My cousin and I

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After I had sex with my aunt, life changed. The experience in itself wasn’t really so great. My aunt had a cunt which felt like there were bones just at the vaginal entrance. So every time my cock would go in, it felt like they were being crushed against some bone. But the net result of the whole affair was that now I had tasted blood. So I was on the look out for women all the time.

The problem was that I was only 13 years old when I first fucked my aunt and by the time she left, I was 14. And as you can imagine, getting a female at the age of 14 is impossible. Luckily for me, my family employed a maid, a nice young thing around my age and I had a great time fondling and kissing her for over two years. But my need for sex kept increasing all the time. So by the time my cousin sister came to live with us and study, I was like a volcano about to erupt. It didn’t help that for two years I had been fondling my maid, a damn sexy girl but she just refused to have sex. Moreover, I was young and impatient and probably ruined her mood every time by trying to rush her into having sex. I learnt an invaluable lesson in patience because of her and I am thankful for that.

Let me first describe my house to you. On the ground floor live my father and mother. The kitchen, dining etc are all on the ground floor. The first floor had 4 rooms on either side of a staircase. I and my brother occupied one room each on opposite sides of each other, so we had one room each vacant beside our room.

When my cousin came to live with us, she was 16, fair, in fact very fair, beautiful and had a figure to die for. And I mean a figure to die for. I am very particular about my choice of women, and I like women who are in excellent physical shape. My cousin was from a poor farming family and so she had spent all her life farming. The result was a toned and muscled body which would make a model look down in shame.

Once she came, she was given the room next to mine and so life with a new member of the family started. Initially, I never ever thought about sex with her, because she was a shy girl, not given to even really look at me much. I assumed that she was not interested and so as is typical of human nature, wasn’t interested in her.

Then one day, she knocked on my door, asking me if she could use my bathroom as her bathroom was flooded. I said, “sure” and let her in. I was sitting on the bed, and I could hear her splashing water on herself and out of no where the thought came to me: ” I wonder what she looks like naked?” So I got up and went to the door, and looked for a hole to peep from, but couldn’t find one. I sat down on the bed, disappointed, just getting some perverted pleasure out of listening to the sound of water splashing.

That afternoon, the plumber, who was summoned to check the bathroom, declared that it would take at least a week to repair as the job required demolishing the floor and re -doing the piping. It became clear to me that my cousin was going to take a bath in my room for a week now, at least. So I took a pair of scissors from my drawer and started making a peephole in the door, in one of the grooves so as to make it as invisible as possible. It was hard work, and once I even wondered if I would succeed in making a hole through that thick door, but eventually I succeeded. I peeped in, decided the hole wasn’t big enough, made it bigger, peeped again to make sure I could see all the way into the bathroom. When I was satisfied with my handiwork, I finally quit. Now all I had to do was wait for the next morning.

Believe me, It was the toughest night I ever spent. I got up innumerable times, to see if it was morning, so impatient was I to get a look at my naked cousin. Finally, early in the morning I quit trying to go back to sleep and waited for her to come. Finally, after what really seemed like an eternity, my cousin came to the room and went into the bathroom. Once she had shut the door, and I could hear the rustle of her clothes, I got up, quietly locked my door and took up position behind the peep hole. I looked in. And was blown away by the most magnificent pair of breasts I had ever seen or will ever see in my life!!

They were perfect, spherical orbs, with dark nipples, about half an inch long, placed on her breasts so that they were just slightly upturned and pointing up. They looked like they would feel soft and firm at the same time and were full and, well, engorged. Yes, the perfect term would be engorged. They seemed as if they were filled up with something on the inside and were ready to burst. Just magnificent. I felt my mouth go completely dry, and my heart started hammering. I could even see my breath quicken. Then my eyes traveled down to her perfectly flat navel, and I found that she had a slight bulge just where her belly button was. It wasn’t a bulge of fat, but just a bulge, that curved slightly outwards from her flat navel. Black pubic hair trimmed neatly, firm round and full buttocks, magnificent thighs, muscular and toned, rounded firm calf. She was the epitome of Indian beauty. Full bodied and yet without an ounce of fat on her. And white. She was so white, she was like marble. I could see her profile now, while she took a bath and when water touched her back, it actually glistened like it was polished. I realized that I was in physical love for the first time in my life. Somehow I realized even then , that women didn’t get better than this. I understood that I was in the presence of a sex goddess. I was proved right, because never have I ever come across a woman who compares even a little with that cousin of mine.

After she finished and started wiping herself, I finally reluctantly gave up watching and went to my bed. I was feeling drained and strangely, anguished that I couldn’t have her right then and then. When she came out and left for her room, I avoided looking at her. All through that day and rest of the days till her bathroom was repaired, the peephole became the reason for my existence. I lived just to look at her naked. I realized that this wouldn’t last as her bathroom would be repaired soon, and so I hurriedly made another peephole in her bathroom too. So after she started using her own bathroom, I started peeping from that door. But like all good things, this one didn’t last. One day, I went and looked into the peephole and.. Blackness. I couldn’t see anything. I looked again. Nothing. I realized that she had finally seen the hole and had covered it from the inside. I was disappointed and went away. That evening, when she wasn’t in her room, I made a hole right at the bottom of the door, at the lowest level from which I could peep. Now I was back in business. It went on like this for almost a month. Through out this period, I never tried to approach her, as I knew that she wouldn’t be interested and that she might complain to my parents if I made any indecent proposal. So things were sort of in a limbo. But for my life revolved around her and peeping.

Then one day, I went into her room and lay down to peep, and I saw blackness again. I realized that she had seen the opening and covered it again. But when I looked again, I recoiled in shock!! The blackness moved!! I immediately instinctively moved back to look and I saw the movement again and with horror, I realized that the movement was actually an eye blinking!!! My cousin had just caught me red handed!!

My heart hammering in my throat, I ran out of the room. My breath was shaky and I was in a panic. I knew that she would complain to my parents and I would be kicked out of the house and would have to work as a menial labor all my life… All kinds of horror possibilities raced through my mind. I frantically, tried to think up excuses I could give for what I was doing, but how do you explain, peeping into the bathroom? I waited in my room for an hour, two hours and finally went out and down stairs, in complete trepidation. My cousin was sitting on the dining table cutting vegetables, my mom was in the kitchen, my dad was reading a book, and everything was normal! I realized that she hadn’t complained to anyone. WHEW!! The relief I felt was so complete, I felt my legs shaking. But she didn’t look at me at all. No response of any kind. I deliberately sat on the dining table and then she looked at me and told me that a certain friend of mine had called asking for me. That’s it. It was like everything was normal. Remember, we are talking about something which happened 24 years ago. No internet, no ideas what women thought like. So it never occurred to me that the only reason that she didn’t tell my parents was that she was interested in me. All I thought was that she had forgiven me for some reason. I vowed that I would never peep into her bathroom door again, thanked God for the reprieve I had been given and was promptly back at her door the next morning.

But this time something struck me as different. I felt a sliver of light from the top of the door, and so I looked and found to my utter amazement that the top peep hole was now uncovered. I could look in standing up. I felt as if a great fortune had been bestowed on me, and so thanking God again I looked. I couldn’t see her anywhere!!!!

Suddenly the door of the bathroom opened and I was standing in horror, in front of my cousin. She was looking at me and I was looking at her. I realized that she had been waiting for me and had decided to have some kind of a showdown. I waited for a slap or a shout or something. Nothing. She just stood there looking at me, one hand on the door, the other hanging by her side. I stood opposite her, looking at her like an idiot and then my brain finally kicked in. I realized that I was in for it anyway, so with my heart hammering, I pushed the door further open and stepped towards her, still looking at her. I was amazed and stunned when she simply kept looking at me, let go of the door and stepped further into the bathroom, so that I could come in!!! We were staring into each others eyes, not a word spoken, I walked in and shut the door behind me, briefly turned around to bolt the door and now I was standing in the bathroom with her, both of us still looking into each others eyes and not a word spoken.

My heart hammering like a jackhammer, I clumsily reached for her hands and still looking into her eyes, slowly started kissing the back of one hand and then the other. Still she was looking at me, no response other than that. I felt just a little encouraged so I pulled her towards me and she came willingly, and I felt my spirit melt away as my arms closed around her back and I felt her full body in contact with mine. I stood there, mouth dry, shaking, just amazed and stunned by this sudden turn of events. She was in my arms!!! My sex goddess was in my arms. I just stood there for some time holding her, feeling her and then my fingers ran to the zip of her kurta. I pulled the zip down, moved away from her and raised the kurta. I saw her close her eyes as the kurta went past her eyes and now it was off her body. She was standing in front of me, in her bra, with those magnificent orbs within touching distance. I quickly removed my shirt and my trousers and to my utter amazement, she removed her pajama and was now standing in front of me in her bra and panties. I took in the sight and then pulled her to me again, this time with more confidence.

I started slowly showering kisses on her, forehead, cheeks, nose, sides of her lips, lips, neck, my hands moving all over her back, feeling the soft firmness of her butt, moving in front, desperately trying to unclasp her bra, which she finally did for me. Now I was looking at her naked breasts up close and personal for the first time. I tentatively let my hand under the breast, just to feel the weight. I could see her erect nipples now straining against the aureoles, as if about to burst out. I bent my head and lightly first and then roughly, started kissing and sucking her breasts, first one and then the other. I could feel her breath quickening and looked up once, to see her eyes were closed and she was involved totally in what my hands and mouth were doing to her. Now all my attention was on her breasts. I was grabbing them, fondling them, kissing them sucking them, sometimes gently, sometimes violently, till I saw them turn red with my attention. I couldn’t help my self and sucked around her nipples hard, leaving love bites all around her breasts. Then I moved down, her stomach, her fantastic belly button kissing, licking sucking that marvelous mound I described earlier. Finally satisfied, I got up off my knees, and turned on the water. She was still wearing her panties and I was still wearing my briefs, with my erection making a violent bump against the front of the briefs. With the water finally flowing over our bodies, everything changed. She started glistening and now kissing her became an altogether different experience with the taste of water added to the taste of her.

So I started again from her forehead, down, kissing, licking and sucking to my hearts content. Now her hands were frantically moving along my back all the way down to my butt, and since the elastic of the underwear I was wearing was old and worn, my underwear slipped down easily, down to my knees and then to my ankles and my cock was now throbbing and pulsing against her navel. We stood in the water for some time, just kissing, I was feeling her navel against my cock and marveling at the feel, my hands moved down and pushed against her panties. I expected some resistance from her then but she didn’t, and so her panties slowly started slipping down and were pooled around her ankle too. She stepped out of them, and I could now feel her trimmed hair, piercing my cock at places hurting a little but feeling so real. Exploring her body, I realized that she had shaved armpits. I didn’t want to break our magical silence so I indicated to her that I wanted a razor. She pointed to one on a shelf and looked questioningly at me. I indicated to her to wait, switched off the water, and made her sit down. I spread her legs and applied soap to her pubic hair. When I took the razor near she tried to stop me, but I gave her a reassuring look and slowly started shaving her. She had a look of trepidation first, but slowly it changed. As I was shaving her, I looked at her again. Her eyes were riveted on what I was doing, Her teeth were clenched together and but her lips were parted and she was drawing breath through her teeth and I realized that she was enjoying this. After I finished shaving her, I ran my fingers over her vagina and felt my hand completely drenched by the slimy wetness of her juices, which I could feel all the way down the crack of her ass. I was amazed and pleased that my sex goddess was so turned on by my ministrations.

Finally I made her stand up again, and started the shower again. We were hugging and all my attention was on my cock. I felt that if I tried to insert my cock into her, she would definitely refuse. So I just stood there and very slowly started positioning myself so that my cock was rubbing against her vagina. Now I could feel her slimy wetness on the head of my cock every time I moved over her vagina lips. I slowly started rocking back and forth, so that my cock was sliding against her cunt lips, while kissing her. We kissed and rocked, and kissed and rocked and then I felt my cock just stop at some point along her vagina. I kept rocking and pretty soon I could now feel the head of my cock inside her vagina every now and then. Her breathing had turned shallow and ragged and as I increased the tempo of the rocking I felt her slump against me with a shudder and I knew she had come. Now I don’t know how I got the maturity at 16, but this is the reason why I believe I am a great lover. I stopped there and then. Shut off the shower, gently wiped her down and wore my clothes while she wore hers. My cock was raging in protest at my betrayal, at the fact that I had not fulfilled its desire but I know that I was doing the right thing. She was not ready yet. All I had to do was wait till night fall.

After we were dressed, we got out of the bathroom and as I turned to go to my room, I felt her pull me to her!!! She gave me her first voluntary hug and then, to my absolute and complete delight, this girl from an orthodox farmer’s family of 24 years ago, pulled my head down, held both my cheeks in her hands and kissed me!!! Most of you young readers of today won’t understand what that means, but any old reader will understand what I felt that day. With a feeling of vindication and pride at my maturity, I walked out of that door. I realized that the tricky business of buying condoms lay ahead of me. But nothing mattered except the fact that tonight was going to be the best night of my life. To be continued…… [email protected]

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