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‘Veni…Veni dear, I called loudly knocking the door our house in a posh locality of New Delhi please wait. I am coming answered my 21 year old wife Krishnaveni as she came running to open the door can’t you wait for a minute you scared me she said frowned on noticing my stare at her heaving bust  covered up in mock anger and walked back swinging her well rounded buttocks. I dropped my bag and coat on the sofa picked her up in my arms and whirled around few times laughing triumphantly.

Stop it Kiran my head is reeling she protested ignoring them, I carried her to first floor bed room put her down on bed and locked her lips after few minutes she managed to break off with heaving breasts and blushed face, she murmured don’t crush me like that darling doctor told me to be careful she waited for few moments for my reaction noticing I missed the point she asked what’s the excitement about! my project is a grand success I got an out of turn promotion get ready quickly our director is giving a party at his residence.

I reeled off in excitement and rushed to bathroom to get ready I kept chattering about my project my efforts all along our way to party. Veni listened intently, At party everybody showered congratulations around 11pm, my director’s wife a beautiful 32 year old gynecologist walked up to me tagging along Veni her full breasts (38C-22-35- I measured them few months later ) moving sensually I found it hard to keep my eyes off them and she caught me sorry madam I mumbled don’t apologize they are meant to be looked at and handled feast your eyes for now she said in a low tone,

Flipping her eyes towards her bust with naughty smile congratulations on two counts she said loudly what is the second one?’ I asked perplexed ignoring me she went on take her home she needs rest I know you are married just three months ago good work she said with a wink running her eyes over my body what is the matter Veni, you look pale are you all right?’ I asked driving back home. I will tell you on reaching home she blushed I repeated my question later on bed why

Mrs. Savita Batra congratulated me on two counts and said good work! You are a dumb head in certain matters. Dr Savita is my treating gynecologist she examined me in the morning we are becoming parents shortly probably twins didn’t know she is your boss’s wife. Veni murmured into my ears hugging me great. Veni double good news thank you has she given the date, I showered questions in between kisses, and tightened the hug in ecstasy easy Kiran don’t crush me said Veni struggling for breast sorry dear, ’I said loosening the hug.

Kiran keep away from her I don’t like the way she was looking at you cooed my wife you think I am crazy she is elder to me. I exclaimed so were your bhabies! More over this lady is your boss’s wife you may not displease her, she taunted me don’t put ideas into my brain they were willing, married ladies with children I told you about them to avoid misunderstandings I asked about your own adventures also I told you that I am open minded remember you too can my sentence was terminated as my wife sealed my lips with a kiss never say that again said my wife, her face purple with anger relax Veni, it is up to you…ok, ok!

I will never bring it up I backed off, pulled her on to me and made love gently but she eventually agreed three years after our twins arrived her sister Vimala is instrumental in the transformation my flight announcement brought me to senses after settling comfortably in my executive seat I recollected how it occurred in seventh month of Veni’s pregnancy my in-laws took her away  for special attention I kept visiting Veni once or twice a month my wife delivered twin sons we named them Rahul and Rohit my wife’s sister

Vimala (Vimi) grew up at a rapid pace my in-laws started searching for a suitable groom and sought my help I suggested Vinod my handsome cousin and a software engineer fascinated by Vimi’s beautiful figure he readily agreed. Vimi too consented but was keen to get a P.G degree before marriage pick up a PG diploma in Genetics at National institute it has excellent job opportunities. I advised, Vinod supported as it will help Vimi’s carrier so Vimala accompanied Veni and babies physically Veni has not changed much despite delivering twins she remained tight her cup size increased to32B.

Waist line and buttocks remained 19-30 but her ever willing nature for sex has vanished remember I am a feeding mother she admonished me pushing my hands off when I tried to grip her breasts from behind sexual activity has reduced to twice a week from twice a day that left me sex starved. Vimala was helpful in minding the kids after her college she joined a P.G Diploma course ( in fertility studies I learnt later ) at home, she started wearing saris and blouses with plunging neck lines revealing her perky breasts and a beautiful, grain sized black mole just inside the ‘valley.

I had a tough time in keeping my eyes off but sometimes I couldn’t help it she caught me on few occasions and used to cover up with a naughty smile to keep away I started spending more time at office and return late in the evening on one such day power was off. Veni was searching for something in darkness listening kids’ noises from Vimi’s room, I embraced her from behind and cupped her breasts as usual off late, and they are swelling and becoming tougher feeding mother. I murmured into her ears opening my palms gripped them at bases and gave a gentle squeeze uhhff ’

I heard her moan softly and shudder though it sounded different I didn’t care pulled her closer and crushed them harder ummaa she moaned and somehow wriggled out of my embrace and went away hey. Kiran will you get the torch here! I heard Veni’s voice from hall then I realized but kept quiet. Kiran, keep your ms off Vimi remember she is engaged to your brother my wife warned me that night that was an accident I mumbled, I saw you eyeing her lustily my wife accused yes I know but Vimi is naughty…she is deliberately teasing me what an excellent hour glass figure.

Vinod is a lucky fellow,  I exclaimed you too can be lucky for some time she is keen to have “it” with you before her marriage requested me for permission  said my wife…without meeting my eye show conservative wives like you permit that I asked in astonishment, Vimi says Vinod had her already. Veni paused I don’t believe it. I said haughtily ignoring it, my wife went on more over Vinod is not diplomatic enough like you boasted about his “ conquests” and asked Vimi about her infuriated Vimi wants to take “ revenge” wants  it with you.

Veni muttered is she crazy  can’t you convince her I asked right from her infant days, she is hell bent to have whatever I have and always has it her way she is fascinated by your personality who else but you can make it safe for her. Veni reasoned though my chest swelled with pride, I was apprehensive suddenly an idea flashed across my mind can I use this as a lever to convince my wife worth exploring I thought  and continued conversation very dangerous hope you know what you are talking about I said

I know but do it for my sake and leave her a virgin for your brother, Veni pleaded, ok I will give enough pleasure to Vimi keeping her, Virginity” intact but you have to consider my long pending request I negotiated hard bargainers at an appropriate time. I will think of it my wife promised softening a bit ok let us do it tonight ask her to clean down there. I signal my wife shyly nodded and went away that night three of us went to bed with Veni in the middle, Vimi and me on her side despite planning all of us were tense finally, I began

Vimi, may I climb your mountains peaks and explore the valley for black pearls! giggling shyly she hid her face in pillow and shot an expectant glance at me form corner of eyes accepting the invitation, I moved over my wife and unbuttoned Vimi’s blouse located the bra-hook and released it her luscious boobs were exposed to my full view (the light was on)…climbing over her, I started with kissing mole between her breasts and saw a ‘knowing’ smile flash across her lips I shifted up to kiss mole below her lower lip and grabbed her virgin lips in a passionate kiss.

After few moments, she shyly pulled away panting for breath with her breasts heaving like waves of rough sea separating them I rubbed my face in the deep and tight valley she shivered with pleasure I went on sucking her nipples and squeezing her rock like tits for some time. Veni too got excited with the activity and moved closer sensing her mood, I unbuttoned her blouse gripped the sisters’ breasts one in each palm and compared which ones’ is bigger’ my wife questioned naughtily. Vimi’s undoubtedly and squeezed both a bit harder and milk gushed out of my wife’s breast don’t do that to me

I am a feeding mother, Veni pleaded sorry darling I apologized shifted both hands to Vimi’s boobs can explore pearls elsewhere Vimi dear I asked she again giggled sensing willingness, I removed her sari and petty coat to find another mole near hip bone I went down kissing her belly and moved down to the new discovery making her squirm with pleasure I pulled her panty down partially to have a look at her vagina and found a gleaming mole just beside her left ‘vertical lip

I looked up to my wife and sought permission to kiss it shyly Vimi turned on her back, presenting me her beautiful buttocks after spending some time in squeezing her buttocks and kissing her waist, I rolled her over and suddenly pulled off her panty oh no Baavaa, Vimi moaned and closed her thighs relax Vimi, I won’t do that I promised yes Vimi, bava (brother – in-law) will only kiss you there and will do many more things let him it will give you lots of pleasure my wife reassured keeping my rod under her control gathering courage.

Vimi opened her thighs a bit lifting her bottom up I kissed the newly found mole and went on planting series of kisses around her vagina moaning with pleasure Vimi opened her thighs like a book. I licked her clitoris and bit her vertical lip gently. Vimi erupted almost on my face but pushed me away and turned around enough Kiran said my wife and pulled me on her top… ‘…ammooo…’ she moaned as I entered her will it be so painful akka, Vimi asked in astonishment didn’t Vinod…uh…uh…do this…uhhh…to you…’my wife asked between moans as I went on hammering her…lustily no…not this…

Vimi answered shyly then I persisted he occupied my lips squeezed them hard said Vimi, flipping eyes to her breasts what else, Veni took over gripped my buttocks and pulled me closer. Vimi stopped and you claim that Vinod had you I asked his shaft pressed hard to my navel that’s why said Vimi angrily is that all said Vimi in disbelief. You are a student of Genetics I said in astonishment difference between theoretical and practical knowledge said my wife turned to Vim ‘thanks! bava didn’t believe you and was careful go away from here.

Veni said angrily let me watch akka, Vimi pleaded shyly we went ahead later that night, me and Veni gave her enough “sex education we continued with this activity  for two more nights true to my word, I did not spoil Vimi’s virginity but on the last night I got very wild gripped Vimi’s breasts and pressed them so hard that my nails dug deep into base of her breasts.(‘Your palms are large’ my wife always says) unfortunately that act of mine left permanent marks on her breasts on the scheduled day, Vimi got married to Vinod. I and Veni took active part in the function sent her to Mumbai with Vinod the sisters often exchanged information  how is Vimi and her married life.’

I asked my wife one night very satisfied with Vinod’s performance. Veni replied had I taken Vimi in real sense, she may not say the same. I commented’ with an over confidence on my sexual ability. I am proud of my 5’ 10” height wide shoulders and thick 7 inch penis my wife just smiled and kept quite. Vimi and Vinod had a daughter and were busy in raising her for next three years I assisted my wife in raising the twins during this period we had occasional sex. Veni cooperated but was not keen as our twins grew up Vimi had more free time her visits to society gym are more regular.

Even forced me to join her every day there was a visible change back to ‘ever ready state of early marriage days time to renew my efforts, I thought I, Satyam and Suri maintained constant contact met periodically to review progress in convincing wives. Sarada is pregnant and will be out of action for next two years said a dejected Satyam in our meeting so me and Sarala will go for my second kid and will be ready said Suri, Kiran is a lucky fellow had twin boys in the first attempt need not bother anymore said Satyan, no, Veni is keen to have a daughter I shall utilize this period I replied, so nothing can be done till three years we decided and waited.

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