Hello ISS readers. I am back with a new series. This is the fictional fantasy story, with the first impressions of my family.
My name is Aafi, and I am 21 years old in this story. This is the first day of my new life. Until recently, I was living in a different part of the country with my father.
My parents divorced when I was very little, and the family has ripped apart after a fierce custody battle. My mother took her three daughters home while my father moved away with me. I haven’t seen my family since any communication attempts were very much discouraged by my father.
But now, everything has changed after his sudden death. During my father’s funeral, I was approached by a woman I instantly recognized as my mother. She asked if I would be willing to go home with her, meet my sisters, and be a family again.
A little hesitantly I said yes, and after a long journey by train I have arrived at my ‘new’ family’s house.
Before I begin, let me tell you about the characters:
Mom – A perfect MILF. Loving but stern.
Liza – My oldest sister, a bit naive and a very innocent girl.
Bella – The middle sister, one year older than me, a very stubborn and short-tempered girl.
Rachel – The youngest sister, two years younger than me, inexperienced but adventurous girl.
Brody – Liza’s boyfriend, he is an asshole and a control freak.
Ana – Rachel’s friend number 1, Ana, is a very slutty girl, always crazy for sex.
James – He is Ana’s elder brother. He and I are the same age. He will be a good friend to me in this series.
Alina – Rachel’s friend number 2, Alina is a very submissive girl, always into rough sex.
Day 1
I was standing in front of the door, not knowing how my life would be going forward. I ring the bell, and the door opens. Mom opens the door.
Let me describe her. She is a very hot and perfect milf woman. She has brown hair and a perfect curvy body with a thick ass and gigantic boobs.
Mom: Oh, hi, Aafi! You’re right on time.
Me: Hi, Mom. Good to see you again.
I leaned in and kissed her cheek.
Me: Love you, Mom!
Mom: That’s sweet! Let’s go inside, and I’ll show you your room. Your youngest sister is also home, she’s very eager to meet you!
My youngest sister would be Rachel. She escorted me towards my room. It was fairly big, with a bed on the corner and a study table on the side, and a nice couch on one end.
Mom: So this will be your room. It’s not that big, but I hope you like it.
Me: Thanks, Mom, this is great!
Mom: The bathroom is just down the hall if you want to take a shower and freshen up a little. All right. I’ll leave you to unpack and settle in.
I hear noises in the hallway. Rachel enters the room.
Rachel: Is this him, mother?
Mom: Yes, dear, this is Aafi. Where are your manners?
Rachel: Oh, right. Hi, I’m Rachel!
Woah. Rachel has grown. She looks very nice! Mom and dad’s marriage might not have been successful, but their mix of genes certainly was.
She is 19 and two years younger than me. She’s a redhead with a pretty face and a petite curvy body with perfect small breasts. I leaned in and kissed her soft cheeks.
Me: Hi, Rachel!
She smells nice too.
Rachel: Well, I’m sure we’ll have lots to talk about. And you have to see your other sisters, of course, but they aren’t home at the moment. And…
Mom: Let’s give Aafi sometime to unpack Rachel. I’m sure he’s tired from his trip.
Rachel: Right. Of course.
Mom: See you at dinner, Aafi!
Mom and Rachel left the room. Well, that went all right, I think. I wonder why dad was so adamant about avoiding any contact with them. Both Mom and Rachel seem so friendly and understanding. They’re really good looking too. I’d better unpack.
I started unpacking my stuff. I wonder where my other sisters are. From what I understood, both of them are still living here as well. I remember that Bella and I were always arguing. She is just a year older than me and could sometimes be a real bitch back when mom and dad were still together.
My eldest sister Liza was always the most responsible of the four of us. I wonder if that’s changed. After unpacking, I went to take a bath. I was fully naked in the shower. Damn, I needed that.
As I turn off the water, the bathroom door suddenly opens. Rachel caught me showering naked. My dick was exposed to her.
Rachel: What the fuck, Aafi! Didn’t you learn to lock the bathroom door?
Me: Oh shit. Rachel, I’m sorry. I…
Before I could finish, Rachel has already stormed down the hallway. I wrapped a towel around me and ran after her. She was in her room. The door was already closed. I knocked on her door. She didn’t answer.
Me: I’m sorry, Rachel! At dad’s, we always left the doors unlocked.
Rachel: Just go away, Aafi!
Fuck, so much for first impressions. I go back to my room to dress.
Meanwhile, in Rachel’s room, she was sitting on the bed.
Rachel: (Shit, that was embarrassing. But who leaves a bathroom unlocked anyway?! Now I’m all riled up. Have to relieve the tension a bit.)
She was just in her pink panties and a white top. She rested her back on the pillow and spread her legs a bit.
Rachel: (Despite the awkwardness, Aafi looked kinda hot. Nicely toned body. I shouldn’t be thinking of my brother this way. But he’s more like a total stranger anyway.)
She spread her legs wide and started rubbing her pussy with her hand on top of her panty.
Rachel: (Oh, that feels good. He’s well-endowed too. Oh, I’m cumming. Aah!)
She orgasmed with her panties still on.
Rachel: (All better now.)
Back in my room, I lay on my bed. As soon as I lay down, I fall asleep. My journey and the events of today have certainly taken their toll. I wake up a few hours later. I heard mom calling me.
Mom: Aafi! Dinner is ready!
I went and joined my mom and Rachel at the dinner table.
Me: Hi, Mom, Rachel.
Damn, I was hoping Rachel wouldn’t be here. Things could get embarrassing. Let’s just pretend nothing happened.
Rachel: (Why is he looking at me so intently?)
Mom asked me how I was settling in. She asked Rachel to introduce me to some of her friends.
Me: Will I see Liza today?
Mom: I believe she’s at Brody’s. Her boyfriend. So I’m not really sure.
Rachel: Ugh. Brody. I can’t believe she’s going to be engaged to that guy.
Mom: My, my, it seems you really dislike boys.
Rachel: No. Er. It’s not like that. Pfff. Brody and Liza have been together forever, and I think he’s a real dick.
Mom: Language, young lady!
I went back to my room. I’m stuffed. Mom sure knows how to cook. Luckily Rachel didn’t mention the incident to Mom. I was resting for a while. I decided to check on Mom. She was sitting on the sofa in the hall, reading a book.
Me: What are you reading, mom?
Mom: Oh, just some book about management. It’s a bit boring, to be honest.
Me: Mind if I talk to you?
Mom: Not at all.
We talked about why she couldn’t visit us, as expected it was dad who didn’t allow us to mee.
After talking for some more, I decided to check on Rachel. She was lying on her stomach on the bed reading some magazine.
Me: Are you going to introduce me to your friends?
Rachel: Ana is coming over tomorrow. So she’ll bring her brother James who is of the same age as you. You guys can talk about dork stuff while we go shopping.
She is a very talkative girl.
Rachel: Ana is the coolest! She’s dated all the hot guys at school, and she knows so much about stuff, you know
She sounds a bit slutty, if you ask me.
Rachel: You’ll meet my other friend Alina as well. She’s just as popular as Ana, but so far, she’s turned down all the guys who want to date her.
I went back to my room after that conversation. I was surfing the web for a while. After a couple of hours, I hear sounds coming from the kitchen. It could be Bella or burglars. Better go check it out. There she was, trying to find something to eat. I could see her tight ass pointing upwards in the air.
Me: Oh, hi.
Bella: Fuck, you startled me! You must be the long lost brother. Do you sneak up on women often, Aafi?
Ah, Bella. Still a bitch, apparently. She’s hot, though.
Bella: What are you gawking at? Did you lose your tongue?
Me: It’s good to see you too, sis.
Bella: Hmpf! Don’t think you can just waltz in here, and we’re going to accept you. We’ve managed fine without you all these years. Mom has struggled to support us, and now she has another mouth to feed us.
What the hell is her problem?
Me: Dad left me a lot of money after his death. So Mom doesn’t have to provide me anything.
Bella: Fucking, Dad. Well, don’t get in my way, and I won’t get in yours. Now leave!
Me: Good night, Bella!
I go back to my room. Despite having slept already, I fall asleep very quickly.
Day 2
I wake up late in the morning. Down the hall, I hear a male voice shouting. I put some clothes on and stepped into the hallway. The shouting seems to come from Liza’s room. I went to her room. Seems somebody has a one-sided argument.
Guy: …the fuck would you want that?!
I moved a little closer to the door of Liza’s room.
Guy: I forbid you to go! My girlfriend isn’t some little slut who can go whoring around town with her girlfriends.
Liza: But it’s nothing like that. They just invited me out for a drink. It’s just harmless…
Oh, it looks like her boyfriend, Brody.
Brody: Harmless? I’m sure you’re going to dress up and flaunt your body to some guy.
Liza: But…
Brody: But, but… silence! If you disobey me, there will be consequences.
I have had enough. So I stormed the door open and interrupted them.
Brody: You…
Me: Hi, sis! So good to see you again!
They both turned to me.
Liza: Aafi! Mother said you were back. I didn’t want to disturb you.
Me: I arrived yesterday.
Liza: This is Brody, my boyfriend. Brody, this is Aafi.
Me: Hi, Brody. I heard you yelling at Liza. I’m not sure what you think gives you the right to shout at her, but I sure don’t like it.
He was really angry after hearing that.
Brody: You little shit! I’m marrying this girl! And…
Me: I think it’s better that you leave now and cool the fuck down, Brody.
Brody: I’m not done with you!
He left with an angry face. Liza had a big smile on her once he left.
Liza: Thank you! Brody can be difficult.
Me: Well, I don’t like it when somebody is a total dick to my sister.
Liza: But he can be very sweet. He’s got a lot on his mind, that’s all.
Well, I think Brody is a cunt, if first impressions are anything to go by.
Me: Hmmm, I sure hope so. Anyway, I’m taking a shower. Shall we talk some more later?
Liza: Yes, please!
I take a shower and go back to my room. After a while, I hear a knock on my door.
Me: Come in!
It was Liza. She has golden hair with pretty lips. She’s a bit plump, but she has curves too. Her boobs are bigger compared to other sisters.
Liza: Thanks again for earlier!
Me: No problem. But you really shouldn’t let a guy talk to you like that.
Liza: I know, I know. Brody just doesn’t like it when I do stuff without involving him.
So Brody is a jealous control freak.
Liza: I have to go out now, have fun today! I hope you spend some time with me.
Me: I’m sure I will. Thanks, sis. Bye!
Wow, Liza is super nice. Very beautiful as well. I don’t know why she dates a mongrel like Brody. He seems very abusive, and she’s too sweet. Have to keep a close eye on him. I hear Rachel in the halfway.
Rachel: Aafi!
She opened the door.
Rachel: Hi. My friends have arrived. And James is here as well.
Her friend Ana came and stood next to Rachel. Wow, she is really hot. She has dyed her hair with purple and black color. And she has toned skin with a petite body just like Rachel.
Ana: So this is Aafi, huh?
Rachel: Yes. Aafi, this is Ana.
She winked at me with a naughty smile.
Ana: Oh, nice. I’m sure we’re going to be great friends, Aafi!
Me: I’m sure we will!
Mmm, a saucy little minx.
Ana: Oh, look, it’s my stupid little brother.
James: I’m neither stupid nor little, Ana.
He came in and greeted me. He is a pretty cool and decent guy.
James: Hi, Aafi.
Rachel: We’ll leave you alone to discuss boring dork stuff.
Ana: Yeah, let’s go shopping. We’ll meet Alina at the mall.
The girls left.
James: I brought my Xbox and some games. Shall we play?
Me: Nice! Just plug it into the monitor over there.
We were playing for several hours and chatted a lot. It seems James and I have quite a lot in common. We hear the sounds coming from my sister’s room. Rachel and her friends have returned from their shopping expedition.
James: I must admit, I’m a little bit jealous.
Me: Why is that?
James: Well, I’m sure it’s different for you, but I would have a hard time living in a house with only beautiful women.
Me: They’re my sisters.
James: True. But you have to admit they’re all smoking hot.
What is he getting at?
James: Sisters or not. It’s just a fact. And your mom. Wowzers!
Me: Yes, they’re all beautiful.
James: It’s like walking into a candy store.
Me: Look, don’t touch, though.
James: Yeah. About looking. I heard they were shopping for bikinis. Care to sneak a peak?
Me: You mean spying on them?
James: You know, just observing. It’s fine, I do it all the time.
Wait, who is James spying on all the time?
James: Come on, man, or we’re going to miss the show!
Me: All right, this could be fun.
We slowly went near Rachel’s room.
James: We’re right on time. Let’s have a look!
We slowly opened the door just a tiny bit. I was down, and his head was over me.
James: Jackpot!
Wow! What a scene. All three girls were trying their new clothes. Rachel was sitting on the floor. She was already in her dark green bikini. Gosh! That looked really sexy on her. It’s called Bandeaukini.
To her left, her other friend Alina was flaunting her body in a white string bikini. She is Asian and has a petite body. The most shocking scene was Ana was completely naked. I think she was about to try her new bikini.
Gosh! She has perfect boobs with brown pointy nipples. Her perfectly round ass was making me crazy. They were having a conversation.
Alina: …he did not!
Rachel: Yeah, it was super embarrassing.
Ana: I bet he looked really nice.
Ana wore a pink bikini, similar to Rachel’s. Alina suddenly removed her bikini and lay on Rachel’s bed, fully naked. She had smaller boobs compared to Rachel and Ana.
James: Naughty little Alina is there as well. But what are they talking about?
James was right. This was a very good idea. What a show!
Rachel: I must admit his you-know-what is nicely propositioned.
Ana: Girl, you’re making me curious!
Rachel: Eeew. He’s my brother.
Ana: Not mine!
What? Are they talking about me? Rachel thinks I have a nice penis? Well, well, dirty girl.
Ana: How do we look?
The girls were flaunting each other’s bodies. This should never end.
James: Better go now before they catch us.
We went back to my room after that hot show.
Me: That was some show!
James: I know, right! Just some harmless fun. I do it all the time at home.
Me: What? Spying on your sister?
James: Why not? She is hot, don’t you think?
Me: She looked great in that bikini.
After a while, James goes back to his home. I am startled by the door opening. Ana was in my room, and she locked the door.
Ana: I’d like to continue our conversation from earlier.
Me: Conversation? We only said, hello.
Ana: Rachel told me you like to flash your private parts to people.
Me: What? No!
Ana: So I’d like to see your dick.
She kept coming closer to me. Gosh! What is happening?
Ana: Don’t be ashamed. Rachel was very impressed. If you don’t show it, I’ll scream.
Shit. If she starts to scream, everybody will think I’m doing something indecent to her. Which is exactly the thing she wants me to do.
Ana: Well?
I don’t think I have many choices here. I pulled my pants and underwear down and exposed my dick to her.
Ana: Rachel wasn’t lying. You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.
I had a pretty big dick, which is 10 inches. My limp dick got hard and was pointing straight towards Ana.
Ana: It seems to like me!
What a slut! She isn’t even bothered by the whole situation.
Ana: As a reward, you get to see my tits.
She took off her top and exposed her tits to me. Gosh! They were looking so gorgeous up-close.
Ana: I’ll be back, Aafi!
And I’ll be better prepared next time. She left, pulling her top back. I immediately pulled my pants up. She is a real slut.
I rested a bit and then went to the living room. Liza and Bella were chatting on the couch. I got to know that Bella is a waitress at a cafe nearby. I went to check on Rachel. She is in the bathroom, taking a shower. Let’s see if she locks the door.
Fuck, it’s open. I slowly peeked inside. She’s completely naked, but her back was facing me. This is so wrong. Spying on my little sister. But James said it was harmless, and he does it all the time. I’m still horny from that Ana episode.
She grabbed the towel and turned around. I started stroking my cock, seeing her. Ah, that feels good. And so wrong at the same time. Suddenly she caught me. Fuck! She’s seen me!
Rachel: Er… What are you doing there?
Me: You forgot to lock the door.
Rachel: So I did.
Rachel casually brushes her hair aside, revealing her breasts. Oh my god! She did that on purpose.
Rachel: It seems to be a family thing.
Why isn’t she more disturbed? I was practically masturbating in front of her.
Maybe she didn’t see me all that well. Better leave now. I went back to my room. I browsed the internet till the evening. It was dinner time.
Liza: Aafi? Are you coming?
This is going to be awkward. I went and joined Liza and Rachel at the dining table. Mom and Bella were at work.
Rachel: (I keep thinking of Aafi, seeing my naked body. It felt so wrong. Yet at the same time so very sexy. I guess we’re even now.)
After a quick dinner, I went back to my room. Everybody seems asleep already. What a day. How am I supposed to sleep? I’m too horny. I’ll just have a peek into the girls. I went to Rachel’s room. She was sleeping in her pink lingerie. She looks so at peace and crazy hot in those undies.
What a strange day, though. I hope all the weirdness doesn’t poison our relationship. I went to Liza’s room. She was wearing pajamas. She’s so sweet!
Next, I went to check on Bella. She just came home from work. She was changing her clothes in front of the mirror. She stripped down her clothes and was just in her panties. I couldn’t see her boobs as she was facing the other side.
Man, look at that! Better leave now before she sees me staring. I went to check Mom’s room. She still isn’t home. She has the biggest room. There was a book lying on the bedside table.
Is that the management book she was reading earlier? I went near the book, it was titled ‘Managing Management through Management.’ Catchy title.
I opened the book. Huh? The inside is completely different. It seems to be a novel. ‘Juliette’ by Marquis de Sade. I started reading some random passages. The book had tiny pictures to describe a few scenes about lesbian love between a few girls.
“So saying, she stretched me out, spreads wide my legs and, lying belly down upon the bed with her head lodged between my thighs.”
It’s a threesome lesbian scene, with all the girls completely naked. The narrator lady is lying on the bed. The second girl is sucking the lady’s pussy with her head buried between the narrator’s legs.
“…she sets to cunt-sucking me, the while exposing the world’s most handsome buttocks to my companion’s view.”
The third girl, who is the narrator’s companion, is sitting behind the second girl and admiring her butts.
“…from that pretty little girl’s fingers, she received the same services her tongue is rendering me.”
The companion starts fingering the second girl’s pussy from behind. While the second girl is sucking the pussy of the narrator lady.
This is hardcore pornography with a threesome lesbian action going in the current scene. I turned a few pages.
“Delbene’s tongue first probes far into the recesses of Euphrosine’s cunt, and she uses either hand to tickle our assholes.”
Euphrosine, the companion, is standing at the edge of the bed with Delbene’s head under her pussy. Delbene’s sitting on the ground and fingering the narrator lady’s asshole with her left hand.
“…from time to time, she relinquishes my companion’s cunt to pump mine.”
Delbene kept sucking Euphorsine’s pussy and also tickled her asshole with her hand.
“…and thus both Euphrosine and I experienced three pleasures simultaneously, did as you be fully persuaded, discharge like muskets.”
Delbene started fingering both the ladies’ assholes from behind and made the lesbian lovers orgasm.
Why in the world would Mom read this filthy stuff? And she was reading it on the living room couch of all places. Unbelievable. Wonder what else she’s got to hide. My new family is getting more and more interesting.
I kept the book and went to my room. I was tired and slept pretty quickly.
Let me stop here. I will continue in the next part. I know there wasn’t much, but there will be a lot of action in the upcoming parts.
More parts to come. Keep looking for this space to know what happens next. Please send me your feedback through email or hangout at [email protected]