Milky Adventure Part 6

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Hello’s been a while I have uploaded my story..sorry for the delay.

Hope u like it and please do comment ur view about it.

Please read all my previous stories in the series. This story is more about feelings and less about sex so hardcore sex readers this story is not to ur liking sorry.

( this part is the prequel to the previous part where Riya has not yet given blowjob to her stepson and aravindo. This part is about how she first gave blowjob to them)

Aravind was a bit lost. His friend Shreyas was bedridden with a virus, and for a day and a half, he amused himself by doing puzzles, playing online games and reading. Every half an hour or so he would check in on his friend where he lay in bed, but most often Shreyas was asleep. Aravind would sit and loyally watch until his restlessness got the better of him and he went outside, or to the computer or sofa.

His sole blessing was being with Riya, watching her as she did chores around the home, looked after her baby or helped Shreyas with drinks so he didn’t get dehydrated.

She chatted with him as she went to and fro, and he loved watching her, her slim figure, the way her plump breasts filled her blouse, and her sari tight around her curvy buttocks. He watched, remembering his secret view of her as she passionately made love with Arun. He remembered her breasts free of her bra and blouse, her dark nipples, the softness of her skin, her bare hips as she raised and lowered than in response to Arun’s thrusts, her bare legs in the air and around his shoulders as he buried his face in her pussy.

Arun wanted desperately to talk with her but he didn’t know how to start. What if she got angry with him and threw him out or sent him off to the orphanage. Riya was soft and kind, but he had felt her anger and the slap across his cheeks.
‘Aravind honey.’
‘Yes mommy’

My breasts are painful and full of milk, the baby fell asleep before she finished feeding, will you help me?’
‘Oh yes, please yes, I would love to help you.

He was sitting on the sofa, and she came towards him.

As she came she undid the buttons on her blouse. She stood in front of him, her knee on the sofa next to him. With her hands, she eased her full breast out of her bra, then leaned forward so her breast was against his face. Her fingers squeezed her nipple, and he opened his mouth and she leaned more and he felt her nipple into his mouth. He licked at first, twice, then squeezed her nipple between his lips. He felt the warm sweetness of her milk in his mouth and he sucked gently. He knew by now that if he was patient and gentle the milk would come. He knew also that his gentle touch pleased her, many times she sighed or breathed a little more heavily if he teased her nipple with his tongue, or opened his mouth wide and took as much of her breast as he could and gently sucked her hardening nipples.

She slid into a sitting position and he nestled against her and again closed his mouth over her nipple and gently sucked, the milky sweetness flowing into his mouth.

When he felt the milk dry off, he changed position and again gently sucked and licked her nipple, and he felt her milk begin to flow.
She chatted softly to him, telling him what a good son he had become to her, and how good a friend he was to Shreyas.
“Mom.’ The faint call from the bedroom shook her into action.
She pushed Aravind, hurriedly buttoned her blouse and rushed into the bedroom.

Aravind followed and watched as she cuddled Shreyas to her, comforting him as he whimpered.
‘I don’t feel well.’
‘I know honey, you will feel better soon.’
She gently rocked him in her arms, comforting him, rubbing his back with her hand and kissing the top of his head.
He dews back from her and commenced to unbutton her blouse.
‘No baby, not now.’

‘Please mummy, I want your milk, it will make me feel better.’
‘Yes my sweet boy, if that’s what you want.’
She turned on the bed so her back was to Aravind, so he could only imagine her breasts being freed from her blouse and bra, and Shreya’s mouth closing over her nipple.
He felt cut out of this scene, and unhappily went back to the sofa, his intimate time with Riyamom forgotten.

Riya sat on the bed, her back against the headboard, and Shreyas crawled into her lap. He could barely life his head, so she leaned forward and with her fingers eased her breast against his lips, he opened his mouth and sucked on her nipple. Comforted by the softness of her body and the taste of her milk he closed his eyes and sucked, his teeth scraping against her nipple. He felt her harden in his mouth and sucked harder.

Riya pushed his hair back off his forehead and caressed his brow, the sweat left her hand damp, and she wiped his forehead with the corner of her blouse. As he sucked her nipple it was as if he love and energy was flowing out of her and into him. She understood that there was no better way for a mother to nurse her stepson back to health than with her mother’s milk. She smiled quietly to herself as he milked her, and his body relaxed in her arms.
For Shreyas, nothing else mattered than Riya at this moment, the taste of her milk, the feeling of her soft breast and hard nipple in his mouth, the warmth and softness of her body. Instinctively his fingers reached for her other breast, and he rolled her nipple between his fingers as he sucked.

Ria felt a warmth building up in her as she responded to his touch. She squirmed on the bed and squeezed her thighs together.
Shreyas’s head lolled to the side and her breast was freed from his mouth, he breathed evenly, calmer than before and Riya lay with him and watched him sleep. The crying of her baby startled her, and she eased her stepson back on to the pillow and rushed out of the bedroom, fixing up her bra and blouse as she closed the door behind her.

Outside Aravind was listlessly playing with a ball, throwing it over the trunk of a tree and running to catch it on the other side. His heart felt heavy and he didn’t know why. His head was full of the thoughts of Arun and Riya as they made love on the bed, and the feel of Riya close to him as he lay with her. She excited him, a mixture of being aroused by her naked body as Arun thrust inside her, and the feeling of warmth and intimacy as she nursed him.
He wanted to talk with her, there was no one else that could answer his questions. He felt a warmth grow deep in his belly as he remembered her naked limbs, her surrender as she lay with her arms on the pillow behind her, her legs apart and Arun’s head between her thighs.

He had seen pictures of naked women, even with legs wide open and secrets displayed, but this part of a woman was a mystery to him.
He had a vivid imagination and he was more aware now of his own sexual feelings. At first with Riya it was her as a mother that he wanted and her mother’s milk seemed to fill a void that existed in his life. In the last month there was more, and many times he played with himself in bed as he thought of her soft skin, her plump curvy breasts and the curves of her ass.

Riya was in the lounge, folding clothes on the sofa when Aravind walked in.
‘What have you been doing honey?’ she asked.
‘Just outside, playing, how is Shreyas?’
He is sleeping, I think he is better.’

‘Did you feed him?’
The question surprised Riya with its directness, but she answered without hesitation.
‘Yes, I think it made him feel better, he is much more rested now.’
She continued to fold the clothes and he watched her.
Minutes passed, and she became aware of him looking at her.
‘Honey, is everything ok?’
He hesitated, then answered, ‘Yeah, its ok.’

She knew him well enough to know he wanted to ask more, but she waited.
‘Riyamom..can I ask…’
‘Sure honey, you are my son, you can ask me anything.’
Her generous heart overwhelmed him.
‘Mom… you and Arun… I saw you…’
She didn’t respond at first, then she froze.

She turned away from him and quickly shuffled some clothes in her hands.
‘You saw Arun and I…doing what…’
She turned towards him.
‘Doing what Aravindo…what do you mean”
She looked sternly at him.
‘Aravindo, what do you mean?’
‘I…saw you and him…on the bed…’
She turned away and buried her head in the clothes she was holding.
‘No! Enough Aravind, enough!’
She sat on the sofa, her head bent low and tears filled her eyes.
Aravind sat on the sofa, despondent.
‘Why do you tell me this, I feel so much shame…why tell me this. What do you want?’

‘I want to know… ‘
‘Want to know what…oh Aravindo, what are you trying to say?’
‘I want to know what you were doing, you and Arun…’
Riya didn’t answer for a long time but sat with her head bowed. Aravind watched her, dreading an outburst of anger, but he could almost see a change come over her.
Eventually, she raised her head and smiled at him.
‘Yes, Arum and I, we made love on the bed. You were watching?’
‘Yes, I saw…’
‘Ohhh…Shreyas too…?’

‘No, not Shreyas, just me, the door was a bit open, I looked through.’
‘I see…’
‘Did you know what was happening, what you saw?’
Well sort of… I knew you were making love but I don’t really know what that means.’
Riya was very matter of fact. She was aware that Aravind relied now on her, his mom, and she understood it was her responsibility to help him.
‘Do they tell you about sex at the orphanage?’
Not really, they just tell us not to play with ourselves..that it is wrong and bad for our health.’
‘Really? They tell you that?’
‘Yes, sometimes I worry about it.’

‘Because you do it? Is that right?’
He lowered his head. ‘Yes…’
‘Aravinnd, its ok to play with yourself, it’s not bad, it’s a human urge and it does no harm.’
‘Yes, I do it and it seems ok but I feel guilty after.’

‘Yes honey, I understand, but sex is nothing to feel guilty about. What you do when you play with yourself, what you saw Arun and I did when we were having sex is nothing wrong.’
He looked at her and his eyes widened. ‘Really?’
“Yes, of course, men especially masturbate many times a day even, its natural to feel that way.’
Aravind felt a weight lift from him.

‘And what you and Arun were doing, having sex, that is ok too?’
‘Well, that is more difficult, for most people they have to be married to have sex and make babies. You know how babies are made don’t you?’
‘Ummm, yes…I think so.’
‘A man’s penis gets hard and he puts it in a woman’s vulva and then they make a baby.’
‘Will you and Arun make a baby.”
‘No, I am breastfeeding baby, so I can’t make a baby for now.’
Oh… ok. But what about when Arun had his head between your legs, what was happening there?’
‘Well honey, men, and women make babies when they have sex but they also have pleasure together, they do things that make them happy.’

‘Does that make you happy?’
‘When he does that, yes very much, a woman, well most women I think, like a man to use his tongue and mouth to give her pleasure.’
‘So he kisses you there?’

‘Yes honey, he kisses me, and like when you take my milk, he sucks my vagina. Do you know what a clitoris is?’
No…what is it?’
‘Well, a woman has a little …kind of a button in the front of her vagina, and it gives a lot of pleasure when it is touched or licked.’
‘And you have one?’
‘Yes of course I do.’

Can I see yours?’
Aravind No! I need you to understand what you saw the other day, but don’t ask me that!’
Anger had crept into her voice, and Aravindo feared she would put a stop to their conversation.
‘I’m sorry Riyamom, I didn’t mean to hurt you.’
She softened. ‘Its ok, I know you are curious, but you will discover all these things in time. One day you will have a wife and you will get to understand.’
‘Yes, thanks Riyamom, but I want to marry you!’
She laughed and ruffled his hair.
‘Well, I am flattered but I am married!’

‘Yes, I know.’
Aravind was eager to continue the conversation, he was fascinated with what he was hearing.
‘so when Arun kisses you down there you can’t make babies like that?’
No, that’s right. Babies are made when a man puts his penis in a woman’s vagina and spurts his semen into her. When you masturbate, you spurt a liquid, yes?’
‘Yes, it makes a mess!’

‘Yes, I know the mess it makes. Well, that liquid mixes inside the woman’s body and a baby are made.’
Unknown to Riya and Aravind, Shreyas had woken and had come to the door. He heard them talking, and stood out of sight, listening.
She continued. ‘A man’s penis gets hard, and when its hard he can put it inside the woman. When you masturbate, you get hard don’t you?’
Yes, very hard, its when I start thinking about sex, I get hard and then I want to masturbate.’
‘Yes, that happens with men all the time. How often does that happen to you?’
‘Oh well, sometimes it can be two or three times a day’
Her eyes widened. ‘Really?’

Her eyes dropped to his shorts, and she could see the bulge. ‘Yes, it can happen anytime when men think about sex, or even when there is talk about sex.’
His face reddened when he saw where she was looking.
‘Its ok Aravindo honey, its nothing to be ashamed of, men can have an erection at any time. You just have to be careful, sometimes it comes at the wrong time, but really its natural to be hard, to have an erection like you have now.’
Shreyas didn’t follow at first, but he was beginning to understand what was going on. He took a quick peek around the door and saw his stepmom sitting forward on the sofa, and Aravind standing in front of her.

He ducked back so as not to be noticed and continued to listen.
‘You want to touch yourself now don’t you honey? It’s natural to do that when you get an erection. Just like you give yourself pleasure when you do that, a man and woman give each other pleasure when they touch each other. But don’t let them tell you its wrong, you just have to be careful when you do it, not everyone thinks its ok.’
‘Do you think its ok?’

‘Well Aravindo, you are my son now, I understand how you feel, I don’t think its wrong to masturbate, but you have to be careful.’
Shreyas listened to these words with a growing anger inside him. He didn’t like the words ‘you are my son now.’ Aravind wasn’t her son, not like Shreyas was.

Aravind’s had reached to his shorts and he touched himself, pinched the head of his hardening penis inside his shorts and stroked and rubbed himself.
‘Can I ask mummy, do you masturbate too?

Her eyes tried to avoid looking down. ‘Well on occasions I have, but not like a man does, not so often. Sometimes when I wash I touch myself.’
‘Yes me too, when I wash, it starts off just with a wash but when I touch myself I start thinking sexy thoughts and then I begin to get hard and then it happens.’

Shreyas risked another peek around the door, Aravind and his stepmom were angled away from him and he was unseen. He watched whild Aravind undid the buttons on his shorts, reached in and took his penis out.

Riya looked down at Aravindo’s hard penis, and his fingers lightly stroking the tip. His shorts fell to the floor.

‘Is that what you do when you masturbate? What are you doing now?

‘Yes.’ He continued to rub the top of his penis with his fingers, and then rubbed his penis against his belly with his palm. ‘Sometimes like this too.’

He then stroked his shaft up and down with his hand. ‘I like this too, this is what I do when I am nearly ready to spurt.’
He continued to rub and stroke himself with his fingers and palm.
‘Mummy, please do it for me too.’

‘Aravind, I can’t, don’t ask me that.’
Shreyas felt some relief when he heard these words. He didn’t want his mom to touch his friend like that. He knew what Aravind was feeling now, he had done that many times to himself too, sometimes in bed, sometimes outside in a quiet corner of the garden, and sometimes behind a closed door. He was surprised to hear his friend’s confession to his stepmom, he didn’t know anyone else did that too.
‘Please mommy, I love you, I want you to help me.’
‘No Aravindo, I can’t do that.’
He continued to stroke and rub himself in front of her. Her eyes were drawn to the sight of his erect penis being rubbed with his hand and fingertips. His hand encircled his shaft, and he stroked up and down.
With his free hand he reached out for hers, grabbed her and he tried to put her hand on his penis.

She resisted and tried to pull back, but he had a firm grip on her wrist. She was surprised at his strength as he fought to make her touch him. In the struggle between his hand and her wrist trying to pull away, she felt her fingers touch him. It was just a touch but the warmth of his skin and his hardness against her fingertips were electric.
‘Please mommy, its ok, you said its not wrong to masturbate like this.’
‘But this is different… its ok for you, but not for me Aravindo.’
Shreyas bristled at the tone in Aravind’s voice. He wanted to protect his stepmom, he didn’t like what his friend was saying.
Aravind felt the fight go out of Riya’s arm, and when he placed her fingers on his penis there was no struggle. The victory he seemed to have won excited him even more, and he felt a sense of power over her.

Her fingers rested on him but she didn’t move them. Instead, he moved them for her, held her fingers in his and stroked his shaft with them.

He felt her response and took his hand away. Her fingers lightly stroked his shaft, and then her fingertips closed over his tip and with her thumb, she caressed the knob. He took a step towards her, his penis level with her breasts and she looked at her hand as it caressed his penis. He was thicker than she expected, and there was a purplish tinge to his dark hard skin. His hardness surprised her, she hadn’t thought someone so young could be so virile. As she stroked and caressed him he began to move his hips back and forward against her hand. His knees almost buckled and he put a hand on her shoulder to steady himself. She change hands, and with her other hand she encircled his waist, then dropped her hand and rested it on the soft skin of his buttocks. As he thrust his hips back and forward she picked up his rhythm, and let his movements control hers. She squeezed her fingers around him and he moaned, his breathing getting faster and more urgent. She felt herself responding deep inside her body, his passion stirring hers but she suppressed it, this was just her helping her son, it wasn’t like a real sexual encounter.
Aravind was coming closer to his climax, he felt the familiar urge in his balls as his climax built, and he grasped her wrist and pumped up and down the shaft of his penis, his hips thrusting.

Shreyas saw this and was mesmerised. He was angry with his friend, he was jealous that his stepmom was pleasuring him like this. He felt his fists clench, but he also felt his own hardness inside his pyjamas.

As Aravindo reached his climax Riya could feel the response in her body, her nipples were hard, she could feel the warmth in her vulva, the tingling as her juices warmed her.

With a loud moan, Aravind’s climax came. He spurted his white seed, a high arc of cum at first, then followed by three more ejaculations of his cum, then lesser spurts and finally dribbles as Riya’s hand continued to pump him, the warm cum lubricating her fingers. His first spurts had landed mostly on the floor, but some had landed on her blouse and dribbled onto her lap.
Aravind collapsed on the couch next to her, his penis still hard. He was breathing harder, now and then a moan escaping from his lips. She passed him a washer from the pile of clothes.
‘Here, wipe yourself, it’s quite a mess.
With a towel, she wiped herself down and wiped the cum from the floor.
She turned to look at him.
‘That’s it Aravind, no more. You can ask me any questions you have but from now on you will have to masturbate yourself. I can’t do that anymore. Now put these on.’

She passed his shorts to him. He looked at her, still breathing hard and hardly able to move.

‘Come on now, hurry, Shreyas will be up soon and I don’t want him to see this.’

She took his arm and pulled him to his feet. He pulled his shorts on and sat again.

‘You can stay here and rest. I will take the clothes to the bedroom’.
Shreyas was still listening, but no longer watching. His anger had built inside him, anger and jealousy he had never felt so keenly up to now. He was furious with Aravindo, and furious too with his mom. For the first time he resented his friend coming to stay with them.
Aravindo put his feet up on the sofa, and even before Riya was out of the door with the clothes in her arms his eyes were closed and he was drifting off.

She made her way to her bedroom and put the clothes on the chair in the corner. She became aware of someone behind her, and she turned to face Shreyas.
‘I hate you!’

Shreyas my darling, what are you saying?’
‘I hate you and I hate Aravindo!’
‘Shreyas what are you saying? What do you mean?’
‘I saw you with him, I saw you!’

‘Honey, please don’t say that, please don’t say you hate your mommy!’
He stood, his fists clenched, his face red with anger.
‘Come here baby, let me explain.’
‘No! I don’t want Aravind here again. I hate him!’
She walked to him and took him in her arms, but he was stiff, wooden.
She looked at his face, her hands on his shoulders.
‘Honey, its ok, I was just helping Aravind learning about some things.’

‘Yes, I saw you, I saw what you did with him.’
‘Come here and sit down and let mommy explain.
She took him to the bed, sat him down, and knelt in front of him.
She took his hands in hers and rubbed them as she consoled him.
‘I know you are upset honey, but don’t worry, Aravind was asking me some questions about sex and I was explaining it to him.’
Yeah, I saw that, and I saw what you did with him too.’
Shreyas baby, I know you must be upset, but you must never think I love Aravind more than I love you. You are my son and that is the most important thing to me.’
She felt his tension ease slightly.

‘But you call him your son too, and let him drink your milk.’
‘Darling, I know you might not like sharing me with Aravindo, but he is an orphan remember, he has no one except you and me. We are his family, he is like a brother to you and like a son to me. But he can never be a son like you, you are my real son, I don’t want to hurt you.’

He kept his head down but she could feel his anger leaving him.
‘Come now, let mommy feed you, you would like that wouldn’t you.
She got up on her feet and settled on the bed next to him.
‘Help mommy with my buttons my darling.’ He reached over to her and one by one undid the buttons on her blouse. She lifted her shoulders and eased the blouse off. Her bra was a black background, with coloured dots in a pattern and flowers. It was her nursing bra, and she unclasped the red catch at the front.
Shreyas’ anger and jealousy was gone, and he felt the comfort of her words and actions. She eased the bra cups back and he breasts were exposed for him, a dusky skin colour, with dark nipples and dark skin around them. They were full, plump and soft, and drops of milk dribbled down her skin and onto the duvet.

She put her hand behind his head and pulled his head down to her. He licked the drops of milk off her nipple, and she shuddered at the touch. Gently he kissed her nipple, then opened his mouth slightly and sucked. Before the milk began to flow he kissed her nipple again then he licked it, then opened his mouth and licked again, feeling the hardness of her nipple and the softness of her breast. Then his mouth closed over her nipple and he felt the warm sweetness of her milk in his mouth.

Her arm was around him and she clasped him to her. Her heart opened to him, to her son and she squeezed his shoulders.
He lay pressed against her, resting on one elbow, she on her back, her breasts in his view as he milked her.

He felt his penis harden in his shorts and pressed his thigh against her. Her hand dropped to his hip and she caressed him, her hand underneath his pyjama top, and his skin warm to her touch. He squirmed against her once again, pressing his now hard penis against her thigh. She eased her hand inside the waistband of his pyjama bottoms and stroked his hip.
As he sucked, his hips pressed her again and again, and she felt his buttocks tighten.
‘Mommy, please touch me like you touched Aravindo.’
‘Don’t ask mommy to do that honey.’

Please mommy, you did that for Aravindo, why not for me, you said I was your real son.’
‘Yes you are, of course, you are.’
‘Please mommy, I love you Riyamom, please…’
She kissed the top of his forehead, and with her hand on his hip, pushed him. Her hand was still inside his waistband, and her fingers brushed against his penis as he rolled away.

She undid the tie on his pajamas and eased them down. He lifted his buttocks and she eased the pajamas down to his thighs.
She looked at his penis, it was hard, standing hard, not quite so thick as Aravind’s, but a little longer. His skin was not so dark, but there was no doubting his arousal.

Tenderly she touched him, lightly grazing her fingertips up and down his skin, then her fingers tightened around him and she squeezed. His penis jumped inside her fingers and she felt the intake of his breath.
She lifted herself on to her side, her hand touching him, her breasts close to his face.
‘Kiss mommy’s breasts my darling.’

Again his tongue teased her nipple, little circles around her, then he sucked her. She pressed her breasts against him and he sucked harder. Her fingers stroked him, she squeezed his tip, caressed the hardness of his shaft and alternatively squeezed him, relaxed her grip and squeezed again.

Shreyas’ passion took over and he sucked hard on her nipple, squeezing between his lips, and his teeth brushed her erect nipple.
Her hand tightened its grip on him and she stroked harder, his hard penis quivering in her hand.

Her body was tingling all over, her vulva pulsed in rhythm to her touch and Shreyas’ sucking.

He released her breast and brought his face close to her ear.
‘Suck me too please mommy, I want to feel your mouth on me.’
She was both excited and nervous at this, he had never spoken so directly to her, but she was feeling guilty about what he had seen with Aravindo. She knew that to overcome his resentment she would have to take one step further than what she had done for Aravind to reassure him that he was her son.

Her hand gently caressed him, and she knew what she wanted to do for him.
‘Kneel up honey, kneel here, next to mommy.’

Obediently he knelt next to her, level on the bed with her head. She turned towards him, propped up on her elbow. She reached out and touched him lightly, her thumb wiping away a drop of precum. Her hand clasped him, and she moved her head towards him. She kissed him lightly on his tip, then opened her mouth and closed her lips over his tip. She drew her head back slightly, her lips closed, dragging over the tip.

She looked up at him, his mouth was open, his eyes fixed on hers and he was holding his breath. With a moan his breath escaped, he clenched his fingers. He had never felt anything like this before, the exquisite sensation of her lips excited him beyond belief.
She held his shaft back and ran her tongue over the underside of his shaft, licking the ridge of the vein, then her tongue wandered back to the tip. Again she opened her mouth and took him, deeper this time, her tongue teasing him as she moved her head back and forward, then she sucked him, tasting the freshness of his penis.

Aravind’s body was trembling, his breathing was heavy, and his knees trembled.

Instinctively he fingered her nipple and played with her breast, the feel of her mouth, her lips and her tongue cutting off any rational thought in his brain. His body was flowing with sensations. He looked down and he could see his hard penis disappear into his stepmom’s mouth, her lips folded around him. She grasped his shaft close to his body and held it in her mouth as she sucked him.
His hand caressed her breast, then her belly. He was hardly aware of what he was touching, he caressed in response to the over the flow of sensation and feeling that centered on his penis.

He caressed her tummy, flat and firm, and his hand and fingers caressed her thigh, then without knowing his fingers strayed between her thighs. She grunted a no and shook her head. Her hand took his and placed it on her breast.

Riya was lost in the sensation of her stepson’s penis in her mouth, her eyes closed and she sucked and licked him, in turn gently and intensely.

She could feel a stirring in her vulva, and she was amazed to realize that his building orgasm was echoed in her body. He thrust his hips forward and she responded, a rhythm set up by his thrusts, becoming urgent. She could feel the engorged penis filling her mouth, and with her hand she stroked him.

Shreyas was beyond control, he could feel the orgasm building and with a rush, the semen filled his shaft and he spurted inside his stepmom’s mouth. Spurt followed spurt and her mouth filled. As the throbs subsided she put her head to the side, and wiped her mouth, collecting the warm cum in the cloth. She turned towards him and gently kissed his still stiff penis.

His body was still trembling, his breathing coming in gasps.
She pulled him down to her and cuddled him to her.
He nestled against her, his body spent, and she held him to her. A wave of love flowed from her, she was warm, in her heart and her body too.
‘My Shreyas’, she whispered to herself, ‘my boy, my son.’

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