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A few days passed as usual, like nothing had ever happened. One day Karan saw Kavya in the office at which he remembered her dinner invitation.
He discussed the same with Riya, initially she was a bit hesitant but then she agreed to it.
Next day, they went for dinner to Kavya’s place. It was a penthouse in a good locality. Karan was dressed formally and Riya was wearing a nice dress that made her look stunning.
The door was answered by Kavya herself. She was wearing a nice saree and looked 10 years younger than her actual age. Karan introduced both of them to each other and was a bit surprised at Kavya’s reaction. She hugged Riya with so much affection as if she was actually her daughter.
The house was tastefully decorated and it seemed like a very cozy place to be in. All three of them settled down in the drawing room. The drinks were served by the maid. The table was being setup for the dinner while they sat there chit chatting.
The door bell rang which was answered by the maid. Entered a girl, wearing a biker jacket, with the helmet in one hand. Her curly hair reached till her shoulders.
Karan was just wondering that who might this girl be when Riya said, “Amy, is that really you.?”
Karan and Kavya were perplexed and they looked towards Riya.
Kavya said, “Guys, meet my daughter, Amisha.”
“It’s Amy. And what a pleasant surprise Riya.”, said Amy.
Looking at Karan’s confused face, Riya said, “Amy and me are batch mates in college. Though we have hardly spoken to each other. But it was a nice surprise meeting you here, Amy.”
To which Amy just smiled and said, “Let me just change and come back.”
Amy went away to her room while others started talking about her.
Kavya told them that Amy loves driving bikes. It is a passion that she has taken over from her father.
By the time Amy came back, they had moved to the dining table, and were waiting for the food to be served.
Amy came back, dressed in shorts with a casual tee. She sat opposite Riya at the table.
Soon the food was served and table was alive with all the chit chats.
After the dinner, Riya insisted Amy on showing her, her room, so she went with her. While Karan and Kavya moved to the balcony with their drinks.
Karan tried to kiss Kavya on getting the chance, but she stopped him, “No, let’s not take any chance here. Remember, we have to keep it as a secret between the two of us.”
“Alright, i will control it for now. But tell me, when are we getting another chance.?”
“Soon, i am working out something. Let’s see if everything goes according to the plan”
On their way back, Riya seemed really happy to meet Kavya and Amy.
“You know, at first i thought it was going to be a bit boring. But i am glad i met them. Kavya is such a nice person. And Amy, oh my god, I mean, i really wonder why haven’t we talked to each other at all. She is just the exact opposite of all the girls that i know.”
“I am happy to know that.” said Karan.
In the college, Riya would often talk to Amy, had lunch with her and even introduced Amy to all of her friends. They used to text each other often discussing about stuff mostly related to the college or some girly thing. Riya also went to Amy’s house couple of times after the college.
A month or so passed like this, when Karan got a mail from his boss that he would have to go on another official trip. Because of his success on the last trip, he had been again recommended by the marketing team.
He grinned after reading the mail since he now knew what Kavya had been planning for.
It was a week long trip, so Karan was more than excited. Since his last time with Kavya, he didn’t get another chance from her. Karan and Kavya broke this news to Riya and Amy over dinner together.
Riya got upset on hearing this, but then Amy said, “Don’t worry Riya, who needs these oldies anyways. We both will have a great time without them. Imagine, the whole house would be at our disposal. Wow..!!”
Riya did like the idea, but it was all the bedroom action that she was going to miss.
Within a couple of days, Kavya and Karan left for New Delhi. In delhi, they were supposed to stay at the hotel that was booked by the company. But instead of going to the hotel, Kavya directed the driver to take them to some residential area.
“Aren’t we going to the hotel?”, asked Karan who seemed confused by all this.
“Nope. We are going to stay at some other place. A little surprise for you. You have been really patient since our last trip.”
“Nice, i like surprises.”
Soon they were standing in front of a apartment, waiting for someone to answer the door.
“This is actually my house, but i have given it to a very close friend of mine.”, Kavya said.
The door opened and Karan found a beautiful lady standing at the door. She was wearing a ladies suit with proper makeup and everything.
“Oh wow Kavya, you look the same when we met last time.”, said the lady and hugged her for a good minute or so.
“And look at you, someone is getting younger day by day.” said Kavya. Both of them giggled at this.
“By the way, meet Karan. Karan meet Ananya. My childhood friend. Sorry, my soul sister.”
Karan shook her hand and all of them entered the house.
Ananya continued, “I hope i have kept your house the way you left it.”
“Oh please Ananya, i have told you so many times, this is your house. Keep it the way you are happy with.”
Ananya grinned at this, and served them drinks.
“So what are your plans?”
“We have some official work here, just a job of 2 days. But i extended this trip for a week so that we could spend some time with you.” , Kavya said while winking at Karan.
“Finally, you have remembered me. You know how much i miss being with you. If it wouldn’t have been that shitty boss of mine, i would have definitely taken a transfer to Mumbai.” said Ananya.
“Anyways, hows Amy? My darling.”
“She is great. In fact that reminds me, i should check up on her right now. Give me a minute.”, Kavya moved to the balcony leaving both of them alone.
Ananya turned towards Karan with a stern look on her face and said, “Listen, dare you hurt her and Amy. She has been through a lot in her life. And in case i find out that you have hurt her even slightly, believe me, i will hunt you down and make your life hell.”
Karan gulped down the drink and stammered a bit, “Yesss…yess of course.. That wont happen”
“Good boy. I am a bit possessive about her.”
Karan just smiled while Kavya came back and said, “Those girls are upto something. I could hear them giggling. But i am glad she has a friend like Riya now.”
“Riya? Karan’s girlfriend, right?”
“Ya, i have told you na about her as well. A very sweet girl i must say.”
That night, all of three of them went out for dinner. The ladies dressed in beautiful gown just perfect for them. They were talking amidst the loud music, laughing, teasing each other. People around them seemed jealous of Karan, and he was feeling happy about that.
The drinks went on coming till late. To keep things under control, they decided to go back to their place. In the cab, Ananya was sitting in between both of them. It been dark inside the cab, Kavya was stroking Karan’s dick above his trousers. Her hand was stroking the complete length of it while she was looking towards Ananya. He was so high with the booze and the pleasure, that he hardly took notice of what Ananya and Kavya were doing.
Once they reached there place, Ananya told Karan that Kavya would be sleeping in her room and he can sleep in the guest room. Karan look disappointed and he pleadingly smiled towards Kavya.
“Sorry Karan, its more of a ladies night tonight.”, Kavya said.
So Karan went to the guest room, and instantly fell asleep on the bed.
After sometime, he woke up and felt thirsty, so half asleep he went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. While coming back to his room, he passed by Ananya’s room whose door was half open.
He couldn’t stop himself from looking inside and if possible grab Kavya out of there.
The room light was very dim, but he could make out what was going inside the room. Ananya was sitting upright on something and seemed to be grinding on that. Due to the dim light, he didn’t know that she was looking directly towards him. For good five minutes she kept on grinding herself and moaning.
After that, she got up and started moving towards the door saying. “Why don’t you come in and join the fun Karan?”
He was speechless at this point of time. His hard cock making a tent in his pyjamas and mouth half open as if he was going to say something.
Ananya reached the door and grabbed Karan by his head. She started kissing him and eating his mouth. He could taste the dried out pussy juices on her lips and aroma in her mouth.
Ananya kept one hand behind his head and the other was grabbing his dick. She was rubbing it roughly over the clothes.
Then he heard Kavya say while still lying on the bed, “Oh Karan! Great you are here, i need you right away between my legs.”
Ananya pushed Karan inside the room. Karan quickly went between Kavya’s legs and started licking her pussy.
“Ohhhh wwooww!! Ananya you have to try him. Damnn.. I am already cummingg …” said Kavya and she was overtaken by her orgasm.
Karan kept on licking her pussy while Ananya removed this pyjama from behind. She quickly grabbed hold of his hard dick and took it in her mouth.
It was Karan’s time to be amazed. As soon as she started sucking his dick, he felt a thunder through his body.
“Ohh fuck.. that is amazing..” said Karan.
Ananya was sucking his cock so expertly while massaging his balls as well. In between she would even take the complete length of his cock in her mouth making him fast with the pleasure.
The room was filled with all three of them moaning.
It was only after Kavya had three orgasms, she pushed him back and told him to lay down flat on the bed. When Karan did so, Kavya pushed Ananya over his dick.
Karan could feel that her pussy was already very slippery and his dick has also been lubricated too. She had tightened her pussy muscles, so that Karan wont get an easy entry. He kept on pushing inside her till he was buried balls deep inside her pussy. He could feel that she was controlling the muscles of her pussy just to tease him.
She leaned towards him and lay flat on his body. She wasn’t moving at all. Then he felt Kavya also climbing the bed behind her but he was not able to see what she was doing.
“Wait till Kavya also gets inside me.” she whispered in Karan’s ear.
Kavya was wearing a strap on dildo which was about 7 inches in length and 2 inches thick. She lubricated it with some gel and then positioned it at Ananya’s asshole. She pushed it once, and just the head got inside her at which she moaned loudly.
Kavya didn’t pay attention to her moans and she continued pushing it all the way inside her asshole. To make it easier, she was slowly dripping the gel on her dildo as well.
Karan could now feel the dildo against his dick, separated by the wall in-between her pussy and asshole.
When Kavya was able to push in the complete dildo, she said, “Let the fucking begin.!”
Karan and Kavya, both started pumping in and out of her holes brutally. She was in so much pleasure, that she had rested all her weight on Karan’s body now. She was screaming and moaning altogether.
“Ohh yeess.. this is the best fucking… I would die for both of your dicks… shhhh.. do not stoopp.. keep fucking meee… i am about to cuuum..!!” said Ananya in-between her moans.
Within a few minutes, she came with huge scream. Karan stopped fucking her but Kavya did not. She was still fucking her while she was having a huge orgasm.
“Fuck you Karan, don’t stop.!”, shouted Kavya.
Karan instantly started fucking Ananya. Her orgasm was just about to subside when Kavya also had an orgasm and she pushed the dildo completely inside her. Her body started shaking with the pleasure of the orgasm. She did her trick and squeezed hard on Karan’s dick with her pussy muscles and made him instantly cum inside her.
The force of Karan’s cum inside her pussy made Ananya orgasm once more.
All three of them, lay on top of each other till the time their orgasm subsided. Then they flopped on either side of Karan on the bed.
“Wow, that was amazing guys.” said Kavya.
“Yeah, the best orgasm in a while.” chipped in Ananya.
“Phew, let me catch my breath. Let’s grab some drinks” Karan said.
Karan got up and went to the bar to prepare the drinks.
Meanwhile, Ananya said to Kavya, “Let me do it with him. He is going to love it.”
Kavya said, “No ways. He is not ready yet.”
“Oh come on, no guy is ready for it initially. Just this one time.”
“No Ananya, let’s not drag him into all this as of now.”
“Ya ya i know. But he is so tempting. Bursting with all that energy.”
“Be patient, finally our plans are working. I checked with Amy too, everything is going perfect.”, Kavya kissed Ananya after saying this.
Karan came back with the drinks and looking at the two engrossed in kissing each other he said, “So tell me whats the story behind all this.?”
“Well Ananya and i were room mates during our college time. It was then that we discovered our crazy love for each other. Since then, we have moved so much forward in our lives, but the passion between us never changes.” said Kavya.
Kavya and Ananya told Karan the complete story later.
After the drinks, they took another round, where Karan fucked Kavya while Ananya sat on Kavya’s face.
Next couple of days were spent with all three of them having fun with each other. Followed by Kavya and Karan getting busy with the official work that was supposed to be done.