I live in a colony in Gurgaon for the better part of my life with my entire family. (Parents, wife, siblings & 2 kids). I’m 31 yrs of age. 6 feet tall & a little on the non-trim side these days (blame it on being a food lover & weekend drinking 🙂 ) I am a decent looking fellow with a sense of humour & LOVE sucking boobs, pussy & assholes. After sex, i love just sucking womens breasts endlessly.
I’ve had my share of relationships before marriage with girls/women & now experiment with consenting ladies in total secrecy
I have a few LAWS (not rules. these are non negotiable)in place:-
(1) Mutual Consent
(2) COMPLETE Secrecy. Barring me, no one knows the names of the ladies i share time with. even this story is with the permission AND VETTING by Surbhi(name changed), who its about. The idea came to share after i spend a weekend with an ISS lady whose story i read & contacted.
(3) No strings : Women & I know & SPEAK this out from day 1 that it’s only physical fun, nothing even with an iota of seriousness or anything towards a “relationship”
(4) SAFETY FIRST : I NEVER have unsafe sex for the safety of all concerned
Surbhi (name changed obviously) is a lovely mother of 2 kids, 36 yrs of age,5feet 4.5inches & a little heavy (she says after the 2nd kid). She’s not dusky, not fair either. Shes a 36C-34-42, with a pretty face & gentle smile. Her face & breasts are what i admire from day 1.
I first saw her at a local shop i visit to pick up essentials after work on my way home, usually around 6pm. She would be there as well often at the same time with her kids. Initially I just smiled & said Hi or hello while crossing like i do with all regular faces i recognise. The kids are cute, so after a few days when i felt i could it wont be weird, I played with the little one for a minute.
We soon started exchanging pleasantries, you know random stuff like weather , kids, matches, RWA, etc. & after a few weeks started chatting for a minute or two everytime we met. Nothing was happening, neither was anyone looking for something to happen. It was just people living in the same large sector banging into eachother & being neighbourly. Thats all.
A year ago, While coming back from work later than usual due to jams after first rains(Any gurgaon person knows the chaos that ensues after the 1st rains in the city), I stopped in the market to pick up some things around 7.45-8pm. On my way out, I bumped into surbhi, who looked anxious & troubled.
Me: “Hi Ma’am. how come so late?”
S: “Hello! Just waiting for it to stop drizzling. My elder one’s at home alone, & husbands still in Noida. He may stay there with my in-laws tonight as traffic is bad all around”
Me: “Yes i know. Took me 2.5 hours more than usual today”
S: “I always walk in the evening to-fro the market with this one in the pram. Now i’m stuck here & Naresh (her husband) can’t pick me up”
Me: “Not a problem Ma’am. I can drop you to your home”
S:” No no. I dont want to bother anyone”
Me: “It’s fine & absolutely nothing ma’am.”
S: ” Are you sure?”
Me: ” Please don’t embarass me. It’s no trouble whatsoever. I’ll drop you guys & then head home. Plus the little one may get wet ”
S: ” Ok. If it’s not a trouble”
Me: “I’ll get my car here. You get in with your child, i’ll fold & put the pram in the back seat. Just let me call home & tell them i’ll be a little late”
I called my home & after telling them i’d be coming a little later, brought the car around & did so.
Surbhi told me her address, it was a 7-10 minute drive from the shpping complex, & opp direction from my place. It started pouring heavily
S: “Thank god you came along. It had slowed & i was thinking of walking back. I would have been drenched along with this one.”
We reached, i parked outside her gate & waited for the rain to slow down again. While waiting in the car we chated casually. What do i do, Shes a homemaker, her husbands in software, my wifes a doc, etc etc etc. you know, the usual polite conversation you have when you first meet someone.
Then she got out of the car & took the toddler in. I took out the pram, but got drenched by the time i reach her door area in the driveway as it started pouring again.
I stood inside the main door, waiting to give the pram, say bye & leave. I could here her talking to the elder kid.
She came after 3-4 mins, putting both the kids in front of the tv.
Me : “Ma’am i’ll take your leave. Sorry the pram got wet, it started raining again while i was coming from the parking to your door.”
S:” Oh. I’m so sorry. you’re shirts wet.”
Me” All good. I’ll just go home & change into a fresh shirt”
(No it’s not turning into a cheap porn)
S: ” nothing doing . Please come & take my husbands shirt. By the time you get back, you might get ill”
after protesting a bit. I gave in. She gave me a shirt & i changed . When i came out she had tea & some biscuits ready.
S: “Please have some tea while we wait for the rain to slow down”
Me: ” Thank you ma’am”
S: “Please call me Surbhi. Enough formalities”
Me : “Ok Surbhi. Please call me G”
While having Tea, we got chatting. She wasn’t drenched, but definitely a little wet. Her Tshirt was sticking to her body & bra. I could make out nice large boobs (My favourite) & small love handles. She’s a little heavy, but not fat. As i love breasts, i had to make a conscious effort not to look at them sticking to her shirt.
But women know when you look at their boobs,even a glance, dont you ladies? 🙂 She definitely caught me stealing a few glances. God her breasts looked amazing.
The infant started crying. She excused herself & went in to feed. I walked casually in the drawing area looking at the movie collection, books, etc, the usual drawing room crap. She came out after in a fresh t-shirt (damn it). She covered it up by saying “I always change after a feed”
We chatted a little more. She offered a drink, but i didn’t want to stretch her hospitality. I declined but asked for a cup of coffee. We were getting pretty friendly. She was sweet.
The rain finally stopped after 1.5 hours or so. I got ready to leave, Right out on the main door it was a little confusing. A handshake would be formally weird, a wave was somehow out since we were standing close, so while she came in to give a peck goodbye on the cheek, I went for a light side hug (the kind you give to an aquiantence ladies to avoid any body part contact). what ended up happening was she coming in to peck the cheek, me turning to hug & in turn we ended up kissing on the lips.
I said “I’m sorry.I was awkward & thought a light hug goodbye”
She started laughing & said ” Yes that was awkward now wasn’t it. No worries. Good night”
Thank god….i didn’t want to seem like a perv.
Then next evening i went to her house to return the shirt, duly washed & ironed. She opened the door wearing a regular salwar-kameez, an apron & a karchee in a hand. Looked cute.
Me : “Hi. Just wanted to drop of the shirt & thank you ”
S: ” Oh please. Come in come in. Leave the shirt on the dining table. I’m cooking dinner”
Me : ” I’ll take your leave”
S : “Arre have a tea or coffee at least.”
The atmosphere was open & not formal at all anymore.
Me: ” Looking the part completely. homemaker”
S : “Ha ha. yes i am, aren’t i. So tea or coffee”
Me: ” Coffee ma’am”
S: “Surbhi!””
Me: “Coffee Surbhi.”
after chatting for 5 minutes, she brought it up.
S: “Listen I’m sorry for last night. ”
i use humour as a defense mechanism.
ME: ” Oh please . it was just awkward that’s all”
S: “I’m sorry for making it awkward”
Me: “Well you don’t have to be. it was both of us. just timing. no ones fault. Plus i got a kiss from a pretty woman, so I’m happy”
Surbhi smiles a little & retorts ” pretty eh?! yea, lucky dog!”
We laughed, chatted finished our coffee & I was ready to leave.
& as fate would have it, She leans in to peck, i turn to hug & we end up with a peck on the lips again.
But this time instead of being awkward, it was like a good accident. Their was no mood, but their wasn’t any awkwardness either.
Our faces were 2 inches away after a 1 sec peck, my right hand was around her waist lightly for the hug. There was no laugh or awkwardness .
There was a moment.
I pulled her slowly, went back in & kissed her lovely lips. I must have pecked her 7-9 times, then she responded back. We stood there in the hallway right at the main door, near the dining table. Just kissing!
Our lips were locked, our tongues were playing with eachother. We were sucking eachother lips, fighting with our tongues. My hand was around her waist, hers around my neck. It was getting hot & it was very romantic. My dick was starting to rise & her breathing was getting heavier. There was a lot of saliva exchange. With my left hand , i pulled her closer & supported her back.
This part was the intro M- with- Surbhi. Look forward to your feedback.
If people like the story, I’ll continue to the next part & I’ll narrate the fist time we made love, how she “drank” me, & her first Cunnilingus & Rim job experience.
You can mail me at [email protected] to get in touch, chat or give feedback