Lost my virginity to the Menika

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I was on holidays from university in Madras where I study. My home town is in North of Ceylon. I am the eldest son of the family. We always had hired help from ‘up country’ as we called the central hills area. They were usually Sinhalese speaking. Every time I come home, there was a new person, as they tend to stay only for a short period. This time I was surprised to find a woman in her late 20’s or early 30’s and she had a small child, just less than 2 years of age. I did not pay too much attention to her as I was busy catching up with the family and friends as I was away from home for more than 9 months. My dad and mum work and my brothers were at boarding school. They came home and met me during the weekend but they were back at school.

It was a working day, I was home by myself. And I was bored to death. I was hungry and wanted to fix some thing for me and thus went into the kitchen. Menika was not to be seen. She had a room next to the kitchen. I went in and saw her sitting in a chair feeding her baby. I can’t speak or understand Sinhala and I realise that her ability to speak or understand Tamil was very limited. I apologised for barging in. She asked me what she could do for me. I told her that I was hungry and whether she could fix something for me after what she was doing. I noticed for the first time that she was not a bad looking woman and had a good figure. I have never been with a woman before and obviously was a virgin. As any young man of my vintage, the only sexual thrill I ever had was to read and look at sex magazines and masturbate my self. I became aware that she had lovely boobs as she had the blouse open. I have only seen pictures of naked breasts in magazines. Seeing it in print is quiet different from seeing in living flesh. The ones I have seen were pictures of white or Africa American women. Never seen an Indian before. They were quite large in size, standing upright, dark brown in colour with darker brown circle of areola in the middle.

I was naturally excited by the sight and was embarrassed by the fact that I was getting a huge errection. I had to hide it by quickly turning away from her. I was not sure whether she noticed it or not. She must have sensed that I was excited by the sight of her feeding.

“Thambi likes seeing baby drinking milk?” She asked in her limited vocabulary. I was speechless. She moved the baby from one breast to the other. I noticed the nipples were quite pert and erect like thimbles. I blushed and gently nodded my head.

She kept feeding while watching me now and then with a smile. I openly stared at her bosom. I very much wanted to feel the breasts with my hands and if possible even suck on them. She must have read my mind.

“Thambi like to drink Menika’s milk?”

I was quite taken aback by her open invite. I was flabbergasted. I just nodded.

“After baby drink, Thambi can drink” I almost came in my pants. I waited patiently. My hunger for food was gone. Only think I wanted was her boobs. Baby went off to sleep soon while feeding. She got up and put him on the mat where they both sleep.

She did not attempt to button up her blouse. I wanted to grab hold of her boobs as she stood in front of me, but was not certain what should be my next move.

“We go to Thambi’s room?” I led her to my bed room which was the first one next to the kitchen. She followed me. I asked her to sit on my bed. She hesitantly sat at the edge. I sat next to her. I put one of my arms around her waist and nudged her gently towards me. She moved closer. I could smell her body odour. It was a mixture of sweat and probably the breast milk. It was exciting.

I took the initiative and gently parted her blouse which was almost open in front and exposed her boobs. She took it off completely by shrugging it off her shoulders. Her magnificent boobs were exposed in all their glory. They were firm and staring at my eyes. They looked even better at such close quarters. I looked at them admiring the beauty. I was not in a hurry. I could admire the contour and distinguish the colours of the breast, areola and the nipples which were gradually getting darker from outside in.

Then I gently put my hands on them and felt them all around. I did not want to hurt her in any way. She was quite amazed at my restraint.

“You are very gentle and patient” She said. “My husband always squeezes them hard and it hurts me most of the time.”

Even though she was lots older than me, at that moment she appeared to me like a sweet young girl. I have never been with a female before and I wanted to believe as if I was with my girl friend. I have read all about what how a boy and a girl meet, gradually grow in love and become intimate. I wanted this experience to be like that, even though it was a pretend one.

I put my hands around d her body and pulled her toward me. She was a bit surprised by my move and more so when I place my lips firmly on her lips and started to kiss. It was obvious that she was not used to kissing. In the beginning she was struggling for breath and didn’t know what to do. But soon she began to mellow and opened her lips and started to kiss me back. Gradually it became more intense. I guess even for inexperienced, it becomes a second nature.

Even though she did have an unpleasant mouth odour, I did not mind it. I was so enthralled by the passion; nothing was going to stop me. She opened her mouth and let me thrust my tongue inside her mouth. She was beginning to enjoy it as she was moaning and rubbing her body against mine, I could feel her boobs rubbing against my chest through my shirt. It felt wonderful.

When we stopped for a breather, she confessed that she has never kissed any one before as her husband, the only man she has ever been with, was not into kissing. She liked it very much. I made her lie down on the pillow and lied down next to her, we were facing each other. I took one of the boobs and started to gently squeeze it. It felt vey firm and rubbery. I could see a drop of milk coming out of the tip of the nipple. It excited me. I bent down and took her nipple in my mouth and started to suck on it gently. I did want to be rough as she had been feeding the baby not too long ago.

She loved my sucking and she told me in so many words

“It is nice and not anything like when the baby is sucking; he tends to bite on the nipple, especially when he is hungry.” She also told that her husband always was rough when he sucked and she usually ends up being sore. Initially it did bother me she always trying to compare me with her husband; later on I felt good in fact, as it made me believe I was better, and led me to be more comfortable and daring.

I soon started to taste the milk as it seeped out of her nipple. She started to moan at the same time. It tasted slightly salty with a tinge of sweetness. Nothing like the normal milk. I was careful not to bite and the more I sucked more milk came, she started to wriggle and held my face tightly against her breast. I t felt good. The warmth of the body against my face, I wanted to feel her body against mine. I stopped sucking.

She looked at me. “What is wrong?” She inquired.

“Let us take off our clothes, I want to see your naked body” I was surprised I was quite authoritative and after a short hesitation she got up.

“Let me take you clothes off’ I told her. She was very shy but did not object. She stood in front of me when I started to unrobe her; she had a wrap around sarong around her lower half. It was quite lengthy and when it came off, I noticed that she was wearing a hand made undies. It was not fresh and I could smell sweat and what ever else it has come into contact with. There was a distinct smell of vaginal secretions and probably a touch of urine. Who cared? It was quite exhilarating. Nothing like any thing I have smelt before. I pulled the undies down. There was definitely wetness at the vaginal orifice. I just looked at her naked body. It was so pretty as she had a very lovely body with no fat any where except at the right places. I made her turn around. I noticed that her shyness was gradually going away. She had a very rounded and pretty bottom. I turned her back to face me again. Wow. She was gorgeous. A pretty woman hidden in the guise of a servant maid.

“It is my turn now.” I was surprised that she was said that. I smiled and stood up. She started to take off my shirt first. She was quite methodical. The trousers followed. I could not hide my erection any more. It was tenting my undies. She smiled at me and took my cock in her hands and gave a gentle squeeze. “Nice” she said as she pulled my undies down. The penis popped out.

“That is very nice.” She held my naked cock in her hand gently stroking it. I was worried that I wad going to come in her hands. I stopped her from stroking any more.

“I want to feel you all over” I said. “Me too” she replied.

We stood holding each other tightly and feeling the other’s body with our hands. Loved the feel of the contours of her boobs and stopped for a moment to squeeze them and feel the hard and rubbery feeling. She shivered at my touch. She was feeling my body too. My chest and my belly. Went further down and gently stroked my cock for a second before holding my balls. She squeezed them gently. It was slightly painful but at the same time it was pleasant.

I slid my hand over her belly, which was quite taut down to her pussy. She was quite hairy. Short and curly black hair. I hesitated for a minute before gently feeling the entrance with my finger. She shuddered again and moaned. I knew that she liked it. I was bold now and inserted the finger further deep into her love hole. It was already wet and slippery. The smell which I first noticed when I took off her undies was more obvious as the secretions from her vagina were seeping out. She wriggled her body at my touch. I started to stimulate her with my finger. First with just one and then two and finally three. I moved them around at the same time pushing them in and out. She was moaning crying louder with pleasure.

“Ohhh Thambi. It is so nice. Please don’t stop!” Nothing was going to stop me any how. I loved that I was able to make her happy. She was pushing her pelvis against my hands gyrating to keep in pace with my hand movements.

I was hoping that the next step will be fucking her; “Let us sit down on the bed” I suggested, hoping that I could make her lie down and make the next move.

“No don’t stop now. I am cumming now!” She cried. I could feel the gushing of her secretions and followed by a loud shriek when she came. I didn’t stop as I kept finger fucking her. Shed was like a woman possessed; her whole was shaking and was crying while she clinked on to me. She rested her head on my shoulders for a minute or two. I held her tightly against my body. I lead her to the bed. We sat down.

I made he lie down on the bed and leaned over her. I kissed her starting form the top of her head down, every inch of her body. She had her eyes closed but she enjoyed it with a smile on her face. When I reached her boobs, I tarried a little while, sucking on them. She liked it very much. But, she prompted me to go kiss further down. I kissed her belly which was quite firm and tight and when I reached her pussy area, she opened her eyes.

“Will you please lick me there; it is years since I have any one do it to me.”

I was excited; in my perusal of sexual materials I have come across how men love licking a woman’s pussy. It never gave any details how to do it though.

“Oh. I don’t know…. How to do it” I mumbled. I wanted to do it but was afraid I may do the wrong thing. . She partly got up and bending down, with both her hands she open the entrance to the pussy. For the first time I had a close look at it. I have seen pictures of it, but in true colours, it was quite different. She pointed to the little knob at the top end of the slit.

“You lick there. It will really make me happy” she said. She went back to her recumbent position. I eagerly bent down and got my face close to her pussy. First thing I was aware was the distinct smell. It was quite strong. The same smell in her undies but more intense. I felt slightly nauseous. But I couldn’t back out. The smell really turned me off. The thrill was not there any more; it was more of an obligation. I closed my eyes, hoping that the smell would go gradually and started to lick her clit. It didn’t get any better.

Menika was ecstatic. She started to moan and push her pelvis as she did when I fingered her, but more vigorously. I knew that she was getting quite exited by the licking. That was a consolation for the smell I had to put up with. Soon the secretion started to seep out and I was able to taste it. It was salty and slightly sticky. She kept crying with pleasure. She seemed to be quite a vocal person under the circumstances. In the height of her excitement, she brought her legs together and my head was getting crushed between her thighs. I was not certain which was going to kill me first – the smell or being crushed between her thighs! I was so relieved when she relaxed her legs as soon as she climaxed, so that I could wriggle my head out of her clutches.

I was still waiting to fuck her. There was not move from her in that direction. I cuddled her and held her tightly and kissed her gently on her lips and popped the question, in an indirect way.

“Do you think, I could…..” I dragged on.

“No Thambi. I am not on pill and do you have any rubber?” She knew very well that I did not have any. I have no way of getting it either, at least at home town. If only I knew, I would have purchased some in India. What a bummer. She knew that I was disappointed.

She kissed me on my lips and said, “I could make you happy”

“How?” I asked. She smiled. “You have to promise to keep you eyes closed. If you open, then that is the end of it. Okay?” I knew that she was teasing about opening my eyes, but I was not going to take any chances. I closed my eyes tightly and was not going to peep ay all.

I sensed that she was getting up and moving around and then I felt her taking my cock in her hand. It was almost half erect. I thought she was going to give me a hand job. It was bit of a disappointment but it was some thing, I felt, better than nothing. Next think I felt was some thing wet on the tip of my cock. The wetness ran along the shaft of my cock from the tip to the bottom and then went up again.

Oh my God. She was licking my cock with her tongue! Wished I could open my eyes and see. She kept licking up and down the shaft of the cock. It was getting bigger and bigger.

“Can I please open my eyes and see” I pleaded. “No way” she replied, “I will stop it if you do. You could open only when I say yes.” She continued with the licking. Suddenly I sensed she moving from the cock and she was holding on to my scrotum and the balls, gently squeezing them. It hurt a bit, but not much. Then I felt her mouth gently playing with the sac and next minute, she had it in her mouth! Wow! It was sensational feeling. My cum was building up and I was not sure how long I will be able to hold on to it.

“I think I am going to come” I said. “Not yet!” She replied and stopped sucking. What happened next was unexpected. She held my cock with her hand by its base and started to squeeze it tightly.

“It hurts” I cried out. “I am only trying to stop you from coming too soon” she replied. What ever she did, it worked as my cock started to shrivel a bit and the urge to come was gone. What a trick it was!

She now gently took the head of my cock in her mouth and gently nibbled it with her tongue. I felt the tip of her tongue probing the opening on top. She would have tasted the precum for sure.

“It looks beautiful” she remarked before continuing to suck. She gradually took more and more of the cock into her mouth. I felt my cock going deeper into her mouth and hitting the back of her mouth. She started to move her mouth so that the cock was sliding in and out. I started to moan with unbounding pleasure.

“Oh it is beautiful. Please don’t stop” I cried as she increased the tempo. I knew that I could not hold any more. She must have sensed it too from the pulsation of the cock in her mouth.

“You can open your eyes now.” I saw her seated by my side, looking into my face as her mouth was busy fucking my cock. I could see a smile in her eyes. Next minute, I came with a big spurt inside her mouth. I was not sure what she was going to do with the cum, She did not stop what she wad doing and kept on pumping and swallowing every bit of it. I felt out of this world. I was not sure whether fucking could be any better than the feeling of one’s cock being sucked. She kept sucking until nothing was left inside my cock and it started to shrink inside her mouth.

She climbed back into the bed next to me. We cuddled each other. I kissed her on her lips. She opened her mouth and let my tongue enter. I was able to smell and taste my own cum. It had a weird taste.

“Was it nice Thambi?” she asked.

“Yes! It was wonderful. Thank you”

“No need to thank me, you also made me very happy with your fingers and tongue”

“Next time probably we could fuck each other” I hopefully asked.

“We will see” was her noncommittal answer, I was not going to push my luck.

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