Medical Checkup Turned Out To Be A Surprise

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Shyam woke up in the morning and started getting ready to reach to hospital on time for his regular medical checkup. This is a new hospital which he has chosen this time as his previous experiences were not good, forced to wait in lines for even simple tests.

As instructed he has not eaten anything since last 12 hours and wants to get these tests over quickly so that he can have his breakfast. He reached the hospital where he was welcomed by courteous staff, who were aware about his visit and have planned the tests to be finished quickly. This was a pleasant start for him.

Shyam quickly get himself registered and filled initial medical history forms. Then he changed his cloths to the visiting patient cloths which were very loose so that he can do tests comfortably.

First test was urine sample, followed by blood tests. He quickly provided both the samples.

Next in the line was ECG and physical examination. He reached out to the relevant hospital section and the room assigned to him for the tests. He knocked the door and enters. There on the chair was sitting a nurse with her face covered with medical mask. Name plate on her sweater reads “Mala”.

Shyam felt a bit different in her presence, she look commanding and less welcoming as compared to other staff members he has met till now. She immediately ask him to hand over his papers and start taking some notes asking about his habits of smoking and drinking. Mala then asks him to stand up so that she can take measurements of his height and then took his weight on the weighing machine.

Next test was ECG. Mala asked him to remove his T-shirt which was a bit strange as usually in past he has been only asked to roll over the T-shirt. He tried to raise this but Mala stared him and for some reason he looks down & immediately removed his T-shirt. This brought a bit of spark in Mala eyes.

Shyam lied down on the bed meant for the tests and Mala brought the ECG machine. She applied the lube on his chest at several locations and put the machine connectors on his chest. While taking the ECG, couple of connectors got loose and Mala immediately came near to him to fix them.

She took the first loose connector and pinch his left nipple, applied lube and put the connector.

She then took his right nipple and twisted it very sharply, he made a loud painful noise to protest but she ignored him and continues to twist the nipple. He was not able to stop him for some unknown reasons, he was actually enjoying the moment and felt helpless to Mala. Once she was satisfied with the results, she look into in his eyes and put the connector back onto his nipple. Test was successfully completed without any more challenges.

Next in the line was private parts physical test which includes testicular and rectal examination.

Usually these tests are skipped by nurses however Mala instructed him that she will do these ones as well. He felt very ashamed and asked her that he don’t want these to be done. Mala told him to be silent and just do what she says – she was very instructive and was clearly not in mood to hear no.

She asked him to remove his trouser and short and lie on the bed. Once he was on bed, very ashamed, Mala came and hide his body by falling curtain in half so that he cannot see what she is doing with his lower part of body. She then came near to him and tie down his hands with the bed.

When asked about the reason for the same, she shared that this is the procedure so that he do not interrupt the process and risk of some injury to his private parts. Shyam was now completely dependent on Mala and has nowhere to go. Mala then locked the room entry and walked towards me with determination in her eyes.

Mala started to fondle his testicles and gave them thorough checkup, very professionally. Once was satisfied, she started squeezing then which sent pain through shyam body. Shyam made out painful voices and requested her not to do so but she laughed at him.

Mala also started slapping his limp penis and took it into his mouth to suck it. Very soon, shyam body reacted and his penis was full 6″.

Once Mala was satisfied that she got desired results, she started slowly slapping his dick and squeezing his balls simultaneously. Shyam cried for help but this doesn’t bothered Mala as she was sure that his voice would not reach to anyone ears.

She then hold his dick very hard and started pumping it up and down. Shyam gave out loud gasp very soon and mala did not liked it as she was just getting started. She removed the curtain below them and looked at her angrily. She told him that he is going to pay for it now.

She walked over to him and got on the bed, pull her skirt up revealing that she was not wearing and underwear. She sat on his face forcing him to lick his pussy by smothering his face.

She sat there for lot of time which look like ages to Shyam as his tongue and mouth were paining like hell by all the licking he was forced to do and all the cum which has gone into his mouth from her pussy.

While getting herself licked, Mala was continuously pinching and twisting shyam nipples , Turning them red and sending painful shock waves throughout his body.

During all the time Mala was laughing and taunting him to lick him good if he wants to get this quickly over with.

Once she was happy with the licking, she get down of him, gave him smile and told him that now only one test is pending.

She went to the drawer and get out rectal temperature thermometer and inserted the same into his anus.

She then took the reading and when it looks like that it is going to be over now and Shyam would be left to go she opened another drawer while looking at shyam. His eyes bulged when he saw what she is taking out of drawer, it was a 8″ strap on dildo.

Shyam immediately understood her intention and started requesting her to spare him. Mala talked to her with evil laugh and told him not to get worried as mumma is going to take good care of her.

Mala also took out a lube from the drawer, walked over to him and applied the lube to his asshole. She then wore the strap on and touched his anus with it while looking at him.

She gently push the dildo and his body resisted it naturally. She laughed at him and gently pushed it again. It went some bit inside but as this was first time something was trying to penetrate his virgin ass, it met with lot of friction.

Mala was happy with all the friction, looked into his eyes and he notice something in her eyes which told him that he need to be ready. And then it happened, Mala pushed it completely very harshly. The amount of pain which went through his ass to body was so much that it felt as if his ass is torn apart.

He made so much loud painful noise that once even Mala got worried and checked his ass but then she gave an evil laugh.

She started pushing the dildo slowly in and out. She fucked him for 30 minutes playing with penis all the time, and fucking him at variable speeds, slow and rough fast as well. Once she was satisfied, she stopped fucking him, put the dildo back in drawer and freed him from the ties.

Shyam immediately get up from bed and touched his ass to feel the pain and tried to smooth it a bit.

Mala laughed by this act of his. Shyam wear his clothes back and was leaving the room when Mala called him, handing him over his report saying that he looks perfectly fine. He just need to come over in next 6 months for another round of tests. Shyam thanks Mala, his wife to give him the experience of his life!!

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