I was getting closer to my lustful family.
Day 3
I woke up in the morning. I checked my phone. There’s a message from James.
James: ‘Hey, let’s meet for coffee later today.’
He wants to meet at the place where Bella works. Hell, why not! I replied, ‘I’ll be there!’
I took a quick shower and joined the family at the dining table for breakfast. Everybody was there.
Liza: Good morning, Aafi!
Rachel: Hi, Aafi!
Bella: …
Me: Hi, all.
Mom: Did you sleep well?
Me: Yes, thank you. Breakfast looks good.
Liza: Look at us, a real family once more!
Bella stood up in anger.
Bella: Oh, fuck you all! Cut the syrupy shit! We haven’t seen fucking Aafi for an eternity! And now we’re all like: ‘It’s so wonderful you’re here, little brother…’
Jeez, she is a wild bitch.
Bella: He is a total fucking stranger and should remain that way!
Mom: You will not speak…
Bella: Fuck you, mother!
She stormed out.
Rachel: What got into her?
Mom: I don’t know, but I don’t like it. I’ll talk to her.
The mood certainly ruined. We all finished our breakfast in silence. I went back to my room after finishing up. Bella clearly doesn’t like me here. After some time, to my surprise, Bella came to my room with an awkward face.
Bella: Yeah. Hi. Mom made me come and apologize. So here, I apologize for my behavior earlier.
Me: That’s…
Bella: That doesn’t mean I like you or that we can be pals or whatever. I’ll have to tolerate your presence, and that’s it.
Is she going to tell me what I did wrong someday?
Me: But sis…
Bella: Don’t ‘sis me. Haven’t you heard a word I said?! As far as I’m concerned, I’m not your sister, and you’re not my brother! Let’s leave it at that.
Saying that, she vanished. Wow! Well, I guess there are other family members I can chat with. I went to check on my Mom. She was in her room.
Mom: I was just about to go to work. Did Bella apologize to you?
Me: She did… More or less… Why does she act like this?
Mom: I’m fairly certain that you being back here is hard for her. I guess the divorce hit her the hardest. She was always daddy’s little girl, you know.
I bet she was, spoiled little brat.
Mom: Bella can be stubborn, but she’ll come around. Don’t worry.
Me: If you say so, Mom. You said you were off to work, but what exactly is your job?
Mom: I’m an executive at a large management firm.
Me: Is that why you have such irregular hours?
Mom: Pretty much. We have a lot of international clients.
Mom left for work. I went to Rachel’s room. She was browsing her laptop.
Rachel: Wow, Bella was super mad!
Me: That she was. What are you going to do today?
Rachel: Just hang, I guess. And we’re going shopping.
Me: Again?
Rachel: It’s a hobby!
Me: I guess so. About Ana…
Rachel: What did James tell you? Don’t believe a word he says!
Me: No, it’s just…
Rachel: What? You like her, don’t you?
Me: No!
Rachel: Well, well!
This isn’t going as planned.
Me: Never-mind.
Rachel: I’ve got my eye on you, big brother!
I left her alone and went to see Liza.
Liza: Are you all right?
Me: Yeah, I’m fine.
Liza: I still don’t know what got into her. But I hope Bella finds some peace with herself.
Me: Do you have plans for today?
Liza: Nothing special for today, except for tonight! Brody has asked me out on a dinner date.
How terrible.
Me: How nice!
Liza: It’s going to be so romantic!
Me: Yes, you never know with Brody.
Liza: Don’t be like that. You haven’t seen his sweet side.
I doubt I will. I went back to my room after some chitchat. I played some games to pass the time. It’s time to meet James for coffee in town. James was already there in the cafe. He’s sitting at a corner table.
James: Hey, bro! I already ordered us two coffees. And just so you know, I chose this place for the hot waitresses.
Me: Is there anything else besides girls you think about, James?
James: Well, there are games. But that’s pretty much it. I mean, girls are a man’s best hobby, you know.
I was startled by a familiar voice. It was Bella’s.
Bella: Why are you here?
James: Shit, man, it’s your sister. I didn’t think she would be working today.
Me: I noticed… We’re here for coffee.
Bella: You just happened to go to the place I’m working at?
Me: How would I know? James chose the place.
Bella: Fuck you. Here’s your coffee, little creeps.
She went back to the kitchen.
James: Your sister has a bit of an attitude problem.
Me: No, shit. She’s not happy with me being back.
James: That sucks, man.
Me: It sure does.
James: She did look hot in that short skirt, though!
Me: James…
James: What? Oh shit. There’s my sister, with Alina. They’re coming this way.
Both the girls approached our table.
Alina: Hi.
Ana: Hey, Aafi. What a coincidence.
James: I told you we were coming here.
Ana: Did you? I must’ve forgotten. I might as well keep you company. Move over, please.
Ana sat next to me, and Alina sat next to James. We were sitting on opposite sides of the table. As soon as Ana sat down next to me, I felt her hand on my leg.
Ana: So, what were you two talking about?
Without skipping a beat, her hand moved to my crotch. I feel my dick stiffen underneath her warm hand.
James: Nothing.
Ana: I bet it was about those stupid games you play.
She deftly unzipped my jeans and freed my gigantic erection. She grabbed my hard dick in her hand. Luckily, the cafe is half empty. But what if Bella comes back? Hmmm, that thought makes me even hornier.
Ana: I don’t know why you like those stupid games.
James: I don’t know why you like clothing so much.
Her hand grips my hard dick, and she starts to move it up and down, applying just the right amount of pressure. Aah! Does nobody see her hand move? Guess they’re focused on the conversation.
Ana: Because it makes me look pretty.
James: Pfff, sure…
Ana: Don’t you think I’m pretty, Aafi?
Shit. Why is she so good at multitasking?
Me: I-I… Y-Yesss…
Alina: Are you feeling all right, Aafi?
Keep going. Keep going!
Me: Y-Yesss, I’m fine.
Ana: You look all flustered! Sure you’re okay, Aafi?
At the same time, she picks up the pace. Every time her hand is at the top of my dick, she massages the tip, sending shivers down my spine.
Me: Y-Yesss, must be the coffee.
That dirty bitch! Fuck! I’m going to cum! Ana apparently feels I’m close and grips my cock harder. Aah! I cover her hand with my cum as she tenderly massages the last drops out of me.
Ana: I think you look a lot more relaxed now.
James: Don’t you girls have anywhere else to be?
Ana: Now, now, brother, be nice! We have to meet Rachel, so I guess I’ll see you guys later.
I guess we will, you dirty little slut.
Alina: Bye.
The girls left.
James: You’re in a world of trouble, my man.
What? Did he notice something? Best to play it cool.
Me: How come?
James: It seems Ana has taken an interest in you. I know that look in her eye.
Me: She’s fucking hot. So I hope you don’t mind.
James: Hell no! I’d sure know what to do if she weren’t my sister! Maybe Alina wants to go out with me. Then we’d be dating the two hottest girls in high-school.
Me: Keep on dreaming!
We talk some more and then leave. Bella obviously avoids me when we exit the cafe. I came back home. It seems like it’s just Rachel and me at home. Rachel heard me coming. She already prepared some food and was waiting for me at the dining table.
Rachel: So. You and Ana?
Damn, word travels fast…
Me: What about her?
Rachel: Are you dating?
Me: Errr. Not that I know of.
Rachel: Well, she’s talking a lot about you.
Is she now?
Me: Nice things, I hope?
Rachel: Oh, yes. I wouldn’t be surprised if she asks you out.
Or just asks for my big hard cock.
Me: I wouldn’t say no to that.
Rachel: Of course, you wouldn’t. I mean, she’s the most popular girl in high-school. All the guys have the hots for her. And she landed in your lap with zero effort.
Yeah, she is very interested in my lap.
Rachel: So? Have you had many girlfriends?
Me: Well, a few. Nothing serious, though.
Rachel: And did you… Do you know?
Me: What? Kiss?
Rachel: You know what I mean!
Me: Have sex?
Rachel: Yes!
Me: Yes, sis, I’m not a virgin.
Rachel: (Hmmm, it seems Aafi is a lot more experienced than me.) Was it… Errr…
Me: What? You can ask me. I don’t mind.
Rachel: I… Did you have a good time?
Me: Yeah, it’s fun. But haven’t you done it already? Does a pretty girl like you and all?
Rachel: Yes, well no… I’ve kissed a guy once!
Me: I hope this isn’t going to sound weird, but I find it hard to believe.
Rachel: How come?
Me: You’re my sister and all that, but I have eyes… And I think you’re a very sexy girl.
She rolled her eyes.
Me: So, I’d understand if the guys were all over you. And it takes great character not to be tempted by that.
Rachel: That’s actually very nice of you to say. Thank you!
I can be such a smooth motherfucker! We finished dinner, and I went back to my room. I was just browsing my mobile. Mom and Liza have come home. I went to check on Mom.
I hear Mom arguing with someone on the phone. I placed my ear on the door to listen in.
Mom: You will address me properly. I was very unhappy to learn about your sudden rescheduling. And to have your secretary do it as well! This is totally unacceptable.
She was furious at the caller.
Mom: Mind your tone, pathetic little man! Good. We will have to deal with your sudden whims and take some form of disciplinary action. This will not stand. I’ll see you on the rescheduled date. Goodbye.
Wow. Mum is tough as nails. Never seen her like that. That guy on the phone must have done something really stupid to make her so mad – still, a weird conversation. I might have to do some digging. Maybe she’s working for the mafia or something?! Yeah, right!
I went to Liza’s room. I could hear faint sobs coming from the other side of the door. I knocked on her door.
Liza: Who is it?
Me: It’s me.
Liza: Come in, Aafi.
I entered her room. She was sitting on the floor with her eyes full of tears. She wiped them and tried to act normal.
Liza: How was your day?
Me: Very interesting. Why are you crying, sis?
Liza: The dinner… with Brody… I ruined everything!
I comforted her by hugging her. As I hug her, I feel her soft breasts against my torso. I try to extend the moment as long as possible without making the situation awkward.
Me: I find that very hard to believe, you ruining something.
Liza: It was awful.
I made her sit on the bed.
Liza: For starters, Brody didn’t like the dress I was wearing.
Liza was wearing a traditional frock to her thighs.
Liza: He said that I should make more of an effort. That I don’t show enough appreciation for him.
And the award for ‘Most dreadful human being’ goes to Brody.
Me: Don’t listen to him, Liza. You look beautiful, no matter what you wear.
I sat next to her on the bed.
Liza: That’s sweet, Aafi.
Me: I mean it!
Liza: He seemed less disappointed after we got our entrees. But I was so tense after his first outburst that I accidentally tipped over a glass of wine during the main course. It ruined his new pants.
Ha, serves him right!
Liza: I’ve never seen him that mad before. It almost seemed like he wanted to throw the table across the room.
She was sobbing a bit.
Liza: And then he said I was the worst girlfriend ever and…
Me: But…
Liza: Then he hit the waiter.
Me: Oh…
Liza: But that was an accident.
Me: Ah…
Liza: We had to leave the restaurant.
No shit, what a stupid douche-bag. I put my hand on her leg to comfort her. I felt the warm, soft skin of her legs under my fingertips. Affectionately, she covered my hand with hers.
Liza: During the walk home, he told me I don’t love him enough and that I have to earn his respect again.
Unbelievable. And she buys that crap?
Me: That sounds like an awful evening, Liza. But I’m sure you guys will be all right once Brody cools down.
Liza: I don’t know, he was so angry.
Me: You have to ask yourself if getting so upset about spilling a glass of wine is reasonable behavior.
Answer: It isn’t, and Brody’s a cunt.
Me: And I think you look absolutely gorgeous in this dress.
Liza: Do you really think so?
Me: Yes, you’re a beautiful woman.
Liza: Thank you, I feel much better now. And Brody will come around. It’s just temporary.
Me: I have an idea! Let’s go out to dinner the day after tomorrow to make up for your disastrous evening—just the two of us.
Liza: But wouldn’t that be weird?
Me: How so? We haven’t seen each other for a long time. So I’m sure we have a lot of catching up to do. What do you say?
Liza: I don’t know. Yes! Let’s do it!
Me: Great! Day after tomorrow, then, I’ll pick the place.
Liza: Looking forward to it! Thank you for being so sweet. I’ll try to sleep now.
Me: Good night, sis.
It was late, so I went to bed.
Day 4
I woke up when somebody opened my door. It was from Ana.
Ana: Hi Aafi. Your mom let me in on her way to work.
Me: What?
Ana: You didn’t think I’d jerk you off without expecting a reward?
Before I could say anything, she took off her shirt, becoming naked from the top.
Ana: So, my sweet pussy is all ready for your tongue.
I was just in my boxers. My dick was getting hard.
Ana: Hey, it looks like your snake has also awakened. It wants to say hi!
She removed her shorts quickly and became fully naked.
Ana: I know you want me. Don’t you want to lick me, Aafi? I’m so wet…
I was so horny with all the action.
Me: Come here then, you little slut.
Ana: Ah, dirty talk. Now I’m really wet! Here, taste it!
I sat on the edge of my bed and pulled her towards me. I cup her small but firm breasts in my hands and start kissing them, sending shivers down her spine. A small moan escapes her as I pull her onto the bed. As she gets on all fours, I reach for her pussy.
She didn’t lie when she said she was really wet. My fingers slide easily along her moist pussy lips. She got up and lay down and eagerly spread her legs, revealing her pussy and tight asshole fully to me.
Ana: Lick my pussy, Aafi! Make me cum!
I lift her ass from the bed and thrust my tongue inside her pussy. My saliva mixed with the salty juices of her cunt. At the same time, I stimulate her labia and the area around her clitoris with my tongue.
Ana’s breathing is tagged, and she moaned as she fondled her breasts. She moved to one side and stretched her legs open to give me full access to her cunt.
Ana: Aah, you make me feel so good! Keep going! Keep going!
She lifted her left leg in the air. I pick up the pace and focus on her clitoris. Her moans are heavy now, and every muscle in her body is anticipating the inevitable release.
Ana: Oh, Aafi, keep going. You’re so good. Aaah! Aaaaaaaaaah!
Ana arches her back and grabs my hair. I taste the last wave of her juices as she orgasms violently. After a quick breather, she sat straight on my bed.
Ana: That was fantastic.
Me: Glad to be of service.
Ana: You may service me anytime, mister! I have an idea! Why don’t you come with me today?
Me: Where to?
Ana: Well, we’re going shopping. I asked Rachel earlier before visiting you, but she can’t come.
Me: Oh?
Ana: Yeah, Bella asked her out to lunch.
Me: She did?
Ana: Bella is not someone you refuse if you catch my drift…
Me: Yup, she’s a bitch.
Ana: So, it’s just Alina and me. How could you refuse two beautiful women?
I hate shopping for clothes, but the offer is tempting. I might be able to buy something nice for Liza.
Me: Well, all right. I’m in.
Ana: Yay! I’ll meet you at the store later today.
She quickly dressed and took off. Phew. That was a nice little morning snack.
I went to talk to Rachel.
Rachel: Hey there. Sleep well?
Me: Certainly. Is everyone out already?
Rachel: Yeah, Mom, and Bella left early. I think Liza went to volunteer at the church shelter.
Me: Didn’t know Liza was so religious?
Rachel: I’m not sure that she is, but I do know that she likes volunteering.
Me: Always helping people.
Rachel: Yeah, yeah, she’s the Saint. Bella’s the Bitch, and I guess I’m the Cutie.
Me: You certainly are!
Rachel: I heard from Liza that you guys are having dinner together tomorrow.
Me: Yeah. Her evening with Brody turned out to be a disaster.
Rachel: Ugh, but Brody is such an aggressive dickhead.
Me: I’m beginning to believe everybody thinks that about Brody apart from Liza.
Rachel: But when are you going to take me somewhere nice?
Me: As soon as I think of something, I’ll let you know.
Rachel: Don’t keep me waiting too long. Speaking of dinner dates, I’m meeting Bella today for lunch. She wanted to talk about some family stuff. I don’t know what that means, but with Bella, it’s probably something self-important.
Hmm, this can’t be good.
Me: I hope the food is nice.
Rachel: Hehe. Yup! I have to get ready. See you later!
I took a shower and had breakfast, and went back to my room. I invited James to my home. He agreed. He arrived after an hour. We were playing games.
James: Something on your mind, bro?
Me: So the thing you mentioned about Ana earlier…
James: You two are having something. I knew it!
Me: It’s mostly sex, though.
James: Sounds like Ana. Enjoy it, man. I know I would. You have my blessing.
Me: So, do you know my Mom a bit?
James: She’s hot! But, no, nothing else. Why do you ask?
Best not to tell him the whole story, but maybe he could help.
Me: I’ve noticed some things around the house – some weird stuff involving her.
James: Like what? Does she have multiple lovers locked in her bedroom?
Me: No, she’s almost never home. Works her ass off at some big company.
James: That sucks.
Me: But she’s so cagey about all of it. Like she doesn’t want to talk about it.
James: Maybe… She’s in the escort business?
Me: James. It’s still my mother you’re talking about. She’s not some kind of whore.
James: Right, right! Why don’t you find one of her business cards, then we could check the address?
Me: You mean rummage through her personal stuff?
James: Er, yeah. You won’t believe the stuff Ana keeps in her bag.
Me: Not a bad idea, actually.
James: I know, just leave the pro-tips to your spymaster!
We play for about an hour more, and James goes back home. I decided to check out Mom’s room and search for a business card. Hmmm. Not sure where to look first. The nightstand, maybe?
No, not there. Let’s check out her closet. Bingo! I found her purse in there. Hopefully, it isn’t empty. I rummage through the contents of the handbag and find one card tucked away.
‘Discreet Incorporated.’ That’s a pretty generic name – no personal information. There’s an address on it, though. This may be worth checking out. I was about to leave. My eyes caught the attention of the porn book that I read last time.
I shouldn’t read this filth, but maybe it magically changed back to an innocent book on management. I opened the book. Nope. It didn’t. I started reading it randomly.
“…I seat myself upon her face, Clairwil camps herself on mine. I sucked, and was sucked…”
In this scene, there are three naked ladies. One lady is lying flat on her back on the floor. The narrator lady sits on the lady’s face in a cowgirl position. Clairwil stands in front of the narrator lady and pushes her pussy towards the narrator lady’s face.
“…above me, the youngest girl gave her buttocks to be kissed by Clairwil, whom another girl was embuggering with a dildo…”
Two more girls join the threesome, making it a fivesome scene of BFF lesbian lovers. The youngest girl is standing next to Clairwil, and she has ass up in the air to be sucked by Clairwil. Another girl is kneeling and pushing a dildo inside the youngest girl’s pussy while her ass is busy in Clairwil’s mouth.
“…the slenderest of the quartet, bending over, was finger-frigging Clairwil’s clitoris, which was established hard by my mouth…”
In this scene, Clairwil is on the floor, and the narrator lady spreads Clairwil’s legs wide. The lady who was on the floor in the first scene is fingering Clairwil’s pussy.
“…and in the meantime was presenting her cunt to my friend whose hands were polluting it in a similar style…”
The girl who was dildo fucking the youngest girl in previous scenes rubs the pussy of the lady lying on the ground. And the youngest girl is inserting the dildo up her ass and taking care of herself.
I had enough fivesome lesbian action. It sure makes for some interesting bedtime reading. I leave and go back to my room.
Let me stop here. I will continue in the next part. More parts to come. Keep looking for this space to know what happens next. Please send me your feedback through email or hangout at [email protected] You can also read my other story here.