Mom After Mom – Part 6 (Shedding Inhibitions!)

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Me – “You don’t mean that. Do you?”

She silently nodded in the affirmative.

Me – “I just don’t understand. How is this possible?”

Di – “It’s a long story”

Me – “I am ready to listen”

Di – “Ok… But you shouldn’t judge me after this.”

Me – “I am not in a position to judge as I was the one who started it.”

She laughed at it.

Me – “Now tell me. How did this happen?”

Di – “ All this started with this distance between us. It was awkward and hurtful. I was not feeling as good as I expected. No matter how busy I was, I had this void back of my mind. Your last words echoed in my mind all the time. I knew you were not going to come out of it and be normal with me again.

It is not easy to get out of it by yourself. So I wanted to resolve this somehow. I tried to find the cause of it and mitigate it somehow. I started thinking about the reasons why you started getting those feelings about me.

What triggered those thoughts in you? What made you think about me that way? Was it my attire or body language  or the way I was talking with you?”

Me – “It was not your…”

Di – “I know, I know. It wasn’t my fault. But I might have done something unintentionally. I was trying to find that out. We all know that men stare at women. They find some factors which interest them. Opposite sex always creates interest but I wondered if that happens among blood relations as well.

Then I remembered my friends’ stories of how their cousins or brothers used to stare at them. Even some used to make advances as well as they say. Some of them felt uncomfortable with those advances while some of them enjoyed it. So I realized it wasn’t so unusual.

One gets such feelings sooner or later but gets it at some point in time. Then I questioned myself if there is truly such a high chance of getting such thoughts about our blood. I started questioning myself if I would ever get such thoughts on you. That was my mistake I realized later.”

She took a brief pause, looked at me, and sighed. Then she continued.

Di – “Initially it didn’t work at all. You seemed like a child to me as always, my cute little brother. I just tried to think of you in different ways. In the sense, sexually. But none of them were able to cause any such thoughts in my mind.

Then I realized there was this affection and bond between us which was blocking them. I started thinking about how you could cross that limit while I was struggling. I believed there must have been some strong force that pushed you over that line.

Then I remembered what you said. You said you got feelings before my marriage but there was that kiss which disturbed you much. That pushed you over. That was the force. I wondered if I take that force in, will it be possible for me to cross that line as well.

That kiss was affectionate for me. Probably you felt it sexual. That might be the difference. So I thought I would rewind that kiss and try to think of it sexually.”

Deep down my body, a sensation started rising. I was already imagining how she would have thought through that kiss, how she would have imagined it sexually. It excited me. But it was hard to imagine her thinking about that.

Me – “Did you do it?” (with an astonished face)

Di – “I did. I started playing it in my mind from the beginning. I kissed you on your cheek at first. You looked at me. Then you held my face gently with both your hands. I felt that touch loving and that brought a smile on my face.

You moved closer to me and placed your lips on my forehead. Then you moved to my right, kissed my cheek, and turned over to place one on my left cheek. You did not stop with that. You kissed me one more time on my right cheek. I realized there was more intent in those kisses, a bit of sexual tension in that.”

That description of our kiss was making me crazy. It was so good to hear it in her words. My cock has started pushing my hands which were fortunately over my crotch hiding it. I tried to control and continued listening.

Di – “Then you moved back and looked into my eyes. You moved closer to my eyes and planted gentle kisses on both of them. First on the left and then the right. Nobody kissed me on my eyes till then. It was so nice to have your lips there. As a result, my eyes remained closed even after you moved back.

You took a pause and then moved closer once again. I felt your move. Though my eyes were closed, I could sense the direction you were moving. You held my cheeks tighter and moved towards my lips. Then you stopped, probably because of the doorbell.

Then I moved towards you and placed my lips on yours. It was just a casual peck for me then but I realized there was more in that. Then I played this scene in my mind a couple of times more, initially out of the need and later out of interest.

The more I thought about it, the more sexual it felt. Then I wasn’t able to stop it. It went out of my control. I finally found an answer to all my questions. It was indeed possible to have sexual thoughts among blood relations as well.”

My head which was looking down at my crotch raised with that statement. I couldn’t believe that she started to think of me sexually. I looked at her and she looked at me. Then she bent her head in what felt like a mix of embarrassment and shyness.

Me – “What happened then?”

She looked at me and noticed my curious eyes. She moved her eyes back towards the floor.

Di – “Then that incident got stuck in my mind. It started playing in my mind almost all the time. When I was in the kitchen. When I was in the office. When I and your Jiju were hanging out. Your jiju started feeling it. He asked me a couple of times if I was fine.

I started worrying about it. The more I worried, the more I was reminded of it. I thought of putting a full stop to it. I thought of ways to come out of it. I remembered the saying – only fire can fight a fire. Only sexual thoughts can get me out of that lust. Or so I thought.

I started going to your Jiju at nights and started… ahem… you know… making love with him. It increased over time. I was under the hope that it would avoid these thoughts. But instead, it pulled me back at it. It was getting worse. Nothing could help me out.”

She took a brief pause and said – “And finally I conceived and we are here.”

She stopped and looked at me. My member was jerking up all the time she talked. My eyelids stopped shutting down for long. I was silently looking at her in shock.

Di – “So, you are not alone in this crime. I know what you are going through.”

Then she looked at me again. Her looks brought me to my senses. My eyelids finally have shut themselves.

Me – “I still can’t believe this”

Di – “You want me to prove it. Fine then. We were just married for a few months now. Did you ever wonder if I had an early pregnancy?”

Me – “Not until you mentioned it now.”

Di – “Well! What I just said is the reason for it. You need more proof?”

Me – “Oh dear! Just pinch me.”

Di – “Stop it, Mannu. I am already guilty about it. Don’t tease me”

Me – “No Di. I am not teasing. I had thoughts on you. But I’ve known you since I was a kid. You never really thought about any guy that way. You did not have any relationships until your marriage. You never really liked even if I teased you with anyone. I never thought that you would think about me this way.”

Di – “Even I didn’t think it was possible. I was furious at you for the same thing and days later, I was doing the same thing.”

Me – “But it is still wrong, right?”

Di – “It is. But I just put this out so that you know that you are not alone and that I am not uncomfortable around you. Moreover, it would help reduce the weight inside my head as well.”

Me – “Hmm right. This reduced my guilt to some extent. Thanks for it.”

She just smiled at me.

Me – “However I would continue staying away from you. I would sleep on the couch and you can sleep in our bedroom.”

Di – “It is fine. You can sleep in the same room. We have separate beds. Moreover, it would create suspicions if we don’t behave the way we used to. Mom had already started asking me if something happened between us”

Me – “She asked me as well earlier. But how will we stop these thoughts if we spend together”

Di – “You don’t need to. Just make sure you don’t convert them into actions”

This statement startled me. Did she just say that I can continue thinking about her that way? The very thought started triggering a sensual feeling inside me. My cock slowly started bulging out again which was resting for a while after her narration. I just tried to hide it with my hands.

Di – “Seems like someone has started thinking again.” (looking at my hands)

Me – “Hmmm… yeah…” (with a nervous smile)

She smiled with a blush and then turned her head away.

Di – “Go and relieve yourselves. Else it will keep you disturbed the whole day.”

This made it worse. She was asking me to relieve myself. Even after knowing what triggered it. It straightened my cock like never. Precum started oozing slightly merely with these thoughts. I rushed towards the washroom and locked the door.

I sat on the floor and immediately lowered my shorts. I held my cock with my fingers and it was erect to its full length. I felt like it was in its full glory. The slight touch of my fingers caused shivers and it started throbbing inside my fingers.

Her words started echoing in my ears. The way she narrated the kiss, how she played it in her mind, not just once but several times. The way it reverberated in her mind and how she was disturbed by it. How she went to Jiju to divert herself. She said she was pulled back at those thoughts while making love.

Did she imagine me in place of Jiju while she made love? Did she submit herself to Jiju imagining me? Did she let him caress her body thinking of me? Did she feel my hands and lips on her body? She was right beside me, a few feet away, with only the door separating us.

Is she thinking of me now? How am I relieving myself? Is she imagining me doing it? All these thoughts filled my mind. The very thought that she was aware of what I was doing then, the thought that she encouraged me to do it. The thought that she knew that I was thinking about her while doing this.

It was more than enough to trigger the pressure inside me. I held my cock and started to rub. A simple touch, a smooth rub was itself causing inexpressible senses. It was as if her fingers were rubbing me. Both my hands moved slowly but the heat it generated was high.

I felt my juices boiling deep inside. I could feel it moving out slowly through my veins and passing through my crotch. I could not control anymore and started stroking it faster. Finally, it reached my cock and eventually its tip. I usually had to use a lubricant to bring it out and it would take tens of minutes.

But that day, I just sat down with just my hands around it rubbing slowly, while my cock thrust the white fluid itself, tiny clouds of my juices, one after the other until they formed a puddle on the floor in just a few minutes. I felt relaxed and relieved. I never felt such pleasure earlier.

At the same time, I felt so exhausted. My legs were weak and my head was spinning. My cock was limp but a few last drops of my cum oozed out. I just sat down for a couple of minutes until I gained some energy to get up. Then I got up and cleaned myself along with the floor.

I then moved out and she was reading a novel on the couch as if nothing happened. She looked towards me, involuntarily reacting to the noise of the door. She found me and blushed again. I was embarrassed. Though her awareness triggered the pressure, the very same thoughts even made me feel shy after the tension was out.

I quickly went to the bedroom and closed the door behind me. I lied on the bed. I knew that we had entered a new phase of love. We won’t be the same old brother and sister. Our relationship reached a level where we couldn’t go back to ourselves. We sure had our love. But now it was not just that.

But something more than that. I was into all those thoughts and my head felt heavy and my eyes closed without much effort.

Di – “Mannu… Mannu. Get up.”

I slowly opened my eyes and there she was in front of me. She was bent, to wake me up. Her nightgown had a v-shaped neck. It lowered down a bit when she was bent. Her cleavage appeared in front of my eyes. One of my favorite sights. These were the ones that inculcated lust in my mind.

Her clean neck, fair skin, slight bulges out of her gown, moving down, vanishing as her gown started its duty, her gown weighing down with her heavy breasts. That sight was as ravishing as ever, irrespective of how many times I saw it. My eyes were relishing that lovely sight it has got.

Di – “Enough. Now get up. Mom is calling us for dinner.”

I raised my head slowly to look at her face. She was looking at me. A bit of shyness, a bit of a smile, a bit of anger, all in her one single expression. She was in the same posture and that view was still on. I could not help but lower my eyes again to grab that view.

She got up finally and patted my cheek as if she was waking me up from my dream.

Di – “Come on now. Get up from the bed.”

She walked back out of the bedroom, swinging her hips sideways. Her waist was still slimmer than women of her age and it formed a curve underneath her gown. Her ass cheeks complimented them with a curve bulging out. I was gladly admiring her curves, without much fear or guilt.

Her words certainly reduced it. She slowly moved out of my sight. I sighed and gathered myself to get up and walk over to the washroom. I washed my face and moved out to the dining area. She was already in her seat, while mom was arranging the plates.

Dad was in his seat as well that day. It wasn’t a common sight.

Me – “Hey Dad. Glad to see you at home. I thought you were not back yet from London.”

Dad – “Hey dear. I just reached today. I had some meetings. But I could not stay away from my baby. not after knowing that she is going to make me a grandfather. I asked my assistant to manage for today and thought I would have dinner with you guys.”

Mom – “Finally, we all four got to have dinner together. It has been ages. When was the last time we had together?”

Di – “Probably before my marriage, before Mannu has accepted his first job offer.” (looking at me)

Mom – “Yeah right. Everyone got busy these days. The only thing that got us back together is your good news.”

Saying so, she held Di’s chin and kissed her forehead. My dad held her head and brushed her hair gently.

Me – “Ahem ahem… I am your child as well!” (with a wave of fake anger)

They all looked at me and laughed. Dinner was fun with all our memories. Dad and Mom shared our childhood memories. How Di used to play with her dolls, treating them like her kids.

Mom – “Do you know, Mannu, when you were just two years old and she was probably six or seven…”

Dad – “She was seven then.”

Mom – “Oh yes. Then she used to hold you like her baby and pretend as if she was feeding you. As if she was bathing you and dressing you.”

I looked at her and she was laughing. She looked at me as well and our eyes met. My mom continued.

Mom – “She used to hold you and put you to sleep, singing lullabies. It was so loving to watch that. Soon she will be doing that to her child.”

Pride filled mom’s eyes and a tear-filled her eyes out of happiness. Dad held her hands and controlled her. We continued having dinner. I started to imagine how it was when she used to play with me. I don’t remember what Mom told me. But I faintly remember playing with her when I was around five years old.

She used to make me her kid and she used to pretend as she was preparing dishes for me in the kitchen, with her tiny utensil set. She used to hold me and act as if she was feeding me with her hands. It continued till I started playing outdoor games with my friends and she got busy with her higher studies.

It made me realize why she always treated me like a boy. She was probably used to treating me as a kid from her playtimes. But I was inconsiderate at my younger age. She used to ask me to play sometime with her but I used to feel embarrassed to join her in her girly games.

I was thinking of all that looking at her and I realized she was already looking at me. She raised her eyebrows with questioning eyes. I just nodded my head sideways and continued having my dinner. We finished dinner and I moved to the faucet to wash my hands.

As I turned back, she was moving over towards me and I stopped myself before I could hit her. I looked at her and she bent her head. I tried to move to my left and at the same time, she tried to move to her right. As a result, we again blocked each other.

Finally, I moved over to my left completely and gave her way. She walked ahead with a bent head and a cute smile. There was this awkward silence between us. I slowly moved over to the drawing-room. I lied on the couch out of habit. When Di was moving back, she saw me on the couch.

She looked at me and moved her eyeballs towards our bedroom, hinting at me to get in there. I realized my mistake and nodded.

This is the end of this season. I hope you liked this and the next season will be coming soon with more action. Please share your feedback in the comments or mail to [email protected]

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