Mom’s Summer Sexcapades – Ch 1 (Awakening!)

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The untimely summer rains kept pattering on the panes as I felt jolt after jolt of uninhibited orgasm escape my body like never before!

Moans mixed with the fumes rising from the hot earth as the rains quenched the parched thirst of the soil quite parallel to the way Raju was ravishing my mom inside the car. Biting, nibbling, gobbling leaving no posture of oral sex fervor untouched!

It was as if both their libidos were set ablaze in the lonely countryside as passion flared up in the rare summer rains. I watched and watched through the hidden cam.

Moans after moans of desperate satisfaction slipped from my mom’s succulent lips as Raju made love to her in every way possible.

Chapter 1: Indian Summer Time Sexcapades – The Awakening!

The quiet summer evening suddenly broke into a loud jest of hustle and bustle in the quiet countryside of Uddhampur in rurban Odisha.

I, Munish, along with our boys’ gang comprising 6-7 of other boys – Anmol, Pinu, Appul, Chandu, Avinash and Raju – decided to go to the pond-side which is at the border of Uddhampur.

Actually, the summer Kal Baisakhi storms had disrupted the power supply leaving the residents forced to use the village pond for water requirements.

All went to bathe there, especially newly-wed women and girls to see whom my lusty friends including me had an undying fetish for. Bathing nudity of vibrant village beauties in full glory and completely unaware of the hungry gazes ravishing their naked beauties.

Little did I know what was in store for me as we climbed up a safe spot in the thick Banyans overlooking the fateful pond secured from any one’s view.

No moment on earth can be more enticing. Village beauties bathing in only towels and sometimes taking it off to expose the treasures of their age! Ohhh! That wetness around their thighs!!! How we wished if we could get our hands on one of these hot bums.

Suddenly, our attention was diverted to a familiar figure shaking under the palm tree beneath the thick bushes.

It was Anmol, our team leader who had first spotted our village school peon Mendha jerking frantically behind the bushes, unaware of Anmol’s knack of finding out people.

At 25 years of age, Anmol with an exceptional vision and years of experience had the acumen of spotting activities from atop the trees.

Mendha was a known jerk, infamous for luring girls of our school to have sex with them and blackmail them later.

Some rumors also did rounds that he had managed those poor girls’ mothers too to sleep with him and his friends.

Still, he could not get reprimanded though he has been insulted at times by officials who were later found to have remained quiet. His contacts with the henchmen of our evil Sarpanch Toto might have helped his cause.

Nevertheless, for us, Mendha was the harbinger of a potential amorous encounter waiting to happen. The feverish pistoning of his tool here in the hiding was an undeniable red flag of a potential prey in sight!

As we transferred our gaze after being inferred by Anmol to the direction in which Mendha was transfixed, we had our mouths agape by the wanton display of a mature beauty under the open sky amidst the cool waters of the pond.

She must have been a married woman, her bangles could be heard tinkling even from that far.

Clad only in a flimsy black petticoat securing her voluptuous blossom with great difficulty by a single knot right under her armpits, she was bathing at a far side of the pond.

The pond was secured by a few boulders swept across here by the occasional floods during the middle of the monsoon. She was unaware of the lustful scoundrel Mendha who had somehow caught a glimpse of her retreating there and might have followed suit. Nevertheless, it had unlocked the gates to our fortune to the realms of new lusts.

Just as someone suggested moving closer for a better view, we found Anmol and Pinu already mid-way towards the prized spot! We stealthily followed, careful not to create a farce that can easily destroy our jackpot for good.

The pains we endured from the twisted barks and branches while shifting closer was worth enduring as our eyes were treated to a visual Ambrosia.

The woman under everyone’s gaze had her fair exposed back towards us giving us a full display of her unmistakable beauty.

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Our organs had started tingling to erection at the sight of water dripping down her loose black hairs along the entire length of her back to her waist that gave a slight glimpse of her valley created by her voluminous rear curves. Ooof, those assets!!!

We prayed for her to turn around anticipating what gorgeousness she must be hiding under the petticoat as this wonderful beauty bathed unabashedly in unhinged fervor of bathing.

It seemed as if the cool waters of the pond were making love to her heavenly skin as she kept throwing her head back throwing bubbles of frenzied water aloft into the air.

Avinash, the youngest of us perhaps found it too erotic to bear as he was furiously beating his 19-year-old prick almost busting at the seams.

“I can kill for getting closer to her now,” said Anmol.

“She must be new to this village because I have never seen her before. Such unearthly beauty is the rarest of rare occurrences in this great wolf-land! Look at her skin, just flawless. Her inviting fair arms just with the right amount of fat at the right places. I can only imagine what she is like in the front!”

We had barely nodded in unison as Anmol just completed his statement when our fortunes raced over the ninth cloud! She turned slowly, to face us, unaware of our animalistic gaze!!

Aaawwwhhh! Moans escaped our lips as we watched on.

She was just the way we had imagined. A sex goddess bestowed with an ample amount of beauty that age and nature can bestow on any woman. Her breasts were almost plunging out from beneath the wet black petticoat barely sticking to her skin and barely holding her ample bosom in place.

The cleavage was enticingly deep, shining in the dusk light and they kept jiggling as she kept rubbing soap on her thighs.

We all were transfixed at her when someone among us said, “You beauty!”

It was then when reality dawned over me as I caught a clear glimpse of her face. It was my Mother! She had just returned from Raipur the day before after almost 10 years. I just sat frozen for a moment as my friends made lewd comments about this damsel of unmistakable beauty that was my mother.

The initial tremors of guilt subsided as the inner animal inside me slowly broke free of its cocoon.

My mom took a dip in the waters only to rise up in a moment or two throwing her head back, arching her back with her moist her frolicking in the air with amorous freedom. Some strands were sticking to her lovely face, with water dancing down the entire length of her beautiful frame endowed with envious curves.

She was gradually loosening the knot that clung to her buxomness with diligent efforts only to let go at the very end and descending down all the while revealing a brownish pink water-drenched areola on her expansive breast albeit for a second as she secured the petticoat with her lovely fair bangled arms.

Never before had I ever seen my mom in a more sensual way. The drops of water trickling down her neck into the expansive valley of her love melons were a visual potent enough to entice every bit of hotness even from corpses.

We gasped and panted as we stole every possible glance at her beautiful voluptuousness. It had just etched an indelible image in the deepest recesses of our wettest fantasies. And that was evident from the moans eliciting from beneath as Mendha ejaculated furiously. And so did Avinash who was unable to hold back the aura of incredible ecstasy emanating from her sweat-drenched body. Meanwhile, my mom decided to return.

I knew all hell will break loose when my friends discover we including myself had witnessed an erotica-deluxe who was none other than my own mom. 10 years is quite a long time and my friends were fooled by their memory as they hadn’t seen her for almost a decade so they couldn’t recognize her!

Nevertheless, all I knew was our nights were going to be sleepless and deep from now onwards. Especially for me out of nervousness yet out of wild excitement from the fact that both my friends and Mendha were in all probability after her.

Just as we descended to retreat, Anmol asserted,

“If she is here for a week or two, I bet all of you that I will spew my seeds in her soaking twat. Mark my words and if I don’t raise a dog with my name.” Saying so, he disappeared as my friends kept cheering on with our manhoods still throbbing, fresh from the pangs of awakening from boyish amorousness into the first seasons of adulthood.

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