Manisha, My Sexy Mother in law

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Hi all, my name is Shekhar, I am a married 29 yr old living in Mumbai. I am going to share REAL stories that happened/happening between me and my Mother in law. I have been married for 2 yrs now, a happy married life. My wife is working in a middle school as a teacher.

Ours is like an arranged marriage, we met for a couple of months to understand each other and our families were happy with us getting together. My wife is 25 yrs and she wants to study a higher degree to get a promotion to a high school as a headmistress. So we also decided we won’t have any children for another couple of years.

My Mother in law is Manisha, a fair north Indian, aged 45. She has the most sensitive and soft skin I have ever seen. She is very easy going, well educated, but from an orthodox family. She is also extremely naive. She is been married for 27 yrs, like her daughter she also married early and my father in law is a chartered accountant, a nerd sort of types.

They only had one child, my wife. My father in law mostly keeps to himself, doesn’t talk much and doesn’t like socializing. They live in Delhi. My Mom in law is about 5 ft 5inch, always wears saree and a big bindi. Since she is orthodox, she is always fully dressed, I mean never let anyone see any part of her body, even accidentally.

But from her saree one can figure that she must have a breast size of nothing less than 36DD or even more. But extremely firm and compliments her overall body shape. After her bath, even when she puts her clothes to dry, she is very careful about her inner wears.

She dries them in the hair dryer in the bathroom and folds it and takes it to her cupboard. So sensitivity she is. But she is very easy going with me, She is proud of me, that I am earning a good salary and I am keeping her daughter happy. Her folks have told her how lucky she is to get a son-in-law like me.

She calls me beta and puts a huge smile whenever we meet. She gives a nice warm hug every time we meet, even though she doesn’t do it with everyone, maybe the age difference and I also don’t treat her like my MIL, she is more like a friend, we tease my FIL and we watch cricket together on TV.

Every time I go to Delhi, the first thing I look forward is that “HUG”. That warm hug, that voluptuous soft boobs of hers landing on my chest and I immediately feel a rush of blood in my system. Initially, I didn’t feel anything, but as days and months go by, more and more hugs on my chest, I started to get attracted to my MIL.

So the first incident happened a year back. My FIL had gone to Hyderabad for an auditor’s workshop on GST, So my wife told me that we could call Manisha Aunty for a week to Bombay since my wife also has 2 exams to write for her Masters and my MIL is also alone in Delhi. She insisted that I phone her and invite her.

So I first booked her flight ticket and Whatsapp’ed her and then called her. She initially resisted saying that she is fine in Delhi and she has some paper work to finish, but I told her that I have already booked the tickets and she has to come. I also told her it will be a good break and we will have lots of fun.

Two days later Manisha aunty is with us. In her usual well-clad saree, nice Jean Paul Gautier perfume ( she is very particular about the smell), a big smile on her face and the tightest hug ever. I was too happy to receive her and my wife is also glad that she can now focus on studies and Manisha aunty would take care of cooking and other stuff.

I was into watching Game of Thrones that time so any break I get, I will quickly see one or two episodes. Next day my wife wanted to put oil in her head and wash. She wanted to get it done, because my MIL is apparently an expert in head oil massage, so both mother and daughter were sitting on the veranda talking old stories and having a massage session.

My MIL particularly looked very sexy with oil in her hands and her saree tucked in her hip. She had a flat stomach, unusual for a 45yr lady. I could see a few her breasts from the profile angle which was nice and curvy. I was watching GOT suddenly my wife called and asked me to get a massage as well. I said NO, since I just came from the shower.

My wife told me, I am not realizing what I am missing and Manisha Aunty is only here for the next 5 days, so don’t miss this opportunity. Manisha aunty also, for the first time, said: ” Come, it will be nice and relaxing”. I sat down on the floor, Manisha aunty poured warm oil into her hands and started rubbing on my scalp.

That soft tender hands, oiled, ran through my head in the most relaxing way. I slowly started to feel little sensual too. The oil slowly dripped towards my ear and neck. Manisha aunty also slowly moved her hand to my ears and earlobes massaging, then she moved to my neck into my t-shirt.

Wow that feeling was heaven, my eyes were drooling and her soft hands were moving up and down on my head and shoulder. The first time I imagined how it would be if her soft hands ran over my body? On my Chest, on my nipples, on my crotch area, and finally on to my dick.

I really got a HARD ON and wanted to immediately go to the bathroom and masturbate. But my wife had already gone to the shower, so I had to wait. In the meantime, I was fully oily. My head, shoulder and my hands too. Manisha aunty was washing her hand, so I told her to just shut down my laptop.

She just said “oops” when she reached my laptop! I asked her what happened? There was a naked love making scene in GOT ( Game of Thrones has so many those kind of scenes if anyone’s interested) where the laptop has paused. She was little taken aback by what I was watching. She didn’t say anything but just shut it.

I then went to the bathroom, for the first time imagined about my MIL, how it would feel to be with her naked, to get her to touch my body and to make her massage my cock the way she massaged my head. Those soft boobs of her will finally are seen and caressed. All these thoughts made me explode more than my usual dose.

I cleaned up and was thinking about her body. That night after dinner, Manisha aunty stopped me in the kitchen and told me she needs to talk to me. I said ok, lets talk. she said we will talk tomorrow when my wife goes for the exam and she asked if I can apply leave for my office.

I said ok, I could understand what was it about, but my inner naughty self-started to think too many things. I asked her if everything is ok, is it something urgent, she said nothing like it, but she wants to talk. After my wife had left for her exam, I locked the main door and called Manisha Aunty to sit with me and talk.

She started normally and then slowly she came to the topic. She asked me if I was happy with her daughter? I said, Of course, I am happy!! Why do you even ask that?

Manisha: No, I just wanted to check if everything is ok with you both and if you are happy with my daughter?

Me: Of course Aunty! I seriously don’t know why you even asking this to me?

Manisha: No don’t mistake me, I know you both have decided not to have a baby for some time, so I am not sure if everything is fine with you too.

Me: Aunty, it’s our mutual decision not to have a child till she finished her masters. Other than that there is no problem Physically between us, don’t worry.

Manisha: No, I didn’t mean to say you have some problems, its just that I accidentally saw your phone, there were msgs from some girls, sending kiss smileys and all ( BTW that’s a msg from my 10year old niece!!) and I also saw you watching some porn images and videos on your laptop ( That’s the GOT!!)

So I was getting worried that because of the lack of intimacy between you both, I don’t want my daughter’s life or that fact your life to be affected. I want you guys to be happy, as the entire world thinks that you guys are the ideal couple and I got the ideal son-in-law. That’s it.

I just wanted to talk to you if there is anything that you need, you can ask me, If you want to tell l something to my daughter too, that is you want to have a child now, I can request her to postpone the Maters and have a baby now. I just don’t want anything affecting my daughter’s life.

Aaaahh I just realized she is on another tangent! She just feels that I am into other girls/Porn because I am not having sex with her daughter (even though we are great in bed!) I initially don’t know how to react to it, but since she herself approached me with this topic, I thought I would play along.

Me: Yes Aunty, it is difficult to hold my emotions and desires, but I am doing all this for your daughter only. Even in my office, everyone is teasing me that I haven’t had a child even after 2 yrs of marriage, but I am holding all that only for her studies. Also, I want to tell you something pls don’t ask your daughter

Manisha: No, I won’t. what is it, tell me?

Me: Even if we can’t have sex, there are certain ways where you can fulfill the other person’s desires. Like oral sex etc. I even suggested her that, but she is against it. I am getting extremely frustrated with my sexual desires day by day, I can’t control. And I am so sorry aunty I am saying all this to you,

Please please don’t utter a word to your daughter, because whatever it is, it’s between us both, if she feels I am complaining it to you, she will feel bad and she won’t be able to concentrate on her studies. so don’t tell her all these things.

Also, I told you my desires because you had asked, and for the longest time I wanted someone whom I can share this and ask for an opinion, no one better than you could I have told all this.

She was quiet for a while, thinking about what all I said, and she started to feel huge sympathy for me.

Manisha: I am so sorry for all this happening to you my beta. I also don’t know what to do.

Me: If this goes, I don’t know what will happen to me and whom I will go to, for help! But aunty there is something I want to tell you. But I don’t know how to say it?

Manisha: what is it? you can openly tell me. We are having an open conversation to help your situation.

Me: No Aunty, it’s too personal and sexual and It would affect yours and my relationship if I say it.

Manisha: Raja Beta, nothing can affect my relationship with you. You are the nicest guys I could ever have as my son-in-law. And we are already discussing sex and your personal matters, I won’t mind or mistake you at all. And whatever we are talking will remain only with us only, you can trust me

I slowly gained and confidence and gathered courage and told her that.

Me: I usually masturbate aunty thinking about your daughter in the bathroom, like once a week to ease my pressures. But that day…

Manisha: Which day? What?

Me: That day when you massaged my head and shoulders, I went into the bathroom and masturbated thinking about you, Aunty. I even ejaculated a lot of my semen. I am sorry Aunty.

Saying this, I observed her reaction. She was quiet; little stunned didn’t give me eye contact and didn’t utter anything. I was little confused

Me: Sorry Aunty, that’s why I didn’t want to tell you all this. I know you would feel bad. I am really sorry

Manisha: No beta, there is nothing you need to be sorry about. I am actually feeling bad that you had to go and masturbate on your own, and you at least told me honestly what you felt.

Hearing this I felt, OK she is fine with me masturbating thinking about her. Wow, that’s like the first sign!! I continued by saying,

Me: But even if this is ok, for a long run I don’t know what’s going to happen. Masturbation is not a solution for sex Aunty. It’s bad for me, even after marriage I had to masturbate and release my pressures. There is no pleasure in that Aunty, it’s mostly like a compulsion, I feel very bad! (Saying that I started acting as if I am crying. I bent down and closed my eyes)

She immediately felt very bad and came towards me and started hugging on top of my head.

Manisha: Pls don’t cry raja beta, I am so sorry to have put you in this situation. Its because of my daughter and our family you have to go through this, If there is anything I can do pls tell me, but pls don’t cry like this, I am feeling extremely bad.

I just slowly looked up and gave her a tight hug. My face rested on her shoulder, and my hands wrapped around her waist. I felt so warm and kept increasing my hold on the hug.

Me: I am sorry Aunty, but I am feeling very low, that’s why I cried. But I am happy at least I could share this with you and you understood me.

Manisha: You can share anything with me raja beta, I am always there for you. Pls done feel bad, again if there is anything you want me to do to help you feel better pls tell me, I will be happy to help you out.

Hearing this again, I thought this is the right time! There is sympathy in her for me, and she is also feeling guilty! She also feels responsible for her daughter and also doesn’t want to lose me. I gathered all my courage and kept a sad face and told her

Me: I actually want you to so one thing for me Aunty

Manisha: Aahh tell beta, I have been asking you.

Me: But I don’t want it to affect my respect and relationship with you

Manisha: As I told you earlier nothing can change my opinion towards you and nothing can affect our understanding, so pls tell what is it?

Me: Aunty, that day your massage in my head made me feel so relaxed, so comforting, so warmly, so affectionate. I never felt anything like that. So I also want.. I…also…

Manisha: Tell me da

Me: What I visualised and masturbated about you that day in the bathroom, I want it to happen in real once Aunty. I want you to give me a massage there..

Manisha: There meaning? (In a slightly confused tone)

Me: There meaning, on my male organ, on my penis. Just for me to ejaculate. Just for me to release my tension. I just want you to massage and masturbate me.

She got little taken aback and remain silent. I didn’t know how to respond

Me: I am so sorry Aunty, I asked you this. Its ok if you can’t do it, I can understand. Since you are my MIL and I am so fond of you, I asked you this as a help. But never mind, I can be on my own, masturbate and remain like this. Since you wanted to help me out, I asked for this, but if you can’t help I can understand, Sorry Aunty

She felt bad that I am saying so many Sorry’s

Manisha: It’s not that beta, you openly asked me, I don’t know how to react. I have never done this in my life. Your father in law had sex with me when we wanted our daughter after I conceived; I have never had any physical relationship. I have never even seen like a male organ for the longest time. And you are like my son, and my daughter’s life is also involved in this, so I don’t know whether it’s right to do it.

I understood she even considers doing it, but her old school conservative thinking stops her!

Me: Aunty I completely respect you and Uncle. My love towards your daughter is also unaltered. This is just something very personal between you and me, and no one in this world needs to know! And in, one masturbation, you are not cheating uncle or I am not cheating your daughter, we are all one family aunty. Since I can ask this help inside the family, I even gathered the courage to ask you. Or else I could have gone to some Ex-girlfriend of mine. But I want to be true to my wife and you all. And I promise Aunty this will remain between you and me till we die. Trust me.

Hearing this, she felt positive, I could sense some clarity on her face

Me: and don’t worry Aunty it will all be done in 10 mins max, you don’t need to think about it so much, just relax. (I only know that how soon or late I want to hold it!!)

Manisha: Ok, so where?

That reply just got all my hormones working at the same time!!! I could feel my boner getting really strong and hard. The thought of Manisha Aunty being with me, touching me, putting her fingers all over my cock made me go crazy. But I didn’t want to rush it, I wanted it to look normal and want to take it easy.

Me: It’s late now Aunty, she might come back anytime soon. Let’s do it tomorrow right after she leaves for the exam. We will do it in my bedroom.

I couldn’t sleep the whole night, was just imagining how it’s going to be!

Next day…

My Wife left around 9.30 and I said bye to her and wished her luck. She wouldn’t be back until 3 pm. I locked the main door and drew all the curtains. Manisha Aunty was in the kitchen, she said she is going for a quick shower and asked me to wait in the bedroom.

I was dying to go to the bathroom with her and finish everything there, but I didn’t want to rush since it’s the first time. So I quietly went and sat on my bed. I wore a nice soft ‘cotton world’ boxers and my night pajama. I was eagerly waiting for her to step out. My heart was beating fast and I was getting really anxious.

Manisha came out in 15 mins in a stunning red saree. The JPG Perfume took over the room. She was wiping her hair with the towel and wet towards the mirror to put her big red bindi. I was just observing her through the corner of my eye. I didn’t know how to start! She came towards me and said

Manisha: I guess we should start and remember at any stage this should remain only between us.

I nodded my head in anxiety.

Me: I Promise Aunty. Also, I don’t want it to be like a procedure, I want it to be natural

Manisha: Sure da. You tell me what you like, I will do that

I got so excited! I slowly drew her close and held her hand. I touched her soft fingers, ran my fingers through her forearm, touched her shoulders and slowly pulled her towards me and hugged her. The soft hug slowly became tighter and tighter. I could feel her breathing heavily. Her soft melons are now getting slightly crushed in my chest.

I put my hands around her waist and slowly rubbed her. She also put her fingers through my hair and caressed my hair and shoulders. I released her from the hug and gently planted a soft kiss on her cheek. She was a little amused. I said, ” We need to feel normal Aunty, I need to feel you are the loved one”, She just smiled.

I slowly went close to her lips and stopped. I looked at her to see the reaction, she just closed her eyes. I knew she is liking it, I planted a soft nice deep kiss on her lips. My lower lip went and took her lower lip. It was so so soft and pink in colour. I slowly used both the lips.

Initially she kept mum, but slowly because of my movements she also started opening her lips an started to kiss me. I used my tongue inside her lips, she went crazy, she held me tightly and I could feel her getting aroused. She started grabbing my t-shirt and pulling my hair, I went more deeper in the kiss.

I rolled my tongue inside her mouth, and pulling it out and licking her lips. She was enjoying it! I was really getting hard and slowly freed her from the kiss. She took a step back and took deep breaths. I asked her ” Aunty, are you ok? I didn’t hurt you?” She came right back and hugged me tightly and whispered in my ear. “It was really nice”

I got so horny at that whisper and gave her couple of more kisses and made her sit on the bed. I removed my t-shirt, and she was feeling shy, I said “you are ok me taking my shirt off Aunty? I just want to feel relaxed and free. She nodded and I told her to sit down for me. She sat on the floor and looked at me. I said

Me: Aunty, now you need to take control of me (In a coy way)

Manisha: Beta, if you don’t mind, I exactly don’t know what all to do and how you want it to be done? So its ok, you can guide me I will follow you.

For me, it felt like a submission! I was getting hornier. I told her to remove my pants and boxer. She obeyed and pulled my pants down. Before she could remove my boxer, I stopped her and told her to touch my manhood, kiss it and play with it before she could it see it. Just over the boxer only.

She said ok, and for the first time, she put her hand on my hard rock! Even though it was over my boxer, the feeling of my MIL’s hand on my cock felt so good. She slowly went and kissed it, rubbed it and without asking me she pulled the boxer and released my hard cock!

Manisha: I was feeling bad that it was struggling inside your boxer. Oh my god, so BIG it is

My Hard Cock just jumped out of the boxer and stood erect at 90 degrees. She was shocked and amazed by the look and size of it. I was actually feeling little shy. I was completely naked with a hard on! Before I could say anything she held my cock with both her hands. That feeling was heavenly! she looked at my cock and rubbed it slowly.

She asked me ” Do I need to put oil on this?” I said “No Aunty, just hold it like this and slowly rub it, I will feel nice”. she started rubbing my cock. slowly from the tip till my crotch. I told her touch and feel my balls too. She was rubbing my cock in one hand and took the other hand to feel my balls. “Aaaahhh”

I let out a moan. “It feels so so good Aunty”. She was doing this for the next 5 mins. It was feeling awesome, but I had something else in my mind. I have got this golden opportunity to be naked with my MIL and I don’t know when will this happen again, So I wanted to use this fullest. So I said

Me: Aunty it feels really good, But can you do me a favor?

Manisha: Tell beta

Me; I am all naked in front of you and I am feeling little shy too. To make me more comfortable, will you remove your saree?

She suddenly felt very shy , moved away from me and closed her face.

Me: Arre, its ok Aunty there is no one here, and I am already fully naked. Seeing your body will just help me cum faster, thats it

Slowly I moved her hand out of her face and put her hand back to its place where it should be, on my cock!

Manisha: I am extremely shy, I can’t remove it. If you want you remove it yourself

Those magic words made my wildest dream come true!! This gorgeous women who is so protected about her body, finally I am going to see her! I am going to see those huge mangoes and her soft sensitive skin, its all mine today!!

I just told her, “Ok I will do it, you just don’t take your hand from my cock Aunty”

Saying that I slowly moved my hands over her shoulder. Before removing her saree, I wanted to feel her body over the saree only. I touched her shoulder area, rubbed it slowly, and then moved down towards the largest bulge! The nice curvaceous mountain which was so soft, even over the saree, didn’t seem to end!!

It was nicely round and firm. It didn’t fit in my hands. I might be wrong about 36DD ,it must be bigger than that! After completing one big circle around her boobs, I slowly came towards the pointed portion of her nipple and slowly pinched it. “AAaaaahhhhhhh” She moaned for the first time! Her moan itself was so so sexy, I pinched again!

In the second pinch, she held my cock tightly. Wow she was nicely responding. I moved my hands towards her hip area, which was the bare area uncovered. Her hip and stomach was so so soft, just like the newly born I was getting harder and harder! I told her to stand. She stood in front if me, I looked at her from top to the bottom.

She was so sexy, so shy and so ready to be eaten up!! I removed the safety pin that held her pallu of the saree and dropped the saree on the floor. The two big melons stood out. The first time I am seeing her boobs without a cover. she interestingly have a cleavage too. I placed both my hands on her both boobs.

She turned her face away in shyness. I pulled her towards and kissed her around the naval area and removed her saree from the hip too. The entire saree fell flat. She was just standing in her blouse and her panties. She was wearing a sexy red panty!

The moment her saree fell down and she felt naked from below (Only in her Panties) she felt very shy and immediately sat down on the floor. I asked, “What happened Aunty? Is everything ok? “I am just too shy and this is all new to me” She replied. I understood her position, so I didn’t want to force her. I told her its ok, slowly we can get there.

I held her with my arms, made her stand and gave her a warm hug! My boner was hitting her vagina and my bare chest against her boobies. I pulled her back and planted a kiss on her forehead and asked her, “Aunty are you also enjoying or is it like a punishment for you?

“No, I am fine, just that there is some current passing in my body” she responded. I felt very good.

I began my conquering again. I told her to hold my cock and asked her to pull it in out like how we masturbate. I showed it to her with my hand and asked her to do it slowly! (There are more fun that needs to be done before I ejaculate) She was nicely moving my cock around,. My hands were free, so I slowly took it to her boobs again.

Pressed it, caressed it, Pinched it and slowly moved to the next step. I slowly unbuttoned her blouse, one after the other. She looked down at her blouse and looked into my eye. I gave a coy smile. She smiled and kept rubbing my cock. When the hooks were released one by one , I could feel her boobs getting bigger and freer.

Before I removed the last hook, I went and kissed her on the lip again. She was now standing in front of me with a beautiful red coloured bra holding those huge melons and tight red panty. The other thing that is red at this moment is her red bindi. She was looking extremely gorgeous.

I never felt that this body, which is always covered, will be so so sexy! She was better looking than any women I have met in life, including my wife. I pulled he closely hugged her again and smooched her. This time the kisses are getting deeper and hotter.

I made her turn towards her back, I hugged her from behind, my hands went around to hold her boobs. I was watching her boobs fondled by my hands from behind. She was moaning quite a bit, I kissed her neck area. Liked her ear and bit her shoulders. She liked every move of mine.

I rolled her again towards me and pressed her boobs hard with my hand, pinched her nipples which was erect over the bra! I couldn’t control my sex drive; I kissed her on the cleavage, licked the entire upper breast area and slowly unhooked the bra from behind.

What I saw next was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen in my life. Two huge big boobs of Manisha aunty, standing naked in front of me, round, firm, white in colour and the most highlighting part is the perfectly round shaped pink nipples, which were erect! Her breasts didn’t sag, and her shape didn’t go away all these years!

I wondered how much care she would have taken to keep her melons in this condition. I placed both my hands on top of her bare breasts. They were extremely soft like cotton, and I very gently squeezed them! “Raja betaaaa” first time Manisha Aunty uttered my name! I felt ecstatic!!

I moved my thumb over her erect nipples, just teasing them, slowly pinching them and rubbing them with my nails. I am a good player with the nipples. Manisha Aunty was thoroughly enjoying all these with her eyes closed. I was not too harsh on her breasts, I played it very soft.

I knew these are the breasts that haven’t seen a man’s hand in over 20 years. So I wanted them to be treated gently. While I was still playing with her boobs, Manisha Aunty suddenly pulled me and started smooching me. This is the first time she herself initiated the kiss. I felt elated. She slowly uttered, “I am really loving this”

This made me even hornier. I went close to her ear and said, “Aunty I want to suck your boobs” “Suck it like the newborn baby” ” Suck it in a way you feel so heavenly” ” Can I do it Aunty?” Pls tell me” (I was asking for her permission if I can suck her boobs, I don’t need to do that at that moment, but there is a kick in hearing it from her telling me to suck her!!)

She said “Hmmmm”, I told her ” Aunty, pls tell me to suck your boobs, Tell me to suck it” She in the most sexiest voice said “Pls suck my boobs raja” I felt so horny, I started licking from her right cheek, slowly rolled my tongue down to her neck, still licking moved towards her upper breast and top of her breast and stopped suddenly very close to her nipple.

She was closing her eyes, I asked her to open her eyes and look at me. She slowly opened her eyes and looked down on her boobs. I gave a long lick on her pink nipple and at the end of the lick, took her entire right boob in my mouth. “Woooaaahhhhhhh”

She screamed, I licked her nipple inside my mouth, sucked it like a mango, and made it wet with my warm saliva. The other hand was busy fondling the other boob. I was pinching her nipple, sucking it, teasing it, rubbing it over my moustache and playing with it.

I took both the boobs in my hand, motorboat it by making sounds, brought the boobs closer and licked on the cleavage. I was thoroughly enjoying her boobs. She was moaning helplessly. I could see her shyness go away and she was equally participating and loving all this fun.

After about 15 mins of totally using the boobs, I had another dirty idea. Since she is also equally horny and aroused I thought this is the right time to execute it.

I came up to her lips from her boobs and placed couple of kisses, was touching her bum from behind, fondling it and came close het to neck area, gave like couple of love bites and told her

Me: Aunty, I am really really loving this! You have the most amazing body and you are super sexy! All this beauty you have kept so secretively in your saree!! I am in heaven Aunty

Manisha: Hahaha! I am happy that you are loving it, I am also felling a sense of new blood rushing into my body. Thank you for that feeling.

I gained courage and said,

Me: Aunty I wanted you to do something else also, Kneel down here no

She looked little unclear, “Kneel down?” she asked.

Me: Yes Aunty, its for the position its easier that way.

She knelt in front of me. My cock standing hard right in front of her face.

Me: Aunty, hold my cock and kiss it pls. Your soft lips on my cock would feel really nice.

She didn’t feel uncomfortable, she obeyed and started placing gentle soft kisses on my cock. She held my balls on one hand and the other hand was moving my cock so that she could kiss all over the cock. The sight was so beautiful and I was enjoying every second.

Manisha: What is this liquidy thingy from your cock? You already came?

Me: Hahahah No Aunty, that’s called Pre-cum. I haven’t come yet!!

This is the time I thought I am going to fulfill the biggest fantasy of my life! My MIL, my darling Manisha Aunty, almost naked with her boobs hanging, kneeling down in front of me, holding my cock and kissing it, This is the right moment, so I went ahead and

Me: Aunty this is all very nice. But one thing, If I need to cum soon I need some lubrication aunty. My cock is very dry. That’s why the pre-cum is also oozing. At this rate, I won’t be able to come fast

Manisha: Ohhooo! What should we do now? Should I apply that oil and do?

(Hahahha No Manisha, I won’t let you do that, I will fulfill what I want)

Me: No Aunty, Oil would get sticky and slippery, that would also be difficult. The only and easy way is to put saliva. So.

Manisha: (Little confused)

Me: Can you suck it Aunty?

Manisha: Suck means? Suck your cock? I don’t know how to do it?

Me: Aunty it’s very simple. Imagine that you are sucking and licking a lollypop. Or give your hand, (I took her hand, separated her middle finger and told her, Imagine this is my cock, just lick it like this. I rolled my tongue over the tip of her finger, sucked the entire finger into my mouth, licked the length and breadth of the finger and told her, Just do the same to my cock)

She got little aroused when I did that to her finger

Manisha: Oh it’s like ‘licking licking’. Like an ice cream

Me: exactly, licking and sucking

She looked at my cock once, I looked down at her. My dream might come true now, My Sexy MIL kneeling down and holding my cock and about to take it in her mouth! OOOOHHHHHHH!! She said, ” If I don’t do it correctly you should tell me ok?” I said, “Yes I will”.

She took my cock into her mouth.

Aaaaaahhhh I let a long moan! She took it out, licked it on the sides, licked the tip, licked my pre-cum, and then again took my cock into her mouth. My cock couldn’t fit entirely into her mouth, but she did well for a first-timer. I held her and slowly showed her the movement of putting my cock into her mouth and out.

It was like being in heaven. I was losing my senses. There is an immense pleasure and sensation getting your cock sucked by someone who hasn’t done it before. It’s like the virgin mouth. My Manisha‘s mouth was virgin which is taking my cock right now, her soft pink lips are rolling over my boner.

I slowly asked her “How is it Aunty?” she after two strokes took my cock out of her mouth and replied, ” I don’t know, you need to tell me, Its my first time sucking a cock, I am loving it! What about you Enjoying? “Ohhh Beyond enjoying Aunty, just keeping sucking the same way, I would cum soon.

I am loving this” I knew in mind that I didn’t want to cum anytime soon. I wanted her to suck me for a long time. Slowly I started to ask her to do things. Asked her to lick my balls, She did nicely. Told her to put both her hands in the back and use only her mouth to suck.

Then I told her not to do anything, just open your mouth, and I held her face and pushed my cock into her mouth (This is actually mouth fucking) I told her to only lick my dick head, like slurp it. She did everything I said. Since she is new to a blowjob, I made her to do all sorts of things!

My cock was nicely dripping with her saliva, I told her to slightly get up, and keep being in the kneeling position, I pulled my cock out of her mouth and dragged her towards me and I told her ” Aunty, I am going to place my cock in between your boobs, this also will help me, to cum sooner”.

She didn’t say anything. I placed my dick right in the cleavage and held both her boobs by her nipple and brought it close to each other and squeezed it together till my cock gets immersed in the boobs. She suddenly laughed and said ” I can’t see your cock now” “hahaha yes aunty its been taken over by your sweet breasts”

I told her to hold her boobs the way I held it, so that my cock doesn’t slip out, I held her face up, made me look at me and I started pushing my cock up and down in between her boobs, doing a titty fuck. She doesn’t know what it is, but I told her it will help me cum soon. Her Tits looked like they are made by god only to be titty fucked.

So round and firm, not once my cock came out! I was enjoying it and was also feeling I am about to cum. I didn’t to want to climax it there. So I told her, ” No Aunty this is also not working so well’ (After having titty-fucked her for about 15 mins!!

Manisha: Ohhh what now beta? I am not good enough or what?

Me: No Aunty, nothing like that. You are awesome. Since I have not been doing this for sometime that’s why maybe, lets go back to the old position aunty. You take my cock in your mouth and suck it

She again took my cock in her hand and licked it first and took it her mouth. I kept on instructing her as for how to do it, like, “Suck it, aunty, lick the tip, lick my balls now, take my entire cock in your mouth, push it to your side walls of the mouth.

I also took my cock in my hand and teased her, like not giving it in her mouth, just rubbing against the lips, rubbing it on her cheek, sometimes bending down rubbing it on her pink nipples. I told her to tease my nipple with her hands while sucking on my cock. She did everything.

It was almost an hour and a half she started sucking my cock, so I felt I have to cum now, or else she might feel tired. So I told her to do it fast and don’t stop. She started to suck me faster and she used more of her tongue. I became very aggressive and loud

Me: ” Yes Aunty, like that, faster faster, I am throbbing. You are fantastic at sucking! Take my cock fully. My cock is yours, Oh my godddd!! Don’t stop, I am about to cum!!!

Saying this I held her head and started to thrust my cock into her mouth, deep into her throat, my hands were all over her face all over, my cock still moving up an down on her mouth and finally I told her something that made my ultimate desire come true

Me: Aunty I am about to cum now, wanted to ask you something, have you ever tasted cum? (She looked at me above and nodded her head saying No, still having my cock in her mouth) Ok listen Aunty, I am going to cum now, you must have had Cum only in your vagina, but this might be the first time you are going to have it in your mouth.

I swear Aunty its very very special to have your loved ones cum in your mouth (I could control my thrust, I was going hard at it, still talking to her) so when I come in your mouth, don’t waste that cum Aunty, just swallow it. It’s very precious and healthy too.

(I always had the fantasy of cumming in someone’s mouth, couldn’t believe that its going to be fulfilled with a sex bomb like my Manisha Aunty) I am going to cum Aunty, be ready, Will you swallow it (she nodded saying YES, still sucking my cock) yes Aunty I love you, you are the best, final moments Aunty, suck it nice and deep

She looked at me and was sucking my cock deep and nice, it was the most sexiest sights, I held her boobs, pinched her nipples and saw her sexy face and mouth once again. The feeling that my sexy Manisha aunty, my mother in law, is sucking me and giving me a blowjob made me come right in her mouth!

I exploded right there inside her mouth over her lips, there was a lot of cum, so she couldn’t take it. She pulled my cock out, still oozing of cum, I came on her breasts, on her face, one drop also landed on her red bindi and the rest of the major portion, which I came in her mouth, she swallowed.

She just coughed a little. I told her it was awesome, and she was getting up, I told her Aunty, lick my cock a little more, there are few drops in there, the final ones, She obeyed and took my cock in her mouth again, still having my cum on her face, and licked my cock completely and cleaned me well.

I made her eat all the cum that fell on her sexy breasts and her face. She went for a shower after that and came back to my bed. We hugged each other! I told her I couldn’t thank her enough for what she did. I also told finally that now I have gotten a taste of you, and your mouth, I am not going to settle for this alone. I took her right boob in my mouth and we both lied down on the bed.

Next adventure coming soon…

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