Missing magazines 2

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My cock was throbbing with excitement. I needed a quick release; but first, I had to retire to the solitude of my room. I crawled back to my room and once inside, I locked it carefully. I quickly began to undress in the darkness. Having stripped of my shorts and vest, I turned on the night lamp. Standing in front of the mirror provided in the door of my cupboard, I looked at my reflection.

“Not bad.” I thought, admiring my rigid boner. I didn’t know about the size of the biggest and the thickest cock in the world. I only recalled my friends saying that women like big cocks. From whatever I had seen in the magazines, my cock appeared quite impressive. I opened the cupboard. It made a gentle creaky sound that sounded like a loud cracking sound in the silence of the night. I didn’t know whether Roly heard it in her room. Anyway, I wasn’t expecting her spying on me at that time of night. I took a worn-out kerchief from the cupboard and bolted it again. I settled on my bed. Slowly draping the kerchief over my glans, I began rubbing my cock with my fingers. I closed my eyes and tried to think about the beautiful hairy pussy of my horny sister; the soaking pussy that I had witnessed only minutes ago. I played and replayed every scene in my mind like a movie while I whacked my cock.

I had been in a state of continuous arousal for quite some time now and it took its toll. Within a minute or two, my cock erupted in a shattering orgasm. I luxuriated in the rapturous feeling overwhelming my body. My orgasm struck me like a bolt of lightening, sending a wave of violent shiver through my body. Never before, I had had such a tremendous release. Finally, I got back to my senses. The handkerchief was soaked with my thick hot cum and so were my fingers. I wiped the remaining cum off my tumescent cock and retired to the bathroom. My room had an attached bathroom. Roly and I shared the same bathroom. There were two entrances to the bathroom, one from my room and another from the corridor, which was used by my sister. I washed my crotch, returned to my room and slipped into my bed.

The events of the last few hours had turned my life upside down. Watching my naked sister fingering her pussy had changed my perception about her for forever. I didn’t know what was in store when I thought of peeping inside her room. I was only concerned about making sure that she had taken my magazines and to find the place where she was hiding them. I never expected to watch her in that state. I felt little ashamed about spying on her and for jacking off while thinking about her. However, deep in my heart, I knew that I had immensely enjoyed watching my sister masturbate and given an opportunity, I would love to watch her again. I had never considered my sister as a sex object before; but now after watching her naked and horny, I felt a very strong temptation to fuck her. However, I knew that it would never happen and be remain a wishful dream only. My sister would never let me fuck her. Sisters don’t fuck their brothers in a conservative family like ours.

Anyway, I was not a loser also. No body was going to stop me from jacking off while dreaming about my horny sister. I diverted my attention to the magazines. Now my main concern was to get my magazines back so that they could be moved out of my house before sister fancied any idea about handing them over to our parents. Although, I now doubted that she would do anything like that still, it was risky to leave my magazines with her. What if my mother accidentally opened her wardrobe? No, I had to get those magazines back. And it had to be done at the first opportunity. I decided that next morning, when she was not in; I would sneak into her room and collect my magazines.

After knowing the dirty little secret of my sister, I was much. We both were now at equal footing. If she tried to play big sissy with me, I would simply remind her of her secret. Feeling relaxed, I closed my eyes and dozed off immediately. When I woke up next morning, bright sunlight was falling in my room from the windows. I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes. Slowly, the events of last night began to descend upon me. I was still naked. My cock immediately rose to a massive hard on. I waited for my excitement to subside. Then I pulled myself out off the bed. Quickly putting my shorts, I walked over to the door, opened it gently and looked at the opposite door. It appeared locked from outside. Silently, I crossed the corridor and pushed the door knob. It rotated. I pushed the door inside. It opened without any noise.

Roly was not inside the room. I hurriedly walked over to her wardrobe and tried to open the door. It didn’t open. I tried again but the door knob didn’t buzz. I then realized that it was locked and the key must be with Roly. Frustrated, I returned to my room. I knew that I could do nothing but to wait for an appropriate time to get back my magazines. It was time to get freshen up. I stepped into the bathroom. As I entered inside, the first thing I saw was my sister’s wet bra and panties lying in a corner. It was the same red panties that she wore last night. Apparently, Roly had taken her bath and left her soaked under wears in the bathroom. I stood frozen as I stared down at them. I quickly locked both the doors from inside. With a trembling hand, I picked her panties. It appeared so small that I doubted how it could fit to my sister’s buxom thighs. I rubbed the soft and silky material with my fingers. A tremor ran through me. I brought it near my nose and inhaled. The strange musky scent sent my mind into a wild frenzy; blood began rushed to my cock. It began to grow in proportions.

I quickly stripped and covered my rigid cock with sister’s panties. I was overwhelmed with her thought and I began stroking my cock. The feeling was beyond imagination. I was so excited with the thought of fucking my sister that within a few minutes my balls exploded in stupendous orgasm. My cock ejaculated in abundance soaking my sister’s wet panties with my hot cum juice. After my cock stopped erupting, I let the feeling of extreme euphoria sank into me. My hands remained gripping my cock covered with my sister’s panties. My juice seeped through the wet clothes soaking my fingers. I then turned on the shower and let the cold water soak my heated body. It didn’t help much as the burning desire to fuck my sister remained alive. Finishing my shower, I quickly washed the sticky cum off her panties and dropped it where it was lying before I picked it up. Then I unlocked both doors and quietly slipped into my room.

When I arrived downstairs, everyone was sitting at the dining table eating breakfast. Dad looked at me quizzically. I didn’t pay much attention to his stares as he himself was a late riser. I silently pulled a chair.

“How come you’re so late today?” Mom asked me as she furnished a plate in front of me and handed me a sandwich.

“I was studying late.” I replied hurriedly as I began nibbling at my sandwich. Then I realized my mistake. Roly knew very well that lights in my room went off early last night.

I looked at her. She was staring at me but her face showed no surprise. Mom was convinced with my answer. After all, I was a good son, studious, hard working. She handed me a glass of milk.

“Rohan,” Suddenly, dad addressed me. “Will you help Roly in shifting her things to your room?”

“My room…! Why…?”

“We’re planning to get her room repaired.” Mom replied instead. “Actually, adding a toilet and a small kitchen to the room.”

I was aware that my parents had been planning for quite some time about converting that room into a single room apartment so that it could be rented. It was dad’s idea. He thought that because of the location of our house it would fetch good price.

“Why my room…? There’s one vacant here.” I pointed at a locked room at the far end of the living room. “She can very well take that.”

“No I can’t.” Roly replied suddenly.

“Why?” I was surprised. I didn’t expect that she would appreciate the idea of sharing room with me.

“Because it’s always very hot…and it’s so suffocating out there.

“But…” I began to resist.

“What’s the problem with you?” Mom stared at me. “She’ll be here for only two weeks. You two have shared that room before.”

“I was very young then.” I protested.

Mom looked at me exasperated. She was right. Roly and I had shared my present room for many years before her marriage; but then I was too young to understand many things. I didn’t have any private life and above all, I hadn’t seen my dear sister naked, fingering her pussy.

“Rest assured baby. I’ll not interfere with your privacy.” Roly grinned.

My face turned scarlet. I hurriedly looked at mom. She didn’t seem to notice my unease.


“She’ll be sharing your room.” Dad finally spoke with authority. “Help your mother in shifting her luggage to your room.”

I hated him for that but knew that the chapter was closed. He wouldn’t listen to any of my arguments. It wasn’t good news. Her shifting to my room would mean an end to my privacy, to the precious nights when I lay naked in my bed dreaming about neighborhood girls and aunts while with my cock. It would also mean an end to my whacking sessions, at least for the next two weeks. The worst thing was that there wouldn’t be any more peep shows for me…no more opportunities to watch my sister finger fucking herself. Disappointed, I recalled the events of the last night. I would miss her hairy puffy cunt lips and the great spectacle of her fingers fucking her cunt. After the breakfast, mom went straight to Roly’s room. I followed her reluctantly. Roly and mom together emptied her wardrobe and shifted all her belongings to a vacant wardrobe in my room. I mostly remained a mute spectator and participated only when heavy things like the wooden bed were to be shifted.

In an hour or so, Roly had moved into my room with all her belongings. My study table and cupboard were shifted near to my bed on one corner, and her bed was placed at the opposite corner by the wall. It was an old arrangement. When Roly and I shared this room, it was arranged in almost same fashion. The entire room now divided into two zones, one corner belonged to Roly and other to me. Years ago, we had fiercely fought over the arrangement as her bed was close to bathroom and I never liked it. However, mom always insisted that her bed should remain there. Why…I could never know. During the rest of the day, I mostly remained in my room while Roly was with mom downstairs. My school was closed for summer holidays; and so I didn’t have much to do. It was very hot during the day time. I didn’t feel like going out. I remained confined to my room, trying to skip through the pages of a novel. It turned out to be a useless effort; I spent most of my time staring into those pages without actually reading anything.

In the night too, I retired early to my room. Roly and mom stayed in the living room watching their prime time soap operas. I once again tried unsuccessfully to read something; but, soon I realized that it would not be possible. I was so much occupied with the thoughts of my sister that it was impossible for me to focus my mind to anything else. My mind was in a continuous state of turmoil. Around eleven, the doors opened and Roly stepped inside the room. She was wearing a sleeveless satin night gown that was clinging beautifully to her supple body.

She smiled at me.


She must have been a hell of an actress. She had been keeping my magazines for almost thirty six hours, and she must be aware that by now I would have come to know that they were missing from my cupboard. Still her demeanor didn’t reveal anything. I glanced in her direction, but said nothing. Roly slipped on her bed and spreading her arms wide, she yawned loudly. As she stretched her arms, her shaved armpits were suddenly exposed to my lecherous stare. The view of her smooth armpits with a bluish tint was so exhilarating that I immediate felt a stirring between my loins. She kept her hands stretched over her head. I leered at her with the corners of my eyes. I loved the smooth look of her armpits. I had always loved a woman’s armpit. I didn’t know when I began staring into the underarms of unsuspecting women. Probably, it was always like that, from the very childhood. It was a kind of obsession with me because I never missed any opportunity to watch under the armpit of my neighborhood aunts and the friends of my mother. Shaved or unshaved, it didn’t matter. I always gave me a very strong kick and made me very horny. I didn’t even spare my own mother, whenever she wore an armless blouse; I always tried to steal a look at her armpits. It’s a different thing that after every such incident I felt very ashamed of my amorous thoughts that accompanied my strange fetish.

“Ohhh…” Roly yawned in a sleepy voice, lowering her arm. “Gosh…I’m feeling so sleepy.”

She sprawled on her bed. Her knee length gown slipped a little over her calves as she folded her legs.

“Can you turn off the lights?” She finally spoke to me. “I can’t sleep with lights on.”

“I’m studying.” My reply was terse.


“Okay.” For some unknown reasons, I felt happy with her request. I switched on my table lamp and then I climbed off my bed and put the lights off.

“Thanks.” She smiled at me, and turned her back toward me.

I returned to my bed. My book open in my hands, I silently watched her shapely back clad into her white satin gown. My eyes pried upon her curvy, slightly enlarged asscheeks. The cloth was delicately pulled into the crack between her globes that I could picture the perfect heart shaped ass with my open eyes. My heart began beating hard. I struggled to divert my attention, trying to concentrate into the book I was reading. However, my eyes failed to read anything. My eyes remained glued to the gown covered crack of my sister’s ass. Any chance of going back to what I had been doing was simply out of the question. In the end, I gave up. There was no use in wasting time staring Roly’s arse. I switched off the table lamp and sprawled on my bed.

The entire room was covered with darkness; the only light source was a tiny mosquito repellant plugged to the switchboard. But its light was so low that I couldn’t even see my sister’s silhouette on her bed that was only few feet away from me. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. It didn’t come. My mind was full of amorous thoughts about my beautiful sister. The episode of last night began playing before my eyes like a movie. I visualized my sister’s spreading her naked thighs, her hairy cunt exposed to my lecherous view, her soaking fingers slashing in and out of her wet cunt.

More I tried to divert my thoughts more it went back to the vision of my naked sister. My cock was hard like a rod and it was now straining inside my shorts. I opened my eyes and stared in the darkness. I didn’t know how long I had been fantasizing. I needed a release and I got to do it even if my sister was sleeping on a nearby bed. I got down from my bed and sit on the edge. The room was glowing under a very dim orange light. I realized that my eyes were now accustomed to the darkness. I could now see the vague outline of my sister on her bed. I rose from my bed, tiptoed across the gap between our beds, and squatted near her bed. Roly was now sleeping on her back, snoring gently. Her left leg was sprawled on the bed and the right leg was bent at her knees. Because of that, her gown had moved up along her thighs exposing her left leg up to the knee. Under the dim glow of tiny orange light, all I could see was the vague outlines of her exposed legs. Even that was enough to drive me wild. My heart was beating fast, my whole body shivering with a strange excitement. With my heart pounding fiercely in my chest, I reached out and gently placed my hand over her exposed knee. Her body shook involuntarily for a moment and then became still. I let my hand rest over her knee, looking for any response from Roly. She didn’t respond, still continued breathing lightly. I drew all my courage and slipped my hand slowly along her leg feeling the soft skin of her calf. My hand touched the hem of her gown. I knew that I should immediately stop what I was doing and should go back to my bed, but I couldn’t.

With shaking hands, I carefully pushed her gown upwards. As her one leg was folded in vertical position, the satin cloth moved rather easily. I kept on pushing it until my fingers were a whisker away from the delicate mound of her cunt. I held my breath and gently flipped the hem of the gown over her belly exposing her mons veneris, the mound of her cunt, hidden behind the thin material of tiny blue cotton panties. Blood rushed fiercely to my head; my whole body shivered with excitement. The hammering in my chest was reaching to a crescendo.

With my hand resting over her uncovered flashy thighs, I tried to catch my breath. It was not easy. The feeling of my sister’s hot flesh and the realization that my fingers were almost touching her hot cunt, made it very difficult for me to stay cool. My cock throbbed so violently inside my shorts that I feared that it would start spurting there itself. With my free hand, I pushed my shorts down freeing my mammoth hard on. Soon, I realized that all efforts to control my emotions were useless. I gently slipped my hand and placed it over her cunt. Roly was sound asleep. Her body didn’t respond to my touch on her cunt. I let my hand rest over her cunt mound, feeling the soft fluffy mound. The sensory nerves in the palm of my hand could easily feel the soft sponginess and the delicate lips of her cunt.

I just couldn’t believe that I was actually petting the first cunt of my life. In the heat of lust, it didn’t matter to me that it belonged to my own sister and what I was doing was a crime under the social norms…a sin. I just wanted to feel the warmth of that delicious cunt. I was so lost in petting my sister’s cunt that I didn’t realize when my free hand gripped my massive hard on and began diddling it. My shaking fingers gently began moving over her mound lightly. They slowly moved between her thighs feeling the parted lips of her cunt through her panties. My fingers could feel the soft crispy cunt hair, the fluffiness of her cunt lips and the moist slit between them through the sheer cloth. I pressed my fingers lightly, gently rubbing the moist area before her slit. I didn’t have any knowledge of female anatomy and hence I couldn’t comprehend the reason of her moist panties. I almost forgot that my actions could cause her to wake up and I could be caught red handed.

I continued feeling her slit, lost in the rapturous feeling overwhelming my whole body, while my other hand diddled my hard on. My orgasm hit me without any warning. Before I could realize what was happening, my cock suddenly erupted splashing my hot cum juice. I had almost forgotten that while my fingers played with my sister’s pussy, my other hand was busy massaging my erect cock feverishly. It resulted in a massive eruption of hot molten cum juice. I quickly withdrew my hand from Roly’s pussy and tried to stop the flying jets but, I was late. My cock spurted again and again releasing gobs after gobs of cum on the floor and on my hands. The eruption ceased slowly, but I remained lost in the rhapsodic sensation. My cock was stilling jerking between my fingers even though nothing came out of the tiny hole. I quickly took off my t shirt and wiped cum from the floor and from my hands. Under the dim lights, it was not possible to see cum on the floor but anyhow I mopped the floor. After wiping my fingers dry, I gently pulled my sister’s gown back over her thighs.

I then noiselessly scurried to the toilet, carefully washed my cum soaked t shirt in the wash basin and dropped it in the washing machine. Satisfied, I came out of the bathroom. Silently, dragged myself to my bed and slipped under the covers. I could still feel the mild shudders of erotic pleasure. I reveled in the fantastic feeling. I did have a momentary guilt feeling; but it didn’t last. When I went to sleep, my mind was full with amorous thoughts about my sexy sister. To be continued…

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