This is a purely fictional story.I would narrate it from the first person point of view. The first part is the base story so it may be quite boring in the beginning.
Hi, my name is Rahul I am an 18 years old class 12 student. I am an average Indian boy with no real ambitions I think about sex all the time but still don’t have any girlfriend.I am a virgin. Honestly, I am kind of afraid of talking to a girl anyway, yet I have many male friends most of them are also like me a virgin, socially awkward.I belong to a lower middle-class family with my mother and a younger brother my father passed away when I was 4 and from that, my mother is supporting our small family financially.
Last month I started coughing blood my mother got worried she drove me to a hospital there I find out that I have terminal cancer and I have a month at top surgeries were possible but they would just hardly extend my time by 1 week or so, not to mention they would cost us quite a bit of a fortune and my mother who hardly earns 25000 per month was not able to arrange that much amount of money.My brother and my mother got very upset and me I had given up on life 3 weeks were passed after the news break my friends felt very pity for me and my family too from the inside everyone knew what was gonna happen but mother still haven’t given up yet she even started taking me to different babas and yogis but still nothing happened.
One night when only 3 or 4 days were left until my death I saw a man looking at my house from outside our home his eyes were shinning in the dark.I ignored him for one day but he also showed himself the next day and the day after that I got worried and when there was only one day remaining for my life I got to him and questioned him that why the fuck are you looking at my house from the last couple of days I was pretty angry at my situation so I wanted to get my anger out on him so I pushed him. After that, he simply replied that “You shouldn’t do such violence in your condition, the terminal cancer is going to end you tomorrow “, after listening to that I started crying realizing that it was my last day, my mother also came outside and hugged me.
Watching our situation the man replied -“Well I could save you but there is a price to pay”He smiled.
My mother quickly responded to him and asked him that “What?How ? Really? ” after so many failed attempts I just want to spend my last day with my family or maybe fuck a prostitute maybe thinking of that if it was my last day I could rape a hot girl and just die then. The fuck what the hell am I thinking why am I thinking all that shit.”So whats your decision young boy? I don t have much time and so do you” the man said.
My mother took me to him and when we inquired we found out that he was a part of a secret medical organisation who was way ahead of the time their new life to change drug was ready to be tested and the subject has to be a person with terminal patient with this test he said that the consequences may not be desirable but at last you will be alive.He covered our eyes and took us to his secret lab where he started treatment on me he removed my clothes in front of a room full of people and started applying syringe in every part of my body body even my dick and my testicles and then made me drink a a glass full of a purple color medicines and put me inside a small box there heat and light started coming out of everywhere and I experienced a burning sensation in my whole body the pain became unbearable and I ultimately got unconscious.
I woke up in my room beside my mother she told me that it has been 2 weeks since I was unconscious.Two weeks and I am alive I become happy had started jumping and laughing then I realize that something was different I looked in the mirror and saw a really pretty naked girl…………Fuck that was me !!!!!!!!
My mother told me that the side effect that was reported was my sex change the energy required for the drug to work was a lot and cause my DNA gene to change I didn’t really understand the science part but was still in shock. My mother said “That leave it now the only thing matters is that you are alive and I have taken care of all the legal documentations and your school is also informed and the last part is that the man who conducted the experiment has said that neither will us or he will ever meet again, but still in case I had given him your no. For any information”
By the next day everything came back to normal again, but I was quite fascinated by my female body I looked so damn beautiful even prettier than my crush surprisingly all the hairs from my body were gone and my hairs on the head became really long also my breast weren’t the size of an average teenage girl they were huge.But he only strange part was that I was feeling quite different about my sexual preference.
We didn’t really have any relatives besides my mother’s 2 elder brothers they were quite nice to me and my mother told me they visited me while I was unconscious so besides them, it was pretty usual. But the real thing was about to start from tomorrow onward when I will meet my friends.
It was the school day I wore my usual male uniform that day the teacher had told everyone about me to everyone before but everyone still looked surprised. I realize that was the prettiest girl in the class or even in the school, I blushed thinking about that and took a seat with my old friends.They were fascinated by my body actually everyone was fantasized by it and they all stared at me the whole day in the recess everyone came to me and started talking to me I felt really special it really boosted my self-esteemed at that point then suddenly one of my friends came to me and said that my boobs look beautiful and he would love to feel them ,I thought of it as a joke and sarcastically told him to go on and enjoy everyone suddenly got so much excited and started pressing my boobs, we were on the last bench and most of the guys were were surrounding me so no one was able to guess whats going on with me, I was about to push them away but surprisingly it started feeling quite good after all. Everyone was fondling me and praising my body it started to felt real good.
Sorry have to end this episode right here but believe me the party has just started and you have a lot to read, I know the real action haven’t come yet but believe me it was just the prologue and the real thing is about to start from the next chapter.I will try to upload the next part as quickly as possible.
Thank you