I may be sick and not feel well at all, but what you did to me in a fever driven dream, i am lucky that my body did not have a meltdown or explode from internal combustion. Let me tell you about it … Please.
We had come home from getting a sandwich and having a drink. The house was dark, the dogs were all in “their” rooms and it was safe to say that we were the only human inhabitants to be “home”. As you went to leave, you leaned forward as though to kiss me on the cheek and thank me for the “quick” dinner date, but you changed the direction of your lips and pressed your full and luscious lips against mine. So gentle yet so demanding; so tender yet so full of passion was your lips upon mine, your arms encircled me and drew me close to you just enough that our bodies seem to melt together as they have always done. You whispered the question of when would the “family” be home and in my answer i told you to give me 2minutes to make a phone call.
When i returned, i told you that they would not be home for several more hours. It must have been the answer you were looking for because you wasted no time in leading me down the hallway to my room, then shutting both doors just for the added security of privacy, but turning on the light on the nightstand. Even though we were both still completely dressed, you laid down upon the bed and then pulled me atop of you. Your deep and soulful kisses upon my limitedly exposed flesh started a fire deep within myself that i knew would burn me it would burn you it would burn the both of us, but i could not stop myself from craving this feeling, and i certainly could not nor did i want to stop you.
I could feel the hotness of your penis as it snuggly rested between the lips of my entry. You gruffly whispered to me to put it’s head where i wanted you to ride me, and moving slightly downward i found that spot. Slowly you began to move your hips upwards and back, then rotate them until you had managed to touch me, through our jeans, everywhere where you knew that it would bring me to climax. Your legs crossed over mine and you rolled us over, pinning me beneath you. Your hips moved more now, and your lips and tongue sought out my nipple beneath my sweatshirt. Between the touch of your penis between my thighs, and the movement of your tongue and lips upon my nipple, i experienced one of the most fantastic orgasms that i had had in a long while. I clawed at the back of your shirt then allowed my hands to press further downward until they rested upon your buttocks trying desperately to drive you even further into me as far as the constraints of our clothing would allow us to be.
Before you could lose all total control of yourself, you raised yourself from my body and began to undress me, slowly removing each piece of clothing as though it cost a fortune or savoring each moment of time and the removal of each piece of clothing. Finally i lay before you as bare as the day that i came into this world. Your eyes locked onto mine as you unbuttoned your shirt and tossed it onto the bed, then you reached for your belt and i raised up and asked that you allow me. Your hands fell to your side and as my hands shook with excitement and anticipation, i undid your belt, and then the zipper of your jeans. You gently pushed me back onto the bed and got up. You stood there and slowly removed your jeans … Making me wait with bated breath to once again see you, to look at the hardness of you.
You swooped down upon the bed beside me and pull my body next to yours. I felt the heat of our bareness together turn into an inferno. I wanted to reach between us and put you inside of me i wanted to feel the heaviness of your penis pressed as far inside of me as it has ever been. I wanted to feel you scorching me as your hips thrust slowly forward and then doing an even slower pull back. Your lips touched my ear as you spoke to me … As you asked me if i trusted you not to hurt me; as you asked if you being inside of me made me hot. How could i not trust you??? How could even the thought of you being inside of me made me hot enter your mind??? Oh babe just the thought of you or any part of you touching me being beside me beneath me atop of me and yes buried so deeply inside of me burns my flesh it makes me want to do things that i have only dared to think of before being with you.
With my answer, you got up and went into the bathroom and came back carrying something in your hand. You pulled my body to the edge of the bed and angled my hips just over the edge. Then you leaned forward and whispered once again into my ear “then if the thought of me inside of you makes you all of those things please take this and watch as i slip myself into you, watch as i bury myself so deeply into you that i disappear before your eyes, watch as i push forward and then slowly draw myself back, and all the while that i am doing this, tell me how it feels. Tell me if it makes you even hotter than with just my touch. And tell me when you are ready to have the most explosive orgasm that you have ever had and then watch it happen.
You placed the mirror in my hand, and placed my arm to the side. You positioned my legs over your shoulder so that nothing would obstruct my view. I saw the head of your penis slip between the lips of my hole and disappear into me; all the while i was feeling it. I witnessed in the mirror your hips traveling in a backward motion and i saw the entire length of you emerging from within me the skin of your penis wet and glistening with my cream all around it. I watched you slip in and out of me in the mirror and as my eyes watched … As they were riveted to the happening vision in the mirror, i could feel the pressure of you slipping in and out as well.
Oh hun, you pushed further and further into me so many times and it was not long before i could feel the breath of my body beginning to become short in quantity, i felt my nerves become raw and exposed, and i remember moaning i remember calling out your name and telling you to come with me i remember trying to tell you what this free fall of orgasm was like and i remember you telling me that you too were about to explode. I wanted to drop the mirror and let the sense of touch and feel rule my body but i couldn’t. Your body heaved and penetrated me faster and further, your body’s oxygen supply matched mine because i heard your breath become jagged and panted. And at just the right moment of release, i stole one last look in the mirror and saw that you had half pulled out and wanted me to see the cream of us separately being mixed together upon the shiny wet skin of your penis.
It was at that moment that i awoke … It was at that moment that my body caught on fire … And it was at that moment that i gasped for some amount of air to sustain my lungs and keep me breathing. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and dropped my feet to the cool floor in hopes that even the slightest bit of temperature change would cool my burning body. I know it took a good 15minutes to slow my heart rate down to adjust my breathing to accommodate the shrinking capacity of my lungs … And another hour for everything to return to a semi-normal state of being that i could go back to sleep. And people say that looking into mirrors is vain, not if they were looking at what i was!