Hi to all folks and this is Anu, presenting my first story over here. As I am a new writer I will appreciate your feedback, you can catch me at [email protected]
Let me tell you one more thing guys, I am working on a few more stories and my stories are inspired by true events so you might find them a bit lengthy. So please have patience and I hope you guys will enjoy this.
It was a warm summer day 18 year old Roy was getting irritated because of the vacations. He was missing his friends, especially girls from his class. He used to be shy, and small skinny looking boy but last couple of years had brought lots of changes in him. He had learned masturbation 2 years back and was constantly fucking a maid since last 1 year and 2 weeks back his maid left work due to some family issues back at her natives.
He was getting frustrated to fuck, and was planning to seduce one of the girls from his class, but for that he had to wait for the school to reopen. He heard phone ringing in the next room, and went to receive it, but his mom reached it first, he was about to turn away to get back to his room when he noticed a sudden tenseness in his mum’s voice and she was talking hurriedly reassuring someone that she is coming there as soon as possible.
Who was on the line’, he asked his mum. Diya, she had a row with Subhash she replied again, oh God, are they a couple or just a pair of Tom and Jerry exclaimed Roy while he think about his aunt Diya and Subhash uncle Subhash was the younger brother of Roy’s father and he was twice divorced and known for having a taste for beauty but unfortunately his taste for beauty changes quit often which results two unsuccessful marriages.
Despite this divorcee status he again got into matrimony with a highly ambitious girl Diya and Diya was 12 years younger than Shubhash when she married him. She got impressed by his highly lavish life style and wasn’t able to refuse the diamond ring when Subhash proposed a matrimony. With a couple of years she found out that Subhash is dating a number of girls behind her back and now her beauty holds no more charm for him.
She tried every possible way to steady the wandering mind of Subhash but all in vain. She was a resolved girl she knew what Subhash wants is a divorce now but she will not let him get it as easily as he got her and the stubborn Diya and the Casanova Subhash together were a nightmare for Roy’s mum; she was fed up of their fights but she had sympathy for Diya as she was young and innocent.
She detest Subhash too because of the ill fame he has brought on the name of the family get ready, we are going to your uncle’s place’, mom ordered Roy. I don’t want to go mom I can’t see that poor thing crying like hell and I don’t want to see you scolding uncle either Roy protested your father is out of town and I can’t drive on highways, it means you are coming with me and mom replied with finality.
It took a couple of hours to reach Subhash uncle’s house. He was sitting outside talking with some on phone. He greeted Roy and his mom grimly with whom you are talking to enquired Roy’s mom nobody said Subhash. Diya came out sobbing and screamed nobody my foot, why don’t you tell her it’s one of those fucking whore of yours. Oh didi please kill this monster he has ruined my life she pleaded to Roy’s mom.
Well for your information, I am consulting with my lawyer, I can’t live with this bitch anymore and I want a divorce right now and replied Subhash angrily. Diya opened her mouth to retort back but Roy’s mom stopped her by raising her hand enough and she said Subhash if I heard divorce’ one more time and I will leave immediately, you have done every possible thing to let me and your Bhai sahab down.
If you have any respect left for us try to think morally and Diya a lady should not utter such dirty words, you should be ashamed of yourself, both of you come inside we will reason out something they all went inside; Roy sat at the corner while his mom listened the accusations made by the couples for each other and tried to provide some fruitless solutions, suddenly Subhashs cell phone started ringing and Diya got the glimpse of the name displayed over it.
She sprang at the cell phone like a hungry tigress but Subhash was much quicker he grab cell phone with one hand and hold Diya away with his other hand backed up by the presence of her sister-in law Diya fought tooth and nail for the cell phone. She is the girl he wants to marry now and she screamed I will not let this happen and she was getting hard to control with one hand now.
Roy’s mom was stunned by the sudden turning of events. Roy was listening the whole conversation with pseudo patience stood up immediately and ran at her aunt’s side, grabbed her by her waist and pulled her away from his uncle. She was so light weighted, so delicate that he was able to hold her with just his one hand both Subhash and Diya were screaming now Roy’s mom told him to take her away as they both were not ready to stop in one swift motion.
Roy pulled his aunt in his arms and took her upstairs. She wasn’t struggling anymore; he placed her on the balcony’s wall. She was taking deep breaths her eyes were closed. Roy looked at the moon shining in the sky and compared it with his aunt’s face her face seemed more beautiful to him and he always admires her beauty her face was fair shining just like the moon, red though due to anger
A long straight nose between those beautiful almonds shaped eyes and very sensitive looking petal like thin lips and long shinny dark hairs messed up due to the recent events. She opened her eyes and looked at Roy what are you looking at, Roy? She enquired and I m admiring your beauty as I always do replied Roy. She laughed at this remark do you remember when you were first introduced to me you called me a Barbie doll, you were just younger then Diya said.
Yup I do remember and to be very honest you still looked like one replied Roy. She smiled back and asked how you did and bhabhi manage to reach here so fast, did bhabhi finally learned to drive properly and I drove” replied Roy looking slightly crestfallen aren’t you lying my sweet little baby? Diya asked mockingly excuse me, you are looking at me after 3 years and I can drive as easily.
I can walk and if you haven’t noticed let me crack it on you, this little baby has just lifted you up as if you are nothing replied Roy angrily. Oh yes, you did, let me have a proper look at my little baby. I must admit you have really grown up a lot” said Diya after examining him and they chatted on and on and were interrupted By Roy’s mom, she discussed something with Diya alone and concluded that what they guys need is a break that’s why Diya should come with them for a couple of weeks.
Soon Diya packed her stuff and left with them. Roy was a teenager and a teenager boy almost becomes physically a man but remains a kid from heart, games played by teenagers depends on the means provided to them. If they are provided with fun making activities they will forget the physical needs and go with their heart. Roy’s former urge for sex was replaced by fun now. Vacations were boring alone but with Diya Roy started enjoying them.
They chatted on lengthy topics, watched movies together and as Diya was an energetic, adventurous girl, they went for outings too. Diya becomes a fun tool for Roy but she was a woman too which triggers the manhood, the physical part of Roy’s too whenever this happens Roy push that thoughts away and goes with his heart but Diya was not a teenager she was a complete woman and fun was only a way to make her forget the sorrows she had.
Her heart wasn’t seeking fun; it seeks company which she founds in Roy. They were getting close. Roy’s mom had give Diya more than a dozen instructions over phone; she was at her brothers place because he was ill. Both she and Roy were spending the hot summer noon inside the house. Roy was getting bored and was looking for a movie he hadn’t watched yet.
Diya was listening songs on his pc and suddenly she came across a folder and asked him you little devil, you haven’t told me you had a girl friend Roy found her looking at a class photo. She is a class mate, only a friend and he replied and she is pretty you should propose her said Diya and we are not on speaking terms and he informed her and why she enquired.
He was too friendly with her to tell lies he answered the truth and I don’t tell mum actually she caught me and my friends watching a movie once and considered us bad boys afterwards which movie? She asked sharply Roy got scared American pie and he replied slowly. Diya started laughing that movie was hilarious and she announced Roy was looking at her awestruck you have watched that movie he asked her surprisingly.
Yup once before, during my college days said Diya cool, have you watched the 2nd part too he asked her and no I haven’t watched it yet but I want to watch it too and she replied. Well I have the CD if you want you can watch it now, and I will wait outside said Roy don’t be so thick it’s just a movie, we can watch it together and there is nothing wrong about it Diya said. She persuaded Roy to watch that movie with her.
She didn’t have any bad intentions towards Roy nor did Roy have but she was not aware that watching an adult movie with an adolescent guy might stir the desire which she had kept locked since the past one year and they both enjoyed the movie for half an hour, they laughed a lot too, but after some hot exposing scenes they both were as silent as stones. Roy felt stiffness in groin area he ignore it and tried to concentrate on the movie.
They were sitting on the couch side by side. Suddenly he felt Diya’s toe touching his leg, on the mere touch of her silky skin made Roy to forget all about the movie and in the first time of his life he looked at his aunt as a potential opposite gender. He looked at her beautiful face which alone can make a man to pray for her and he looked at her slender delicate body decorated with perfect curves.
The sensual lips inviting him for a promising feast and the feeling of the butter smooth toe of hers which was acting as a tranquilizer on him, draining him of all his senses, made him realize that he is in love with her on the other hand, after those hot shots Diya was feeling a bit lonely, she was remembering the last time when she was with Subhash but thinking about him made her angry, she felt like crying, she wanted someone to hold, someone to console her.
She became completely unaware of Roy’s presence at that time but a sudden accident of her toe brushing his leg brought her to senses. She felt warmth in that touch and to feel it again she purposefully placed her toe on his leg. Initially when she touched Roy her motive was to get the feeling of being with someone but when she looked at Roy she found him looking at her dazzlingly and looked away quickly when caught. She was a beautiful lady; she was used to that stare and knows what it means.
She first time realized that she is alone in a room with a man , a man who is praising her body, this thought made her breathing heavy, she became a bit restless. Roy who was enjoying the touch till now felt the change and got concerned for his beautiful aunt. You are sweating, is everything okay? He asked her and feeling suffocation, let’s take a walk in the garden and she replied.
They started strolling in the garden Aunt what’s your weight? Roy asked Diya. Why do you want to know my weight? She asked back and well you look slim and back at your house when I have picked you, you seemed to be weightless he answered I am 47 kg.” she replied cool, you must have been working hard to maintain your figure and I mean weight and he almost said figure.
Hmm so you are getting interested in ladies’ figure that explains why you were staring at me during the movie and she teased him. No that was and he got speechless, I’m sorry he added guiltily. Its fine, do you remember you loved to kiss me when I was newly married to your uncle, you were such a baby than and she asked him laughing. Yes I do remember, and I wasn’t a baby, I was old enough.
Roy said embarrassingly but I can see you have grown a lot since I last saw you, picking your aunt counts as a big deal and she said admiringly they were walking close now; Roy was again feeling that strange sensation just to divert his mind away from this he asked his aunt what had happen to you back inside, are you alright now? Yeah, I am fine. Though the AC was on I felt the room a bit hot” she replied may be because I was in there.
You know me I am so hot and he said jokingly but almost regretted it, thinking it’s a bad thing say or may be because I was touching you my little hot oven baby. Diya replied with a smile they both started laughing and they were walking too close now. Diya held Roy’s hand silently in her own hand; Roy held it back tightly like he is never going to leave it for the rest of his life.
The grip of his hand made her forget all her woes, she felt happy after a very long time, suddenly she hugged the little angel who understands her consoled her, but regretted. It the same moment, because she knew she was doing wrong. She felt a sudden headache and excused herself away from him. Roy who was feeling so lucky till then, felt disappointed when his aunt retired for an early bed. He was dumbstruck when his aunt hugged him.
He got sure that his aunt loves him too; this mere thought gave him enough encouragement. He didn’t want to be kept away from his goddess now. The teenager was provided with different tool and his physical needs were urging him to dominate his morals. The monster he had chained by the relations was unleashed by that hug. Finally the monster won over the morals, and he waited desperately for mid night, fully resolved to quench his thirst.
She was sleeping silently; Roy was standing at the end side of the bed, confused to make a move. He looked at her, she was breathing slowly, her pale face with her silver gown gave her an appearance of sleeping beauty, the gentle breeze coming from an open window was playing with her silky hairs making them brush her glowing cheeks, and it was creating a magical effect on Roy. Mesmerized by her beauty Roy sat near her.
He put his index finger on her forehead and eliminated those playful hairs away from her face. He started getting exited and slowly went down to touch her soft lips, she shifted a little. He waited for some moments, now he was looking at her bosom it was raising and falling rhythmically, he put one hand over there and squeezed those soft spongy balls. He looked at her face to check for any reaction and found her in deep sleep.
He was getting restless now, he planted a short kiss on her lips, the kiss made him more desperate, still holding her bosom he placed his lips over her neck, he didn’t remove his lips away this time. He smelled an unearthly scent coming from her, he enjoyed that fragrance while sucking her neck slowly, her body fragrance was intoxicating he was loosing control, he was forgetting all gentleness, all precautions.
His hand which were fumbling before were increasing pressure and suddenly one hand found a nipple from over her gown and gave it a sharp squeeze. His body went limp of fear as he saw his aunty stirring and waking due to his ill deeds, there was no way to escape he found trapped and cursed himself for his idiocy. He didn’t want to face Diya in this condition and thought of only one thing, to fake a sleep.
Diya woke up with a start; she was feeling pain around her left areola when her vision becomes a little clear, she found Roy beside her with his eyes closed; it instantly hit what he was doing. She felt a strange mixture of anger and fear first, than she looked at his face; he was looking innocent in the dim lit room. How can she be angry with such a lovely boy who was supporting her, who is the only light in her dark days?
But she also cannot give him what he wants. She went into an internal debate and looked at him again. She looked at his dark face, his tall frame, his thin but athletic body she noticed the bulge in his shorts, while she looked at it she found herself shivering, this whole scenario made her confused and gave her a headache. She closed her eyes to get rid of it but instantly felt a hand crawling in her hairs.
She liked it, the hand started massaging her neck now. She can feel his other hand fumbling between her bosoms she was losing sense, she felt waves of charging currents flowing inside her veins, her body engulfed by minor spasms sent by the increasing adrenaline. She wants to get rid of all thoughts, she wanted to get free and finally unknowingly she gave up, her hand gripped the other hand that was fumbling with her soft boobs.
She squeezed that hand and placed it firmly on her left mound, silently asking it to be gentle and to be free. Roy was overwhelmed by the silent acknowledgment he received from his aunt, he stood up placed his knees on either side of his aunt and brought his lips close to her. His lips were almost touching hers, but he went into a dilemma when he looked at her shivering face, how he can spoil this sacred Deity.
He was breathing heavily, hovering over her not certain of his own mind but Diya was getting restless she felt the hot breath on her face making her wet down there. Her eyes were closed and the breath was torturing her teasing her, she couldn’t control anymore and opened her eyes. It was a brief moment when their eyes meet, the brown shade of Diya’s looked in to those dark black eyes hovering between love and lust, she begged them silently to finish this as soon as possible
The unspeakable plea didn’t go unnoticed, Roy went ahead and completed the remaining distance between those lips. He kissed her passionately, slowly first than fiercely. He sucked her lower lip than with the help of his upper lip parted her hers apart, his tongue started exploring the warm inner mouth of Diya and soon found out hers too. The soft touch of her tongue on his tongue sent a shiver too his whole body.
He kissed her as it was the only thing which can keep him alive, didn’t want to break apart, and didn’t want to let her go away. But a sudden tenseness in Diya body told him that her lungs are short of oxygen and she is suffocating. He too needed oxygen; he broke the kiss halfheartedly and looked at his aunt dizzily still holding her head between his palms.
Diya;s face was scarlet as the blood rushed towards it while green veins appeared on her beautiful forehead as well as on her cheeks, her lips were red, a bit swollen and looked raw. Roy knew her aunt was a delicate little thing but didn’t imagine that she is so sensitive and fragile too. This made him love her more and who didn’t want to care for such lovely helpless creature and he thought and made a mantle note to be more careful and tender.
He smiled, kissed her forehead and looked at her again. She blushed, not able to maintain the eye contact. She unintentionally kept her right hand on the back of her nephew’s neck and pulled his head towards her neck both in order to avoid his piercing gaze and to feel those lips on her skin. Roy again encountered that maddening fragrance and brushed his lips over her neck. Diya let out a tiny moan and pressed his head closer.
Roy kept brushing his lips over her neck and started descending. He was on her bosoms now which were heaving and falling due to her rapid breathing, his hot breath tingled them, making Diya to pull her hair. Roy pulled the lace of her gown with trembling fingers, revealing a black bra and panty inside. He pushed his two fingers inside the bra and pulled it down. Her love melons were soft, perfectly round with a moderately sized areola and nipples of a vivid pink color.
The green veins were entwined on her melons artistically surrounding her areola. He started circling his tongue over her areolas each at a time while he circled his tongue over left areola he caressed her right melon with his hand. Soon by this continuous action Diya’s melons got drain of all its blood, they got as white as snow. Diya was practically moaning now, she was coiling and uncoiling her limbs during the whole process.
Finally she couldn’t control herself and placed a hand on Roy’s head and him to go down. He went down licking her shivering stomach played a while with her shiny sweating belly button, but Diya was getting impatient and urge him to move further down. Her black wet panty was in front of him; carefully he placed his hands under her butts, lifted her a bit and slowly pulled the panty.
The soft cloth slipped easily over her evenly more softer, nicely shaped slender thighs first, than her lower leg and finally off her feet. He watched her, suddenly a bit scared to move further, but her eyes were half closed, her lips a bit parted radiating an unearthly glow admiring her beauty Roy placed his lips over her toe and planted a kiss there. She trembled at that kiss but pulled her legs away from him.
Roy felt confuse first at this reaction but soon understand when she parted her legs apart. He went ahead and looked at the final castle which has to be conquered yet. Her thin vaginal lips were surrounded by very tiny brown hairs, was oozing some pre cum due to her continuous excitement. A narrow shinny red fissure was gleaming in between those vaginal lips as if a secret mysterious path has been discovered just now.
Trembling, gasping, he approached the door of his Deity’s temple. He smelled it and instantly put his mouth over it, the action was over whelming for Diya, not able to control herself she closed her both legs around Roy’s head as if hanging for dear life. Her hands were pulling Roy’s hair but Roy didn’t care for more or less he just want to pump out all nectar out of her love hole.
His tongue was working tirelessly over her clitoris, his lips sucking the inner most juices out of her and during this entire scenario Roy had kept his manhood hidden. He didn’t want his deity to look at the devil who was responsible for all this mischief but know the devil had transformed itself into a monster and the monster was roaring to get unleashed. The power of monster was over coming Roy.
Its cage was getting small. Finally not able to hold the monster any longer, Roy drawn his head away from between those legs and produced the throbbing iron rod out of his groin. Diya was also exhausted by the sucking and her body was now craving for the piece of meat she deserved for so long. She was deprived of receiving that magic stick for so long because of her fight with Subhash. Her body was screaming for it.
She looked at the thick rod of Roy’s; a pulse was throbbing angrily on it. She looked at Roy’s face then and closed her eyes. Roy understood that she didn’t want to wait more, he got rid of all his cloth in a jiffy, approached his aunt. She was lying silently but he can feel a sudden tenseness inside her body. Her fissure was really narrow he placed a pillow under her waist to look at it properly and placed himself between her legs.
He grabbed her minute waist between his hands and placed the tip of his cock over her love hole. He knows it will be hard for her but pushed that thought aside and think of the ultimate pleasure she soon will receive. With one mighty push he shoved half of his monster inside her and Diya screamed in agony, pain was greater than she anticipated. She fought with all her strength to get away from Roy, but Roy was ready his grip over her waist was firm and strong.
She bitted, scratched but Roy stood to his grounds. Finally her pain subsided a little but still she was scarlet all over and her eyes were full of tears her lip was bleeding because she bitted it to control the pain. Roy was surprised at all this; he wasn’t ready for all this. He found only one way to cease her misery to start the friction as soon as possible with another push he shoved his complete cock inside her.
She almost fainted at this, but Roy didn’t give it much heed cursing him for causing so much pain to her he started pumping his manhood slowly inside and outside. She was screaming first but went limp after a couple of minutes. Roy was thinking to abandon the love making act then suddenly he found Diya’s hand crawling over his ass urging him to increase his speed. He found a new energy on her touch and thrust his cock deeper.
Her breathing was audible to him now. He increased his speed again he was sweating now and found that tiny beads of sweat appeared on her forehead too despite of the Decembers chill, he kissed her passionately at that and sucked her bleeding lips. Her hands found his hand and they entwined together. She wrapped her both legs around his waist, she was moaning with pain and pleasure, his athletic body fractioning over her soft tender skin.
He was penetrating deep inside her now Sweat drops were falling from his head over her body. They were wrapped so closely that it was hard to find out whose body part was whose. The fire was building, pressure was mounting suddenly she embraced him tightly and screamed in ecstasy her complete body went into spasmodic shudders at the same time the volcano erupted and huge load of cum started spluttering inside her walls from Roy’s monster.
Diya fainted at this huge orgasm and Roy too collapsed over her and exhausted, tired, sore by their intercourse they both fell in the deep grasp of sleep at the same time wake up Roy, wake up you lazy boy Roy’s mom was shouting. What? Roy woke up, dazzled by the sun rays coming from the window. You have slept the entire morning, it’s almost two in the noon, now wake up his mom ordered.
He rubbed his eyes yawned widely and suddenly remembered last night. Mon when did you arrive and where is aunt Diya” he asked her innocently poor thing find some piece at last, your dad arrived yesterday at your Mama’s place directly and when I told him about her and Subhash, he called him and made him to come and take her back to her rightful home. We arrived in the morning with Subhash.
He apologized for his behaviour towards her and I think he regretted his little scandals now, or maybe did it because he is too scared of your father to protest back, whatever the matter is settled for now and I am happy for her” she replied, without looking at him while folding cloths near his wardrobe. Roy felt dumbstruck at this news, he spent the remaining day in his room alone recalling those passionate moments.
He spent with Diya and when it all overwhelmed him he called her but she didn’t answer his call. He texted her but was disappointed when no response came and weeks passed and no reply came back either of his frequent calls and texts. A new feeling started stirring inside him, the feeling of being used. He was standing in his balcony, while thinking what went wrong and finally it stuck him. She is avoiding him because she regretted that night which he cherished dearly.
She loved and wanted to be loved by someone else, she used him as he used her that’s make them even. She did it, not because she loved him, but because of the circumstances, because of the quench they both felt. She was not wrong on her behalf; she was just needy, as he was. He felt a little light headed on thinking this and felt proud to be of some service to her and he smiled at himself and suddenly noticed a girl eying him from the opposite balcony. He has quenched the thirst of his aunt but his thirst was not yet satisfied. The monster between his legs was again sniffing the air hopefully.