Life With Our Mutual Sons

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Hi, this is [email protected] writing this story. This is an incest fictional story between mother and son. The characters in this story are fictional and any resemblance to anyone is just coincidental. The situations mentioned are not real life and should not be aped.Your comments and feedbacks are welcome.F

It was on parent’s teachers meeting that I first saw Ajay’s mom. She was so radiant and energetic that she instantly made friendship with me. Her charisma was so overpowering that I invited her to our home. And there started the beginning of a long relationship that changed our life.

Let me introduce myself first. I am Sandhya, 35 year old, single mom to my only son Shyam. I am a widower and live alone with my son. I am left to fend myself as I invoked the wrath of my relatives by marrying a person from outside our religion. With my job, I managed to send my son Shyam to a private school all by myself.

I shifted him to a high profile school and this was his first parent’s teachers meeting where I met Anjali, Ajay’s mom. She was a women almost my age or may be a little less, who definitely dresses up smartly, elegantly and beautifully with ample makeup. The areas where I score badly. She was in sari with sleeveless blouse. The first day when I met her, I remember her hugging my son the moment Ajay introduced Shyam to her. Apparently my son and Ajay are close friends here. When my son in turn introduced me to her, she hugged me too. I took it as their hi-style of greeting people.

That was just the beginning. From there we became closer as we discussed our families, our lives, our challenges, our problems etc. She too was a single mom just like me. She was a divorcee and raised her son all by herself rather boldly. In her case it was she who choose to live away from the holds of her relatives. She amazed me by her boldness, intelligence and offcourse beauty. It was into the third week of knowing her that she asked me that question. By that time we were close enough to discuss matters like sex, our passion, men etc. It was in my home, the usual meeting place that she threw that rather unexpected, seemed to be out of the world question to me.

We were discussing how girl children being lured into the acts of sex at home and away etc. She was the one who hooked upon such news stories and I liberally shared my dig on such stories. I told her about the difficulties girl child has to face in this world while boys are left free for life with no sexual harassment worries for them. From there we were coaxing up to the themes of sex, frustrations of women’s life without sex, sex at home etc. It was then that she throwed this question at me.

She asked “Sandhya ji, have you ever done sex with your son”. I felt like she was talking mad. I lost words for a moment. At the same time I got alarmed by a sudden wetness I felt between my legs. I tried to laugh out her question. But her face showed she was serious with her question. I fumbled for words “Anjali, what are you saying? Are you joking? How can you ask such a thing??”. She replied “No, I am serious”. “Have you gone mad”, I asked. “How can you do sex with your own son”. Even while I was saying this, the visuals of me having sex with my boy child started playing in my mind; however I tried to get rid of it. I squeezed my legs together when I felt my pussy melting. She said “Why not, in fact I am doing it with my son!” I was horrified “Anjali, you mean ..”. She told “Yes, I meant what I said, I do sex with my son”. I was again horrified. My legs became limb while I felt my pussy becoming superfluous for reasons unknown to me. “Anjali, how can you … that too with your own son. Are you telling me the truth. Or you are kidding me.”. Anjali replied “I am telling only the truth. In fact it is the necessity for any single mom, to take care of their boy child, less that they get diverted to other adult content and wheel away from their studies”. I was speechless. I went silent. She continued from where she stopped “Sandhya, it is not wrong to do sex with your son as long as it is kept within your walls. At some point you have to give sexual education to him. In fact if you do sex with him, it will improve his concentration in the studies and he will listen to you and do what you say”. I was dumb stuck. Visual of my son fucking my pussy played in my mind again and I tried to snap out of it.

Anjali came and touched my shoulder and asked “Don’t you want to try it with your son”. My legs opened up reflexively. My body wailed for it, but I steeled myself to say “No, I don’t think I will try”. She then came little more closer and whispered to my ears as if someone is nearby “Then do you want to try it with my son instead”. Again I was shocked. I shrugged and looked at her in disbelief. I had this expression pasted on my face “How can a mother offer her own son to another women of her age”. Sensing my expression Anjali told “What is wrong in it. Here you won’t have the mental block of doing it with your son. And I won’t be bothered if you are getting along with my son.” And standing by my side she told “May be you wouldn’t have realized earlier. But my son is getting top marks in his class and I credit that to the good amount of healthy sexual relationship that we are having”. I was bewildered. Here she is relating her son’s good results to their sexual relationship. My son is not that good in his subjects. That is why I changed his school. Could this be the missing block?! I was lost in thoughts. She woke me from my thoughts by saying “What, you already started dreaming about fucking my son?”. I snapped out of my thoughts and said “No, no I was just thinking …”. She replied “Well, don’t think. Leave everything to me. I will take care of you.” After a pause she said “Tomorrow take leave so that we can go for some shopping. Tell your son that you will be bit late in the evening. We can build some relationships when we are away” She didn’t let me say or ask anything more. And there she left for the day leaving me in deep thoughts.

That night I couldn’t sleep well. In my dream a boy without face came and fucked me several times bringing me to orgasm several times. Next day morning Anjali called to remind me to take leave. I took leave and went out with Anjali. I still was not sure what she is up to. She got me into one ladies showroom where she bought me one nice silk sari. She requested for sleeveless stitching of blouse to which I didn’t agree. So we settled for blouse with a very small sleeve. Then she ordered one Enamour push up bra. I started getting excited for the make over she is putting up for me. After getting the stitched blouse, we left for the beauty parlour where she gave directions to the beautician. In three hours time I was transformed into a high society lady with right amount of makeup, bit curly hair, red lipstick and my matching attire in the new sari and blouse. The push up bra gave my big bosom a higher push bringing even more deeper cleavage into it. With my low neck blouse and semi-see through sari, I should be giving a treat to the onlookers. Till then I used to consider myself as a simple woman with not so simple assets. I felt myself to be well dressed damsel for the first time.

In spite of all these makeups’s and get ups I was still kept in the dark as to what Anjali is up to. I didn’t get the thought then that she was actually getting me dressed up to be more presentable before her son. It was only after we drove to her house that I at least got an idea as to where we are heading to. We were at her home by 3:30 in the evening. At least now I expected her to reveal what she is up to. But she was keeping mum by just watching the TV. Out of impatience I switched off the TV and asked “Tell me at least now, what you are up to”. She with a smile answered “Why, are you so impatient to wait? Hmm, I just planned to introduce you to my son properly”. I felt her words had deep meaning in it. Before I could ask anything further, the front door bell rang. There Ajay entered. He was back from school. I remembered that my son too would have returned home by now. I greeted Ajay rather tensely understanding that something could go terribly wrong for good or bad. She spoke out “Son, I don’t want you to dirty the white shirt. Go inside and change the shirt and come”. He told “Ok, mom” and went inside. I felt tense, excited and shivering at the same time. I felt my pussy is getting moist. I wished to continue questioning Anjali about her plans. But I was afraid that Ajay will overhear me from his room. Anjali again switched on the TV and asked me to be comfortably seated. Soon Ajay came out and I was surprised to see him shirtless and in just his navy blue school trousers. He still hasn’t take out his socks. He shouted at his mom “Mom, where is my shirt. I don’t see it in my room”. She replied “Well, think I might have taken it for washing. Nevertheless you can come over shirtless.”

Ajay walked over towards us, with a somewhat shameful face. It was then that I saw him fully. His trousers hung till half his thighs. Above his waist line he was naked showing his cute navel, flat abdomen, small nipples on his flat white hairless chest. Down, his slender white legs was visible from virgin thighs to lower legs, where his feet were covered in blue socks. I felt something pure and fresh about this boy. Something yet to be explored. He stood directly in front of his mother like an obedient son. His mother stood up and walked towards him. I followed her. She raised his chin and asked “why are you so shy today”. He didn’t answer and just hung his face again. She held both of us by our shoulder and lead to her room. She talked on the way “There is something I have talked to both of you about today. It is for you two to figure it out. You can sit back and think about it in here. She showed us into her room. She said “I will be outside and you can call me if at all you need any help”. Saying that she closed the door from outside leaving us alone. I was puzzled. What she meant by saying I have talked. She didn’t really say anything.

We are left to ourself from that point. I looked at his face. He too looked back at me with a hollow face. But for a second I felt he glanced secretly at my bosom which was prominently displayed in my new dress. My semi transparent sari /netted silk sari should be giving him ample view of my bosom underneath. The cleavage of my boobs will be slightly showing to my embracement and excitement. Below my navel should visible like a silhouette under the netted sari. He must be impressed by my new makeover. His eyeing gave me the courage to talk to him. I asked “do I look good in the new dress your mother brought for me”. He glanced once again at my body from top to bottom then told “you look great in this dress”. I was happy for what he said because it is a long time since anybody has appreciated my dress. He stood there innocently staring at my body. His body is whiter than even her mothers. His small nipples and taught belly felt cute for me. I felt like inserting my hands through his belly into his trouser and get hold of his cock in my hands. But I couldn’t see his groin region as his hands was clasping over it.

When I looked at his face, I saw him again eyeing at my bosom with open mouth. That made me bold for an instant and I asked him “Do you want to touch feel my sari fabric.” What my intention was that, if he wanted to touch my body, I have to give him an opportunity. I am fine with it as long as he is happy with it. While reasoning like this I consciously hid my interests in the whole staging. He had to be prompted once again before he raised his hand and touched my pallu just over my belly with his thumb finger over the pallu while the four other fingers going under the pallu, slightly touching my belly. That small touch itself was energizing for me. I felt my legs going weak and a small wetness between my legs. But I managed to hold on. I wanted to take this further ahead. For that I devised an unnecessary lie. I took his left hand in my hand and said “Your mother had told me about your desire to touch me intimately”. Though in reality his mother hasn’t told anything like that. Still I needed such a lie to take initiative from my side. Saying that I lead his hand to my bosom and let it rest on my right boob over the sari. He was visibly thrilled and alarmed at the same time. He said “I didn’t mean like that. I only thought of saying you looked great. But …”. He couldn’t find his words as his hand sank into the deep flesh of my boob. It was several months later only when Anjali updated me, that I came know about the real facts. Her son had seen me someday in the school, and got fully attracted to me that he wanted to do sex with me. Being the open relationship they where having, Anjali decided to stage a situation to satisfy her son. And that is how all this happened.

His hand is now settled on my right boob. I removed my hand so that he can maneuver his hand over my body as he wishes. His right hand which was holding my pallu at the belly had gone limb resting against the wound of sari on my waist as well as my navel. He had slowly started pressing my boobs over the sari. Yes this is the situation I wanted. I slowly used my one hand to drag out the semi transparent pallu from in-between his hand and my bosom. Now I lay bare in just my low cut blouse and sari wound below waist line. His hand played directly over my blouse feeling the stud of my nipples. I stood closer to him so that he had much more easier access to me. He said “Aunty, you really look beautiful “. I said “thank you son”. As he was standing very close to me, a masculine odour radiated from his torso. I felt a desire to touch his fleshy chest. And I rested my right palm on his chest scratching his skin with my nail. His pure white skin turned pink with my nail scratches. He mechanically caressed my right boobs with his left hand while his right hand just hung on to my waist line. Before the flow is lost I had to initiate to the next level. I held his head from behind and squeezed it against my bosom filling his face with my bosom. He involuntarily brought both his hands to the bosom and squeezed it sandwiching his face in-between my boobs. That was more than enough to kindle the fire in me as well. My fingers ran over his chest caressing his tiny nipples in the process. Our breathing has become heavier. I felt happy that a women in her 30’s like me is able to bring in such passion to a kid of my son’s age.

We were almost in the embrace of each other. I felt the fire in between my legs. My one hand naturally went down to feel his belly and further down. My hand felt his dick over his trousers. It was hard and juvenile sized. Ahh, he let out a sound in appreciation of my catch. I retrieved my hand and put it inside his trousers and under his underwear to grab his dick naked. He jerked backwards by feeling my cold fingers on his hot rod. But I didn’t let him go loose. His pubic hairs have only just started dotting his dick bottom. It is a real fresh young cock for me. I stroked his dick a few rounds. It felt amazing for a women like me who is deprived of any cock for last 4-5 years. Along with the explorations I was doing down under, He had started his on explorations and has started sucking on to my nipple studs over the top of my blouse. I felt that if I don’t direct him, he might end up with just sucking and tearing up my blouse. I wanted more than that as I felt the urge to have him inside me. I parted him from me. I asked him to undress to his undies while I unwound my sari. He took off his trousers and started taking off his socks. But I restricted him from taking that as he looked cute in his socks. It reminded that he is just a school kid. He was wearing a neat white underwear. I was impressed by the cleanliness and gave full credit to his mother.

I asked him to sit on a metal chair which I found in the room. As he sat down, he watched me take off my panties from my underskirt. I didn’t take off my underskirt as I felt bit shy to take it off so soon in front of an underage kid. My panties was bit drenched from my own juices and I crumbled it and threw it on to bed away from his eye sight. Now I walked towards him and sat on my foot in front of him. His white underwear was bulging enormously indicating how big his hardon is. I slid his underwear down below till his ankles to reveal his young energetic throbbing cock in front of my eyes. It was light brown in colour with a pinky hard head. I wondered for a second how my son’s cock would be like.

Sitting on a cold metal chair with his underwear down he must be feeling bit awkward. But his cock grew even bigger. I stroked it a few times with my hand. He looked up at the ceiling unable to bear the pleasure. I decided to step in. I stood up from my sitting posture and sat on his lap with my legs on both side and facing him. His cock is squeezed in between my belly and his. My petticoat was bit uncomfortable this way. But I decided to live with it. I hugged him for the first time squeezing my boobs against him. I gave him a long kiss on his mouth.

Then I slowly raised myself and put his cock under my skirt. I guided it to my love hole which is superfluous with my secretion. His cock head slipped against the door of my love hole. I decided to let it slip on as much as it wanted and I slid it along the slit line of my pusy. The sliding felt sensuous to both of us and we twisted and twirled in our positions. We went on like that until the cock head found a stable spot to anchor on to my pussy. Half of his cock head dig into my pussy door establishing its intention. It went to a point where I realized that there is no turn back other than to plunge it deep into my love hole. And I did just that. His cock rammed deep into my hole. It went to the depths where my fingers could not have reached. It went into areas unused for long years. In one stroke I was sitting tightly against his lap with his cock deep inside me. I felt a pleasure which I have not experienced in good long years. When I looked at him, his face too showed unmeasurable pleasure with his eyes closed. We sat like that on the chair for a moment enjoying the pleasure.

Then I slowly started moving my butt. I moved rhythmically at the same time making sure that my body rubbed against his naked chest. My hard nipples inside the blouse scratched against his hard chest all the way till his neck. He took me in his hands while I took his head in mine. I immersed his head to the cleavage while it popped up. I felt a desire to expose myself more to him. So while rocking I unhooked my blouse, unbuckled my bra and threw both of them away to reveal my dusky but beautiful unsagging heavy boobs to the young kid. He was understandably mesmerized by the asset before him and sank his face into the abyss between my boobs.

He took one full boob right into his mouth and started sucking in between the strokes. The other boob got the attention of his hand. It was a delightful moment for women like me to see her sex mate fully delighted by her body. Something I couldn’t fully satisfy my husband towards his last days. It felt great when his palm mauled my boob like dough and fingers kneaded my nipples. Certainly he is experienced from his intimacy with his mother.

We fucked there on the chair like two fuck machines. Our bodies were sweating, especially mine which shined in the sweat. It acted as lubricant for our love making. The steel chair squeaked in our action. I grasped the back rest of the chair firmly while moving up and down over him. With the constant rubbing of my naked chest against his, my nipples heated up and made its mark deeper into his skin. I could feel his breath becoming harder and faster. He will cum any time soon and I don’t want to be left behind. I opened up my legs further, inviting his cock further deep inside me. Soon I too started to feel the high of the orgasm. And there he cummed just when I was in orgasm. And I fell over him in the exertion.

We sat there on the chair for some moments till I got the energy to get up. Though Anjali should be knowing what is happening inside, I don’t want her to see it with her own eyes. So I quickly dressed up and got outside. There I found Anjali still watching TV. Unable to face her out of shyness I quickly bid her bye and left immediately. Before leaving she told me “What I showed you is just a way. In the days to come you can try with your son and find your true home”. What she told me looked like golden words to me. I thanked her in my mind for offering her son to me. Back home I found it difficult to face my son Shyam too. As if I did something wrong to him. The guilty of doing sex with his class mate loomed in my mind. Afraid of grabbing his attention, I quickly dressed down to my normal attire at home. At night I felt unable to sleep.

Now that it is awakened, my pussy itched for more sex. My son is sleeping in the next room. I scratched my pussy over my nightie. Anjali told to try with my son. But unlike the ease with which I did with Anjali’s son Ajay, exploring my own son is easy said than done. It brings in a mental block within me.

After two days when Anjali phoned, she was surprised to hear that I haven’t still tried out with my son. I told her my problem of not able to coup up enough courage to do something like that. She listened to me intensively then asked “Well, if you are not able to initiate, shall I prepare him for you”. At first I didn’t quiet get what she meant. Then her next words made me understand that she will approach my son and initiate him into the world of sex so that I can enjoy with him later on. At first I felt jealous and possessive at her proposal. How can I give my own son to her and let her have sex. My son is for my own satisfaction. His cock is for my pussy alone. In the next moment I understood how selfish and foolish I am in my thoughts. Anjali selflessly gave her own son to me to have sex and pleasure with him. Yet when it came to my son, I am feeling possessive without even realising that, I may not ever be able to approach my son without the initiative of Anjali.

Understanding that I needed Anjali by my side to be intimate with my son, I gave her the nod. What I didn’t know then was that this too was part of the master plan devised by Anjali where she gets to enjoy my son too in addition to her own son. When she saw me for the first time in the parents teachers meeting, she understood that I am the ideal partner for her to explore our sons. Just like how her son liked me the first time, she too liked my son in the first glance. On her own words to say she felt like “If my son is my chocolate boy, your son appeared to me like a raw fuck machine to me”. Knowing my widower background later, she understood she wont have to search for anyone else later. Now I understood that the hug she gave to my son the first time when they met was not just cordial, but sexual!

Coming back to the present, she then told me that she will visit my home tomorrow evening. But I should come home late, only by around 7. Also I should inform that to my son in advance. I understood that Anjali had some solid plan. But I didn’t feel like asking it as it would almost sound like asking how she plan to fuck my son.

Next day as instructed I updated my son that I will be late till around 7:30. By evening I started getting impatient with the thoughts of how things are going on at my home. By around 6:30 I got a call from Anjali that she is leaving her home and so I can come in any time. Out of impatience I asked “Anjali, how did things go”. She told “Your son is really good. Rest we can talk later”. I felt she was in a hurry so I hung up. Reaching home, I found my son unable to face me, skipping my presence, and hanging inside his room mostly. I felt the same scene being repeated from the position I was some days before when I felt it difficult to face him.

Next day I called up Anjali and came to know that ‘they did it’ and that she gave all suggestions that he should do it with her on mom, being a single. She asked me if her son had tried advancing at her yesterday. I replied in negative and told he has become shier. She laughed when I said that and asked me to try with him today and call her back. But even today I found it difficult to approach my son sexually. When Anjali heard about my plight, she decided to help me further and told she will drop in the next day. She asked me to come early to home before my son reaches and then wait for her. She also asked me to keep a solemn face. She as usual kept me guessing as to what she is up to.

Next day I took half day leave. When I came back from office I bathed and freshened up myself and put on the dress that Anjali had brought for me earlier. I had also bought a new satin pantie which I didn’t have before. I prepared myself for something special though my mind tried to turn down saying nothing will happen and nothing should happen. By 4 o clock I heard her car coming up. I switched on the TV and waited anxiously at the couch in the living room. I felt nervousness in me. We won’t be having much time to discuss before my son comes home. As the door opened I was in for a surprise as it is not just Anjali who came in. Shyam and Ajay accompanied her. It seamed like she has picked them up from school before coming here. I was not prepared for them and wondered what I should say now. Anjali saved me by saying “Ahh, I am happy to see you come early as requested by me. You must be surprised what this is all about. Well I will explain”, I didn’t move from my couch as I felt I might tremble if I stand up and walk. She came and sat beside me letting the kids stand before us.

She then faced Shyam and told “Well, Shyam. Today I had confessed to your mom and my son about the intimate moment that we had a few days back”. When she told this, I maintained my serious and solemn look and stole a glance at Shyam. He was visibly horrified and hung his head. He must have felt betrayed to have let his mom and Ajay know about it. I pacified him in my mind saying everything is for the better. Anjali continued “You don’t have to be guilty about it as it was my responsibility that it happened. It took a lot of effort from me to console your mom at least a bit. But now that it happened, I want everyone to move on from there. I want to put things straight. For that I need to reveal a few more things now”. She paused for a moment, then asked Shyam to come and sit with her. With a bit of hesitation he went forward and sat between Anjali and me. His head still hung down. Ajay sat on the other sofa. Anjali continued “Shyam, the sort of skinship that we shared that day, is something that I share with my son Ajay too in a higher level”. Shyam was surprised by her revelation and also seamed to be bit relieved. Think he is happy that he is not the only offender.

Anjali continued “So you don’t have to feel bad about it. You need to explore and feel the good things in life. Sandhya, you being a single mom, you face a lot of tough time to suppress your feelings. And you, Shyam, being a teenage boy, you must be experiencing several high feelings and sexual confusions. Someone is needed to guide you two properly. Only you as a mother can guide your son properly and educate him on sexual tensions. In the past, in several talks with you, I have realized how frustrated you are without having a sex life. And you, Shyam, I understood how much crush you had for a women’s body. Our first sex showed that to me. Now all that matter is you two open up to accept each other in the true sense, in the true natural instinct.” With a pause Anjali continued “I can still help you by leading you. But the final thrust should be yours”.

Saying that she stood up from the sofa, leaving just two of us, the mother and son on the sofa. She then moved forward and with a flash of her hands, she tugged down the trouser of my son, throwing him off balance. It took only a few seconds for her to take his trousers out. Now he was in just his black undies and white shirt. He was taken by surprise and hid his groin area with his palm. But Anjali didn’t mind that and instead of any attempt to take off his hands, she bent down and took him in her hands by holding him by his legs and his back. She then raised him and then in a single action she dropped him on my lap. We were both surprised by her action. But I kept a silent face with the seriousness she had asked me to maintain. Now my boy is sitting on my lap with his legs towards the side and his head to the other side. He is confused without knowing what to do. But Anjali was not at all confused and she was still in full control. Ajay sat on the other sofa silently watching all the action.

Anjali said “Shyam, do you remember this pose. This was how I made you sit on my lap when you got initiated into sex. You can either choose to continue all by yourself or let me initiate for you just like last time”. Both of us remained silent without facing her. She continued “Or may be you Sandhya can initiate and see how wonderful things will be.” But we both remained silent and still. Strangely my son didn’t try to move out of my lap too all this while. Those made me wonder if he is expecting me to start on him. Anjali continued “Ok, since I don’t see any of you volunteering, I will help you out a bit. Saying that she sat before us on the carpet in a squatting position taking the wait on her legs. She then made my son to take off his hand from his groin region. She then said “Look Sandhya look, underneath his underwear, if you find a grown up man, it means he is really turned on by you. If it is so you should not disappoint it”. Saying that Anjali pulled down his underwear to reveal his magnificent tool, which sprang up like a cobra. Shyam hid his face in guilty. I stole a glance at my son’s shining tool and to my amazement I found it to be really dark and big. Bigger than Ajay’s with vein showing on its side. I was amazed and admired it in open for a second without realizing.

Anjali said “I can see that you are mesmerised by his masculine manhood. Now why don’t you feel it for yourself and get more personal” But I was tooo awestruck that I failed to hear what she said. I have never seen such a big hard cock in my life. Not even my husbands (and for that matter I have not seen any one else’s cock other than Ajay’s). Seeing my situation, Anjali decided to initiate this too by herself. She took my right hand in hers and led me to his cock. She made me hold the head of his cock in my inner palm and made me rub my palm over it. My son wiggled without being able to control his excitement. Anjali forcefully removed his hand which was hiding his face. Now he could watch everything that is happening so that he can loose being shy. Anjali meanwhile loosened the grip on my hand to let me free. But now even without her prompting hand I was rubbing on to his cock with the same vigour. Certainly my sons cock is bigger and masculine than Ajay’s. It was black like a serpent. The feeling of passion and sex had slowly started engulfing me.

The boundaries of mother and son started melting around me in that heated situation. My rubbing had started giving way to stroking his rod. My son let out a subtle cry in pleasure. That was more than enough to shed me off my inhibitions. I wrapped my left hand on his waist and seated him in a closer and higher position in my lap. His one leg automatically rested on the sofa while the other was still on the floor. This gave me a wider access to his manhood. Now he was sitting side ways to me and I started stroking him in full length. He found it difficult to remain silent and made noises out of excitement. I held his head with my left hand and immersed it on to my bosom.

After Ajay, this is the second time I am doing this after years of drought. My son found his home in between my bosom and brought his hands as a support in the process. I wondered how all boys behaved the same way when it comes to bosom. Hmm, meanwhile Anjali had stood up from her sitting position and had walked back to her son. She must have sensed that now her help is not required any more. My son’s one hand had gone under the sari pallu to hold my left boob directly over the blouse. Sensing his requirements, I stopped stroking his cock for a second and then removed my pallu from by bosom, spreading it over the sofa. Now I lay bare in my blouse and bottom part. My son was happy to have more direct contact with my skin. He hid his nose on my exposed cleavage while his hands pressed the boob against his face. I brought my attention back to his hard throbbing cock. It was surprisingly big for a boy of his age.

I started stroking it again. His two legs are now on the sofa, with his buttocks had slid down from my lap to adjust the height of his head from my bosom. I stole a glance at Anjali and Ajay. They both where still watching us, but Anjali had her hand inside Ajay’s trousers. That was a welcome move as I don’t want them to be just spectators of our act. I want them to ignore us now and start with their copulation.

My son was too much involved with my cleavage that I decided to introduce him to other activities too. What best to start by a mother-son relationship than breast sucking! So I held my sons head and moved it to my left boob. Then I pushed his head on to my boob, making him open up his mouth and take in my nipples and as much of my boob along with it. Realizing what he is in for, he started sucking my nipples over the blouse. But that was not an easy affair as I thought. Because my push up bra which I thought will enhance my appeal also hindered his easy access to my nipples due to its semi hard cup. Though the stud of my nipple will be visible over the blouse, to suck it is bit difficult. So while he still tried to suck on to whatever he is able to, I started unhooking my blouse.

Once the blouse is parted, I unclasped the front hook of the bra and revealed my naked left boobs to him. My son gladly immersed his face on to my surplus boob, sucking on to my nipples and twirling his tongue over it. It reminded me of the old days when he used to suck on to my breast when he was a baby. This was the same position in which I used to feed him. Only difference is that now he has outgrown my lap. And instead of patting his bun, now I am stroking his cock. I don’t know how many mother-son relations can reach to this level. He continued sucking for quiet a long time. His cock sure has a good endurance limit as he is able to withstand my stroking without cumming fast. This gave me a desire to have him inside me now itself. Earlier I was thinking of cumming him with my hand as I felt shy to fuck him in front of others. But now my body want him now itself and there is no turn back. I took him in my hands and stood up from the sofa. Then I lowered him on to the carpet and gave all indications to him that I am going to fuck.

I removed his black underwear completely from his legs. I looked around to find that Anjali is now busy with Ajay stroking his erect cock in open. I pulled out my two boobs into the open so that it is free for him to play with. Then I removed the sari wound around me and then raised the petticoat before I sat over him. I sat with my legs across his body so that my pelvis is directly over his throbbing cock. Then I took my hand underneath my petticoat and directed his cock to the door of my love hole.

Then in one single push I sank almost all of his cock into my pussy. It was not as easy as Ajay’s. It took some more effort for me to push the remaining length of his shaft into my pussy till its base. I can see that my son is enjoying this, so is me. It may bot be his first insertion, but it should definitely be his best insertion. I started moving up and down over his cock in a cowgirl position. It is been a long time since I have been in this position. I remembered that women on top hold a dominant position and they will be able to control the course of the sex. I was able to decide on the length and speed of the strokes which made things enjoyable for both of us.

I started feeling the built of climax in me. But I prolonged it further so that my son also started building his climax. Soon he showed all symptoms of inbound climax. And then we went into full fledged fucking where my pussy wall became superhot and we climaxed together in no less than one minute. I scumbled on to his body in exertion. I looked towards Anjali and her son. They where resting with their eyes closed after a seemingly splendid masturbation section for her son.

That was the beginning of new leaf in my life. That day we spent together till night. After my first fuck session with my son, I had shed some of my inhibitions. So it didn’t shy me much when Ajay came by my side and cozed up with me. I was in the kitchen in just my blouse and petticoat, trying to put together something for them to eat. Ajay came from behind and hugged me, rubbing his cock on to my ass creak. I put my weight forward so that my buttocks thrust backwards to receive his crotch.

He was massaging my body when my son too joined the party with the encouragement from Anjali. We had another fuck session in the kitchen and that became my first threesome in my life. This time too Anjali watched us in action without joining. She decided to give all the pleasure to me one more time. She was only preparing me and my son for a bigger foursome fuck later-on in our bedroom. At that time she was the one in full throttle while we three where bit tired. There she showed her true power by her sexual dominance. Before they left for the day, I took her in private and thanked her for the first time for all the pleasure doors she had opened in front of me. She reiterated that the pleasure is hers.

After that day, we had several such meetings later on. I felt it much more easier to approach my son in their presence. It was on one such get together then that I offered to them my first smart choice. I offered them a stay in my house. I had known about their search for a new home due to their problems with the current owner. But it was difficult to get a home to a divorcee. My house is owned by me. Realizing that, and also realizing the sexual advantage of having them to stay with us, I chanced upon this idea.

Though at first she declined the offer, she later agreed to my offer. From then onwards we lived as a family. To the outside people it will look like two single mom’s decided to join hands to live peacefully. Inside we enjoyed our stay and sex together. As a general rule, whenever the situation permitted we walked inside the house dressed in nothing but blouse and petticoat, while our sons walked in just their t-shirt and nothing down. The t-shirts barely hid their cocks and when ever they are aroused, it showed up on the t-shirt. And when they are rock hard, the cocks show out their heads which always ends up in a fuck. They used to come around us and hug us from the back thrusting their semi hard cock. My son’s score card also showed improvement in this period. Thus life with our mutual sons was a very fruitful sex life. Our passions are our sons!

Hope you all liked this story. For other stories from me, search with the name writervpa in the site. For any comments and feedback, write to me at [email protected] or you can submit feedback on the site. Women who wanted to video chat with me can put in a mail at this id.

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