Myself Kevin, i am a doctor now. Aged 30. reachable at [email protected] This is my first post here. Do bear with my lack of experience in story telling. Wont be very graphic.
This incident took place when i was in medical college. I fell in love with a very pretty junior girl.. It wasn’t any fancy love story. Just happened out of the blue. It all started of with her approaching me for some of my old med books. Repeated such needs paved way for us to meet up occasionally and soon we got really very close. Hanging out in the city and movies and lunches together was a part of any college couple’s life then. I kept it very inconspicuous from my batch mates but eventually they did find out about our secret movie visits and shopping and stuff. She was an adorable lady, not a spendthrift. Very much caring and trustworthy.
One fine day we where sitting at the college sports complex and the the big question of getting intimate arrived. She was scared. But she did trust me enough to dare to try it out. We both discussed it for a while and concluded that we need to find an apt place first. As i was in internship, i stayed out in an apartment. Almost all adjacent rooms where of men of my she group. Getting her into my room unnoticed seemed to be a herculean task
Nevertheless somehow i managed to sneak her into my room one Saturday. We were so excited at it that we where laughing and sweating and hitting each other. Once in my room, like with any typical girl, madam started tidying up my room and scolding me for keeping it so messed up and stuff. Slowly and eventually we settled down on my bed. I gently kissed her and asked her if she thinks this was ok. And she promptly said “i trust you”. Well that was good enough.
I started to smooch her.. She was responding well and holding me tighter. Frantically she pulled my t-shirt off and me squeezed her out of her tee too. She disliking real pretty in her interestingly rainbow coloured bra, which made laugh actually. She was like “whaaat its cute okkkk” and im like “lol”. Anyways… Pushed her down on the bed she unhooked her bra and let me pull it off. Cute fair lady.. slim and perky, whining under my arms was an adorable sight. I pulled my pants n boxers off and helped her get out of her’s too. She was sorry that it was all hairy.. But that was a sight worth the while.
Now the most embarrassing situation cropped in… Both of us where new to sex, yes we knew a lot but when it came down to doing it, we realised we where actually confused. Damn.. Somehow positioned her on the bed and Frantically positioned my already erect boner touching her clit. She clenched on to the bed sheets anticipating pain… i kept rubbing her clit with the tip of it till she started gyrating with pleasure. Mild moans escaped her lips and she started calling out to me and asking me to stop teasing her. What a sight… Still afresh in memories.
Gently i thrust the tip in. She gasped and was about to scream already. I kinda kept my hands over her mouth and sushhhed her and slowly pushed it in very gently as to no scare her… Her eyes started bulging out and she started hitting my hand. I didnt let go and pushed in to the full length. Darn she bit my hands hard…
It hurt so bad that i hit her. She was in a shock and was looking at me startled… I was like “why on earth did u bite?” she was like “it was like i was going to die or something, self defense moron, self defense.” there she was bleeding mildly… lol she was cute when she said that. All this with half my boner inside her which was now covered in blood. She was ready for that too.. leaned over and pulled out some tissues from her bag and wiped off the blood. I got so excited with the scene that i gave a hard thrust and went “now defend that”. She gasped hard but didn’t scream this time.
She slowly started to accept the pain and the feeling of pleasure started to set in on her face. My strokes kept getting faster. She started moaning harder but not noisy. Clenching the bedsheets and occasionally clinging on to my back.
In the middle of the excitement i realised that i hadn’t worn a condom. She smiled and said”last day of periods idiot, nothing can happen” well medical knowledge helps.. Yet i wasnt gonna risk it. So pulled it out at the right moment… Spraying her tummy with my cum… It was an awesome feeling and i kinda fell on her and she was like.. …. “man you are an ass…… . Did u just forget that behind the rainbow two mountains existed?” that almost cracked me up. Was too excited to get it in that i forgot those lovely Melons…
Slowly but gently i attacked them.. Squeezing and sucking the nipples with endless moans from her mouth ringing in my ears.. She kept saying “kevin i love you” between her moans and me to responded back… Was a beautiful first time that i still cherish in my memories. Probably lasted a good 1 hour or so.
Then hurriedly we got dressed. Hugged and kissed once again and i smuggled her out of the building without anyone noticing and dropped her off at her hostel.. Couldn’t sleep that night… Texted all night mostly evaluating how things went about and making fun of each other for the stupid things we said and did and planned up for improvising and getting better in the days to come.. She said she would love to stay a night out with me in a beach resort someday.. That did happen eventually.
Do respond with your feedbacks at [email protected]
More stories to follow…
My First Sex Experience Without Any Exaggeration