The Motherly Thirst Of An Indian Son – Part 2

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RISHABH…!!! Open the door…

I woke up suddenly all scared.. It was my father banging on my door.. don’t know for how long… I turned to face the watch.. it was 7:45 in the evening.. I hadn’t slept over for this long in a long long time..!! after the afternoon episode with mom.. I guess my body was pretty exhausted..!! I still couldn’t believe it.. it still seemed to me like a dream.. but then I could still make out the smell of her body from my hands..!!

Rishabh..!! what are you doing…!!

I jumped out of my dream and my bed.. to open the door..!!

Sorry dad..!! I was sleeping.. you are home early..!!

Yeah..!! I am.. thanks for noticing other than your dreaming all day and night..!!

I lowered my head to show I felt bad.. but who could explain him what dreams I was having..!!

So this is how your studies are going.. huhh.. Sleep at nights.. Sleep in the afternoons.. party with the friends..!!

I didn’t had anything to respond to.. I turned to see my standing at a distance.. but when our eyes met she turned her face..!! I had to admit it.. that it wasn’t bothering me why dad was scolding me but her turning her face away from me hurt me more..!!

I lowered my face again and this time I was really feeling terrible..!!

Then dad said.. “I think even I should have sent you for KOTA as well.. like Sharma ji did.. atleast I wouldn’t have to see you with me eyes spoiling your life..”

I heard a gasp…!! It was from the person I was praying it to be..

I raised my head with gleaming eyes , knowing that she still loves me..!!

Our eyes met.. I could see the fear of parting away in her eyes,, as well as the love she bore for me..!!

Then she said.. “aren’t you being too harsh on him.. he is our only son.. and you want me let him go somewhere far distant place.. only because he is weak in studies..”

DAD- “ So what do you want me to do.. whats the solution of the problem here.. I cant feed him whole my life.. he has to stand on his own and earn his living one day.. if he wont study how will he compete.. he needs strict care and guidance.. they’ll provide them that”

Mom- “ Why they..?? I can do that too..!!”

We both looked at her at once.. surprised by her adamant and bold reply..

Mom- “ what.. what happened.. you people think I m not able enough..?? For your kind information I am an Msc. Degree holder with mathematics as my honours paper.. your intermediate level calculus is hardly gonna bother me.. few hours of tutoring ..i think I can handle that..”

There was no doubt in that. She indeed was a beauty with the brains kind of woman..!! we only smiled at her..

Dad- So its settled then..From tomorrow onwards your mum is your tutor.. we’ll see how long it works..!! come on lets have the dinner now..

Even after such a tense situation , the next thing that came to my mind was me and mom are gonna have more private time together, the best thing is that it’ll be for a good reason..!! 😀

I was really happy.. and looked at mom.. our eyes met together and we both were smiling.. I wondered if she too was thinking what I was thinking..!!

After dinner I came back to my room..!!

Few minutes later.. Mom entered my room.. I was in my boxers and was browsing an incest story to read for the bedtime.. I already had a hardon which was somewhat noticeable from the bulge..!!

I put my down its face down on the bed so that she couldn’t notice, but there was nothing I could do about my hard on.

She gasped at the sight of the bulge at first.. then pretended to ignore it.. but she was having a hard time doing that..!!

I said “mom.. whats the matter..”

Mom “ummm.. ughh,,.”

Confused by the situation she forgot what she had to say..

Mom : “ Yeah.. I came here to tell you that.. your classes beings tomorrow 10:00 AM sharp after your father leaves , be prepared”

Me : “ yeah.. yeah.. sure I’ll”

Mom :” what were you doing by the way.. did I disturbed you..?”

Me “ no not really.. just.. googling some facts”

Mom “ focus more on your studies”

Me “ hmmm.. sure”

Mom “ sleep now.. good night..”

She turned to leave..

Me “ Ughh,,. Mom.. there’s one more thing.. I would like to say..”

Mom “ yeah,, what..??”

“about that thing we had today..”

She gave a deep sigh and came to sit near me on the bed..

“See Rishabh.. you are my son.. and you are old enough to understand that.. the culture we belong from doesn’t allows these things which we did today.. infact its considered to be a cardinal sin..”

But mom..

I tried to jump in but she stopped me..

“What we had today is never going to repeat again.. it was the last of it.. Forget it , wipe it out of your mind.. as a mother I’ll always bear love for you and will give you everything you ask me for.. but..”

I jumped in again : “ But what I am asking you is too much for you isn’t it.. even though I have the greatest and the foremost right over it other than anybody else.. being a part of you.. your own creation.. what’s wrong if I love you.. is there any difference in my love for you and your body’s love for your soul .. is it a sin that I chose my mother over other women because my mother is the only one who will always understand me more than anyone else.. if that’s a sin.. I’ll bear that sin till seven hells..”

A swift blow and smack.. my cheeks were stinging..!!

Her eyes were red and tears were running down her cheeks..

Mom “ Do you even realise the gravity of words you are speaking..!! “

I couldn’t bear it anymore..

I said “ yes I do.. and it’s a pity if you think I don’t mean it..!!”

With that said.. I bent over to grab her by the back of her head and smooch her..

For the few seconds of the start she resented it but after that she opened her mouth and started kissing me too.. and then out pacing me.. I was surprised that my mom could kiss and not only kiss she could tongue my mouth as well.. it was like her animal was awaken and we were literally having sex with our tongues. I raised my hand to grab her breasts and as soon as it was few seconds only that she broke the kiss.

I regretted myself for grabbing her breasts..!!

She left out a deep sigh.. I fell back on my bed with my penis throbbing inside my boxers..!!

She said..

Mom “ fine then.. if this is how it has to be and given the fact that the we already have broken few lines.. I assume we’ll have to agree on it only.. I appreciate your love for me but you’ll have to know your limits too.. we’ll have to draw some boundary lines.. and you’ll have to abide by it… agreed.!!”

I couldn’t ask for more so hell yeahh..!! I fucking AGREED.. and nodded in response..

Mom “good,, so this is as far as we’ll go.. no more than that.. don’t get your hopes high.. alright..!!”

I just nodded but I knew eventually everything escalates at its time..!!

Mom “ very well.. we’ll kiss whenever we’ll have a good time or opportunity.. you can have my breasts but occasionally.. because you know there’s a risk in it..!!”

I couldn’t control myself.. my dick was throbbing badly under my pants.. I slid my hands slowly inside my boxers and started caressing it in front of her eyes only..

She couldn’t say anything.. other than looking at it..!!

I started to moan a little bit.. increasing my pace of masturbating as well..


Mom “ ohkk then.. its late.. I think.. I should go..”

I didn’t replied to her.. instead.. I started to masturbate faster and moan more wildly..

“Aa aahh hh… aaahh hhh… aaah hh hhh hhh…..”

She couldn’t help it other than standing right there watch me.. I could see it in her eyes.. how badly she wanted to grab my penis.. even though I was masturbating with my penis still inside my pants.. she was drooling for it..!!

To tease her more I lowered my pants a bit revealing just an inch of my dick..!! she got shy or I don’t know what.. she just turned suddenly and then moved for the door to leave…

I didn’t knew what to do.. so I just removed my pants and threw at her back.. now I was stark naked in my bed with a raging hard on and my gorgeous mother on the door watching me masturbate.. it couldn’t be better than this..

She turned to see my 7 inches of penis.. standing tall and erect.. in all its glory..!!

She couldn’t help but gasp at the first sight of it..!!

I knew what was going inside her head.. it was written clearly on her face.. anyone could read that on her face.. she was wet.. she was wet as the Mumbai in monsoon.. she was dying to suck her son’s penis..!! but you know how women could be..!! she controlled herself while I was masturbating myself to the height of wildness.. moving my hands as hard as I could.. it was like a madness raging on my mind.. I felt like I would explode right there..!!

I couldn’t hold it anymore.. and right then I turned my penis to face my mother as if pointing a canon on its target.. even she saw what I was about to do but before she could react..!! SPLASH..!! SPLASH..!! SPLASH…!! A sudden and strong gush of thick white warm cum was dripping all over her face and her breasts..!! a thick splash had landed right over her left eye..!! it was so much that she couldn’t even open her eyes..!!

I was panting like a dog at the moment.. I had never in my life felt anything like that.. it was the ultimate orgasm anyone could ever have..!!

My mother didn’t say a word.. I think she couldn’t understand what just happened in front of her.. I just saw her leaving the room silently and then heard the bathroom shower running…!!

I was exhausted.. pretty bad.. I didn’t knew when I dozed off.. dreaming of my sex goddess.. my beautiful mother…

To be continued…

The Motherly Thirst Of An Indian Son – Part 2

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