the pussy and hot to feel even more of his long, hard prick fucking into her. She was too confused. She didn’t know what to make of it.

His prick sank another couple inches into her tight cunt. She quit struggling and tried to enjoy the fucking. Even though age felt cold, his cock warmed her right up the centre of her body.

Ker loins blazed hot as Mr. Kumar slammed balls deep into her cunt. She felt the tender walls of her pussy rushing to expand around the thick plug of his cock. She gasped with delight when his hips began stirring the prick around inside her. She was able to enjoy every single twitch and pulsation that way.

“What do you want, bitch?” the man demanded. “Tell me what you want me to do. And it had better be the right thing!”

“Fuck me please!” she screamed.

His hips slammed forward, burying his prick even deeper in her cunt. She sobbed with the pain and pleasure as his body ground into hers. He had smashed so hard and fast into her cunt that her pussy lips had been folded inside. Her cunt walls collapsed around his cock as orgasm seized control of her body. She was reaching a climax.

“Fuck me, fuck me!” she bellowed.

He gasped as her pussy gripped around his prick. He pulled back against the intense pressure surrounding him. His balls slapped wetly against her upturned ass as he repeatedly fucked her. Total delight seized Kamala. She let herself go.

Every single thrust into her agitated cunt lifted her ass off the bed now. He didn’t have to grasp her ass cheeks and pull at them as he had done earlier. She felt her own inner juices lubricating her crotch as his bush ground passionately into hers.

“More! Fuck me more!” she cried. All she heard was the pounding of her own pulse in her head and the man’s deep grunts as he exerted himself even more. She thought she would die if he stopped fucking. But he was too turned on by the situation to stop. She came hard. The orgasm was the sweetest she ever had in her life.

He fucked faster. His hands rested on either side of her body. He exploded. Hot cum spurted from the end of his cock. He shrieked in joy and arched his back to drive himself even farther into her pussy. Kamala almost came again. Oh my God. She never realised that sex could be so good. She wanted more!

“I need it! God, do I need more fucking! Your cock, give me your fucking cock. Please, oh, please …”

Kamala relaxed on the sofa, sobbing. She turned her head to one side so she wouldn’t have to see Mr. Kumar straighten. His prick limply slid from her cunt amid a flow of his cum.

“Good,” the man said. “I like a woman who knows how to fuck. Do you want the job? If you do – it’s yours.”

Kamala didn’t speak to him as she rolled over on the sofa, crying. But she was confused. She didn’t know exactly what she was crying about. Was it because she had enjoyed having sex with a stranger? She had enjoyed this bizarre fucking more than she had enjoyed the more sedate sex she had with Sri when she’d first gotten married. She felt alive inside, in spite of the humiliation and degradation.

“I … I’ll take the job,” she gasped out. It sounded like a stranger’s voice. But the warmth in her loins was familiar. It was the same lovely feeling in her guts that she’d always had after a hard sex back in the good old days; the days before she’d become frigid.

“Good. Report to work tomorrow morning at eight. You’ll be under Shanthi, the office manager.” Mr. Kumar went back to his desk, already dressed and looking bored. Kamala slowly sat up. She felt week and drained. There was a wash room and she quickly went in and washed herself as he whole body was covered with smell of sex. The buttons on her blouse were all gone. Her bra has also lost its hooks. She put them on but covered herself tightly with the sari around her, and walked out of the office on shaky legs.

But she’d gotten the job! And the spark of fire inside her had been rekindled in a strange, shockingly degrading way. Luckily when she went home, Sri was busy doing some thing. She quickly got herself changed into some thing decent. She had to tell him about the job and there was no better time to let him know. She apologised for lying to him about where she was going. He wasn’t happy at all, especially about her getting a job. But she convinced him it was only until he gets a job. Reluctantly, he approved it.

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