Loving Hina Chachi

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It is about my sexual encounter with my aunt (chachi) who is almost 9 years older to me. I was 25 in age then and she was around 34 years old with a 4 year old school going boy named Karan. Her name was Hina.

My chachi was a beautiful looking women and I had her fantasy since the time I saw her first time when my chacha brought her home after marriage. Although from a village background she has studied reasonably well with a graduate degree which she completed after getting married. She is quite presentable and smart at communicating too compared to my chacha. She used to keep herself busy by taking tuitions of children at village. She also used to sell insurance policies around her vicinity and tried to contribute to her husband’s nominal income. She was still continuing to study further and was pursuing her masters through a distance course.

My chacha (her husband) was not even graduate and was engaged into plumbing and motor repairing business at the village. Not very smart, but my chacha is a very good natured man; quite good build up and height. I am sure he is able to physically satisfy my chachi well enough to avoid her from looking for satisfaction beyond marriage. I remember having masturbated thinking about Hina chachi on the first night when she got married. I imagined, how my chacha would have undressed her from top to bottom and would have enjoyed her body from head to toe.

From that day onwards, I have regularly masturbated thinking about Hina chachi and since then she has haunted me in my fantasies. It has been more than 10 years now since her marriage and I was a teenager back then. Today, after almost 10 years of marriage she has become a little fat then what she used to be when married; but nevertheless she still is very attractive and any man would definitely fall in her trap if she tried to seduce any. She used to wear a saree as her daily dressing. I have groped at her cleavage numerous times while she does the house-hold work. Let me tell you friends, they are two large pieces of meaty flesh which you would love to feast upon. I have also noticed the ‘U’ shape marks on her chest where her blouse fits on her breast under which her skin is creamy white. Some time while doing intense physical work at home the first upper button of her blouse would open up allowing a deeper peek into her boobs.

About my relationship with chachi, let me tell you that I was always in good books of my chachi right from the very beginning. She came to know that I was an English medium student and so she always enjoyed speaking with me. She also tried to communicate with me in English although she had her education in the local language. Her English is pathetic. I am not sure if she wanted to impress me by doing that; but I also enjoyed she was trying all that. However a physical relationship with her was far from what I considered as remotely possible; although till this age I continue to masturbate about her.

She sometimes used to tickle my cheeks or just pinch me on the arms if I cracked some joke at her. But that was all too normal and for me that was just a kind gesture from her. To me she was just a fantasy – a fantasy that could never become reality since she lived in village and I was in the city. She was happily married with a son and normally remained focused into her work. I am sure she also never had intentions of going physical with me. We hardly used to communicate throughout the whole year since we hardly had any purpose to talk over the phone. We would normally meet up once in a year when our entire family would meet at our ancestral home at my native village. Neither did she show any signs of coming near me, neither did I show it to her.

Coming to the event when it actually happened – it was summer time and like every year my cousin sister Ankita had come down to our place for few weeks. About my relations with Ankita, please read my previous story titled “Cousin co-operated well” wherein I have narrated in detail about how my sexual relationship with Ankita had developed. We had come to share a long history of physical relationship with mutual agreement. Although in the presence of other people we used to behave like normal cousins – we have had very nasty physical encounters and have enjoyed it since years. Whenever she came to our place, we both would wait for my parents to go out so that we can satisfy each other physically.

During the same time, Hina chachi came to our place since her exam centre was in our city. She came down with her 4 year old boy Karan to stay at our place and give the exams while chacha stayed back in the village to continue with his work. For me and Ankita, chachi’s arrival was a clear obstruction since we could not have sexual pleasure even when my parents would go out. Although I would rank Hina chachi far better than Ankita as far as my fantasy was concerned, I was not happy with chachi being around since with Ankita offered me actual opportunity to consuming her body without hesitation something that was far from achievable with Hina chachi. Hina chachi would be always around and hence it would not be possible for me to go near Ankita. Ankita did not show much frustration about chachi’s presence on the face of it; but I knew she was also missing having fun with me. This went on for more than a week and I and Ankita had not got any chance to properly touch each other.

At east someone would be always at home – if my parents were out then Hina chachi would be in; and when Hina chachi would be out for exams then my parents would be in. I was starting to believe that this time around I am not going to get Ankita’s body at all.

Out of extreme frustration, I started getting desperate and was always looking for Ankita to get alone in some corner of the house where I could atleast touch her boobs or may be just touch her between her legs. I was trying to have atleast something if not a full dinner from Ankita’s body. She would also co-operate well whenever we used to get a peaceful corner of the house. I would quickly sneak my hand inside her T-shirt and press her boobs. Sometimes I would quickly insert my hand inside her pants and feel her pussy. But that was all too far from what we both were used to. Neither of us was happy with the fact that Hina chachi had come.

So to get around this situation I and Ankita had very smartly found a workable solution to the problem. Every evening I and Ankita would go to the terrace of our bunglow were my mother and chachi would usually not bother to come. Whenever they wanted us to come down, they would usually shout and we would go down. The terrace was a huge refuge for me and Ankita to atleast freely indulge in sexual touches. We would sit down quietly in the terrace where nobody could see us and I would quickly lift her T-shirt up and suck her boobs. I would also bring out my cock from the zip so that Ankita could play with it.

One day when we were going to the terrace, Hina chachi’s son Karan also started following us. I and Ankita both resisted and told him to stay back saying there was nothing worth playing in the terrace. But Hina chachi insisted that we take Karan to the terrace for a while. So unwillingly I and Ankita climbed to the terrace with Karan. While in the terrace, Karan was busy running around the terrace and playing. I and Ankita took a corner of the terrace and started getting together. I was not possible for me to lift her T-shirt or bring out my cock since Karan was playing there. But nevertheless we started touching each other’s private parts with our clothes on. I had got erection although I was wearing a tight jeans. Ankita was also wearing a jeans. After a while, I was done enough of playing with Ankita’s boobs over her T-shirt. It was no fun since I was used to always have them naked. I told Ankita to sit down and I did so beside her while Karan was busy playing around the terrace. I slowly sneaked my hand inside Ankita’s tight jeans. Ankita resisted since Karan was around. But I convinced her that he would not notice. I inserted my hand inside her jeans further down to reach her pussy and started caressing her cunt. She was getting aroused. While we were making our own advancements little Karan was too young to understand anything that was going on.

Although he paused for a while to look at us with suspicion, he was hardly able to comprehend what we were up to. He continued running around and playing across the terrace while I and Ankita settled at one corner with the relief that Karan would notice our sexual acts.

After some time Ankita also got some courage and she insisted upon inserting her hand inside my pants. I allowed her to so do. My erection was quite visible from my tight jeans pants. She reached out under my pants and started playing with my cock. While we were enjoying this Karan was playing there carefree, too immature to understand what was happening. So we both were enjoying each other’s private organs without removing clothes. We both assumed that we would continue with the act till the time someone shouts for us and we need to go back downstairs. Very soon we lost ourselves into sexual pleasure completely ignoring the place we were at. We were so much missing each other’s body that for a moment we did not notice our surroundings. My courage got stronger and I took my other hand and inserted it slowly inside her T-Shirt and reached her boobs. I was in a situation wherein if someone suddenly comes to the terrace, then it would be impossible for me to take my hands out from within Ankita’s clothes without getting noticed.

And it exactly happened that way. We had hardly been into the act for about 20 minutes, and Hina chachi all of a sudden came to the terrace looking for Karan. She immediately noticed me and Ankita also. This sudden appearance of chachi so very much frightened us that both I and Ankita did not know what to do. Her hand was still in my pants and my both hands were inside her clothes – one in her panties and the other inside her bra. There was no way I could have pulled my hand back without chachi noticing it very clearly what we both were upto. Hina chachi was standing there looking at us and we both were looking at her. But as if it is never too late, I and Ankita immediately pulled out our hands from each other’s clothes and stood up, trying to behave as if nothing was going on.

Honestly, my heart was pounding like a bombshell at that moment. I am sure same was the case with Ankita. Both of us were so scared that we were hardly able to look into chachi’s eyes. She had seen it so clearly that it was more than clear that we were sexually touching each other. Hina chachi however did not yell at us neither did she say anything, but she just remained quiet, called her son and asked us to come down for dinner. We both followed chachi downstairs were we had dinner in front of my parents with a lot of embarrassment. The dinner was a lot quieter than it usually is. I could feel that. I could not look into Hina chachi’s eyes despite she was serving me food. All the while I was looking in my plate and silently finished my dinner and went to my bedroom. Ankita did not turn up in my bedroom that day even after helping chachi and my mom with cleaning the utensils. I think that was sensible since she understood the gravity of the situation.

I was so nervous, that I was wondering if I will be ever able to comfortably speak with Hina chachi from now on. Over the coming days I and Ankita absolutely avoided coming near each other, even within acceptable proximity. We both were extra cautious even when Hina chachi would go for exams. The hangover of the embarrassment was so strong that we both were no more interested in taking any risk. We both had paid a heavy price of getting caught in action due to our silly mistake. Hina chachi was also quietly noticing the embarrassment in our behavior. She tried to communicate with me or Ankita but both of us would not speak anything more than required. Chachi noticed a remarkable change in my behavior towards her since I used to crack jokes from whatever she said to me and we all used to laugh and enjoy together.

But that was no more the case; I would give a straight forward answer to whatever she asked and then cut short the communication immediately. If she would join us in watching TV then I would go away to my bedroom and take rest. After a few days, I became sure that Hina chachi would not tell about me and Ankita to anyone since there seemed to be no such motivation in her behavior. She never tried to mention or ask me or Ankita about what was going back there in the terrace. I think it was more than clear to her about what we were upto given the situation in which she caught us. She required no confirmation to conclude that I and Ankita were sexually playing each other.

After a couple of days, Hina chachi’s exams got over and so I thought that her departure would bring me and Ankita a little bit of relief and we may be able to engage into physical acts when my parents are not around. However something exactly opposite happened. On the preceding day of Hina chachi’s departure one of our relatives staying outstation expired and my parents had to go for the last ceremonies for 4 days in that. Since Ankita did not know proper cooking except preparing rotis, my parents insisted Hina chachi to stay back a few days more while they are away. For me and Ankita this was a combination of embarrassment and disappointment. Embarrassment because we would be alone in front of a lady who knew about our secrets and it would be disturbing for us to face her with my parents not at home. Disappointment because the 4 long days which I and Ankita would have had a chance to remain alone and satisfy each other was no longer possible. Knowing about Hina chachi’s decision of staying back made me mad.

While my parents had gone I and Ankita continued to maintain distance even when we knew Hina chachi is not around and is busy in work. Ankita would usually focus on helping her in the household work. I just imagined that in how many different ways I would have enjoyed Ankita’s body for 4 long days if Hina chachi and Karan had left for village. I and Ankita already had not got a full encounter since Hina chachi had arrived and in addition to that, now we could not even come near each other, forget about touching. It was a double punishment. I also felt so angry on Hina chachi that I imagined about fucking her hard to teach her a lesson. But all I could do now is go to the bathroom and masturbate about fucking chachi or Ankita. To me she was still a fantasy.

The next day was a lot more comforting since Hina chachi started talking to me very positively and she herself started patting my cheeks for no simple reason. She also spoke to me and Ankita about her exams and all that which made us very comfortable. I thought that she had decided to ignore what she had seen between me and Ankita considering it as a temporary physical fling we were involved into. I was much encouraged by chachi’s positive approach to us and things started becoming normal slowly. Ankita was also getting comfortable again. Hina chachi’s simple touching of my cheeks were quiet comforting although I did not see anything unusual in her approach. That night, I was watching a movie on the television with Karan. After some time chachi and Ankita joined me at watching TV. Ankita made sure she maintains distance from me and hence settled on the next sofa. Chachi’s son was sitting on the floor. I was sitting all alone on a large sofa capable of accommodating 3 people easily.

Actually, I and Ankita had our first sexual encounter on the same sofa. Hina chachi came in the room and asked if any of us required the light to remain on. I and Ankita agreed to switch off the lights since we all were not doing anything except for watching TV and hence did not require the lights to be on. After switching off the light the only light that remained in the room was of the TV. Hina chachi then came and sat right beside me, she settled quite near me although the sofa was quiet wide enough to maintain space between. I became a little cautious but comforted myself and focused on watching TV. After about an hour chachi’s son went to sleep on the floor only. Ankita also was feeling sleepy, so she got up and went to sleep on the floor resting her head on one of the pillows taken from our sofa set. The room was quiet dark, although we could see the things in the room in the light of the TV. I was feeling a little sleepy too since it was getting quiet late at night. Hina chachi noticed me snoozing off and hence she offered me her lap to rest my head. This was a little surprising especially in the wake of recent events, but I nevertheless agreed to her offer and rested my head in her lap. Lot of dirty thoughts started coming in my mind at that moment, since I was sleeping in the lap of a woman whom I had been fantasizing about for almost a decade.

Her boobs I could sense were hanging right above my face inside her blouse. All the more, the pallu of chachi’s saree which would usually covered her breast had fallen down exposing her blouse directly above my face. There might be about 2-3 inches of distance between my face and her boobs. I felt a little aroused since I had never gone so near to Hina chachi. This was perhaps the first time she was inviting me so close to her. I thought it was just a gesture of kindness from Hina chachi to invite me to rest my head in her lap, with no further intentions. But little did I know that she would prove me wrong. After putting my head in her lap, she started caressing my hair slowly, something which I have always enjoyed. It was like someone was massaging my head and I felt very comforting with her caressing. Very soon I was feeling like going to sleep. I eye lids dropped and in no time I had gone to sleep in chachi’s lap.

At that time, all of us except for chachi had gone to sleep. I don’t know how long did I sleep, but after sometime I suddenly woke up feeling something on my chest. I did not open my eyes but just tried to guess what is was. To my surprise, chachi was gently massaging my chest and in the process she was also trying to play with my nipples. She had undone the top two buttons of my shirt and had inserted her hand inside to massage my chest. To me this was entirely unexpected. I still wanted to believe that she was just being kind by massaging my chest, but time and again the way she was stopping to play with my nipples was making it very clear that there was something more than her kindness in what she was doing. I kept my eyes closed and pretended as if I was in a deep slumber. I wanted to see where this goes.

I was so surprised that a lady almost 9 years elder to me, whom I have fantasized for almost a decade was trying to seduce me. For me this was a fantasy coming into reality. But I was still not confident whether she was actually doing it with a sexual intent. So I decided to wait what she does next. My sleep was already broken and I was enjoying every bit of what she was doing to my body. I decided that, if she goes for any part of my body I am going to offer it to her. She continued to play with my chest for few minutes more. My inaction perhaps comforted her that I was in deep sleep. So she went down and inserted her hand on my stomach under my shirt. She was proceeding very slowly since she was perhaps a little nervous. She was taking her time. She very slowly reached out to my naval and played with it.

And then after some time she tried to insert her hand inside my pants. I had already got a full erection on my cock which was bulging from within my pants. I am sure she had noticed the mountain getting formed on my pants because of my erected cock. She very gently inserted her hand inside my pants and reached out to my cock. She held my cock in her hand tried to play with it although she could not get a firm grip around it since my pants were on. Also the fact that I was sleeping in her lap made it difficult for her to easily reach beyond my waist. It was nasty and wild. I was thinking that today I am going to get her. I wanted to actually open my eyes and tell her that she can do whatever she wanted but then I was too hesitant in doing that since I thought that I should allow her to enjoy her without causing any embarrassment. After few minutes, she gave up on my cock and removed her hand from my pants. After about a minute, I felt something quiet heavy and soft landing on my face. It took me a second but I very soon understood that it was her boobs that had landed on my face. I could no longer wait since I was now confident that she was sexually arousing me. I did not care if my opening up of eyes would cause her embarrassment. I told to myself that if she gets embarrassed and hesitant to proceed then I shall comfort her by communicating with her and offering her my body.

I suddenly opened my eyes and the first thing I could see was her big size boobs hanging right over my face. Hina chachi had unbuttoned the bottom two hooks of her blouse and also unbuckled her bra from behind her back because of which her boobs were hanging loose over my face. Over the boobs I could see Hina chachi looking straight into my eyes with a very subtle smile. The room was quiet dark but we could see each other’s faces in the light of the TV. To my surprise I could see no trace of embarrassment on her face. On the contrary she was making facial gestures as if inviting me to involve with her in the sexual act. She slowly held her right boob with her hand and offered her nipple near my lips. Could heavens be more kind to me? That’s what I thought on that night. With a mischievous smile and lot of surprise I took her nipple in my mouth and started sucking it.

I started sucking it so hard that she started going mad. She closed her eyes and started enjoying my licking of her boobs one after the other like a small child would feed on his mother’s breast. We did not care if Ankita would get up from her sleep and catch Hina chachi and me in the situation since I was confident of convincing Ankita about the situation if ever she caught us in the act. We carelessly continued with our act. I continued sucking both her boobs one after the other lying in her lap. I also gave gentle bites around her nipples. Very soon I got into making comparison between Ankita and Hina chachi. I remembered Ankita’s boobs being smaller than Hina chachi’s which was obvious since Hina chachi had mothered a son. Hina chachi’s nipples were long compared to Ankita’s. The muscles of the boobs of Hina chachi were soft compared to Ankita’s boobs since Ankita’s boobs were a little firm because of her young age.

While all this was going on, I was able to connect the dots now of why did Hina chachi turn off the lights when she came and sat near me and why did she invite me to come and sleep in her lap. She knew that sooner or later, Ankita and her son would go to sleep and then she could seduce me. After about 10 minutes of sucking her boobs, I got up from her lap. We acted so quietly without making noise.

Although none of us were worried about Ankita, chachi insisted me to make no noise since we did not unnecessarily want to wake her up. We spoke to each other whispering in the ears. I said ‘I enjoyed her boobs very much’ to which she smiled. I said I wanted to get more out of her, and she also whispered that she was also expecting the same from me too. I asked her to lie down on the sofa which she did. Then I slowly climbed on her body resting my face on her breast. Her boobs were still hanging out from her blouse. I removed the last hook of her blouse and started feasting on her boobs. I could not believe that a lady almost 9 years elder to me was sleeping under me and having a full sexual encounter with me. I was lying on her and also giving gentle strokes between her legs without removing clothes. She was very co-operative and hugged me and caressed my back. I smooched her lips and gave her French kisses several times, something I had not done with Ankita also. It was so nasty I hardly can elaborate.

After sometime, I whispered in her ears that I wanted to see her naked to which she said, it would not be appropriate to get entirely naked. She added that she does not have problems with Ankita noticing her act but somehow she did not want to get exposed in an entirely naked position if ever Ankita woke up. I agreed to her request, but insisted that I wanted to play with her pussy atleast once, to which she suggested that I enter between her two legs from under her saree and reach out to her pussy. I agreed, but thought, I would not be able to see her pussy since it would be too dark under her saree. So an idea came to my mind. My mobile had a flash light app in it. So I decided to go under her saree with my mobile to play with her pussy. I took my mobile and we also switched off the TV, the room was now completely dark and we could not even see each other’s faces. I got up from Hina chachi’s body and went to her feet. I noticed she had kept her legs wide open for me to enter in. I lifted her saree and slowly crawled inside. I switched on my mobile flash light app and noticed that it was like exploring a dark cave under her saree. I could see her petticoat, I noticed her legs, her knees, her very healthy thighs and then I finally reached her panty. It was smelling very erotic over there. I again remembered to smell of Ankita’s pussy.

To me this was all the more erotic then enjoying with Ankita since Hina chachi was an entirely new experience. Also in my mind somewhere I always thought that elderly ladies can satisfy you more than virgin girls due to their experience at having sex. I reached out to her panty and focused the flash light on the area of her pussy. I could not clearly make out the color of her panty, but I think it was dark green with white linings on it. I could see her pubic hair peeking out from the side of her panty. Without wasting time, I touched her at her pussy she moved a little bit but did not react. I tried to insert my finger inside her pussy through her panty, to which she reacted by widening her legs a little bit more. Such kind of co-operation I had not got even from Ankita. I could not wait and pulled her panty down. On pulling her panty down I was welcome by a dark jungle of pubic hair which was completely making her pussy invisible. But let me tell you, that the hairy jungle was making the whole scene all the more nasty, erotic and wild.

I was loving the place between her legs like hell. I moved her pubic hair aside with my fingers and there I was – having a look at the pussy of a 34 years old woman. It was a dark brown colored wrinkled fleshy skin. The structure of her pussy was a lot more confusing than Ankita’s. Ankita’s pussy obviously seemed more fresh and new, while Hina chachi’s pussy looked mature, used and experienced. I think it was normal since Hina chachi have had sex with her husband perhaps hundreds of times. I wanted to chew the flesh of her pussy but hesitated to do so due to very thick layer of her pubic hair. I started playing with her pussy with my fingers. I slowly pulled open the hole of her pussy with my fingers. It was a dark hole with virtually no end visible inside it. I tried to peek inside her hole by bringing my eye near it and pointing the flash light on it, but actually could not see much inside it. But I definitely noticed that it was a hole that was a lot more bigger than Ankita’s. The hole was lot more erotic also.

I brought my face as near as possible to her pussy and sniffed at it like a dog would sniff its food before eating it. Initially I had decided not to lick at chachi’s pussy but then the whole situation was uncontrollably erotic that I just could not resist. I was not sure if I would get another chance to explore Hina chachi’s body like this again and so I decided to make the most of the current situation. Hence I just moved her pubic hair to clear the way to her pussy and without thinking much I just stuck my mouth to her pussy. She lifted her hips a little bit in excitement but immediately settled down. She tried to open her legs to the extent possible so that I could fit my mouth properly on her pussy, but she felt constrained due to her saree. My face was sweating out a lot since the temperature between her legs under her saree was very hot. But I hardly cared about that. I continued smooching her pussy lips, my nose was smelling at her thick bush of pubic hair. I pulled open her hole with my fingers again and inserted my tongue within her. The taste was more or less similar to that of Ankita’s pussy. I used all my experience with Ankita while licking her pussy and moved my tongue in circular motion inside her pussy. She was feeling restless and she was pushing my head between her legs with her hands. I licked her pussy like a dog for about 15 minutes during which she perhaps reached climax.

After that I slowly crawled back and came out of her saree. I could barely see anything. I whispered in her ear that I wanted to satisfy my cock with her pussy, she whispered back and agreed to it, but said she would not remove her saree. Instead she suggested that I lift her saree along with her petticoat to her waist level and insert the cock in her pussy. To me it was like a Jeanie-in-the-bottle. Hina chachi was offering me everything that I was asking for. And somehow I had little hesitation in having full intercourse with Hina chachi since I assumed that she should be more aware and worried about the complexities and consequences if she got pregnant from me. For me deriving the pleasure out of her was more important at that time more than anything else. I got excited when she agreed to allowing me to have sex with her, since I had not had full intercourse with Ankita despite being sexually involved with her since so many years. Without my asking, chachi quickly lied down on her back over the sofa. I reached out to her feet and tried to pull her saree up. Chachi co-operated by lifting her legs up in the air and allowed me to lift her saree to her waist level. In the darkness,

I could feel her naked legs with my hands, I touched her thighs and then her panty. I pulled out her panty to which again co-operated and dropped it on the floor just near the sofa. I got up and removed my pants and my underwear and gently climbed over her body. She helped me adjust my body properly above her in a contemporary sex position. Since her saree was now above her waist level, she was happily able to stretch her legs apart. I slowly adjusted my waist between her legs bringing my hips over her pussy. Her co-operation was really helpful since it was quiet dark in the room and we were hardly able to see each other’s face. Once in that position, now it was to time to insert my cock in her. For a moment I thought that I was offering my virginity to her. But in the excitement of the situation I could never control myself.

I tried to push my hips at her pussy pointing my cock towards her hole. But in the darkness I was not sure if it was going in the correct hole of chachi. Chachi understood my difficulty in inserting the cock in her. So she reached out to my cock with one hand and slowly pointed it at the correct position at the mouth of her pussy. I noticed that with the other hand she had held the hole of her pussy wide open using her two fingers so that at least the head of my cock could be easily inserted without much efforts. She slowly placed the head of my cock at the entrance of her pussy. Once she had positioned my cock to her pussy hole, she gently held my waist with both her hands and slowly pulled me towards her pussy. My 6.5 inch cock slowly started going inside her pussy. Although I was feeling a little pain since I was inserting my cock into a pussy for the first time, I was enjoying it more than feeling the pain.

Also I thought that since chachi’s hole was a lot bigger compared to Ankita’s cunt, the insertion was happening a lot more easily then imagined before. Had it been with Ankita it would have been a lot more difficult, and ofcourse, chachi’s guidance was comforting me a lot. I was quiet slow in pushing my cock inside chachi but she never showed a bit of frustration, instead encouraged me by guiding me to make the right moves. She told me to lean forward a bit over her body so that the cock will feel some pressure to enter her pussy. After trying for about 8-10 minutes, I felt that my cock was completely swallowed by my chachi’s pussy. What was supposed to be done next was nothing that chachi had to guide me. I started offering her gentle strokes. Believe me, my cock was feeling so nice inside her warm pussy that I felt like never taking it out again. I leaned forward and lied down on her body. We were now hugging each other on our backs. Her boobs were still open and she insisted me to take her boobs in my mouth. I took her left boob in my mouth and started sucking it while my lower body was continuing with its work between her legs. She pushed my head on her boob with one hand feeling the satisfaction. We were in no hurry and we thought that the chances of Ankita getting up were very little. The hall was quiet big and Ankita was sleeping quietly at some distance.

I and Hina chachi were smart enough to operate very carefully without making a bit of noise to disturb her sleep. I continued with stroking her pussy and sucking her boobs throughout the act. It was a long session of around 30-35 minutes approximately since the time I started trying to insert my cock within her. My strokes slowly got more vigorous and after some time I splashed my sperm safely in her pussy. I slowly pulled out my cock from her pussy and lied there on her. I whispered in her ears whether I had satisfied her, to which she said that she did not reach climax while my cock was in her pussy and pleaded me to satisfy her by licking her pussy again. Oral sex was something I was too good at and also enjoyed it a lot with Ankita. So I agreed to her request and crawled down to her waist level. Her saree was already above her waist level and her legs were wide open. But I could not see her hole in darkness. I explored the area between her legs with my fingers and quickly spotted her pussy in few seconds.

I again grabbed my mobile to throw some light over her pussy so that I could clear off her pubic hair aside before providing my tongue to her pussy. It was quiet easy this time around since her legs were wide open and I could easily clear off her pussy hidden between the jungle of her pussy hair. I brought my head near her pussy and paused for a second to take a deep breath and then plunged my head between her legs and lost myself entirely in the act. I licked, kissed, smooched and gave bites to her pussy and she seemed to be enjoying every bit of my act.

At times she would slowly lift her hips and also would sometimes tighten her pussy muscles over my tongue which showed she was nearing climax. I knew that since I had learnt that through my experience of licking Ankita’s pussy. But I think it was a little difficult for me to take Hina chachi to climax. It took me perhaps more than 20 minutes of oral sex on her before she finally gave out her water on my face. After that I got up and sat on the floor near the sofa while she was still lying half naked over the bed. After about a minute I grabbed her panty which was lying on the floor and offered her. She took it and put on her panties and dropped her petticoat and saree across her knees and covered her legs. She buckled her bra and hooked her blouse and got comfortable. I got up and sat beside her on the sofa resting my head on her shoulder. We both were still breathing a little hard and our heartbeats were returning to normal. We both were very much contended that night.

We switched on the TV again and she looked at me with a lot of satisfaction. I was also now able to look straight into her eyes, since the embarrassment that was caused when she caught me and Ankita had now gone forever. A new episode altogether had started in my life now. I thought in my mind now that I had two adult ladies in the family itself to satisfy me as and when situation permitted. I was so satisfied that the woman of my fantasy was finally mine physically. But I was still interested in having sex with chachi while she was still around for two more days. All of a sudden my mind planning the coming two days regarding how could I have sex with chachi again? I was thinking that this was an exceptional opportunity where chachi and I were able to sexually engage. But I knew that it would not be possible to get her again so very easily since she lived very far away in a distant village and we do not meet so frequently. I also felt tempted to have intercourse with Ankita since I just had it with chachi.

After sometime she asked me about my relationship with Ankita. She inquired about what exactly we were doing. Although she knew it, she wanted to hear it from my mouth. So I told her that we were just playing mischief. She said that, it was not looking like a mischief, it looked as if it was going on for quite some time. She insisted me to speak the whole truth. I still wanted to hide from her the fact that I and Ankita were involved in physical relations since last several years and that we had been into full sexual activity not less than 10-12 times before this. So I said that it just happened a couple of days ago when we were playing in the terrace and we just happened to discover that we enjoyed each other’s touch on the private organs. To that Hina chachi argued that was it really restricted to touching? I said YES. But she argued that, the way I licked at her pussy was nothing like that of the first timer. She said that the way I licked at her pussy, it felt as if a very experienced man is giving oral sex to a woman. She insisted me to disclose the complete truth about my relationship with Ankita and promised me that she would never let anyone know about it, not even to Ankita.

To this I finally gave up and revealed the entire truth about mine and Ankita’s relationship. I told her in detail that how it all started from an innocent fight that turned into sexual excitement several years ago. And how we have been regularly satisfying each other since our first encounter. I also told her that initially Ankita was too shy to keep her eyes open despite fully engaging in the act, to which Hina chachi just smiled. After I revealed her the complete truth about my relationship with Ankita she just told me to take precaution regarding not getting her pregnant. I told her that, that is the reason I have never tried to have a full intercourse with her. So again laughed, and said, have you never heard of condoms? I said I did not enjoy sex with condoms. So she suggested that I could have sex with Ankita when her periods are going so that her body will not be receptive to my sperm entering her. For me Hina chachi was also now turning out to be a sex advisor. I said I will check with her about her periods.

On a separate note she pleaded me that, given Ankita has not noticed us having sex, it would be better if I did not inform her about Hina chachi being involved into this. I promised her that.

After all this, it was now my turn to ask her questions. I asked her if she got an idea of having sexual pleasure from me right now? To which she was very honest in replying that she had always found me a smart guy since long. But it was never beyond that. She added that given we lived so much far away, it was useless to think of getting involved with me physically. And she had never given a very serious thought about seducing me in any way since the situation never permitted. So when she caught me and Ankita in the terrace having sexual pleasure, it came to her mind that it could be actually easier for her to seduce me than what she initially thought. She confessed that, after that instance she had been looking forward for a chance to do so but never got one. She also said that she had usual plans to go back home after exams, but when my parents were going out station and they asked her to stay back for few more days she thought that it might be a good opportunity to seduce me in their absence. She hardly cared about Ankita’s presence given what she had seen in the terrace. But she wanted to take one chance at me to check if I show some interest.

I was actually flabbergasted when she revealed all her instincts about me. I got very encouraged and confessed to her that how I had been fantasizing about her since the first day she came to the family after marriage. I also told her how I masturbated thinking about her first night with chacha on the night of marriage. I told her that I had been masturbating on her regularly ever since then till this date. I revealed her that how I have been enjoying her cleavage so many time while she does her work. I also told her that how I was angry with her when her presence was not allowing me and Ankita to come closer. I also told her about my intentions of fucking her brutally if given a chance. She reacted with a very menacing smile . She told me that if given a chance, she will have sex with me. She said that she liked men who dominate in sex. I also asked her about her life with chacha, to which she said, that her husband was a very good man and that she is completely satisfied with her physically. But having sex with me was just about having a change. She argued that your mouth does not like having roti-curry every day.

Some day you need pizzas, pastas, rice etc. Similarly she believed that the other mouth which lies between her two legs also would like to have different tastes sometimes in life. Her answers were very mature and convincing and she was very open hearted in revealing her instincts to me. I think that she was a very warm hearted lady than what I had been thinking about her so far. I was like falling in love with her. I started imagining that if just talking to her was so erotic, how beautiful would she look completely naked lying on a bed before me. I had again got erection and I insisted upon her to have sex. But she denied and insisted upon me to go to sleep. I agreed and went to a different sofa and slept while she continued to sleep in the same sofa where we just had sex. That night we all slept in the hall. But I was not able to sleep. My mind was constantly planning to have further sex with her over the course of 2 days. I wanted to utilize these 2 days completely since I knew it would be possible to have her so easily.

All of a sudden my mind had diverted from Ankita to Hina chachi. Given chachi had told me not to reveal about her relationship with me to Ankita, I knew that she would not allow me near her in her presence. I did not want to blackmail her for all the kindness and honesty she had shown to me. Even after having sex with me she was holding her dignity high and was speaking to me with such maturity and understanding. She was speaking to me like a friend who just had consensual sex with me and made me feel as if it was all too normal to happen that way. I respected her, the way she justified her having sex with me beyond the limits of her marriage without even showing disgust about her very minimalistic lifestyle back in her village with my chacha. I thought that she had a very strong and beautiful heart and felt proud of the fact that I had sex with such a lady. I remembered every moment we had during our sex, the way she guided me and comforted me during our session. I was not willing to make her pay for all that kindness. My priority now had changed from Ankita to Hina for the coming two days, although I did not want to ignore Ankita’s importance as a tool of satisfying my sexual desires. I respected both these women in my life.

But I was kind of getting desparate for Hina chachi now. The candid chat that we had after sex was a lot more arousing than the sex itself. I knew that with Ankita it was a lot easier then with Hina chachi. I knew that it would be very difficult to find such a situation again wherein I could have sex with Hina chachi. While all these thoughts were going in my mind, morning was slowly approaching. I thought that I had 2 more days. I anyhow wanted to have sex (fuck would be a very abusive word for such a good lady) Hina chachi in the day light while looking at her body clearly. My fantasy about seeing her entire body naked had gained more momentum especially after knowing that she had got such beautiful heart. I wanted to make sure that I have sex with her with a lot more love and affection than what I had it last night. Last night I was more focused on physical pleasure, but this time around I wanted to quench my emotional thirst.

The next day came, and I started mingling around Hina chachi showing every signs that I wanted to get her once more. Ankita also was noticing me unnecessarily following Hina chachi but she did not understand anything at all. Her mind was perhaps still over-clouded with the embarrassment of getting caught in the terrace with me in front of Hina chachi. Little did she know about what had happened between me and Hina chachi last night. At one instance while Ankita was working in another room, I grabbed Hina chachi from her waist from behind. She immediately struggled and freed herself saying that it is not possible before Ankita. She confessed that she was feeling a little uneasy after last night since she had acted outside her marriage. She tried to persuade me that it would be wrong to repeat what had happened last night. She said that last night she was out of her mind.

I asked her to allow me to have sex with her one last time before goes back to the village. I promised her that it would remain a secret between us. I also revealed that I was kind of falling in love with her and expressed that if I can’t marry her, atleast I can have relationship with her. She melted when I said that and said she would think about it. Lunch was ready by that time and we all sat down to have lunch. Everybody was quiet. While having lunch, chachi asked Ankita to go and get vegetables from the market in the evening. It did not strike me immediately but, I very soon came to know the plot. I knew that the market place was a little far off and it would not be less than 1 hours before Ankita would be able come back from the market. I got so happy that chachi was herself planning to send Ankita out so that we could have sex when we are alone. I hardly cared about little Karan. Even chachi knew that her son was not a constraint at all. She knew that if offered some toys, Karan would keep playing with them at some corner of the house for hours.

Evening came and chachi handed a list of items that Ankita had to bring from the market. Ankita hardly had any clue about what the plan was. She took the list and started walking towards the market. While I and chachi saw Ankita exiting the gate of our bunglow, I quickly grabbed chachi in my arms. Karan was standing right there but did not understand anything. Chachi laughed and said, just wait. She offered some toys to Karan and said to him that mummy will be working upstairs and that he should continue playing with the toys there. Like a good child Karan started playing with the toys while I and chachi climbed upstairs to my bedroom. On entering the bedroom, I locked the door behind us. Chachi was a little more shy this time around than she was yesterday night. Her shyness made me even more crazy for her. She was looking so beautiful in her yellow saree and blouse. I was groping at her body from head to toe and I was already feeling uncontrollable erection between my legs. I gently held her by her shoulders and seated her on the bed. I started undoing my shirt slowly. Then I dropped the pallu of her saree which was running across her breast exposing her blouse in front of me. Her blouse was a tight one and its hooks were hardly holding her breasts together. There were gaps between the hooks of her tight blouse from which I could see part of her bra inside. She was wearing a white bra. I reached out to the hooks of her blouse to unbutton them. She smiled and looked down her breast watching my hands undo the hooks of her blouse.

After the hooks were open, I helped her to completely get rid of her blouse from her breast. Her blouse was a little tight for me to get it off her, so she lifted her hands as required to help me remove her blouse. She was now in bra and her large boobs were hardly fitting within. I hugged her and wrapped my hand around her to reach the hook of her bra on her back. She also lifted her arms a bit allowing me to insert my hands through her armpits around her. Her bra was unhooked and hence her boobs started hanging loose. I pulled the bra on her boobs and exposed them to my eyes. Those were two huge melons – creamy white and pulpy in appearance. I just gave her a kiss on her left nipple, she just kept smiling while looking at me. But I did not want to get into the act yet. She was still having the saree wrapped around the lower part of her body. I reached out to her waist and started to pull the saree out, but she knew that it would be difficult to remove the saree while she is seated.

So she got up from the bed and stood in front of me facing her naval right in front of my face while I was still seated on the bed. I was feeling the same kind of co-operation from her that I had last night. It was easier for me now to pull her saree from her waist. I dropped her saree at her feet and reached out to her petticoat. Her petticoat was yellowish-green in color tied to her waist with a rope (nadaa). I pulled the nadaa of her petticoat and let it slip from her waist. My GOD, what an amazing scene I was watching. The lady of my fantasies was standing in front of me just in panty. All this time I was looking into her eyes and taking immense pleasure in this journey of exploring her body. She was smiling back at me with confidence that was revealing that she was not hesitating. With only her panty left on her body there was hardly any reason to wait. I pulled down her panty and dropped it over her petticoat and saree below. I could see her pubic hair which started almost 3-4 inches below her naval. I could hardly see the crack between her legs since the jungle of hair was hiding it beneath. I hugged her from her waist and kissed her naval for a while, but did not waste much time in that. I asked her to lie down on the bed. She got on to the bed and lied on her back comfortably with her face looking at the ceiling above. I got up to have a bird’s eye view of her body.

I was so amazed that the body I had been fantasizing about the whole night was in front of me. She was a lovely lady, beautiful creamy body, soft boobs, lovely waist and erotic pussy. She smiled at me and called me to join her in the bed with her arms open at me. I quickly dropped my pants and my underwear and adjusted myself beside her in the bed. We both were completely naked. Our bodies were kissing each other from head to toes. We hugged each other and I could feel her extremely soft boobs touching my chest which was so soothing. My cock was getting rubbed between her legs on the area of her pussy.

We were engaged into a French kiss and were moaning wildly. After some time, I went down to her boobs and took them into my mouth. I started biting them and licking them which she kept observing with a smile. I reached out one of my hand between her legs and tried to insert my finger in her pussy. Sensing my hand reaching her pussy, she opened her legs apart to allow me to play with her pussy. I continued with boobs sucking and pussy playing for a while after which I got up and told her that I was going to lick her pussy. She nodded her head in agreement. By the time I could crawl down to her waist, she had already stretched her legs wide open to accommodate me between her legs. Her understanding about all these was what I was loving so much. I was looking between her legs in daylight and things were lot more clear than last night. The jungle of her pussy hair seemed a lot more wild and erotic.

I started scratching her pubic hair gently around her pussy. She closed her eyes and started feeling the enjoyment. I gently used my finger to explore her pussy within her pubic hair. I rubbed her pussy in circular motion to give her a good foreplay. I noticed her pussy was getting wet and some kind of sticky water was dripping from it. I tickled the wrinkled skin of her pussy and she reacted with a moan. I knew she was enjoying every bit of it. She was also giving out erotic moans from her mouth. She knew there was nobody to listen to her moans in the house, so she was doing it freely. I pulled the lips of her pussy with my fingers and widened the hole. While looking at her hole I thought about inserting my cock in the same hole last night. I bent down a bit more and tried to look into her hole, it was all pink flesh inside with wet glands. So beautiful her hole was. I brought my head near her pussy while holding her thighs and took a deep breath before drowning myself between her two legs. I stuck my head to her pussy so tight and with so much force that she could not control the pleasure and started moaning out loudly. She grabbed my head between her legs and pressed it even harder on her pussy.

While my mouth was stuck to her pussy, my nose was surrounded by her pubic hair and all I could smell was the erotic smell of her pussy. I brought my tongue out from my mouth while holding her lips wide open with my fingers and inserted it inside her hole. An erotic scream went out from her mouth. I did not lift my head away from her pussy even for a single second, not even to take a good breathe. She would repeatedly lift her hips in air expressing the extreme level of pleasure she was undergoing and several times tightened her pussy lips around my tongue. I licked her pussy for about 10-12 minutes vigorously after which she reached climax and gave out her water on my face. I wiped off my face with her saree lying on the floor. My bed was messy with the huge amount of water she had splattered. But I hardly cared about that. I got up and looked into her eyes. She was breathing hard and so was I. We both laughed and then she said she wanted to give me oral sex. So it was time for me to lie down while she got up and went down to my waist. I co-operated her in the same way by stretching my legs wide open for her to easily adjust between my legs.

She took my cock in her hand and played for it. I was like a tower with all the veins of my penis visible on it. She gently took my cock in her mouth. I felt her mouth was as warm as her pussy and I closed my eyes and started feeling the pleasure. She was so good at giving oral sex, I thought. He tongue was playing with my cock inside her mouth which was increasing all the pleasure. I was giving out moans and telling her “chachi….bahot mazaa aa raha hai”. She continues doing it for a while and then I asked her to have sex. She got up from between my legs and come back and slept on the bed. Although she had reached climax she knew that I had not, so she decided to satisfy me by allowing my cock in her pussy. She lied comfortably with her legs apart. I stood on my knees between her legs with my cock pointing towards her.

I lifted her legs and placed them comfortably over my shoulders. This helped her pussy to get elevated a bit to the level of my cock. She was impressed when I placed her legs on my shoulders and asked how did I know so much about the positions of having sex. I said that it was my experience with Ankita. My cock was now comfortably place between her legs on her pubic hair, but was yet not inserted. So Hina chachi stretched her hands between her legs and pulled her pussy lips wide apart with the first fingers of her hands exposing her hole for my cock. I held my cock and slowly inserted the head into her pussy hole. It easily went in. After that I held her from her waist and started pushing my hips towards her pussy. I could see my cock slowly disappearing within her pussy. It was such an erotic scene to watch. It was as if a python is swallowing his meal. After a minute my cock was inside her pussy completely.

I slowly lifted her legs from my shoulders and put them down while making sure her pussy does not loose grip over my cock. After that I leaned over her naked body and slowly adjusted my body on her. I was on her completely with her with cock inserted in her pussy. I lovingly looked into her eyes and started offering strokes between her legs. She closed her eyes and started enjoying. I locked my lips on her lips and started kissing her. She was moaning and so was I. I grabbed her boobs in my hand and started playing with them. We rolled across the bed freely sometime taking her on me and sometime me being over her. My strokes were getting vigorous. I noticed that she was also moving her body back and forth in the rhythm of my strokes which was increasing the pleasure for us both. We continued with the strokes for about 15 minutes after which I reached climax and cummed in her pussy.

I asked her if she was reached climax again, to which she said that she attained climax twice during the time when I was giving her strokes. I was satisfied with her answer. We both looked at the watch and we had been having sex since more than an hour now. Anticipating that Ankita could be home any moment now we quickly got u from the bed and dressed ourselves. When we went down, little Karan was still playing with his toys as chachi had predicted. All went so good that I was totally satisfied with chachi. I asked if I could ever have this pleasure again in life. She promised it saying if the situation permits. We both smiled at each other while the door bell rang and Ankita had arrived.

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