After the college week culminated, a one-week break was given and it was then that I realised that I should have asked for Sheetal’s number. Every minute of every moment of every day and every night I was missing my dream girl. I had to pay for my own slip-up. And I felt odd to go hunting for her home although Sheetal did give me her location. Fruits of patience, again!
On the third day of the break, I received an usual phone call on the hostel’s landline. The caretaker called for me and told me that I was wanted by someone on the other side. I asked who the person was, but Raju (name changed) couldn’t give me any answers. “There’s a lady’s voice from the other side and she wanted to speak to you,” Raju said.
I was perplexed! But since Raju had told that lady, whoever she was that I was present, I felt odd to ask him to lie that I couldn’t be traced. Anyway, a phone call? So what? Let me face it!
“Hello?” I started off by adding, “Who is on the other side, please?” “Sam, it’s me! But guess who?” the female replied. “Guess? How? I mean I can’t figure out who you are. Would you be kind enough please to reveal your identity?” I asked, again. “Oh! Sam! You are such a bore! It’s me, on the college canteen, on the dance floor, behind the wheels. So, now tell me who am I?” the female asked with a slight laughter.
“Oh! Is it Sheetal? Is it you? I can’t believe it! How did you get this number? Anything?” I joyfully asked her. “Of course, I am! Then who else would be? You must be thinking of some other beautiful girl may be. And nothing serious, just wanted to disturb you and test your curiosity level,” she teasingly replied.
Man! That was something! We kept talking for a while until I realised that it was the hostel landline. I said I needed to hang up, but she wouldn’t allow me to do so. She hinted that she would like to get my mobile number. I understood the hints and I happily obliged!
To be continued in case you wish to. Mail me at: ([email protected])
The number game…
After having given my mobile phone number, I quickly hurtled back to my room to check whether any text message or missed call had arrived on my phone. Yes! To my utter happiness, a text message had landed safe and sound! Boy! Awesome! Of course, it was from none other than the dream girl, Sheetal.
I felt like a small kid receiving his first birthday gift. Yes, that’s what love and lust can do once you are totally into and for someone special.
And the phone calls and text messages kept bombarding Sheetal and me, day in and day out where we talked about anything and everything under the sky, except, of course, on sex. I came to learn that her family comprised of her businessman dad, homemaker mom, a younger sister and a brother. Awesome, stinking rich, but not spoilt brats, thankfully!
The normal talks and messages kept moving on for a month. Then I felt that I should add spice to the conversations as the monotonous conversations were too predictable.
“Are you still single?” Sheetal was asked. “What do you think?” she shot back. “Well, does it matter what and how I think?” I asked. “Of course, it does, I think. So, tell me, what do you think of me – single or taken?”
“Ohhhhhh, Hmmmmm, I guess you’re still a virgin beauty, and yes, you are still single and yet to be taken. Am I wrong?” I asked. “Well, you are right, sir! But does it matter to you at all?” Sheetal asked. “Yes, it does. But please don’t ask me as yet as to why and how. Please?” I replied. “Ok, I won’t. But promise me that you will let me know by this weekend. Please?” she shot back. “Ok, beautiful girl, I’ll surely do that. Pray that I will not fail!” I said before cutting the call after the customary byes and ciaos and take cares.
Well, a virgin will always be courted by anyone, any day. The beauty of a relationship with a virgin is impeccable, and the joy that accompanies with such kind of a bond is unspeakable.
The weekend came in thick and fast. It was a Saturday morning when I was greeted by a text message from none other than the virgin girl, Sheetal. It was a welcome one of course, but the content of the message made me ponder. “The weekend is here. U had promised me that U will let me know as to y does it matter whether am single or not. Waiting for your honest reply. Ciao!” That was the SMS, and I was constantly reading it and thinking what to reply. Well honesty may be the best policy, but tact was also required so as not to suffer from a foot-on-the-mouth disease.
I took time to reply. And the best way, I thought, was to tell Sheetal to meet me and that I would convey whatever I have to convey straight on her face. “Thanks for the SMS. But can we meet? I would like to say it straight on your face without fear. Kindly let me know whenever u are free to meet me. Ciao!” That was the reply to Sheetal’s SMS.
“Meet me at the coffee shop near our college. Will be there at 4:00pm sharp. Ciao!” The mobile phone beeped as I hurtled to the bedroom to check the sender. It was Sheetal, of course! My heart and mind stood still in time and space, but I was determined to let her know today that I love her in my own simple way. It was now or never, I thought.
To be continued in case you wish to. Mail me at: ([email protected])