I always loved curvy women. But, it happened that I fell in love with someone slender and my wife satisfies me in every way sexually. She is perfect in every way except she needs more flesh on her bones. That’s when my eyes fell on the sexy waist of my mother in law when she just got out of the shower. Her saree was semi-wet as she walked out of the bath and lucky for me I was in the perfect location just to see her curves and that watered my mouth and made me have a mini orgasm. We all live in the same house, my wife, my second wife, our 5-year old son and I. I call my mother in law my second wife for the simple reason that she is practically our babysitter. And, we all know the sexual attraction of men towards a woman who take care of their babies. My father-in-law was a drunkard and he left home few years before my marriage and never returned which is why my MIL wears the mangalsutra not knowing if he is dead or alive but is a widow of sorts.
Our living situation is perfect of me to make my desires come true as I work from home, my wife leaves to work at 8 am and my son goes to school at 7 am. It’s me and my MIL at home for more than 8 hours. My fantasizing about my MIL increased when one day I requested her to give me a head massage with coconut oil. As she was doing the massage, I requested to rub my shoulders as I was in a lot of pain due to computer work. So, I removed my shirt. She did it without hesitation as she really loves me for how I take her of her daughter. I then laid down on the bed and asked if she could also do my lower back. She obliged. This was my strategy to make sure she is comfortable with me and touching me.
Later that week, it was hot in Hyderabad and I noticed that my MIL was not wearing a bra and she just came out of the shower for pooja. She is a very religious woman. I realized this her strength and her weakness. If I can convince her that having sex with me is her duty she will do it without much hesitation and full cooperation. It was simple, I had to make her my wife. At first, I had to paint a picture that I am not satisfied with my wife sexually. And, then tell her how I always warned by my astrologer that I have Khuja dosh and will have to marry two times. So, I can ask her to be my wife and make her my fuck toy.
So one day, while we were both watching TV while having lunch, I started sharing :
“Ma, I waned to share something with you. You know how much I love Rupa but I am not feeling satisfied with her. “
MIL:”Oh. In what way”?
Me: “She is not as chubby, as I would like her to be. She tried gaining some weight but she is perfect in her own way but I really like my woman to be chubby. I hope you understand what I am saying“
MIL: “Yes, she was slim right from teenage years and she never gained much even during pregnancy. Don’t worry she will gain weight as she gets older”.
Me: “ The thing is I am having these thoughts of looking somewhere else for meeting my need, Pls don’t tell this to her but I wanted to share with you to get some advice”
MIL: “What do you mean?? mistress?”
Me: “As you know my astrologer had told me about my Khuj dosh and I will have to marry two times. I am thinking may be its true and I may have to have a second wife to fulfil my desires and also it seems to be fate?
MIL: “ I also believe in astrology a lot but son, this is not the way to solve this problem. There must be another way”
Me: “I can’t control it and I worried about cheating on her. There is one other way but I don’t know if it’s ok”
MIL: “What is it, tell me? We can resolve it so you are happy “
Me: “ I really think you are beautiful and why not marry you and make you my second wife”
MIL: “What??? That’s terrible. How can you speak to me like that? I am like your mother…”
Me: “But you are my mother in law and I was hoping you will understand my desire and you are as curvy as a woman can get and I think I would never need to look outside if I am with you. You are like an older version of actress Anushka”
She became quiet.
MIL: “ No. You have become crazy. ”
And walked away.
Now I know I planted the seed in her mind. That I am seeing her as my wife. As days passed she was still quiet and acted as if we didn’t have this conversation. I was looking at her more daringly now and treating her like my wife. Giving her occasional touch and being sweet to her.
One day, I asked her for a massage again and she was rubbing my neck and leaning down. I planted a quick kiss on her cheek.
MIL: “What are you doing? “
Me: “Just appreciating your dedication towards me”
She smiled but covered it up quickly. You should have to control your actions.
I understood this is my opportunity and pulled her to myself on the bed and hugged her. I knew she won’t tells this to my wife as it will ruin our marriage and so it was a safe bet. She tried to resist and I let her go. She said: “ Stop this or else I will tell rupa”
I said “ Ok. Pls complete the massage”
I really wanted to fuck her badly especially every day I couldn’t resist the ass or the boobs that were constantly being swayed in front of my eyes. Today was no bra day again. She sat down on Pooja and was praying with her eyes closed. This is when I used my final move. The ultimate move. I took a mangalsutra I bought a few days ago and tied it to her swiftly in front of the god.
She got surprised by it and opened her eyes. She looked down at her chest.
She yelled: “ what did you do??!!!”
Me: Now you are my wife Radha.
She was shocked. She said “ How could you do this? What will rupa say? This is not right! “
Me: “But you can’t take it out now, I am your husband as I have tied this mangasultra in front of God.”
She became quiet.
Me: “ It’s better than me going with someone else right Radha? We can all live together happily and no one is hurt. Rupa won’t even know as she is at work all day”
Me: “If not for me think for Rupa sake, if I don’t get this need met I may have to have a mistress outside”
She was still quiet and walked into her room and shut the door.
I knew my plan was working as she was quiet and thinking.
She came out after an hour or so and felt like she cried for a bit. She then admitted to me: “ You are my husband Manohar now, I thought about it and if God wants this I cannot stop it. You have tied the mangasultra”.
She put the mangasultra against her forehead and asked for gods blessings. She then came and touched my feet. I lifted her up.
I said” “No you belong here in my arms”.
I held her waist which was tempting me so much for so many months and kissed her passionately. She didn’t resist. In fact she was completely surrendering to me. As if I am a god.
I moved my hands towards her bra fewer breasts and they felt perfect for her age of 53. As I was cupping her boob with one hand, I moved my other hand towards her plumb voluptuous ass. I squeezed it tightly to which she responded with “Aahhhhhh”.
I lifted her with both my arms and took her to her bedroom. I was happy that she was heavier than my wife. I placed her gently on the bed and told her “this is our suhaag raat. I love you Radha.”
She smiled.
I got naked fast and then ripped open her jacket. I pulled her legs apart and entered her with her saree still on. It felt like heaven. I thought That pussy hasn’t been used for a while and I will be keeping it busy for the coming few days.
She screamed with pleasure and pain. “Aghhhhhhh”. “ammmma”. I fucked her all afternoon and threw her in every position I wanted to. I was her god. She was my daasi. I pulled out her saree out and licked her navel and pussy like it was candy. She was in bliss. “MMMMMMmmm”.
As I was banging her doggy style, I could see her two mangasultras swaying. I knew this was a keeper. I grabbed her long wavy black hair and started fucking her more violently than I ever fucked my first wife. She just was taking it so well. Her ass shaking with every pump. I was coming harder than ever before. I yanked her hair and pulled her towards me. She arched her back and was on her knees taking it deep from the back. I fucked Radha into heaven.. and she made me feel her body like no one has.I bit her lower lip and pumped even harder. “Aaaaaah” was her moan.
I looked into her eyes and came into her pussy. I realized the good part about fucking my MIL Radha is I don’t have to worry about condoms. So I filled her pussy with my seed and felt her orgasmic fluids around my cock. She was breathing heavily and I said:” You are my favourite wife”. She giggled and got dressed to cook me lunch. It was a good consummation of our marriage. That’s when the door bell rang. It was Rupa. I was still horny. I went to my bedroom and waited for her hoping she would suck my dick and not realize it’s her mom’s juices that she is tasting. I said to myself: love my life and my wife’s.