My adventure

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I was then only 18 and was just learning to notice the changes that my body was undergoing so fast. With the advent of puberty, hair started to form all over and soft hairs covered my pubic region, armpits, face and partly my chest. My penis grew bigger and all of a sudden it started getting hard and erect. The foreskin which was tight so long had loosened quite a deal and it could be drawn right back, exposing my bright red cock head. At nights I started getting erotic dreams and my cock used to get stiff and quite often, without announcing its advent, gushes of sticky fluid used to spurt out and I used to jump out of my sleep with tremendous satisfaction and immense pleasure engulfing me fully. I started to realize that I was just getting initiated into the realms of SEX.

All these I kept to my self with no one being there with whom I could share my feelings. Till one eventful day arrived. I had a distant acquaintance, Mayashree, (in fact she was our neighbor for quite some time and she was around 10 years older than me) who was residing with her husband at a place around 15 km from my city. She and her husband (she had been married for more than 5 years and they had a small girl child) had come visiting our place and had spent almost an entire day with us (my mom, dad and myself). While leaving, they invited us and particularly me to visit them soon.

Hardly a week had passed, when Mayashree gave my mom a ring and insisted that at least I should visit them quickly. So as fate would have it, I boarded the bus and soon was on my way. Armed with the directions that Mayashree had given me about the exact location of her house, it was easy to locate her residence and there was I ringing her door bell. It was around 12 noon, and I guessed that her husband must be in his office, Never mind, I made it a point to stay back till he came back home.

Mayashree welcomed me heartily, ushering me into their house. It was clear that she had not taken her bath and perhaps just preparing to do so. It was fairly big drawing room, well furnished and decorated where I was made to sit down with a glass of cold drink. “You just wait till I take my bath” Mayashree told me. I nodded and my eyes started to roam around the room, trying to look for her son and husband. She guessed all right and laughingly informed that Varun her son was in his school, with her husband being in his office. Varun’s school bus would drop him at around 4.30 PM and her husband would be back before 6.30. So saying, she went into her bedroom which was situated just at one end of the drawing room.

Suddenly, I heard her call out to me “Dev, can you come in here for a minute? I need some help”. Innocently, I responded and entered her bedroom. It was clear that she was in the adjoining bathroom, whose door was shut and behind which I could hear the sounds of splashing water. I said “Maya didi, I am here, what do you want?” “You just wait and I will tell you” was her reply. I waited in the room till I heard the bathroom door click open and Maya didi stepped into the room. She was wearing a white bath towel tightly wrapped around her which just about covered her upper torso and reached to her knees. I was not used to such sights and I got startled in experiencing this sight.

Maya didi started combing her hair, brushing off the water from her head. As she lifted her hands, I got a glimpse of her armpits which were covered with a dense growth of black and curly hairs. This took me completely by surprise as they were much thicker and dense than my armpit hairs. I went on staring, savoring the sight. Maya didi looked at me mischievously and gave a naughty smile. “Dev, what are you staring at? Have you never seen a girl like this before?” She exclaimed. “No never”, I stuttered. What she then said was a bombshell to me.

“Have you ever seen a naked female before?” She queried. Seeing me blushing, she exclaimed “how silly of me to ask this question, is it not so Dev?” I nodded in agreement “of course I never had any opportunity to see any naked female before, I said. “Would you like to see me naked?” Was her next bombshell. I was taken aback at this sudden outburst, not knowing what to say. I just gulped. Before I could respond, Mayashree asked me in a hushed voice to take off my clothes and get completely naked before her. “After all, it is but fair that as I would show you my naked body, you should do the same” was what she could say. I nodded and with trembling hands and full of anticipation I took off my shirt and pants, standing before her in my vest and undies. My cock had grown full size and it was poking out of my undies which resembled a tent pole. “Now didi, it’s your turn” I exclaimed. Mayashree responded and in a pull she took her towel off her body.

What I saw I can hardly describe in words. Her complexion was milky white and she was of average built-not too fat not too thin-just perfect it seemed. Her boobs were massive. Just resembling ripe overgrown melons, they hung from her chest firm and round. I guess, hers must have been size 36 at least. Resting firmly on her boobs sat two large black colored nipples resembling two large raisins. Her aureoles were big and black, shining and gleaming with her sweat. What a sight.

Her abdomen was smooth, flat and silky punctured by her rather deep navel. Down below, and between her legs was her profuse growth of black, curly and dense pubic hairs. Fully engulfing her mound of Venus, the hair traversed down her outer labia (pussy lips) just resembling an upturned triangle. Her ass cheeks were fat and fleshy and between them, her ass crack ran down in a deep curvature. My cock further hardened at this erotic sight of a naked woman who was 10 years older than me.

I went on staring and staring not knowing what to do next. Mayashree was the first to make a move. She came up close to me and embraced me in a tight hug. For the first time again, I felt the touch of a female body, her tits pressing against my chest. Her hard nipples were poking my own nipples and her right hand held my cock rather tight. She drew her luscious lips to my mouth and in no time was she sucking my lips. With no prior experience, I was amazed to find that I was responding to her sucking and soon I was also sucking her lips hard. I guess everyone is initiated to sex in this manner and I was no exception. Our mouths opened and our tongues entered each other’s mouths exploring the insides. Mayashree’s saliva tasted like a sweet syrup and I could feel that my saliva also tasted the same to her. Our tongues intertwined and played with each other and our chins were soon dripping with each other’s saliva’s.

My hands reached down to her tits and there was I, a 16 year old, squeezing the tits of a woman in heat at least 26 years old. She brought up her tits to my mouth and implored upon me to suck them as deeply as I could. As I was doing this, she was pumping my cock up and down, drawing my foreskin back and forth. Her fingers played with my pubic hairs, pulling them lightly. I could not stand this any longer and with a long drawn groan, I ejaculated in her hands, my thick white cum spurting out in gushes.

More later………

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