My name is Krishna and I am 29 years old now. I write this story based on the incidents that happened in our family when I was a tee. I lost my father when I was quite young and it was my mom who took the responsibility of raising me.
My mom’s name was Latha and she was 38 years old. She had a curvy figure and her measurements were 34-26-35 and she had a structure similar to Tamil actress Kasturi with a dark complexion.
We lived in the outskirts of Coimbatore and my mom worked as a clerk for a food processing company after my father passed away. She made a decent earning from her work with which she has to pay for my school needs and the household requirements.
Though my mom’s family constantly asked her to take up a second marriage, she was not ready for it. My education was her priority and she was very much worried about my higher studies as there were no big savings left after all the monthly expenses.
Unfortunately, she lost her job at the food company and was desperately looking for a replacement job.
One evening while returning back home from the temple, we met one of my dad’s friend Ravi who runs a music troop and he asked my mom, “Latha, how is things going” and my mom said, “I lost my job recently and is looking for a job. Can you let me know if you know any vacancies?”.
Ravi uncle replied, “Sure, let me check. If anything comes to me, I will surely let you know”.
After two days, Ravi uncle called to our landline number. I answered the phone and he informed me that he wants to speak to my mom. I handed the receiver to my mom and they had a conversation for two minutes and mom said: “Ok, I will come there right away”.
I asked her, “What happened, mom?”
She replied, “Ravi is saying that that he has got a job for me and had asked me to come to his office, I will go and come back soon.”
I said, “I am also coming with you, ma.”
“Don’t you have anything to study?”
“It’s Friday, I got holidays for two days, I will study tomorrow.”
“Ok, then get ready fast. We will go and return fast before its too late.”
We arrived at Ravi’s office and only he was present at the office. It was a tiny office that was located on the first floor of a complex building. There were numerous posters stuck to the wall and some music instruments placed to a corner.
Ravi invited us with a warm smile and asked us to take our seats. We sat opposite to Ravi.
Ravi asked, “Do you want anything to drink? Tea or coffee?”
Mom replied, “No, thanks! You said you had a job for me.”
“Yes!Yes! That’s right. I have a job for you in my troop.”
Mom asked with a confusion, “In your troop?!! And what job is it?”
“Your husband had told me that you were a good singer during your school days and you had won prizes in singing competition.”
“Yeah, that’s true. But that was a long time back.”
“A lady who used to sing in our troop is moving out of town and I am looking for a replacement for her. That’s when I thought about you.”
“But I don’t sing nowadays and I don’t feel confident performing on a stage.”
“You don’t have to worry. After some practice and performing some events, you will feel confident. As you are financially struggling, I thought of helping you with this opportunity.”
“I will need to think about it as I m unable to take a decision now.”
“No problem. Take your own time and let me know. Moreover, you can earn more than what you earned in your previous work.”
“Ok, I need to think about it and call you tomorrow with my reply.”
“Ok, that’s fine.”
We left the office and returned to home. and I asked my mom, “What have you decided about it?” to which she responded, “I think I will have to take it up as the pay is better and more importantly, we need money to survive for next month”.
The next day my mom called up Ravi and informed him that she was ready to take up the job. He invited mom to his house that day for practice. We arrived at Ravi’s house and there were other people in his house.
There were some orchestra people and two male singers and two female singers in the troop. One female singer was fair and average-built and she was in her twenties. Her name was Kavitha and the other female singer was in her thirties. She had a dark complexion and her name was Sumathi.
Ravi spoke to everyone, “Guys, We have got a program booking in two weeks.”
One of the male singers asked, “Where?”
“It is not happening here, it will be happening in Andhra.”
Everyone made a terrible face as it was far away and one person asked: “Why Andhra?”
“There is a community of Tamil people living there and they have a festival coming up and want a music program.”
“But it is very far from here.”
“The organizers had promised to pay huge money and I will be able to pay you twice the amount that I usually give you.”
Everybody brightened up and agreed to it. Even my mom said okay and they started the practice.
Two weeks passed by and the day before the event, we started our journey to Andhra. My mom took me along with her as she was not feeling comfortable leaving me in my relatives home.
We reached the location before sunset. It was a remote location and most of the people in that area were farmers and hard working labourers. As there was no lodge in that part of the village, the organizers took us to a house in the village so everyone can get refreshed for the night’s event.
It was a farmhouse that belonged to the wealthiest person and a political leader in the village named Rathinam. He lived with his family in a different house and he had children who were studying in abroad. The house was large and there were many rooms in it.
Ravi informed everyone to find a room to settle and have some rest and get ready by 8:30. There were only three hours left.
I and my mom found a room that was very big and luckily, it had a bathroom attached to it. Once inside the room, my mom locked the door and asked me to take some rest as I might be tired after the long travel. I fell to the bed to take a nap but I could not sleep.
My mom tried to get rid of saree and wear a nighty and then there was a knock on the door. As I was trying to get some sleep, I didn’t open my eyes to see who it was. My mom opened the door and it was Ravi.
Mom asked, “What happened, Ravi?”
“I just wanted to know what dress you are going to wear for today’s performance.”
Mom casually replied, “I was planning to wear a cotton saree for today.”
“You should look presentable and attractive for any stage performance so I have bought you this saree for today’s event” and handed over a cover to my mom.
She pulled the saree out of the cover. It was a pink silk saree which was partly transparent. Mom said to him, “Thank you. But I don’t have a matching blouse for this saree”.
“Don’t worry, I have even got the blouse for you, but I am not very sure about your size.”
My mom blushed and said, “Maybe I will try it and see if it fits me.”
“Good, Can you try it now, in case if it does not fits you we can ask somebody to get a new blouse from the nearby town as we have 3 hours more for the program to start.”
My mom said OK and took only the blouse leaving the silk saree on the bed and went to the bathroom for trying it out.
During the time my mom went to the bathroom, I slightly opened my eyes and saw Ravi going through the contents of the bag that my mom had brought.
He took a pantie from it. He thought I was asleep and took the pantie to his face and smelled it and rubbed it against his groin. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened and he put the pantie back inside the bag.
My mom came out of the bathroom wearing the sleeveless pink blouse. She did not cover the saree and the blouse was a bit loose so that a large part of my mom’s tits was visible and her cleavage was seen. Ravi was clearly enjoying the sight of this and I could see a bulge in Ravi’s pant.
Mom feeling uncomfortable in the blouse said, “This blouse is loose for me and does not cover properly.”
“This looks nice on you, Latha. And there is no harm in showing your beautiful assets as you look very sexy.”
Mom was shocked and said, “What are you telling?! You are not supposed to say such things to your friend’s wife” and she covered herself with the saree.
“But I am telling you the truth and moreover, you are living without a partner for the last couple of years. So you should not feel shy to flaunt your beauty,”
“What happened to you, Ravi? Why are you saying such things to me? I thought you are a nice person.”
“Sorry, I can’t resist the temptation for your body. seeing you, I get nasty thoughts.”
“I am not that type of woman, I had a huge respect for you.”
“Nobody will know about this, we can keep it as a secret between us”, and he stepped closer to my mom.
“Can you please move out of the room now? I need to take some rest and my son is sleeping.”
Ravi went out of the room without telling anything and mom locked the door immediately and felt awkward about the situation.
To my surprise, mom wore the clothes which Ravi had bought to her and we went to the venue. It was a small playground where there was a small stage for performing and a very good crowd which include men, women, and children.
Every man’s eyes were on my mom’s voluptuous body as her cleavage was visible through the transparent silk saree and her sexy navel was also exposed. The program started and all the fast beat songs were sung and the crowd cheered and danced to the tunes.
Whenever my mom sang, there was a loud cheer from the crowd and I heard some people making some dirty comments about her body. Ravi was continuously looking at my mom’s asset and was enjoying her body. Her boobs were sagging in the blouse and her ass protruding in her saree.
Then suddenly two vehicles came to a halt behind the crowd. It was Rathinam with some of his party members and goons. He wore a white shirt and a white dhoti and walked to the front.
The villagers showed their respect to Rathinam and placed a chair in the front so he could watch the program. He was the one who sponsored the stage program every year. Most of the people in the crowd were drunk and dancing.
During the program, the organizers were having a serious discussion about something and Ravi looked so troubled. The last song of the program was played and the women and children started to go to their home as it was late night. But the men remained in the ground.
After the program, all the performers went to the backstage and I too joined them in the backstage. Ravi called up the three women aside and hesitantly said, “We have a problem.”
Mom asked, “What problem?”
“I do not know how to tell this to you.”
“Why? What happened? Are they not happy with the program.”
“That is not the concern.”
“Or Are they not going to pay us the amount they offered.”
“It’s not about the money. In fact, they are ready to pay more than what they had offered initially.”
“Then what else is the problem?”
“I feel awkward to tell this to you people.”
“Come on, only if you tell the problem we can find a solution to it.”
“It is that the organizers have planned for a record dance show after our program.”
“The problem is the girls who were supposed to dance won’t be able to make it.”
“So what?”
“They are asking if you people can perform the record dance.”
As no one was aware of what the record dance was, the women looked at each other with a confused look. Kavitha asked, “What is this record dance?”
Ravi replied, “Songs will be played and you just dance on the stage.”
Kavitha: “But we do not dance and we don’t have any experience dancing.”
“There is no practice required and you can dance with whatever steps you know.”
Sumathi, “Then I think we can give it a try” and she looked at my mom for an opinion.
My mom was feeling hesitant. Ravi said in a hesitant voice, “Dance is not the matter, the problem is that you will have to perform with no clothes on your body.”
“What!!!!!” the three women said in unison. And I too was surprised hearing this.
Kavitha argued, “Are you serious? That’s not possible and moreover, we are not whores to dance in front of all these men.”
Mom scolded, “How did you have the guts to tell this to us!”
Sumathi remained silent.
“But they had offered to pay 30000 Rs to each one of you and they will pay it right away before the start of the dance.”
“What if someone knows about this in our home,” Kavitha asked worriedly.
“You women need the money and this is a good opportunity and trust me, no one will ever know about this. It’s just this one time.”
Mom said, “We are in need of money but earning money doing such things is not right.”
Ravi started convincing my mom, “Listen Latha, you cannot earn such a big amount in a single night and moreover, think about your son’s future. He will need money for his higher education. It is just a matter of 1 hour and after which everything is back to normal. I promise this will not have any trouble in your life.”
My mom started having a serious thought and looked at the other two women. Ravi looked at the other two women and spoke, “This is a golden opportunity and we are far away from our home and nobody knows us here.”
I felt uncomfortable as I was standing with her. She looked at me and said, “Kittu, you go and sit in the Van and sleep, it’s late already. I will come back in a while”.
I obeyed and went away from them but I hid behind and tree and listened to their conversation.
My mom spoke to the other women, “What do think about it? Are you interested in doing this?”
They said they were not sure what to do.
Mom said, “Just for this one time, let’s do it” and looked at the other two women and with less interest, they responded “OK”.
Mom now spoke to Ravi, “Ok we will do it this time, but payment should be handed over to us before we get to the stage”.
Ravi’s face brightened and he said, “Good decision, I will just speak with the organizers, you people wait here” and he went away.
After sometime, Ravi came back with a small handbag in his hand and took some bundles out of it and handed a bundle each to the three women. It was the money offered. Then he handed three bathing towels to the women.
Kavitha asked, “Why this towel?” and Ravi said, “You strip all your clothes and just tie this towel and perform in stage”.
Sumathi asked, “Should we take off our bra and pantie too” to which Ravi said, “Yes, you should be naked under the towel and try to hurry up as it is already late”.
Mom asked, “Where will we change our clothes?”
Ravi laughed out, “Anyways you are going to be naked then why worry, there is no one around here just remove your clothes here”.
Kavitha with a worried tone said, “I am feeling nervous about doing this”. Mom and Sumathi also had the same feeling.
Ravi said, “I know you will be nervous to do this, so I have an idea to overcome your nervousness” and he took out a bottle from his pant pocket. “You people just take a sip out of this bottle and you will feel normal.”
Sumathi asked, “What is this?”
“This is Vodka”
With a surprised tone, mom asked, “You want us to drink alcohol?”
“Believe me, this will give you a good mood and your nervousness will be gone. Taking a small sip, it will not cause you any harm”.
He took out the glass and a bottle of water from the small bag. He poured a large vodka and gave it to the three of them. They took the drink in a single gulp. They had a weird expression.
Kavitha said, “It tastes terrible.”
Sumathi: I feel like my head is spinning.”
Ravi: OK ladies, get ready soon and come to the stage, I will be there.
He left them and went away. The three women stared at each other and my mom was the first one to start undressing. She slowly removed her pallu of the saree. Kavitha wore a long skirt and a top and she started to pull over her top. Sumathi too took off her salwar.
I was watching all this from behind the tree and they did not notice me hiding behind the tree. Now my mom started to unhook her blouse and seeing this, my dick started to get an erection. One part of my mind was saying it was bad to voyeur my mom and but the dirty part of my mind wanted to see what happens next.
So I decided to listen to my dirty mind and watch the rest of the show. Once mom unhooked her sleeveless blouse, I saw that she was wearing a black bra. The cup of the bra was very small. She took her blouse off and put the blouse aside.
By that time, Kavitha and Sumathi had removed their tops and were getting rid of their pants and skirts. My mom was now in her bra and she started to remove the saree. She had a white petticoat under her and she untied the knot of her petticoat and pushed it down.
When she bent down to take her petticoat, I was taken away by the size of her boob. Her 34-sized boob bounced in the black bra. Then mom went to unhook her bra and released the boob off her bra. Seeing the size of her boob, the other two women got surprised. Mom had a large dark nipple.
Kavitha and Sumathi had already taken off their bra and both had average size breasts.
Kavitha: You have very nice boobs.
My mom felt shy hearing this comment. Slowly, my mom removed her pantie and I was getting hornier seeing this. Mom had a shaved pussy and her ass was round.
The other two women got naked and seeing all the three naked women, I got a real hard on inside my pants. Sumathi had a hairy pussy and said, “You two have a shaved pussy. I don’t shave my pussy that often because my husband likes hairy pussy”.
My mom replied, “I used to have a hairy pussy but after his death, I used to shave it to keep it clean”.
Three women really became comfortable after taking the sip from vodka and started to speak naughty things. They took the towel that Ravi gave them and tied it around their body. Mom said, “Now, let’s go” and the other two women said yes.
They walked towards the front of the stage. Without getting noticed, I moved in between the audience. Once the three women got to the stage, the crowd went crazy and started shouting. Many men started giving out sexy and dirty comments at the women. Rathinam was still seated in his chair
Now the song started playing. Initially, all the three women hesitated upon what to do. Slowly, Kavitha started to do some simple steps and the others followed. They were feeling shy as it was their first time.
They were dancing short steps and as minutes went by, they started getting comfortable. Ravi was standing on one side of the stage. He came over to the women and said flash your body to the crowd occasionally and they nodded their head.
The next song started playing and my mom opened her towel and flashed her boobs and pussy to the crowd and the audience cheered along.
Kavitha and Sumathi too came forward and did the same thing and covered themselves. They started to do some sexy moves to impress the crowd. The towel they wore was very short that it covered only their boobs and ended midway on the thighs.
My mom turned around and bent down to tease the crowd. As the towel was short, her fleshy thighs and large ass was visible for the crowd. I was really enjoying this show.
My mom came to the front of the stage where many men were standing and she knelt down and opened her towel. The men standing in front of the crowd started to touch her boobs and pussy and my mom felt awkward and got up and covered herself.
The other two women were doing some cinematic steps, occasionally removing their towel and showing their bodies. Kavitha went to one side of the stage and flashed her body and one person from the crowd handed her a 100 rs note. She took that money from him and then he immediately put his hand on her pussy and she gave a sexy moan to this.
My mom was pleasing men on the other side of the stage and many men started giving her notes of 100 and 500 and she took it from them and handed it to Ravi who was standing nearby.
Now when she opened her towel, many hands tried to grab her boobs and some tried to even touch her pussy. Mom let them touch her for an instant and closed the towel. She was smiling and enjoying this.
Suddenly, a man from under got on stage and started dancing with the women and throwing some money over the women. He went toward my mom and lifted her and she started laughing and asked him to let her down. Finally, he put my mom down. Then he went to Sumathi, hugged her from behind and he placed a 500 rupee note on her boobs.
Ravi asked them to let off their towels and dance naked. Now, my mom came to the front and opened her towel and threw the towel to the crowd like a rockstar. She was totally nude and started doing some sexy moves.
Kavitha went near my mom and put her hand on my mom’s pussy and showed the pussy hole to the crowd. My mom with a laugh removed Kavitha’s towel and passed it to the crowd. Kavitha tried to cover her boobs and pussy with her hands but mom forced her hands apart so that everyone can see her body.
Then mom did something unexpected; she started licking Kavitha’s nipple and hugged her. She slowly moved her hand towards Kavitha’s pussy and gave it a rub. Now the audience was really thrilled to see this scene. They were performing like real lesbians. I got surprised to see my mom perform like this.
Sumathi was watching this act from the corner of the stage. Now both my mom and Kavitha went to Sumathi and took off her towel and made her naked too. Then both took one nipple of Sumathi in their mouth and placed their hand on Sumathi’s pussy and started rubbing. Sumathi gave a shy expression and she was smiling at this act.
Now the last song was playing and the three of them danced with passion and entertained the crowd and made the audience horny with their sexy figures.
After the song got over, they ran naked to the back of the stage and I went to have a peek at it.
Once they were at the back of the stage, they realized their clothes were missing. Ravi joined them shortly and said to them, “Thank you. You ladies were very good on stage”.
My mom asked, “Where are our clothes? We cannot find our clothes” and he replied, “No I didn’t take it, let me check if somebody has taken it for safekeeping”.
He came back telling that nobody had any idea about their clothes.
Kavitha asked, “Now what will we do?”
Ravi replied, “Have you not taken any other clothes with you?” to which everyone said no.
“Now that everybody has seen you naked, no one will be concerned about it. We can get to the farmhouse and you can come naked.”
My mom said, “But my son is sleeping in the Van and I don’t want him to see me in this condition.”
“Ok, then I will give you my shirt and you can wear it” and he removed his shirt and handed it to my mom.
My mom took the shirt from him and wore it. It was very tight that she left the top two buttons of the shirt open. The nipple was pointing through the shirt and most of her boobs were visible and the shirt hardly covered her buttocks. It looked the shirt might tear at any point of time.
Ravi got two more shirts for the other two women and they walked towards the van. I ran fast to the van and pretended to be asleep.
They all got into the van and my mom came silently and sat next to me. My dick was still hard from seeing all these actions and I tried to cover it with my hands. I couldn’t believe that my mom was sitting next to me with only a shirt on her.
As only a green light glowed inside the van, I slightly opened my eyes and saw that the shirt was above her pussy. I was very tempted to touch it. Her thighs were so big and sexy. We reached the farmhouse and my mom didn’t wake me up. She got down and returned after some time wearing a nighty and came to wake me up.
She said, “Kittu, wake up son. We have reached the house, now come inside and sleep”.
I pretended to wake up as if from a deep sleep. We got down from the vehicle and started walking towards the house.
My mom wore a satin nighty and from the way the cloth embarrassed her body, I knew she had no underwear on. Her boobs were sagging left and right inside the nighty and small part of the nighty was stuck on her ass crack.
Before we got into the house, we noticed a car approaching the farmhouse.
To read how my mom became a whore to Rathinam, wait for the second part and it will have more erotic actions.