Hello readers this is Charlie currently living in Bangalore, Karnataka. I am 6′ tall and fair 19yo with handsome looks. It’s my first story so forgive mistakes and enjoy reading comments are really appreciated. It was a really late night and I am on my way to uncle peter’s house for cousins wedding on coming day.
It’s a country side village so there’s no chance of have a peaceful journey in public bus as its really mid night bus was crowded by drowsy vegetable vendors, smelly country men and some of sleepy merchants which is really uncomfortable and unbearable for me Bus driver stopped bus to take a tea break near a dhaba a road side hotel. I got down and searched for an empty chair to have a midnight coffee
There was a table with one guy in mid 20’s seated and with an empty chair beside him. I made myself comfortable and ordered a tea with snacks.
Started a little talk with this super good looking hunk seated other side of the table. He said that his name is Raj and came to the party at the farm house nearby He also said that he got into fight with one of his friends at the party and that’s the reason he was out of the farm house
I felt really pity for him being ruined his joy. I asked him what’s next. He said disappointingly that he is going back to Gulbarga on bike. He enquired about mine I said about my unpleasant journey to my uncle’s village. He said he liked my company and asked me to join him so that he can drop me at village. I felt a little happy that atlas and I got chance to escape from this horrible bus ride. I said okay and happily accepted his proposal.
We started on his bike. Now I can feel cool wind blowing my hair mean while he is murmuring something about his friends rude behaviour at the party which I was not interested in. so I was just enjoying the ride. At sudden he started making the bike dazzle. I asked what the matter is. He said he was quiet drunk so unable to concentrate on driving asked me to drive. We exchanged our seats and now I am driving.
He started again about the party which I don’t want to hear any more and I asked him what he does to change the topic from his words I found that he is in his graduation at Bangalore. Out of drunkenness he got into his sex life from his college life. He added that he missed one of the best sex with his friend at the party I thought it was a girl
Now that’s sounds interesting to me and now he asked me about mine. I said my life is full of goals so I really never got time to think about girls
He stared teasing me that I am not into girl’s because I look gay I said I am not at all interested in guys either. He said that I can make a very good feast in bed. I kept quit because I don’t know how to respond to it. He rested his head on my shoulder and held my waist tight.
I thought he is getting into sleep chilled air and casual sex talk aroused me but I kept it hidden. He started moving one of his hands around my waist and held me tight with other. I thought it’s just in sleep don’t want to disturb my concentration on driving coz its really dark out there. Later he started licking my neck and vigorously making moves in side my shirt suddenly reached my nipple and cupped my chest in seconds.
I haven’t expected that therefore I hit brake and asked him what he is doing. He said sorry and it I’ll never happen again. I believed and started the bike. Now he turned wild and whispered at my ear that haven’t I enjoyed his touch. I shouted no he caught my hard on and made a move again asked me what is it then? I stopped the bike and got down yelled and I don’t like it of course I liked it but I am afraid to mention it.
Any way I don’t want to get fucked by a random guy on this dark road while I was shouting at him, he caught my head pulled it towards him for a kiss and brutally exploring my mouth. I felt taste of wine in his mouth which Is so manly but I resisted back wiped my lips with my hand and started walking away. He locked his bike and chased me to catch me like a wild hunter. He is stronger than me though I tried to take my hands out of his grip
I knew that he is horny like hell but I am not ready to hook up in a place like that he pressed me against a tree and pulled of my shirt off then held my both hands with his one hand and unzipped his pant and pulled them down with other turned me to his side making his grip tight licked my neck, armpits chest waist and belly button dripping me in his saliva.
I am tiring not to surrender though it feels so good. He undid my pants took my cock out the underwear licked it and laughed at its hardening teasing me that I liked it and now he stood back and turned me towards the tree and my back facing him. I can figure out what’s his next step thereby I started shouting loud for help though my inner soul wants him to proceed.
He shoved his handkerchief in my mouth spanking my arse hard and hard in the glimpse of moon light I can see that he got a perfect male body with toned abs. He took his hard cock and spanked my ass with it felt heavy and hick also strong and long like a giant radish. I was afraid because it’ll tear my butt hole now I got no way to escape.
He is making sounds out of arousals without any lube he inserted it into my orifice though it went only quarter in my butt has started painting terribly
He can realize the firmness of my butt and can understand my pain because I know he is not that drunk therefore he paused for a while. He started it again now it’s half in no time it inserted remaining half that’s shows his wildness.
I was in horrible pain, tears flowing uncontrollably out of my eyes
he stopped a bit slowly moving in and out though it pains hard I started liking it pain is not subsiding. He raised the speed of his thrusts. I can feel the internal bleeding. I got no chance to escape therefore being unknowingly responding to his moves and feeling pleasure out of it. He is moaning in ecstasy while his hand playing with my balls, his tongue licking my neck and ears after a heavy longing thrusts in
And outs he took is cock out sprayed his this fluids all over my naked arse and back and now he is feeling week he took the hand kerchief out of my mouth and wiped the cum over my back which is quite polite and pleaded me for my pardon for behaving rudely. I cried out loud in pain. He turned my back and licked it all over like a hungry am got a thanks giving turkey and sucked my dick till I came off in his mouth.
He asked me whether I am feeling a bit better and I felt really pleased by his care but he is one who is responsible for my pain. So I acted being mad at him and he smiled and kissed me softly, hugged me tight and said thanks for everything finally he helped me to get dressed and he pulled his pants up and started his bike I sat back and yet feeling pain.
I fell asleep by resting my head on him and holding him tight when we reached village there’s my uncles employee waiting with a car for me and I moved to the car without looking at Raj and h stopped me and said thanks for everything with huge embarrassment I went and sat in car. Now anytime thinking of him and that painful encounter makes me horny wish I meet him again.