My hotel maid my hostess and unexpected friend

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I am on a business trip on south east asia. I’ve been traveling over uae, arab states, india and now finally to pakistan. I’ve not seen my girlfriend for some time now as i have been traveling for nearly 2 months.

I board my flight from dubai to karachi where i am due to visit a customer the following day. I am due to stay at the sheraton that evening and am looking forward to my meeting the following day as this is my last call before heading home to usa.

On the flight there are the usuall mix of air hosteses, but one really catches my eye. She is stunning. Her name is chandhoki and her fair skin is just as you would imagine her name to describe. She is by far the best looking of the crew and so is ofcourse assigned to first. She is very polite and friendly to the 2 of us traveling in first. The other passenger is an old lady who promptly falls asleep.

The flight is only 1 hr 15 mins, but it is enough time for me to get to know a bit about her. We talk about nothing in particular, but soon our conversation, just general chit chat, but i question her about herself and she openly tells me all about her family, her friends, her ambitions, her likes and dislikes – nothing deep you understand, just the kind of things 2 strangers may chat about. Still i could feel my loins stiring with desire for this stunning woman. I found out she had just turned 22 and it was her birthday only 2 days ago.

I asked her if she had recieved many birthday kisses and she replied, yes many, but none that she really liked and none like she had really wanted. Just then the call came to prepare for landing and that was the end of our conversation. Soon we had landed and were in the terminal building and i didn’t get a chance to speak to chandokhi again – even though i tried.

I was met at the gate by my protocol and escorted through all the formalities, my bagage was waiting, but i was told that due to a recent spate of riots, the city was closed and that i had been checked into the airport hotel. I was taken directly to my room bypassing the reception and checkin procedures as this was all to be handled by the sheraton.

Although not as opulent as the sheraton, the airport hotel was comfortable and i was soon alone. I decided to take a shower and relieve my built up passion for chandokhi in the only way i could by myself. My room was on the top floor and the windows looked out to an expanse of unattended ground. I shut the door to the room, stripped naked and went into the bathroom, visions of chandokhi vivid in my mind. The shower was powerful and i let myself go, with the noise of the water and the force of my actions i was in a world of my own. I finished, wrapped a towel arround myself and walked out of the bathroom into the room, catching my reflection on the window i smiled as i noticed that my erection was still strong under the towel.

I was shocked to notice that the clothes i had discarded on the bed had been neatly foled and placed on the counter and that my bed had been made! I had left the bathroom door open, so who ever had come in must surely have seen me in the shower.

Angry i picked up the phone and demanded to see the person who had just attended my room. I slammed the phone down and within 1 minute there was a knock on the door. I opened it violently fully wishing to vent my anger at the culprit, only to find a shy petite woman standing there with beautiful wide eyes. She was the colour of honey and milk, with lips i could tell needed no lipstick or gloss even though they shone with the radiance of fresh dew on rose petals.

You called for me sir? She asked, is everything ok?

Did you come into my room and tidy my clothes?

Yes sir, and i made you bed.

And what else did you do? I asked. I could tell from her quick glance towards the bathroom all i needed to know.

Come inside i told her. What’s your name i said.

Sumira sir, she said.

Sumira i said, still towering over her. What did you see.

Desipte her petite stature i could tell she was not shy as i first thought. Her eyes had a mischevious look about them as she replied,

I saw you were having a shower and taking care of somethng only a woman should be taking care of sir.

Now this was interesting, and my dick was thinking the same as it started to get bigger. Without any expression she pointed down to my bulge and said, see what i mean sir, if a woman had done for you what you were doing, you would not be so hard still.

Well that may be true girl, but unless you want to take care of it, there is no one else in this city i know right now that will.

Don’t be too sure about that she haid. She turned and walked to the door without another word, but rather than leaving as i thought she would do, she closed and latched it and came back to where she was standing.

My cock was now ready to lift the heavy drape of the towel right up, she went down on her knees and opened the flap of the towel to release my cock, taking the shaft in her delicate hands, she looked closley at the tip, before gently kissing it on the eye. Slowly she kissed it deeper, before lifting it up so she could lick it from the base to the tip. Hmmm she said, chandokhi thought it would be like this.

What? What did you say? I said.

I said, chandokhi said that she thought your cock might be like this. She replied.

I sat down on the bed and asked her, who is chandokhi, remembering my hostess on the plane and the cause of my desire.

My cousin, you remember her from the plane don’t you? She was the one who asked me to come look in on you to check if you were remembering her she said. I was just going to tell her you were when you called to reception.

This was taking an unexpected turn.

Well where is she i asked.

Oh, i’ll call her soon. But first i have to finish my work, saying so she grabbed my cock and started on licking and sucking it till i was ready to explode. Just as i could hold it no more, she sensed the building pressure and clamped down hard with her lips, just below the tip.

The pressure subsided and only a small bit of cum spilled out onto her waiting tongue, she savoured it in her mouth before swallowing it slowly saying i couldn’t let you shoot it all out, i have to save some for my cousin, she is like a big sister to me.

She got up and went to the phone dialing her cousin’ss room.

Oh hi seema, it’s sumira. Can you tell chandokhi that room 705 is free, she can move in here. Tell her to bring her stuff she said and hung up.

Now i had one gorgeous honey waiting in my room for her elder beautiful sister to join me, what a turn the day had taken, an it was still early. I eyed sumira hungrly. She was still fully clothed in her western style uniform. Gone were the days when pakistani girls only wore shalwar kameez. Her hair were tied in a traditional plait and came half way down her back. She was slim, no more than a 28 waist and from the cut of her suit i guessed her breasts were probably a comfortable 32 b. She wore no makeup and her dainty hands were neatly manicured.

She was sensing i was eyeing her up and her glorious green eyes smiled mischeviously at my gaze. All in good time sir she said in her dimunitive voice.

Soon there was a knock on the door. Sumira went to open it.

Chandokhi breezed in pulling her travel case behind her, planting a deep kiss on her cousin’s lips. You bitch she said, you’ve had his cum already! You could have waited for me.

Oh don’t worry sweetie, he wasted some in the shower before i had a chance to stop him. I only took a bit and stopped the rest, just as you taught me. You’ll like it, it’s very thick and tasty replied sumira grabbing hold of her cousins hand and dragging her into the room.

I was now in a closed luxury hotel room with 2 of the most stunning girls the indian sub-continent had ever produced. And both of them were eager for my cum.

I looked deeply into chandokhi’s mesmersisng green eyes, whilst she scanned my naked body. I enjoy working out regularly and make sure my muscular physique is shown to it’s best advantage by shaving regularly. Infact i had only shaved the day before.

You’d better turn on the air con sumira, said chandokhi, because when we’ve done with this guy, i am sure that this room will be melting. I’ve never tasted shaved balls before, what are they like she asked sumira.

Oh they are very smooth i answered playing with them with my hand as my cock danced erect.

Chandokhi was a different girl to the one on the airplane. She hungrly came towards me hand outstretched to grab my cock, but i wanted to play with her first. I stopped her mid step and said wait. First you strip for me. Sumira get my camera from the case on the shelf i want you to record this dance.

Chandokhi pretended to be angry, but her face said otherwise. I grabbed the remote from the table and switched on an indian music channel. You know the kind. Lots of scantilly clad indian beauties, dancing provocativly to up beat movie songs, but never showing anything important. Well i wanted chandokhi to be ashwaria like ashwaria had never been.

I closed the curtains and turned on all the lights, wanting to capture this perfectly. Do you have to get back to work i asked sumira. No she replied, my duty finished an hour ago. I have 2 days off now.

Chandokhi soon found the rythm and started to dance, slowly with the flow of the music. Soon her jacket was on the floor and her trousers had found the chair. The song changed and now chandokhi was pumping to the beat in her heals and thigh high stockings, her black panties flashing from under her skin coloured blouse. She had put her airhosted hat back on and wrapped the scarf loosly round her face and neck.

There was a knock on the door. Chandokhi stopped and sumira paused the recording handing me the camera, she went and looked through the peephole. She turned round and mouthed to chandokhi – it’s seema.

Chandokhi, open the door came a voice from outside. I want to see this exec room. Come on, let me share it with you.

Oh shit wispered sumira. Don’t worry said chandokhi, this will be fun, she motioned sumira away from the door and called back hold on, ofcourse you can share, we can share everything. She walked to the door and flung it open.

What are you doing i heard seema, someone will see you.

Well get in and lock the door silly, she said turning back into the room. I was just doing my dance to exercise.

I heard seema lock the door, she walked down the small hallway past the bathroom to see me sitting naked in the chair, with sumira sitting on the arm. The look on her face was priceless and sumira quickly took a shot. Seema stoot there with her trolley case behind her not knowing what to say or do, her mouth just opened and closed.

Chandokhi went up to her and placed her fingers on seema’s lips. This is the most luxurious room in the hotel. It is used by the most important people. You may never get a chance to live in a room like this, so enjoy it whilst you have the oportunity.

Everything here is free.

And you are free to do what you like. I added. You can watch ignore us, watch us, or better still join in, but you must not leave.

If you try to cause a scene. I will call security and tell them you were trying to steal from me.

But this is wrong. You shouldn’t be doing this. It’s immoral. I have to go, please chandokhi, let me go she whimpered.

I got up and picked up the phone. Sumira, you and chandokhi go into the bathroom, i’ll sort this out.

Seema was on her knees. Please sir, no. Don’t call security. I’m from a small family. I will shame my father’s name. Please i’ll do what you want. Seema did not look like she came from a low class family, but her demeanour was that of a girl bought up in a poor family. I felt sorry for what i was doing to her, but i needed to be sure that our night of fun would not be jeopardised.

Seema, you look like a nice girl, with good morals and sense i told her. You might not approve of what is going on here, but we are all consenting and we wish to carry on. Now i know you will promiss not to say anything, but i will not risk that. So now that you are here, you must stay. This is a two room suite. You can use the room through there. Don’t make a scene and nothing you don’t want to happen will happen to you.

Now chandokhi, you get back to what you were doing whilst i help seema to her new room, i said striding up to the trembling girl. I was still naked and my erect cock and muscular body was obviously intimidating her. I grabbed her upper arm, deliberatly brushing her right breast with the back of my hand as i pulled her up. I was much taller than her and my erect cock pushed against the side of her waist opening her unbuttoned jacket. Her dark eyes didn’t know where to look, i gently turned her arround and directed her towards the inner bedroom. Pushing her gently infront of me by the small of her back my fingers wrapped arround her slender waist. I could tell there was no excess fat there. I was pulling her trolley behind me as she waled fast to try to distance herself from my nakedness.

She slammed the door handle down and pushed the door, but it didn’t open and she walked right into it. I walked right into her.

My cock poked into her back and i made no effort to stop myself from pressing her harder into the door. Making sure she could feel my cock hard against her back. I slipped my hand round her waist and grabbed the door handle, pushing it upwards my fingers pressed deeply into the underside of her firm breasts. I couldn’t tell if it was a firm nipple i touched through the fabric or a design on her bra. I was hoping she wasn’t wearing a bra. I let her walk through the door putting some distance between us. I smiled as i saw a streak of precum on her jacket. If all went well, there would be more than that all over her naked body.

I walked into the room, turned on all the lights. I disconected the phone and walked back out of the room, pulling the door behind me, but not all the way. I wanted her to have an excuse to come to the door.

Walking back to the larger room i could see both sumira and chandokhi dancing with each other. Sumira had also removed her jacket and trouser. Her shapely legs looked exquisite through the red stockings and i could see a peek of red lace panties peeking between the open flap of her white blouse which came down to mid thigh. I picked up the camera, started the recording and motioned for the pair to continue.

I wasn’t long before the shirst were gone and 2 pairs of breasts were presented cupped in black and red bras. Where as sumira was the colour of honey, chandokhi was milky white. I enjoyed masaging my throbbing cock as they gyrated and rubbed against each other. Chandokhi removed her bra, her milky globes swayed infront of sumira’s lips. I motioned that she must not kiss them. She pouted as she removed her own bra and i saw her pair were indeed 32 bs. Chandokhi’s were cs.

With just panties and stockings, the girls continued to dance. I glanced over at the door, seema’s face was framed there with a look of disgust and admiration combined. I wondered if she was fingering herself? Though i couln’t tell. I flicked the camera towards her, capturing her beauty. Seema was darker than the cousins, but her beauty was excusite. With high cheekbones and perfect nose. Her lips were darker too, but full and lush. She had a slender neck and her eyes were just slightly pointed and turned up. Her face would not have been out of place on a fashion magazine, neither would she.

She sensed i was looking at her and pulled back, pushing the door closed. Chandokhi broke off from the dance and strutted over to it, swaying her arse for my pleasue. She knocked and entered, not bothering to close the door behind her.

Seema turned and sat on her bed. Get out of here you whore. Do what you want out there with that filthy man, but don’t come in here. Get out!

Don’t be like that sweetheart, you’ve seen me naked before, we’ve been naked together remember. At this seema blushed and turned here face the other way so i could not see her. Chandokhi went and sat doen next to her friend, stroking her hair. Come on sweetie, you know i saw you watching. I was looking at you. I could tell from your face you liked it.

No i didn’t. Get out she said, but not with as much force.

She bought seema to her, but the girl resisted. Instead chandokhi kissed her on the side of her forehead. Ok, sweetie, it’s up to you. She walked back out to me, pulling the door close, but leaving it open even more than i had. I could partially see seema sitting on her bed, though her face was not visible. As she strode over to sumira, she removed her panties and flicked them over to the tv. Seema had already removed her panties and stockings and was leaning against a table, fingering her cunt.

Chandokhi stood next to her masaging her own boobs.

From the corner of my eye i saw the door open and seema walk out towards me. She had removed her jacket and undone her shoulder length hair. The top 2 buttons of her blouse were undone. She took the camera from my hand, keeping the focus on the girls.

I got up and seema sat in my place whilst i went over to the two cousins to examine them closer.

First i started with chandokhi, cupping her breasts in my hands, i moved my lips close to hers, i didn’t kiss her, just teased her, she shared in my play and moved her face slowly so i could smell her. I played and moulded her breasts, pressing firmly, then lightly, rolling her erect nipples and twisting them. I could feel her whole body trembling on the verge of extacy. Gently i lifted her onto the table so i could suckle her breasts. Sumira reached over and grabed my cock, but i brushed her hand away, instead offering it into chandokhi’s soft palms. She stroked it and cuddled my heavy balls, moaning with pleasure.

Then she slipped off the table and took my member into those luscious lips. Kissing and sucking my nob. I moved sumira onto the table, her pussy resting on chandokhi’s head. I started biting her nipples and rolling them on my tongue as my fingers played with her moist shaven clit. I now had a warm mouth round my cock, my fingers in a moist pussy and my own mouth was full of delicious breast. Chandokhi’s arms were wrapped around my thighs, one hand was cupping my balls, the other fingering my arsehole. Meanwhile sumira had arxhed herself backwards, forcing me to bend over her as she held me tight to her breast. I could feel her manicured nails digging into my back. I was in extacy. I let go of the breast and glanced under my arm at seema who was sitting behind me. Her blouse was open and her trousers were down at her knees. She was pinching a dark nipple with her left hand, whilst the fingers of her right hand stroked her lightly haired pussy. Her eyes were closed and she was obvilious to the world. Seeing this was more i could take and i felt my cock harden and erupt. Chandokhi moved her head back just at the right time, allowing my cock to rise out of her throat and spill the cum onto her tongue.

I straightened up as she took hold of the shaft in both hands and continued to suck the juice, not letting a drop spill from her overflowing mouth. Sumira got off the table and onto her knees next to her cousin who passed her my cock to lick clean whilst savouring my cum. When she had finnished licking it clean, sumira and chandokhi shared my seed as they kissed and both seemed to swallow and equall share.

I had turned round so i was now leaning against the table, one hand on the head of these tow sluts. Neither had yet noticed what seema was doing as they were busy licking each othres faces. I motioned for them to look at their friend and they smiled at the site of this beauty enjoying herself. Seema had placed the camera on the bed, i reached over and pointed it at her, filming her reaching her orgasm. Exhausted she opened her eyes and a look of embarassment and satisfaction washed over her face. I zoomed in on her pussy and could see from her hymen that seema was still a virgin. Chandokhi and sumira had each wrapped an arm round my thighs and were busy kissing my semi erect cock willing it to harden again. I wanted to enjoy them some more, but 1st i had to recover and i wanted them nice and clean before i dived into their pussies. I told them to go and shower which they did as good little girls.

Seema by now had tried to cover herself once again, but made no move to run back into her room. She held my gaze as the girls went into the bathroom hand in hand.

I went over and sat on the bed infront of seema, opening her legs. She resisted a little, but openend them. You are a virgin aren’t you? I asked. She nodded a yes. Do you know the person you are saving yourself for i asked? Yes she replied. I will get married next month.

Good, i said. I am sure you will make a good wife. I hope something you have seen today will come in handy when you look after your luck husband.

I want to learn more she said. My fiance is a very good man. He has looked after our family since my father passed away 5 years ago. He got me this job, he pays for my brothers education and i want to repay him by bieng the best wife i can be.

What would you like to learn? I asked.

You are an experienced man sir, she said. I want to know how to please a man. How to be his wife when we have company, his lover when we are alone and slave in bed.

Well seema. A man always enjoys himself when his partner is enjoying it with him, i like to see women masturbate, and you seem to know how to do it well, but try to express your self more, let your moans out. He will like it. Ask him to feel and explore your body, it will turn him on. Don’t be afraid of his cock, it will be your best friend and ally.

I want to learn to kiss, she blurted.

I stood up and pulled her to me. Kissing her on the lips i parted her lips. I held her close as i explored her tender mouth going deeper and deeper. She resisted, but soon relented and returned her tongue to me. I sucked it and she copied my moves.

I moved her hands to my cock which once again had hardened. I made her bring her face close to it and smell the scent of fresh cum. I showed her how to hold it and stroke it, which she did willingly, soon taking it into her mouth. It wasn’t long before she was taking it deeper and deeper, though she could not deep throat it. I moved her hands to my balls, helping her massage them without causing pain. Seema was a quick learner and i knew that i was ready to cum again.

Do you want me to ejaculate?

Yes sir

In your mouth?

On my breasts and face sir.

That sir was so sexy i almost came at once. She moved up a bit and i fired on her chest. Giving both her tits a shot each i aimed my cock at her face, but she opened her mouth and took the shot on her tongue. At first she didn’t seem to like it, but soon was rolling it in her mouth and savouring it.

Your husband’s might not taste the same i said.

To be honest sir, your’s wasn’t that nice, but no matter what farhan’s is like i have to enjoy it, so i might aswell get used to as much of it as i can she said, taking me back in her mouth and sucking it for more.

Are you comming here or not i heard sumira from over the sound of the shower. I unloaded what little i had left into seema’s mouth, then picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. I picked up a stool from the dresser and sat her on it infront of the shower, then entered to join the lesbian sluts.

I showered in warm water wraped in moist female flesh from both sides. When we had finished and dried each other i walked hand in hand back to the room, with seema following. No one had said a word, but now i wanted pussy and made the girls lie next to each other.

I started with sumira’s cunt. Kissing slowly at first i went deeper and deeper with my tongue, tasting freshly washed pussy flowing with the juice of desire. It was sweet, yet musty and flowed freely. My face was dripping with it and i pulled chandokhi up so she could kiss and taste her cousin on my face. Hmm you taste nice sis she said. Are you going to try me or just leave me like this she pouted at me.

I dived at her cunt. No gentle probing this time, straight in past her outerlips into the moist fleshy walls of her sweet vagina. I curled my tongue upwards, finding her g-spot and sending her into fits of thrashing pleasure. Chandokhi was a squirter and soon i was soaked by more delicious nectar, sweet as sumira’s but with a hint of sharpness. I enjoyed my fill, rising only when i could take no more. There was enough on my face for both girls to enjoy, and boy how they happily licked me clean.

I really wanted to fuck both their pussys, but knew that seema had drunk me dry. It was only early afternoon, so we decided to have a bit to eat and relax a while. The girls retired to the side room whilst the dour faced waiter bought up enough food for an army.

With the door locked once more, i laid seema on the bed, then got the girls to cover her with food. What a meal we had, eating straight of seema’s luscious body, her 34cs covered in mango chutney, her trim bush topped with salad.

With the meal done i put the trolley outside the door, placed the do not disturb sign and told the cousins to relax whilst i took seema to the bathroom to clean her up. This was my third shower of the day, but i probably enjoyed it the most. I washed and massaged her breasts, and carresed her glorious body till once again she had reached extacy. I turned off the shower and tasted her virgin puss right there, it had the most wonderful aroma and fresh taste, her husband was going to be a luck man. I dried her then carried her back to the large bed, chandokhi and sumira were both fast asleep, naked bodies wrapped arround each other. I climbed into the bed and pulled seema close to me. Wrapped in my arms she told me about herself and her desires. She was a very sweet girl who wanted to please, next to me her warm body started to arouse my cock once again, but i forced it down and slept with anothers virgin bride snuggled in my arms.

I awoke to find chandokhi and sumira masaging my cock, seema was still purring gently her head on my shoulder. I woke her gently with a kiss and told her that if she wanted she was free to go. She asked what i was going to do for the rest of the evening?

I told her that i was going to fuck these two every way possible and seema asked if she could stay to watch.

Well she did as i fucked the two cousins, over and again. I still had no mre seed, which was just as well considering i had no condoms.

Aftre yet another shower we all went to the dining room seperatly, but enjoyed a meal together. Seema said that she wanted to go to her own room as she was feeling a bit guilty. I smiled and gave her the spare keycard. Come back any time.

We retired to my suite to continue our fun and some where in the night fell asleep entwined together.

I woke up to the sight of a glorious brown arse, sitting on my chest. I had been dreaming that seema was sucking my cock and woke to find it in her mouth. This was too much to resist and i pulled her so her cunt was in my mouth as we assumed the 69. I licked and sucked, careful not to break her hymen with my tongue. My sleep had helped my seed to regenerate and soon i was emptying my balls into seema’s mouth.

Our sex had woken chandokhi and sumira and soon they were enjoying fondling seema’s breasts and their own pussies. As i finished emptying my load into seema’s mouth, she sat up and grabbed chandokhi, sharing cum filled kisses with her, before switching to sumira. Now that was a nice breakfast she said. Thank you. Though my husband will never know it, i will remember you and thank you every time he enjoys me sir.

I fucked sumira and chandokhi once more before we all showered together and went down for breakfast.

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