Right from the beginning, Eve had persuaded Adam to have the forbidden fruit despite objection from God. And it’s not strange, when we think about the actions committed due to persuasion. This can come in any form! I too had some persuasion which resulted in the matter why we all are, here for and hence would like to pen down the incident.
This happened while i was 18, and was a time when i used to jack off at least three times a day. The reason, i was scared to take any initiative approach to circumstances favorable, for fear of being caught. So masturbation was the only solution available to fulfill my urge without being caught. In this detailed narration, there are no super heroes with skyscraper cocks or heroines with perfect boobs to butt ratio bodies. It’s just a true incident that happened between two common people, which was never planned or imagined.
Coming to the incident, the venue was an ancestral home with lot of joint family members united for a post-wedding party. The party was organized for the Groom and his close friends. I was pretty busy along with my relatives preparing the table and serving the dishes. As the table was set inside the huge dining hall due to the monsoons, it was crowded. While the friends and Groom got seated, i just moved back to the pantry with a water jug and some spare cutlery. The pantry on the other hand was crowded with women folks watching the groom and gossiping in between.
Now, the laws of lust or persuasion starts.
I was pushed back by the women folks who were gathered near the pantry door. And I being tall had no problem in monitoring the table for any urgent service required. As i stood there monitoring, i felt an unusual touch to my Right elbow holding the water jug, a touch which was not normal. As i looked at my right from the corner of my eyes, i couldn’t believe what i saw. My elbow was pressed on to the side of a black blouse which was filled by decent pair of breasts. The owner of that specific possession was the wife of my mother’s distant cousin. As by coincidence, she was the one, whom I and my cousins used to drool over. And that same lady stood beside me, stretching her above the others to get a glimpse of the Groom and his friends. As she couldn’t balance herself on her toes, i told her to hold my arm for maintaining balance.
She promptly caught me and this time, she rested her breast on my arm. Was this happening, was the first thought that came in mind. This lady had been my heroine several times during my jack off sessions and now her breast which was above normal rested on my arm. I had goose bumps all over and even my dick started waking up although he was not invited during the skin’s goose bump reaction. I could literally hear my heart beat as if it had come to my head to watch the unbelievable sensation. Unfortunately, one asshole who was the groom’s friend needed water and i was called upon to serve water. I apologized to this lady to let go off my hand and she quickly released me with a smile.
While serving water to that ant in heaven, a thought rushed in my mind, Was she doing this deliberately??I was totally dumbstruck. Even my quarter raised tent and its inhabitant was clueless as if to back off or stand up ready. My cargos which was loose (then time trend) did a nice job of hiding my bulge.
After serving water to all those retards, who had this sudden quench for water, i went to the kitchen to fill up. While filling up, my mind was flashing different types of situation. I dashed back to pantry to get the same position i stood and to my dismay the women crowd had increased and she was a step ahead than before. I stood leaning to wall behind overlooking the dining table and the lady, who was just a glance below. I could partly see her back, as she was covered by other ladies behind her who were before me. She was just one and half feet away and I used this chance to analyze her in detail. Her skin was fairer than most of her co-standers and she was fleshy at the right places with a wide waist and a bit protruding ass all covered up in a black sari with golden border.
Here the Grooms feast was half way through and if i don’t do anything now, it’s never… so what i am to do now?? I had to make up my mind before it’s too late. So, should I Rush between the ladies before me and brush her pretending to serve, but again i can’t stay there.. i have to move on … so that won’t apply. So what’s next?? Suddenly something struck up and I just called out my relative who had chicken extras and directed him to serve it. My intention was to let her know my presence. If her actions earlier were on purpose, she surely will approach me. And cling…. it worked.
As soon as i called up my relative, she turned back and looked at me. Her eyes met mine and my tongue hid between my throat walls. I couldn’t understand the stare i saw in her eyes and she quickly turned her face away. She didn’t smile and that brought numerous thoughts and i stood still, not knowing how to react. I wanted to grab her ass and squeeze it, and her squeak in my thoughts woke me up.
Wondering what to do next, to my surprise as God sent, her son who was about three or four years found her midst of the packed crowd and started pulling her sari. She retreated from the crowd still back facing me, obeying her son’s commands. She bent over to hear his complaint and this put me in bliss, as her butt was pressing hard on my thighs.
I thought of lowering myself to get the perfect fit but again was scared thinking if it would startle her. If at all, she was not doing this on purpose. I used all my unused and reserve courage and lowered myself to have that perfect fit….. And tadaa… it was heavenly. But now to the next level, what?? Should i wait for my destiny or try for it… confused and sweating, i stood there again dumbstruck. I was sure she could feel my member, who was now on attack mode. I could feel the blood passing to my dick as per his direction. It was as if my dick knew that i was a coward and started melting my brain to his head which was broader than his torso. All these happened in seconds and i could feel the slow and firm push from her side which widened up my sweat pores and raised my heart beat… her butt was magic. I had to un tuck my flannels to hide the massive bulge that had formed. By now i was sure, she was on purpose. A couple of pushes more and i was sure my dick will surely throw up.
Nick of time, i was called upon to serve water as the dinner was getting over. I quickly slid my hand inside my boxer and placed my dick head between my body and boxers elastic to hide the bulge. But my penis did not like to retreat and he popped his head above my boxer. And during this arrangement, I felt her ass crack at the same time by my hand. She jolted and looked back first over to my waist and then on to my face, thinking something which i had no clue about. While moving away i just looked at her and she gave me a smile, a meaningful smile which I never happened to see before.
After serving water, i just went straight to the outside toilet to get my consciousness back. I lit up a cigarette and checked out my member, who was still on attack mode and he had spit out pre cum all inside my boxer. I wanted to jack off right there, but on a second thought to postpone till i get home. i washed my dick and had to wear the same boxer unfortunately. Tucked up, finished the smoke and got back. Meanwhile my wandering mind directed me to look out for her and to my dismay, she and other important ladies were served dinner at the ladies section. She couldn’t see me as again she was sitting back faced.
I meanwhile had dinner with my relatives and was having a chit chat with sweet, erotic and adventurous memories in mind and about the jack off session due for that night. I wished, deep inside my heart to be with her that night, but that was never going to happen. Not long until, we all boys were singing DDLJ songs and i was approached by her husband. He wanted to talk to me and as it was noisy, he asked me to accompany him somewhere isolated. My heart started beating as if there was no Tomorrow. Countless thoughts shot up and i was thinking to myself as a devil to ill-treat a good mother. Literally i was gasping for breath thinking what would befall me. To my relief, he had called me up to do a favor. This Guy is my Mothers distant cousin and it’s his niece, who got married and the party there of. This was his home and being the bride’s uncle, he had to be there. The next thing what i heard somewhat knocked me off from my shoes and asked him to repeat it.
I had to drop his wife and son to her house as her elder sister and family were coming for vacation from Dubai. Her parents had left to airport earlier to receive them and they are expected to reach by 2.00am. The time was around 11pm and she had to get back quickly to arrange her sister’s room before she reached. I don’t know what made him choose me among the other guys who were singing and dancing. May be it’s because i have a kinetic Honda and all others have RX100 and Shoguns? Or is it only me that he trusts, or did his wife nominate me?? I was clueless. My happiness had no bounds, but intentionally did not show him my eagerness to raise any suspicion, and acted to be hesitant. He handed out 150 rupees enough for 6 liters of petrol as a bribe and i agreed. He must have been thinking inside his mind about the 300 rupees he saved from taxi fare appointing me and i was laughing in my mind thinking about the poor miser husband who pays 150 rupees to me for having a good time with his wife.
So he told me to be at the gate within 15minutes while he calls her out. All of a sudden a thought stuck me, a brilliant idea. I went to the toilet again, removed my boxer and stuffed in my cargo pocket, went back to my scooter. Hid my boxer inside the under seat storage. Took the tool kit and unbolted the side foot rest, removed it and kept inside the storage. Meanwhile I asked my mom for home keys as I would be late after dropping the lady. I was supposed to stay at my Mom’s elder sister home, which was nearby. But fearing to wake up them during middle of night, mom gave her consent for me to go home. I went out and stood away from the scooter to lit up a cigarette.
While smoking, I was thinking ways to get her physical contact. I saw them coming out and quickly finished my fag. The plan was to put her son in between and she sit sideways. But when her husband saw there was no side foot rest, told her to sit the normal way. As she was wearing a sari, she was not able to lift her leg over to the other side. So I got up from the scooter, held the handles firmly and told her to come to front, sit and slide back. That worked and during this time, I saw her low cut blouse, which revealed bit of her cleavage which was not common among Muslim women at our place. But that was indeed a treat to my sore eyes, and her fair skin was visible even in the dark monsoon night… her husband placed their son between us and warned me to go slow. As you wish I said in mind.. This 20plus km trip is going to take a while.
She was the first to break silence, as I was engulfed in absurd thoughts how things are going to end that night. She asked me about my studies and some family matters. But I wanted to take it to the next level because I felt my lazy scooter covering more distance than normal. I asked her if she ever sat on a scooter or motorbike, to which she replied that she used to travel with her dad on scooter sitting sideways and this was new to her. And when asked, she admitted, she felt sitting this way was better… She said her husband did not possess a bike or car license even though they are financially capable of buying a car.
But I laughed out saying he is known for his miserly behavior in our family at which she too laughed and pinched me saying not to address her husband, a miser. She tried to persuade her husband in buying a bike or a car, and he never agreed, him saying, we can use more expensive transport that is bus for commuting. She also told me that before marriage she wished to have a husband who knows riding bikes and she even consented for marriage after seeing a photo in which her then fiancée was posing sitting on an Enfield Bullet.
But that chat was not taking us deeper and I wanted to feel her other than her knees touching my butt side, but to my disappointment it was her son’s leg that was touching me…grrr….I asked her if her son was asleep to which she replied no. which was in fact what I wanted. I told her that he might be suffocating and sweating behind me and asked her if I could move him to front. She replied that her son likes to stand in front as he is used to ride with his grandpa, but thinking it may discomfort me, she didn’t ask. I spared no time and quickly stopped to move her son to the front. He was very happy and started honking to which she came near me and grabbed him from behind and told him not to do so. I told her, its ok. But she didn’t stretch back again which I thought she will be doing, instead she caught her son around my waist and I could feel her right breast touching me.
To take it one step further, I asked if she likes going fast to which she nodded yes. I told her to come closer to me for better balance and could hold on my waist for safety. To which she came closer to me and her left boob started touching me but she did not put her left hand around my waist. My adrenalin started pumping and I just accelerated from 30 to 60.. Her son was overjoyed and she now used both hands to grab him tightly which infact was a blessing to me. I could feel my body hair at the back erected and trying to rape her breasts through our clothes and even my scooter started growing an extra gear lever from the middle of the seat. Although the night was cool I was still sweating due to the situation I am in. Two hours earlier, I went to the party just because mom insisted. And now here I am, with this lady, her boobs pressed hard on to my back.
I didn’t brake hard as normally people do in such situations, because there was no need to press already pressed breasts. While I was enjoying her soft breasts imagining its shape and will i have a chance that day to cup her breasts with my bare hands with her consent, she asked me how old I was and I told 18 and I asked her, she replied 26, I flattered her saying she just looks 20 and never 26. She asked me what feature of her made me think that she was 20 and not 26. I did not see that one coming and all of a sudden said, her skin was so smooth and fair. To which she cross questioned me, without touching her even once, how is that I knew? I didn’t see that one coming as well,, but I answered her, that I saw her sari gliding smoothly over her skin, like the ad in Rexona soap, in which sari glides over the models skin showing its smoothness. She sighed and agreed to my quick answer to which she too didn’t expect.
But I had a tinkling feeling behind my neck that our conversations are getting to the right path. But to achieve the full body pleasure of this lady sitting behind me is still a mystery. I don’t know what happened to me next, but I just patted on her arm with my left hand to which she did not respond, I told her excitedly that I was correct and it was indeed smooth. For that she replied its just my thought, because I have never felt other young women to which I agreed. She started mocking me asking if I did not touch any girls who are friends and even asked me if I had a girlfriend. To which I nodded no. Coz my plus two classes were only boys and I did not reveal the fact that I had a lust towards our geography teacher who had Himalayan boobs. It was then I noticed in midst of this conversation that she had laid her left hand on my lap nearly touching my gear shaft. I knew at that time, that one stroke of her hand on my dick and I will splatter all my cum dry.
So I needed to do something fast. I knew she was willing from the way she took the topics and her physical approach towards me showing her consent. But I too cant disrespect my manliness, For a second I thought, I did a grave mistake of not jacking off when I had the advantage at the toilet earlier. But now its too late. I just bowed my head towards the handle for her to feel the cool air on to her. As it was done suddenly, she let out a small scream and started mocking her. I stayed like that for a kilometer and came back to the same position. This time, I could feel her nipples poking me slightly due to the cool air she faced. But that made me hornier and my dick blackmailed me that he would cum if this goes on, without any shame
Due to this reason, I had to tell her to put her son back between us with a lame excuse that he was feeling sleepy and due to mist he may catch cold. She said it was ok if I wanted it that way. Not soon after he was placed between us and about 5kms for our destination, it started to rain. We thought of stopping, but there was no shelter but long narrow trees. I told her to cover her sons head as he will be safe because I could cover him from front. I just sped and rain was hitting my face like pellets and she caught me under my arms and rest her palms on my chest clearly covering my nipples, I think, she felt my nipples becoming rock hard after her touch. Luckily my dick had gone limp as my cargos got all wet.
We reached her home, me dripping wet, but a small patch of dryness at my back where the kid and his mom rested remained. She was wet on her thighs, shoulders and bit of back too. But thankfully her son was dry. I parked the scooter at the car porch and stood for her to get off the same way she got in, but she instead told me put her son down which I did. I could see her sari had come up a bit showing her calf which was in a good shape.
She lifted her other leg without hesitation and flashed her milky thighs, which she saw me starring at. The porch light was on and I could see her cleavage shining and her left nipple protruding which was not covered by her sari. That was heavenly and despite the wetness, my dick started his attack mode posture once again, which I think she saw. She grabbed her sons hand and headed towards the main door and started fetching her keys in her purse, which she had tucked by her waist. That gave me a clear view of her milky belly, which was normal and not bulged. I could see the shape of her breast from the side after it clung to her body as it was wet. After opening the door she told me to come inside which I hesitated for a moment. I told her that I am used to riding in rain.
But she insisted me to come inside and leave after the rain stops. I knew that too much hesitation is not good for me and my dick. Once inside the hall, she lifted her son and made him sit on the dining table as his shoes was wet. She closed and bolted the main door and opened a door leading to kitchen or laundry. I stood near her son who was sitting on the dining table.
Meanwhile she came back with towel for me and one for her kid, but it was when she handed out the towel, I was surprised to see her sari was off and she was in her blouse and petticoat. She had removed the sari as it was wet in kitchen. While I was drying my hair, watched her removing her sons shoes and dress and during the process her breast were forcing her blouse to free them. Her bra was visible too and this made me go crazy. I pinched myself to regain my senses and to prove that I am not dreaming.
While I was lost in thought, she was observing me and while I regained my consciousness, she lend out a naughty smile. She opened her bedroom door and put on the lights on and carried her son to the bed. She told me to be near him as she will get some milk for resting him to sleep. I asked for a pyjama to which she replied apologizing that her husband doesn’t use and indicated a rack where I can find lungi. When she went to the kitchen, I was left alone with her son and I couldn’t move away. I just took a Spiderman doll and gave him to which he started playing with. I took this opportunity to change my pants, as I wore no underwear. I removed my shirt which was heavy and with a quick run placed it on the dining table and came back. I covered the lungi around my waist and removed my pants and I could feel the erection hanging on although it was a bit limp.
I took my cargos to the dining table and came back to the child who was playing with Spiderman. But he got fed up with spidey and pointed to a toy motorcycle atop the shelf. It was kept a bit high and when I stretched myself to get the bike, my lungi fell loose to floor leaving me stark naked. The kid saw this and was laughing at me, but I quickly wore it back and did not notice our heroine had entered the room in nick of time. She just laughed asking me that if I was not familiar with lungi and completed her sentence saying that she will not tell anyone about seeing me stark naked. Saying this, she laid on bed and kept away the toy bike. She gave her the chocolate milk which he wanted badly. I could see her calf and little bit of her thighs, but my main intention was to see her boobs, as I am die hard breast lover.
Meanwhile I went over to the dining hall, took my clothes and went to the laundry. I put my dress into the spinner for drying and went to kitchen. Thankfully she had made two cups of black tea too while preparing milk for her son. I took both the cups and thought of sitting on the dining table. When she saw me bringing the tea for her and myself, She apologized me for not getting me the tea in first place. I said it was ok, as her son needs sleep as it was too late. When I asked her where to keep the tea, she told me she will have it in the bedroom, because her son may wake up when she hears her getting up. Her son was laid by the middle of bed and she was at a side.
As there were no side tables,I thought of keeping the cup of tea on the wide headboard. When I approached her to give the tea, she turned towards me to get the cup. But at that moment my dick became naughty; he stood up seeing her curves and undid my lungi. Here again I became stark naked with her face near my dick and two cups of hot tea in both my hands. I was about to put it back on the headboard when she leaned and got the lungi from floor and tied it on my waist, wasting no chance in getting a view of my dick. I was stammering as what to say. This situation was the mother of all coincidences. I felt like my manliness melting away and at the same time, something inside was giving me courage, a courage which I am not used to. She was smiling at me while taking the cup of tea. Her smile and her stare were sending me an encrypted message which I couldn’t make out, Should I wait for her to initiate making myself a coward or a Dumbo or else tear up her blouse and attack those Pandora peaks… I was confused!!!
Suddenly out of the blue, the landline started ringing across the hall and she indicated me to pat her son to sleep on bed. i could hear her chat somewhat and could make out by her conversation that her sisters flight was delayed. After couple of minutes she came back a smile, she was blushing too.. I asked what the matter was and she said due to heavy shower, the flight could land and the arrival time is delayed by three hours. My joy grew no bounds, I was thanking god for his support so far. I made up my mind, this lady is going to be fucked neatly, and even if she is not what I had thought she is, I will rape her. She had seduced me … big time. And I am not going to loose this opportunity. I have been jacking off, but never ever had fucked a lady until that time… literally I was a virgin. She could see that I was involved in some fantasy thought and she moved away from the bed towards dress hanger.
I couldn’t help myself but stare to what extent she is going to seduce me. On a pole was her nightie and she grabbed it.
She switched on the bathroom light and opened the door, while I kept my fingers crossed. What is going to happen now. All my shyness had faded away and I was literally staring her or better scanning her. The bathroom door was at corner and I could see the wash basin plus mirror at the center of bathroom. Thankfully the bathroom had fluorescent tube and I could very well see her standing at the corner from the mirror, but only head. That was not enough for me, and I was mad at myself for waiting this long. I glanced at her son who was fast asleep, gathered all my courage, walked toward the bathroom. I got inside and she was standing near the shower, facing me removing her blouse. i couldn’t take off my eyes from what I saw. After her blouse removed, her bra couldn’t fit nearly 25% of her boobs.
Suddenly she lifted her face and saw me starring her and she did not react. My cowardliness made me say, that her son was fast asleep. She said ok good and left her blouse on the hook, and looking me was reaching her arm at back to remove her bra. Her smile was lost and she just starred me, and I got hypnotized.
I slowly walked over to her kept my hand on her shoulder for a support so that I don’t fall off. I went for her neck kissed there and hugged her tightly, I couldn’t think, nature was taking its role and I was just a robot following instructions I pulled her bra straps to the sides and pulled it down. Oh my god, oh my god, that boobs were mesmerizing. She lay still, breathing heavily and put her fingers through my hair and pulled me down. She directed me to her breast. I fondled and I kissed, I didn’t know actually what to do. I have seen porn and read stories, but this was reality. I could hear my heart beats and my breathing was deafening me. I grabbed, squeezed, groped, licked, fondled and sucked as if there was no tomorrow. Her nipples were the size of eraser atop pencil and her areola, the size of big one rupee coin. I even bit it and she was enjoying it.
She stroked my hair and even pulled my hair. I did not know what to do. I grabbed her butt and squeezed it too. But I forgot something; I raised myself and went for her lips. I did not know how to French kiss, so just kissed and I could feel her sweat over her lips and she was the one who put her tongue inside mine and I sucked it and then I sucked her lips. I could feel her hands now on my hip, then gradually to the front and then felt some cool air on my balls and then realized that she must have removed my lungi, my member was rock hard and she squeezed it, she interrupted the kiss and looked down and then asked me, What took you so long? Is that I am not attractive or are you a virgin. I wanted to answer her, but her stroking was so pleasurable that I lost my control and hummed and cummed. It was a disaster, it shot till her neck and on her bra and seeing this she giggled, And she herself answered that I was indeed a virgin.
I cannot describe the level of ecstasy that I had been in. she did not let go off my penis and still jerked it dry.
Now I was in this world, my hypnotic state was lifted off by my cum and I was facing reality, Man, you got shagged by an angel, believe it or not… so let’s not waste this precious time. She took the health faucet and washed my dick as I stood there like a play school student.
While she was washing me, I was curious.. I removed her string from the petticoat which came quiet easily and it fell down, but she didn’t care as it was getting wet, I saw her purple panties with tiny flowers and it was not as beautiful as her butt. She kept on fondling my penis and that shameless guy rose up as if he was not aware of anything earlier. I couldn’t believe the way I was reacting to her touch, its just hardly 03 to 04 minutes and this guy is growing stronger.
After washing me, she pushed me to the wall and started kissing my nipples and at the same time fondling my balls. My penis was going so large and so strong that it started to pain, i put my palm inside her panties and touched her pussy, it was hairy but trimmed. I slid my fingers in her and could feel her wet there, something like a diluted gel. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to bedroom. She took the blanket from the bed and spread it on the floor by a single fold and told me to lie down. As I promptly followed her, she removed her panties and sat on my thigh. She gave couple of strokes to my penis and lifted her ass up. She aligned her pussy on top of my cock and slowly elevated down. Maaaaaannn….. I lost my virginity!!!!!
By 4.30am, I was back on my scooter heading home after three ejaculation, several fore plays, two washes and a bath. But she had come four times, in which the first one was at the party while I jacked her from behind. Before leaving she complimented me about my dick which was not too big but wider than her husbands, my rough touching’s and fondling’s and strong but slow thrusts, and that was the first time she had sex, with someone other than her husband. She also disclosed the fact that, she initiated in seducing me and had noticed me looking at her assets earlier before the party. Her intention for standing in crowd was just to seduce me and not to watch the groom or his retard friends.
As it was the first time, I was against licking her pussy and she sucking mine, but we later had all this, with everything else you can imagine from my home, but not vulgar. And yesterday her son got married at the age of 24.. and that was the reason to write this down, 20 years just flew and we stopped seeing each other after 06months as I had to go for architecture to a different town. I greatly apologize if I had used any foul language, spelling or grammar mistakes. I also appreciate all of your patience and thank you all for time spared.
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Luck By Chance Is True