Lustful Family And Friends – Part 3 (Shopping With Sis)

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Day 4 (Continuation)

After keeping the erotic filthy novel back on the table, it’s time for me to meet Ana and Alina at the shopping center. I arrive at the boutique. Alina is already inside, and Ana has just arrived.

Ana: Hey, girl! Hi Aafi!

Alina: I thought Rachel would come with you?

Ana: She had a thing with her sister, so I asked Aafi to join us.

Alina: Cool!

Ana: Let’s find some things to wear. Just wait here, Aafi!

What follows is a strange ritual of aimlessly walking back and forth to the same clothes racks, picking and discarding pieces, and lots of muffled giggling. Maybe I can buy something nice for Liza. I probably could get Ana to try it on, although she’s not the same size as Liza.

The dress Liza was wearing the other day was quite plain. Maybe I can find something that accentuates her qualities better. It doesn’t take long for me to find a perfect, sexy dress.

Ana: Aafi! We’re ready for you!

She came out of the trial room wearing a white color mini frock.

Ana: So? What do you think?

Me: It really compliments your skin tone.

Ana: It does, doesn’t it.

Alina came out in a cropped top and mini jeans shorts.

Ana: Look at that ass, girl! Aafi has been so patient with us. We should reward him with some eye candy!

Alina: Good idea!

Ana went inside and came back wearing a purple bra and panty.

Ana: Purple really is my color!

Me: It sure is. I’m buying this set for you. Don’t tell Alina.

Ana: Thank you!

Alina came out wearing white lingerie.

Alina: It feels so soft.

I bet those titties do as well.

Me: Hey Ana, could you maybe try this on?

Ana: For you, always!

I gave her a dress which I selected for Liza. Ana came back wearing it.

Ana: What do you say! Do I look sexy?

Gosh, she is looking so hot. It’s a mini skirt. Her ass is barely getting covered, and it’s backless till the beginning of her butt.

Me: Very sexy!

This will look great on Liza as well.

Ana: Alina, could you maybe find some more dresses for me?

Ana disappears into the changing room again. Alina went to look for more clothes.

Ana: Aafi, could you help me with something?

Me: What do you need? Oh…

I went inside. Ana was completely naked.

Ana: I need your cock in my mouth. You certainly deserve a reward after this morning. And I’d like to know what you taste like. So free that beautiful monster of yours.

I quickly unzip my pants while Ana drops eagerly to the floor. She grabbed my dick as soon as it popped out.

Ana: I don’t want you to cum on my face or in my mouth…Yet…

Me: I won’t, I promise.

Ana starts to teasingly lick the tip of my dick. She clearly needs some time to adjust to my size. She only takes the upper part of my dick in her mouth at first. With her tongue, she caresses my tip and lightly sucks on my shaft.

Ana: Do you like that, Aafi?

Me: Aaah, keep going, please.

Luckily Alina seems to be taking her time, or she knows what’s going on and keeps her distance.

Ana: I want your cum so bad, Aafi.

This time she engulfs nearly the entire length of my dick.

Me: Yes, you like that, don’t you? You like my hard cock in your dirty mouth?

Clearly aroused by my words and the pre-cum leaking from my dick, Ana picks up the pace. I feel her nails digging in the back of my thigh while she’s sucking harder and harder. Her breasts are glistening with sweat.

Me: Oh, yes, I’m cumming!

I know she asked me not to cum on her face. Just as I feel the semen flow through my penis, Ana pulls my cock out of her mouth and aims it at her chest. At the last moment, I move my hips, and a stream of cum shoots from my dick onto her surprised face.

Ana: What?! I told you not to cum on my face.

Me: Accident!

Ana: Hehehe! I think someone is a disobedient little boy here.

Me: And dirty little Ana seems to like it.

Ana: Certainly. You taste pretty good, mister.

Ana wipes her face with one of the shirts she dropped on the floor.

Ana: Better get back to Alina. She’ll probably wonder what’s taking us so long.

We went back to Alina. She was sitting on a couch.

Alina: All done? Was Aafi any help?

Ana: Sure! Couldn’t have done it without him.

Me: Girls, I’ll leave you to it. Thanks for taking me on your shopping expedition.

Ana and Alina leave the store while I pay for Ana’s lingerie and Liza’s evening dress. I arrive home late in the afternoon. Everybody else is already home.

I ran to Liza’s room with her dress.

Me: Hi, sis. I’ve been busy shopping today.

Liza: Oh, I didn’t know you liked that sort of thing.

Me: I don’t, but I wanted to buy you something.

Liza: For me, how nice! But why?

Me: I wanted to get you a special dress for our dinner tomorrow.

Liza: Didn’t you like the dress I wore yesterday?

Me: I did, but I think you deserve something nice after the ordeal from yesterday.

I gave her the dress. She held it against her body.

Liza: Wasn’t this terribly expensive?

Me: Don’t worry! Just try it on.

Liza: But isn’t it too short?

Me: Just try and find out!

I went out so that she could change. Luckily she didn’t lock the door. I carefully open the door and have a peek. She was in her cream color lacy bra and panty. Sweet! I knew she was hiding a great body underneath all that clothing.

She took her bra and panty off and was about to wear the dress. Better close the door before she sees me. I wait for a moment outside Liza’s door.

Liza: I’m ready, Aafi!

I went in. Oh my god! She was looking stunningly hot in that shiny black fancy skirt. She was a bit shy and covering her cleavage with her hand.

Liza: So, what do you think? It’s too revealing, isn’t it?

Wow, it really enhances her best qualities!

Me: You look stunning!

She slowly moved her and let them down.

Liza: I’ve never worn such a dress. It’s a bit weird, but I think I like it.

I know I do!

Me: Could you spin around for me?

She turned around. Her butt was barely covered, and her back is looking really sexy.

Me: You’ll be the star of the restaurant tomorrow!

Liza: You’re too sweet!

After that, I went to check on Rachel. She was lying on the bed.

Me: How was your lunch?

Rachel: Great! Weird though. Bella really seems to hate you.

Me: What else is new?

Rachel: She tried to convince me to talk to Mom about you. To get you out of the house.

Me: She did what?

Rachel: Yeah, it was totally weird.

Me: And what did you say?

Rachel: What do you think, dummy? Of course, I told her to go fuck herself. Not in those words, but she got my meaning. I wasn’t happy. And then she asked me for money, out of the blue.

Me: Weird.

Rachel: Yeah, she said she owed someone, and I would get it back as soon as she got her paycheck this month.

Me: Did you lend her the money?

Rachel: No, I’m kind of tight at the moment.

Me: Let me treat you then! Would you like to go and see a movie with me?

Rachel: Yay! Of course, I would!

Me: Great! Looking forward to it. Let’s go the day after tomorrow.

I tried to check on Bella. She is on the phone with someone. I leaned on the door to listen in.

Bella: …I won’t. I will get the money in time. I know the consequences. The money will be there, I promise.

Looks like she disconnected the call. I entered her room. She was almost crying.

Me: Money troubles?

Bella: Jesus Christ! Are you spying on people, you little creep?!

Me: I was going to talk to you about trash-talking behind my back and couldn’t help but overhear your conversation.

Bella: Pfff… Yeah, I’m having some cash flow issues.

Me: Maybe I could help. How much do you need?

Bella: 5000.

Me: What?!

Bella: Nevermind. Just go away.

Me: No, I think I can manage 5000.

Even though I had the full amount, I wanted to control her. So I lied about the cash.

Me: I can give you 200 now. But the rest will have to come later. I can only withdraw small amounts from my trust fund.

Bella: Thank you, that’s better than nothing.

Me: I want something in return, though.

Bella: Here we go.

Me: I just want you to stop your campaign to get me out of the house. I think you owe me that much.

Bella: Well, if you care so much about it, I’ll stop.

Me: Good. I’ll get another 200 tomorrow.

Bella: Thank you, that’ll be a great help!

Wow, her attitude is already changing. I went by the kitchen. Mom was cooking dinner.

Mom: Dinner is almost ready.

Me: I’ll set the table.

At the dinner table, everyone chit chatted. I was curious about Liza’s work.

Me: Rachel told me you do a lot of volunteer work, Liza.

Rachel: You’re always at that shelter, Liza!

Liza: The folks there need a lot of help.

Bella: You’re too good for this world.

Liza: The reverend always wants me to attend the religious services, but I don’t care for that.

I wonder if the reverend is interested in just my sister’s piety.

After dinner, I went back to my room. I spent some time browsing. Everyone was asleep. It was time to spy on everyone in the house. I went to check Rachel. Oh my god. She is not wearing her bra, and her hand is on top of her panty.

Rachel! Have you been a naughty girl? Fingering yourself before going to sleep? Big brother can take care of you as well if you want me to. Her boobs were covered with her hair, though. Let’s move that hair to the side.

Fuck! She’s waking up. Phew, false alarm. She just moved a bit. Her hair fell to the side, exposing her titties. God! What am I doing? She’s my fucking sister. My horny fucking sister.

I then went to see Bella. She was sleeping in a black bra and panty. Her bitchiness is sound asleep.

I went to check on Liza. She was in the shower. I slowly peeked inside the bathroom. She was not in the shower. I turned around. Oh right. We have a bathtub as well. I keep forgetting that. She’s getting out.

Her back was facing me. Sweet holy mother of… She turned around and slowly got out of the tub. I could see her huge boobs. Why on earth does she hide those delicious, soft puppies?!

I’m looking forward to seeing those heavenly breasts in that new dress. Better leave now. If she turns towards the door, she’ll see me for sure.

Finally, I went to check on my mom. She was in a deep sleep. I wonder if she read that filthy book before going to sleep. She looks so peaceful. I could watch her for hours. She’s wearing a crop top like a bra and a sports panty. Damn! She’s so sexy, even at her age. I’m not sure if I would be able to resist her.

I went back to my room and slept.

Day 5

Very late in the morning, I was awakened by knocking on my door. Damn, I overslept. Wonder who that could be.

Liza: Aafi, are you awake?

Ah, Liza, there are worse ways to wake up.

Me: Come in, Liza.
Liza: Good… Er… Good morning. (Aafi’s in good shape. He looks less… soft than Brody.)

Is she staring at me?

Me: What’s bothering you, sis?

Liza: I’ve been thinking, and I’m not sure if tonight is such a good idea.

Me: Why not? Has Brody been talking to you?

Liza: No, he still hasn’t called.

Fuck, her insecurity is causing major problems for me.

Me: But what’s the problem really? We’re just going out to have a bite to eat and have some fun together.

Liza: But Bella said that I shouldn’t go. She thinks you’re a bad influence on us.

Bella, you unbelievable bitch! Why does she keep meddling?

Me: And do you?

Liza: What? No, absolutely not! But Bella can be so forceful.

Yes, I’ll deal with her later.

Liza: It’s just. So much has been going on lately. It’s a bit too much for me. I’m sorry.

Me: Don’t be, I understand.

Liza: But talking to you about it has helped already. Let’s just go and have fun tonight!

Me: Agreed, good food, and good conversation!

Liza left. That was close to canceling of date. I don’t think Bella is home now, but this will cost her dearly. I went to take a shower. When I was about to step out of the shower, I hear the bathroom door open.

Fuck! I forgot to lock the door again. I hear a click as somebody locks the door from inside. What?! It was Alina. She was in the bathroom. She saw me showering completely naked.

Alina: Hey, I heard you were in the shower.

Me: But…

Alina: Rachel is waiting for me in her room. But after what Ana told me about your penis, I became curious.

Me: My penis?

Did Ana talk about my penis?

Alina: Yes, I want to make you feel good. I want to taste it.

Yes! My sister’s girlfriends are sex-craving nymphos. Woohoo!

Me: Put it in your pretty little mouth then!

Alina quickly undresses and drops to her knees.

Alina: I’ve been a bad girl, Aafi. Please punish me with your hard cock.

Seems Alina is into submissive roleplay. Kinky girl.

Alina: I’ve had all these had thoughts about guys fucking me and cumming on me.

Me: So you’ve been a dirty little girl? And you want my cock in your mouth?

Alina: Yes. I deserve punishment for all the bad thoughts I’ve had.

Me: Say, please.

Alina: Please, Aafi, put your hard cock in my warm mouth.

I grab her head and force her mouth over my hard cock. Alina gags and smiles. Spit is dripping from her mouth already.

Me: Do you like that, you bad little whore?

Her tongue rubs against my glans while I move her head up and down, sometimes allowing her to catch her breath.

Alina: Aaaah, I want it all.

Alina licks the length of my glistening dick, and then I feel her wet tongue licking my balls.

Alina: Please, please put it all in!

I pushed her down and made her lie flat on the floor. I sat near her mouth, and with just enough pressure, I shove my entire cock inside her mouth. Alina’s eyes start to tear, and her upper body is covered in drool. I was fingering her while I pushed her head up and down on my cock.

As my penis is thrusting in her throat, Alina gets a look of pure bliss.

Me: You like it when it hurts, don’t you, you little whore?

Feeling me getting closer to a climax, Alina wriggles free of my grasp. She gets on all fours while still deep throating my throbbing member.

Me: I’m cumming, I’m cumming!

I shoot my warm semen down her throat. Alina keeps moving up and down my shaft until she has swallowed every last drop of cum. Alina licks her cum-covered lips and looks at me longingly.

Alina: Mmmmmm, nice!

She’s a little crazy, but what a cocksucker!

Alina: Ana was right, you taste very nice, and there’s so much of it as well. Am I a good girl now, Aafi?

Me: Your performance was satisfactory, but you’re still a very bad girl.

Alina: Are you going to use me again?

Me: I’ll fuck you in every hole until you behave.

Alina: Looking forward to it!

Fuck, she’s crazy, but I’m getting a hard-on again. Alina slowly dresses, giving me a nice view of her pussy. Look at those wet lips. She seems to have enjoyed herself.

Alina: Bye, Aafi, see you soon!

She left. I cleaned myself and went to my room. I called James to talk about the business card.

James: Hey, man. What’s up?

Me: Nothing much. I overslept.

James: Man, must be nice!

Me: Are you working?

James: Nah, helping Mom around the house. It seems she always keeps inventing chores during the summer holidays. I might have to hide at your place once in a while.

Me: No problem! Listen, I did a sweep of my mother’s bedroom after you left yesterday.

James: Cool! Did you find anything?

Me: Yes, a business card with nothing on it except for a company name and an address.

James: Have you searched for it?

Me: Online, you mean?

James: Where else?

Me: No. Let me check it now.

James: I’ll have a go as well. What’s the name and address?

Me: Discreet Inc. Office Square 21.

James: It seems like a legit company. Not much in the way of details, though.

Me: The website is very sparse – just a logo and a customer login.

James: Very minimalistic. I guess they rely on word-of-mouth marketing. The address also checks out. No phone number, though.

Me: No results using mom’s name and the company name. I’ve never seen her use a computer around the house, so maybe she doesn’t have a real online presence.

James: Next time I’m in the city I’ll have a look around Office square if you want me to.

Me: Sounds like a plan. But don’t be too obvious, like waltzing into the office when mom is working.

James: You know me, I’m very subtle.

Me: When it comes to the ladies, you’re anything but subtle, James.

James: Okay, okay, but I know my spy-shit, trust me.

Me: All right. Speak to you later.

I eat lunch and spend the time in my room till evening. I also booked the restaurant I wanted to visit with Liza. Looks like everything is set for a great evening!

Bella arrives early from work. I wonder if she has the nerves to come and ask for money. I hear footsteps coming from Bella’s room and a knock on my door. Of course, she has the nerve.

Bella: Hey. Do you have the money?

Fucking hell, does she lack any of the social graces?

Me: I do, but I’m not going to give it to you.

Bella: Why the hell not?!

Me: Because you didn’t honor our agreement.

Bella: What?

Me: We agreed that you would cease to be negative about me and stop trying to get me to leave. But you’ve been talking shit again, this time to Liza.

Bella: How do you…?

Me: So you’re not getting any money.

Her face turned from angry to a pretty sad one.

Bella: But I need that money, Aafi.

Me: You should have thought of that before you ran your mouth.

Bella: I’m so sorry!

Shit, it appears she needs that money for something really serious.

Me: Bella, a family, always looks out for each other. I will give you the money you need, but I want something in return.

Bella: Like what?

Me: I’d like to see your breasts. Of course, I’ve already seen them when we played doctor as kids, but I’d like to see them again.

Bella: You really want me to show you my breasts? I knew you were a pervert!

Me: I think it’s a fair trade.

Bella stares at me for what seems a very long time. Is she going to storm out and tell mom all about this, or not? Slowly she unbuttons her blouse, pulls it over her head, and throws it on the floor. Wow! She’s really doing it.I was enjoying blackmailing my slutty sister.

Bella: Satisfied?

She was completely naked on top. Gosh! She has perfect boobs.

Me: They look very, very nice. Before giving you the money, I’d like to touch them.

Bella: You want to fucking grope me, you pervert?!

Me: We’re playing doctor again, and I should give them a thorough exam.

Bella: You want to play this childish game? Go ahead then ‘doctor’, if you must.

She was frustrated, but I didn’t care. I grabbed her boobs with my hands. Hmmm, they’re so soft and firm. Her nipples are hard as well. It could be the cold, or she’s enjoying it a little bit. I rubbed her nipples with my thumbs.

When I touch her nipples, they stiffen even further. Almost inaudibly, Bella lets out an involuntary sigh.

Bella: (This shouldn’t feel good, but it does. My nipples are so sensitive.) Are you done yet, ‘doctor’?

I left her boobs alone. She immediately covers her boobs with her right hand.

Me: Certainly. Your breasts seem to be in fine shape, and your nipples have responded appropriately.

Bella: Yeah, you’re a true asset to the medical community.

Me: Here’s your 200. See you tomorrow, dear sister!

Bella: Thanks, I guess.

She took her top and ran to her room. I can’t believe Bella was willing to do that, and she even seemed to enjoy it. But she must be desperate, so I shouldn’t push her too far. Maybe I can work the ‘when we were kids’ angle again.

Plus, I need to find out to who she owes money. It must be something pretty serious. Nobody gets to take advantage of my sister, except maybe me.

Let me stop here. I will continue in the next part. More parts to come. Keep looking for this space to know what happens next. Please send me your feedback through email or hangout at [email protected] You can also read my other stories here.

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