Hi Readers, This is Sofia C again. Find below is my new story. Your comments & replies are welcomed at [email protected] Sofia sat at her desk, eyes glued to the computer. She was working late as usual. Her job practically demanded it. She was proofreading a presentation she was working on for the next day, trying to make sure she got everything absolutely right. As she goes through newly drawn dress design, she absently brushed her hair out of her eyes. Sofia was middle aged, and an attractive woman. Many of the people wondered why she wasn’t married yet, and didn’t even seem interested in dating, especially not any of the many male. A door opened to the side of Sofia’s office, and another young woman slipped in. Anu was a secretary there and also happened to be working late this evening. “Hi Sofia,” she said softly, so as not to startle the other woman. Sofia looked up. “Oh, hi Anu. I didn’t think anyone else was still here!”
“Well, I was just about to leave when I saw your light on. You should go home too, you know. You need your rest for that presentation tomorrow.”
“Oh…” Sofia shrugged. “I’ll be fine.”
Anu walked over to Sofia’s desk, standing behind her. She lightly rested her hands on Sofia’s shoulders. “You feel tense,” Anu said. “Why don’t you let me give you a back massage?”
Before Sofia could say anything, Anu had begun kneading her fingers into Sofia’s back, finding the sore spots and massaging them gently.
“Oh, Anu,” Sofia sighed. “That feels so good.” She leaned back in her chair and relaxed her neck and back for the first time in a long while.
“I’m glad you like it,” Anu smiled. As she continued the backrub, Anu slowly began to slide her hands further forward on Sofia’s shoulders, until she was almost touching her breasts. Sofia had her eyes closed and didn’t seem to notice. Anu lightly brushed the left nipple, and a shudder went through Sofia’s body, but she still didn’t protest. “Hmmm,” Anu thought to herself, “so the rumors in the air might have some truth to them after all. This could be interesting.” She leaned down toward Sofia and kissed her lightly on the back of the neck, while continuing her massage. Finding no resistance, she spun Sofia’s chair around.
Sofia smiled. “Anu, are you coming on to me?”
“Well…I suppose you could say that.”
“Good. I’ve thought you were attractive for a while, but never had the courage to act on it.” Sofia pulled Anu down into her lap, and began kissing her. Anu closed her eyes and returned the kiss with passion. She didn’t see Sofia’s hand slowly reaching into a drawer of her desk. Suddenly, with one swift motion, Sofia grabbed Anu’s arms and clasped them behind her back. Anu felt cold steel around her wrists as handcuffs were locked around them.
“Sofia! What…I mean…”
Sofia smiled. “And now to do this right.” She unbuttoned Anu’s jacket, pushing it down around her arms and exposing the sheer beige shell she wore underneath. Sofia played with her nipples through the fabric, first with her fingers and then with her tongue until the material over Anu’s breasts was quite see-through. Anu moaned softly at first, then a bit louder. Sofia then took a pair of scissors and a scarf out of her desk. When Anu saw what she was about to do, her eyes widened. “No, Sofia! Please! I don’t mmmphh…” Her last words were muffled as Sofia pushed the scarf into her mouth and tied it behind her head. Anu was pretty helpless now, and she knew it. She whimpered softly as Sofia cut through the thin material of her shirt, pushing it back and exposing the white lace bra underneath.
“You’re lucky, Anu. This bra opens in the front.” Sofia opened the bra and began fondling Anu’s large, beautiful breasts in earnest, taking them in handfuls and pressing the nipples into her mouth. When she tongued both nipples at once, Anu went crazy. Her hips gyrated against Sofia’s legs.
“Hmmm…We may need a bit more space.” Sofia forced Anu to stand, and cleared off a space on her desk. She pushed Anu down onto it so that she laid spread out, arms above her head. Sofia then began running her hands slowly up and down Anu’s nylon-covered legs. She went almost up to the place where they joined, then stopped teasingly, eliciting a groan from Anu.
“Do you want me to stop?” asked Sofia. Anu shook her head emphatically no. “Well then….” said Sofia, “you’ll have to accept whatever I choose to do to you. Can you do that?” Anu nodded. To her surprise, once she’d gotten over the initial shock of being cuffed and gagged, Anu found she was getting quite aroused. Sofia continued her torturous passage up and down Anu’s legs, getting a bit closer to the juncture each time. She then stopped abruptly. She moved closer to Anu and grasped her skirt. Anu, understanding what Sofia wanted, raised her hips obediently to allow Sofia to remove it. She did so very slowly and teasingly. Once the skirt was off, Sofia stepped back to get a good look at this beautiful woman. Anu had a nice body, with large breasts and a small waist. It was obvious that she worked out regularly. Sofia moved to Anu’s feet, removing the high heels she was wearing and massaging each foot a bit before moving on. She then worked the pantyhose down her legs and removed these as well. Sofia was delighted to find that Anu wore no panties under them.
“Now roll over onto your stomach,” Sofia commanded. Anu looked at her, wondering what would be next. “Do it!” Sofia said forcefully. Anu had no choice but to obey. She heard a drawer open and close, but could not see what Sofia was doing. Then she felt a light slap on her bare ass. Then harder, and harder. It felt as though she was being whipped with some long, thin object. The slaps continued until Anu’s bare bottom was quite red and sore, and then Sofia abruptly said, “Roll over.” Anu did so, wincing at the pain in her ass, and saw that the offending object was a ruler. She had little time to see anything else though, because Sofia suddenly pushed three fingers into Anu’s wet pussy. She was surprised at how wet Anu was, and felt glad that she was enjoying her punishment. Anu gasped as Sofia began finger-fucking her, using her thumb to stimulate Anu’s sensitive clit. Just when she was on the verge of climax, though, Sofia stopped.
“I’ve been doing all these things for you…isn’t it about time you did something for me, Anu dear?” Sofia pulled Anu off the desk and gestured for her to kneel in front of her on the floor. Sofia then quickly removed her own skirt, hose, and panties and straddled Anu’s face. Anu, quite aroused herself by this time, began to lick and suck at Sofia’s cunt and clit.
“Oh, don’t stop….it feels so good…oh, right there!” Sofia gasped and sighed her way to an orgasm, then got down on the floor beside Anu, pushed her down on the ground, and returned the favor. Aided by Sofia’s enthusiastic tongue and fingers, Anu quickly climaxed. The tension had built up for so long she almost couldn’t stand it when she finally got release. The two women lay on the floor for a few moments, exhausted by their efforts, and then Sofia sat up and reached for her desk. She unlocked the handcuffs and removed the gag, then looked over at Anu. “I hope I wasn’t too rough…I know I surprised you.”
Anu blushed; aware she couldn’t hide the excitement she had felt. “I didn’t mind…I liked it!”
“Good,” Sofia smiled, pulling on her clothes. “And now I think it’s time for us both to go home.”
“But what about my shirt?” Anu protested.
“That’s your problem,” laughed Sofia as she walked out the door. “Don’t forget to turn out the light!”
Anu sighed, and then buttoned her jacket over the remains of her torn blouse. As she walked to her car, she thought over the interesting evening. “Well, one thing’s for sure,” she said to herself, “I certainly won’t mind working late anymore!!”
I love feedback good or bad as long as it’s honest. Send all feedback to the link below. Please make sure you put the story title in the subject line so I know it’s not spam.