We finished our food and turned on the tv to watch some movie. It was already getting late, but we haven’t spoken to each other the whole day. So we decided to chit chat and watch some movie before we went to bed. And then I realised what a scaredy cat my mom was!
There was a ghost hunting program on TV, where some teenager went to a haunted house to find a real ghost. I laughed and said:
Me: Do you believe in this shit? It’s so fake!
Mom: Are you not afraid of this? I can’t even sleep if I watch something like this. Turn it off!
Me: Oh, come on, how can you believe this bullshit?
While I was asking, there was a jump scare on the show, with a smashing sound. Mom jumped nearly off the sofa and grabbed me really tight! Her nipples were bushing against my arms, her face was buried into my neck.
I could feel her warm breath hitting my neck from her nose. Our skin contact made my dick grow a little.
Me: Mom! It was just a jump scare! Now you are childish.
Mom: Just turn it off!
Me: You know what? Today you are going over win your fare!
Mom: What? How?
Me: I will put on a scary movie with a good story that will make you keep watching.
Mom: No, baby, please don’t do this.
Me: I’m here with you. How can you be scared with me protecting you, dear?
Mom: Baby, no!
Me: Okay, let’s put it on. If you are too scared, I will turn it off, okay?
She thought this was a better idea than watching the whole movie, so she agreed. I knew my mom loves family movies, drama, etc. So I turned on one of the scariest movies I knew, with a good storyline about a family.
The family moves into a haunted house without knowing, and strange things start to happen in the house. She was so invested in the movie, even though she had to cover herself with my body each time there was a jump scare. I knew that in one scene, the kid would be dragged by her leg while sleeping.
In that exact seen I pulled my mom’s thigh into me. She got so scared that she slapped my back. She again lost it when she saw the ghost for the first time over a carpet. She didn’t expect it at all. She screamed so hard and made me turn it off right away.
I was laughing so hard, never seen my mom so scared before. I had to pee really hard, but my mom was still holding me tightly.
Me: Let go, mom, I have to pee.
Mom: No!
Me: What? I really need to go, it’s urgent, mom!
Mom: No, you can’t leave me here.
Me: Just turn on the lights and wait for me. I will be back soon.
Mom refused.
Me: Don’t be childish. My bladder is bursting.
Mom: Then take me with you!
Me: What? Ah, okay, come!
We both went into the bathroom. She quickly turned the lights on, looking around, searching for some ghost hiding. Still holding me tight. The light flickered a bit, which made her scream and hug me tightly. I went to the toilet with her:
Me: I need to use my hand to pee. Let me go now, mom.
She went from hugging to holding my hand instead.
Mom: Now, just use your hand!
I had a semi boner with her boobs still touching me. I shot a beam of piss down the toilet. And she was right beside me, watching me piss from my semi-hard cock. Right in the middle, the light flickered again. This time she screamed even harder and hugged me from the side.
I lost my balance and dashed my back against the wall. I couldn’t stop. My piss went straight on Mom’s body. It hit her right above her pussy. My piss ran down her pussy, and all the way down to her feet. She was so scared that she didn’t care about my piss.
She came and hugged me once again. Now with my piss hitting mine and mom’s body at the same time.
Me: Gosh, mom, look what you made me do!
Mom: Oh my god, sorry baby, I got so scared with this light!
Me: Now we are covered in piss. You have to be more careful.
Mom: Sorry, baby, let’s wash it out.
Me: Yeah, let’s go under the shower
I was actually enjoying this very much! Showering with my mom is a dream come true event! The shower cabinet was not that big for two people. So we had to stay really close. Out skin constantly touching. She took the soap and applied it all over her body.
And at last on her pussy. She rubbed it extra good. She gave a tiny moan while rubbing there, unintentionally.
Mom: This reminds me of when you were a kid baby when I used to shower you.
Me: I hope I didn’t pee on you that time as well.
We both laughed. My mom took some soap again and applied it to my body as well. A current went through my body when she touched me with her silky-smooth hands. My cock stood right up, like a salute. My mom noticed but didn’t comment on it.
She finished my body and squatted in front of me. She pushed my cock around to wash around it. She lifted my cock up to wash my balls. She then lifted me up to wash behind it. Her finger touched my asshole. I was enjoying this too much. My voice made a tiny moan sound when she touched me there.
And finally, she grabbed hold of my cock for the second time. She pulled my skin back and applied soap to my cock head. My hips moved on their own to make my skin go back and forth. My cock nearly hit her mouth. That’s when she got up and turned the shower on again.
I was right about to cum. It was fucking amazing. I wanted to fuck her tonight really bad. We dried our self and went out. I was really tired after the shower, and it was one o’clock right past midnight.
I took a yawn and said
Me: Alright, mom, it’s time to hit my bed. Sweet dreams, good night, mom! I’m tired! I’m going to watch some porn and jerk myself to sleep.
Mom: No, you can’t!
Me: What do you want then?
Mom: Just stay with me tonight
Me: What? You know what time it is?
Mom: Yes, I know, just sleep with me tonight. I can’t sleep alone tonight!
I like where this is headed, sleeping together with mom? Are you kidding me? I love this! I was hoping this would happen, but this is too good to be real!
Me: Mom, why are you so scared? It’s just a movie!
Mom: Can you or can you not?
Me: I was looking forward to jerking myself to sleep, now I have to babysit you instead.
Mom: You can do it in my bed if you want. Just sleep with me this night, please!
Me: Are you sure about this?
Mom: Yes, it’s alright. Like you jerking off is something new between us now.
Me: God, you are awesome, mom, alright then let’s hit the bed.
We both went up. She was ahead of me up the stairs. My face was so close to her ass. I thought to myself, one day I am gonna fuck the shit out of her ass.
She went into the room first and turned the light on right away.
I, following her, turned the light off again. She was middle of the room when I did that. In a second, she ran back and nearly body-slammed me. Her body was sweating from the heat and how scared she was. She yelled!
Mom: Why would you turn it off?
Me: Are we not going to sleep?
Mom: Yes… but turn it on for a moment. I need to lay down on the bed first.
Me: Jesus, mom, I have never seen you so scared, don’t worry, I’m with you, na! Turn on the night lamp and lay down!
Mom: Okay, sweety, but don’t scare me like that again.
She went to bed, turned on the night lamp, and laid down. There was no need for a blanket with this heat in her bedroom. The way she was laying, my god, I wanted to jump over her and fuck her brains out.
I turned off the light and laid beside her. There was a small gap between us. I turned over and saw my mother’s naked body and asked:
Me: Have you never seen a horror movie before, mom?
Mom also turned around and saw my naked body and my semi-hard cock. Her eye met my face finally.
Mom: I had when I was with your father. But this was the first time since he passed away.
Me: How can you watch a horror movie with dad but be so scared to watch it with me?
Mom: Because he always hugged me tight through the whole movie, and we usually…
She paused.
Me: And you usually what, mom?
Mom: No, nothing, we sleep together. I felt protected that way.
Me: That’s why you wanted me to sleep with you tonight?
Mom: Yes, I can’t sleep if I’m too scared.
Me: What’s that behind you?
I said, surprised, looking behind her. She didn’t even look back. She grabbed me tightly and screamed hard! Her body was shaking. Our naked body was glued together, with our sweat and her tight grip around me.
Her head was pressing against my chest. My cock was already hard and pressing against her belly button.
She whispered:
Mom: What? What was it?
Me: Don’t be scared, mom. I think I just saw a spider in the corner.
I took my arms around her and hugged her gently.
Mom: Don’t scare me like that! I thought it was something else.
She was still holding me tight.
Me: Don’t worry, mom. I’m here. I will protect you.
She felt safe with me and gave her son a kiss on his forehead. While she moved up to kiss my forehead, my cock found a new position. It was now pressing right above her clit. She didn’t react to it at all like it was natural. I placed my head against her upper breast this time.
Me: Love you, mom, I’m lucky to have you.
Mom: Aw, I love you, too, son! My little guardian you are!
Me: So how was it to be peed on?
I said with a chuckle.
Mom: How can you bring up something so nasty, right after you said something so beautiful?!
Me: You know me, mom, I change the subject really fast if I say something sweet.
Mom laughed and said:
Mom: You are so much like your father, you know that?
Me: Is that so? But back to my question! How was it? I bet I’m the first one ever peeing on you!
Mom laughed a bit and said:
Mom: Yes indeed, you did when you were a kid and now again.
Me: Was it gross?
Mom: No, baby, I don’t find your pee gross at all. How can you say that?
Me: Because you just said it was something nasty.
Mom: Well, if I imagine someone else pissing, it is gross. But yours is alright, I guess, it was rather a bit hot.
Me: So you liked it?
Mom: I don’t want you to piss on me right now. But I didn’t find it gross, okay?
Me: No, no, how can I piss on you now? We both will get wet. Maybe another time, if you like it.
She laughed. We were still hugging, my cock found its way a bit down, right no her clit. My mom didn’t make any move and enjoyed my cock touching her. I was really horny. We’re both really hot and sweaty with our body contact, but we didn’t part. That’s when I decided to push it up a level.
Me: Is it true that you won’t hold any secret from me? You promised me that you will be open with me no matter what.
Mom: Yes, baby, like I told you, you can ask me anything you want!
Me: I just want to address the big elephant in the room.
Mom: What do you mean?
Me: I want to talk about it and be over with it.
Mom: Okay?
Me: Well… I did fuck you right!
She went silent
Me: Mom?!
Mom: Yes, we did.
Me: Right, and we both felt bad about it, right? But even then, did you like it?
Mom was silent again.
Me: Well?
She didn’t know what to say, she took a big breath.
Mom: I don’t want to talk about it!
Me: What? You just said you would be open with me.
She hugged me even harder like she was embarrassed and didn’t say a word.
Me: Okay, mom, I won’t ask you that, but can we talk about it?
Mom felt a bit of relief and agreed quickly with a nod to avoid my first question.
Me: It was the first time you ever masturbated in front of me. Was it weird to do it in front of your son? Be honest, mom! Remember your promise!
She paused for a bit and then said.
Mom: I think it should be weird. I wanted to think that way, but I must say, I was a little turned on by it.
She pulled me even harder now of her embarrassment.
Me: Did you get wet watching me stroking my cock?
She started to let go of her embarrassment little by little, and the conversation made her fare fade a bit away. She started to feel more comfortable talking to her son this way. I could feel her body getting more relaxed now and were not so stiff anymore.
Mom: Yes, I did, baby.
Me: Is that why you fingered yourself?
Mom: Yes! And I wanted to do it together with you.
Me: That day, I was out all day, and my cock was so dirty. I saw you sniffing my cock. Was it gross?
Mom: I sniffed it because your smell made me really wet and horny.
Me: Did you like it?
Mom: Yes, baby, I liked it.
Me: You know what? When I pulled down your jeans today, I was right in front of your ass. I really liked that smell too, I felt like a dog smelling your ass. It made me really horny too.
Mom: You dirty boy! You like to sniff my ass, baby?
Me: Looks who’s talking! But yes!
We both were getting really horny by this conversation, and my mom’s pussy is getting really wet. My cock starts to slide a bit from her wetness. My mom started to have minimal movement with her hips, making my cock slide back and forth a little.
Me: I liked it!
Mom: What did you like?
Me: I liked to fuck you mom, it felt really good. Even though we felt bad about it, I’m honest and am telling you that I enjoyed fucking you!
Mom went silent again, she pulled herself back together, her hip movement stopped. And she let go of hugging me. She turned around and said.
Mom: We should stop this before it gets too far like last time!
I was so disappointed, I felt really sad. I should have kept my mouth shut and kept going. Damn it! I was angry and said.
Me: I know you liked it as well, mom.
I turned around, showing my back to her as well. She could hear my disappointment in my voice. And she knew she didn’t keep her promise. But she controlled herself and went to sleep with guilt. I turned the night lamp off and closed my eyes.
There was a noise. I opened my eyes. I thought I heard something.
My mom repeated, whispering:
Mom: Baby, are you asleep?
Me: No, not yet!
Mom: You know…
Me: What?
Mom: You know, if you want…
Me: If I want what, mom?
Mom: If you like to smell my pussy, you can do it now if you want!
To be continued.
If you want to keep in touch with me and have an open talk, give me some feedback about my mom’s night with me at [email protected]