Hi friends I am K. Suresh kumar I am a regular reader of this site. The following incident happened when I’m studying in college 1st year and I took computer science in a government college and due to govt college and Cse dept, the girls strength is more than boys strength in my class 87 girls 30 boys made the whole department and we had laboratories in the 1st year where we need to form a 3 members group according to the roll nos and that was the 1st time.
I met 2 girls Sai Sushma and Sushmita. Sai sushma and Sushmita both were cute and sexy with their cute boobs and sexy waist. I loved Sai Sushma’ Stigh. Sushmita’s boob size is more than Sai Sushma’s size both were friendly so I can easily able to attach with them and we exchanged our numbers too and later
I came to know they were from other state which is a longer distance to current place.
I don’t want to reveal which takes a night or a day to reach later this came as an advantage to me and one day I take my laptop to college to verify the output with them and we executed. I allowed them to access my laptop. I used to download funny pictures which also include adult jokes and put it in a folder fortunately both of them opened the folder and started watch the pictures. I felt embarrassed but I could not able to convince to close.
Suresh: oh please close this folder
Sai Sushma: Why? For what?
Sushmita immediately started to access the pictures and they understand and the normal jokes and they kept proceed and they understand the direct adult jokes and smiled at me but they can’t understand the indirect adult jokes and also I came to know they are weak at sex knowledge.
Sushmita: hey Suresh what is meant by cum?
Suresh: no I won’t tell
Sushma: why? You should say
Suresh: It’s an adult thing Sai
Sushma: it’s ok you tell
Suresh : You both of you not understand it
Sushmita: You explain and first we will understand
Sushma: It’s ok Suresh you explain 1st and we will understand
I started to explain but initially they don’t understand it since they are not biology students. Later I explained the male reproductive organ and also female scientifically but as time proceeds we had to move to class but they don’t know what is sex later I began to sit in between them and also I used put my hands on their shoulders.
I used to tease them after college ends Sai Sushma once beat me with the note in her hand and I said that I can also beat u and said some movie punch dialogues just as funnily she beat me with her note for every dialogue then I plucked her note from her hand and kept it with me then she beat with bare hands and I started to run in class. Sushmita chased and hold me tightly I sat left to Sushmita.
Sushmita put her left arm around my shoulders held my left arm and I did not provide any resistance used the opportunity so my right shoulder touches her left boob and my arm touches her waist. Sai sat right to me and beat me and then I pinched on Sai shoulder and also on her tights and I did this to Sushmita also finally we ended in fun and I utilised their innocence.
We departed and later I put my hands on their tights too and rarely in their waist once due to two days govt holiday the mess in the hostel was shut so it forced all the hostelers to fly to their home but only 2 days leave they could not able to get tickets and they don’t know where to go. I convinced them to stay at my home thank gosh at the time my parents were out of station but I informed them my friends were staying at home.
They didn’t object and we entered home. Sai changed to night shirt and night pant. Sushmita changed to t shirt and pant both was looked very sexy and gorgeous. I saw Sai’s bra coz of a transparent shirt after finishing dinner I asked them to go to my room, and they sat down on bed and I switched on dvd player. I had some Hollywood movies dvd. I asked which type of movie they want. Sushma said any horror or killer movie.
Sushmita also liked the idea. I said I had am horror movie the cook but it is an unrated movie. Ishwarya asked do you mean an adult movie. Sai it’s ok we are eager to see and I played the movie and sat in between them and the movie initially started with a sex scene. They shocked and surprised and also came to know this is sex and they felt in comfortable at 1st and I convinced them to watch the movie.
Later they started to like the murder scenes and adult jokes in the movie they enjoyed and also noticed them they got tempted. Sai Sushma asked me what is a condom? I explained and also I shared some adult jokes openly to them. I saw Ishwarya was very horny so I boldly put my on her shoulder and slowly moved my hand into her t shirt I started to squeeze her boobs and kissed her passionately. Sai Sushma also very horny she put my hand directly on her boobs.
I unbutton her shirt and removed her bra immediately I suck those boobs like and lollipop. I removed her pant immediately and started to suck her tights by keeping my hands on Sushmita’s boobs then I started to teach them practically but that was the 1st time we 3 had sex and didn’t try blow job anal sex etc and we finished soon later we started
We used to have sex regularly Sushmita always ready drink cum and Sushma always ready to insert my dick. We all went to many places theatre, parks, restaurants, theme park etc. Most of the time I never took my hands off from Sushma’s and Sushmita’s boobs and they also remained as a bodyguard to my dick!