Late Bloomer

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Hey guys. This is shubham back again with a new indian sex story. It’s a bit long but I am sure you would enjoy it.

“Uh…Uh” were the sounds escaping my lips as I moved forward and back. The sight before me was just what any man will cream his pants for. Aby sat before me taking my cock in the valley of her huge tits and kept muttering things like “Huh… Like it stud? Wanna keep fucking my tits or go back to my pussy?”

And that’s when it happened. Before I could tell her that I wanted nothing more than to fuck her senseless and then go on to fuck her ass, a loud sound made this fabulous scene disappear. I woke up in my bed to find the alarm as the culprit.

“Ah…” I slumped back on the bed.

I looked down to a massive hard-on.This was not something new for me. I had been fantasizing about aby, the daughter of one of my father’s best friends for a while now. I got up and went toward the bathrooms.

In the shower I couldn’t help reflecting on how pathetic my life really was. I was 19 and still a virgin, infact, I hadn’t even had a blowjob till date. And unable to find a girlfrind after anu broke up with me 6 months ago I had now been dreaming about aby.

“Well, at least I have a decent career for myself”, I thought as I made my way from the shower towards my room to get dressed for college. I was an engineering student in delhi college of engineering, one of the most prestigious colleges in india, but let me assure that is not enough to get one laid.

On the way to breakfast I couldn’t help but let my thoughts wander on the events of the last two years.

Uncle rakesh, aby’s dad and my dad had been friends from their college times & settled after getting good jobs in bhopal. Our families often got together & were very close, but then 6 years ago he got a good offer for a job in delhi, and accepted it. So, when I got admission for my engineering course in delhi, I went to meet them, and was totally flabergasted on seeing aby. It had been 4 years since I had last seen her, and she had changed for better.

From being a cute skinny girl at 12 years she had transformed into a perfect hottie. With long beautiful jet-black hairs, a cute smile,slender hips, beautiful skin, big boobs that always looked like they might spill out at any moment, and an angelic face that somehow made her look sexy now, rather than cute as it did a few years ago, she was a sight good enough to enrapture anyone.

I sat down on the table and started on whatever rubbish was presented before me as I went through today’s paper. As usual I checked my horoscope, it said today is a day for big things to happen for you. Your endeavours shall be fruitful today.

Ah. Only if these words could be true.

The vibration of my cell phone brought my attention to see my dad’s call.

“Hey dad”, I said.

“Hey, kiddo. How’s life?”

“Nothing much. Just the usual. How come you are calling so early in the morning?”

“Well. You forgot. Didn’t you? We are leaving for delhi right now. We’ll be there by 5 o’clock. Be there at the party tonight.”

“Oh shit. I had really forgotten. Thanks for reminding. See you tonight.”

“Bye son”

“Bye dad”

Ok. Tonight was the anniversary of dilip uncle one of the friends of dad’s. He was throwing a huge party and all of us were off course supposed to be present. Good news. Aby will be there. Now atleast I’ll be able to see her. It had been over a month since the last time we met.

I went through the motions of classes through the day with my mind on aby. I was spotted twice daydreaming by professors and one of them threw me out of the class. I had a surprise quiz and without surprise it went shitty. I knew none of the answers and could tell before evaluation that my score was going to be one of the lowest in the whole class. On my way back to the hostel my bag tore open in a hallway sending all my books flying on the floor.

“Great” I said to myself “Some great day I’m having.” my mind on the horoscope thinking that if I could get my hands on the horoscope guy I would starngle him in an instant.

I took a shower. Put on my best clothes, sprayed some perfume and got going for the party. As I got to my bike some of the anger ebbed away just by looking at my motorbike. Yeah, I was a speed junkie and I loved my yamaha r15 dearly. It didn’t take me long to reach the hotel for the party which looked like it was in full swing as I entered the poolside area.

“Ryan” came a loud cry from my right. I turned right to discover the source of the cry ,my mother, approaching me in quick strides.I went up to her.

“Hey mom. How are you?” I said hugging her. She held onto me strongly saying it had been too long since the last time I came home and that I looked a lot thinner, well the usual. Obviously thin was a word not usually associated with me. I had always been into sports specially football, and now in college even if I didn’t get the time to play competitively I still spent quite a lot of time in the gym making sure I didn’t go out of shape. At 6’1″ & 195 lbs I could hardly be called ‘thin’.

I met dad and then went to the table of the teens.Immediately aby noticed me and came up for a greeting.

She was dressed according to the warm weather in a tight blue sleevless top that still left some of her midriff exposed and a short white skirt allowing a lot of the leg and thigh area open for the audience. She had had a new hairdo and it looked great. All in all she looked good enough to eat.

“Hi” she said hugging me “Roy is here” she muttered in my ear with an evil grin.

I looked around & saw a tall guy devoid of any muscle seated in the chair farthest to me. This was roy. He was the son of another of dad’s friends. He was one of the biggest idiots that I had ever met and had an overconfidence problem, always acting as if he was superman, could do anything, and was good at everything.

But an important fact about him was that he had a major crush on aby. And a major fact about aby was that she was a big tease. She was gorgeous and she knew it. She liked to flaunt herself and roy was her favourite victim. She often flirted with him and then after getting him worked up left him alone. For the past few months she had been using me. In front of roy, she would get very touchy feely with me, eat from my plate, dance very close with me etc. Etc. & the idiot would get jealous.

She always trusted me as a good friend often giving me a call with her problems, hanging out with me. But our relationship was friendship and nothing more. Our parents actually considered us as good as cousins. But I had always fantasized about more, it had been almost 2 years and from a coy beauty at 16 aby had turned into a breathtaking goddess at 18 years of age.

“Hi ryan.” came a greeting from the chair next to aby’s. It was ria, aby’s next door neighbour and best friend. I had met her a few times and always admired her beauty.

She was pretty different from aby in terms of looks but no less sexy. She was one of those slender girls that have a pair of tits disproportionate to her slender frame not as big as aby’s but still big, a rocking body and looooong legs that seem to go on forever, which she always seemed to flaunt.With a 5’10” height, big brown eyes and a beautiful face she looked more like a fashion model than a normal high schooler.

Today was no different. She was wearing a single piece black dress made of some sheer fabric that ended well above her knees and showed those toned legs wonderfully.

“Hey. How are you?” was my reply as I took my seat and took the apetizer plate from the waiter.

“Looks like roy is extra horny today. He has been flirting extra hard with me tonight. I’m gonna have soooo much fun.” aby said to me with a wicked gleam in her eyes few moments later.

After chatting with everyone for a few minutes we all headed for the dance floor which was not very densely populated as of that moment. Some typical rap song was on and we started grinding to the beat.

It was a few minutes later that I realised that aby was dancing really close to me tonight, her hands on my body at all times or her ass grinding with my front. This wasn’t anything new but the intensity tonight was higher than ever before. I looked towards our parents to see them busy in their own world and then to roy who was staring right at us with daggers in his eyes.If only looks could kill…..

Aby continued her heavy flirting with me all night, but a new developement was that ria was almost as attentive to me as aby tonight. I spent half the time dancing with both of them. I knew that their aim was to make roy jealous but judging by the looks I was getting, I think I ended up making a large percentage of male attendees jealous.But all this flirting had an effect on me too, infact I had a full hard-on and had to go and jerk off in the men’s room in the middle of the party, something I had never done before.

At about 11.30, as the party was winding down, uncle rakesh and dad came up to us and informed us that they were going off for the night to uncle dilip’s farm house and asked if I could drop aby home. I replied in the affirmative.

I asked roy to drive the girls in his toyota to their homes, but aby promptly refused saying she wanted to ride with me on my bike. So me and aby ended up on the bike while roy sped with ria on his passenger seat. I knew aby enjoyed high speed biking as much as me so I never dropped to speed limits and with midnight traffic being as good as nil, I could really pull impossible turns at speeds of over 110 mph.

As soon as we reached their homes, aby asked me “Do you have any plans tomorrow?”

“No.Free saturady. Why?”

“I wanna try something tonight.” she replied with the familiar evil glint in her eyes.

Before I could ask what these plans were, roy pulled in with ria. Aby turned to him and asked,

“Roy, parents are not here tonight, you wanna just hang out here?”

If he was surprised at this invitation, he didn’t show it, but asked “What do you have in mind?”

“Oh I don’t know. We could just play cards, or watch some movie or something.”

Roy proving that he had some brain functioning realised that this would be another round of provocations & declined “Sorry. I’m beat, just wanna go & hit the sack.”

Aby, never to accept a no, upped the stakes, “C’mon. I think what we’ll do here will be a lot more fun. By cards I mean strip poker here. You sure you don’t wanna play?”

“Strip poker?” his face showed absolute shock, some of which I believe must have been on my face as well, looking at ria I thought she looked surprised as well but not much as if this was an idea they had talked about a little.

“Yeah.Ryan, here has played it before and I wanna have some wild adventure before joining college.”

“Ok. I’m game” clearly he was ready to do anything to do to get to see aby partially or fully naked, and I soon realised so was I.

Looking at me aby said, “You are in, aren’t you?”

With some amount of trepidation I just nodded. But then decided to take charge. First of all I needed to talk to aby about this.So roy had to be gotten rid of, at least for a few minutes.

“Ok. Roy, we’ll need some alcohol & you are the only one over 21, so go and get us some tequilla, rum & coke.” I said ordering the same drinks that me and my high school crew had used in the fateful game that we had played 2 years ago.

“Fine.” he said, looking very anxious to get this started as soon as possible. I couldn’t really blame the guy.

As soon as he moved out of the curb, I went in the house to find, both the girls on the couch and having a discussion, more like aby was explaining something to ria.

As soon as I was in sight, I canted my head towards left and went in the guest bedroom on the ground floor. Aby followed me in there.

“What do you think you are doing?” I enquired in a strong voice.

“Just as I said I want to have a wild experience and tonight just seems like it’s time I had it.”

She said smiling ” & don’t even pretend you don’t want to do this, I know you think ria is pretty hot”

“How did you get her to do this?” curiosity getting the better of me.

“You know, she is much wilder than she might appear to be. This is something she’s never done before, and it took a little begging to her better side.”

Ok. Everyone was ready. But there was some serious stuff yet to be talked about.

“Do you remember how I told you my last strip poker game ended?” I was referring to how one of my classmates had drunkenly tried to grab at one of the girl’s tits causing her to go hysteric and cause an abrupt end to the game.

“Yeah. I do, but with you here, I don’t have much to fear. Besides, he is just putty in my hands.”

“You may think so, but after a little booze who knows how will he react. Just remember, you might not be able to control him that easily when he is drunk & horny.”

“Oh. Don’t worry. I’m gonna bring the old deck out.”

“Well, you scheming bitch, then it should be fine.”

I knew she was referring to the old deck in which most of the cards were marked in some manner or the other. Some cards were faded at specific points on the back, some were cut or torn just a little at edges. Having played with these cards for a while, both of us knew pretty much every card.

“Ok. Time to setup then.” she practically skipped out of the room.

“And exactly how far are you willing to let this game go?” I shouted to her, but she was already gone.

We ended up setting the square coffee table in aby’s bedroom. Two easy chairs, a fill up couch provided seating arrangements on three sides, while bed was to be used on the fourth. I set up some slow sensual songs on the playlist for the music player and dimmed the lights just a bit. Aby brought some small glasses for shots, and some lemon.

Roy returned a few minutes later carrying two tiny bottles of tequilla & one bottle of rum.

We sat around the table & I started to explain the rules.

“It’s normal poker. The important bit is after the hand is finished. The winner chooses the loser and asks for a piece of clothing. Shoes, watch, belt etc are accessories and aren’t considered as clothing.

If a player deems a piece of clothing necessary for his/her modesty then he/she may opt for doing shots. But each such denial for stripping will increase the number of shots, I.E. For the first time you refuse to remove a piece of clothing you do 1 shot but the next time you do 2, next 3 so on. If all the other players think one has had too much to drink, then he/she may be forbidden from further drinking and he/she will have to do the dares as set by the winnner.”

“So it’s strip, or drink, or perform dares” ria piped up. She had gone home & changed in purple set of pajamas. She still looked sexy as hell

“Yes. In that particular order.” I replied with my eyes roaming all over her body.

So, the game began. Despite knowing what cards others had, it wasn’t easy to win. But, either me or aby ended up winning 5 out of first 7 games.

Me and aby had just lost our socks, while ria had lost her socks and her pajama top, though she was wearing a sheer white thing that I’m sure isn’t a part of her usual nighttime attire, so there wasn’t much skin on show yet. All this while, roy had lost his socks, shirt & undershirt. He was sitting in his jeans & blushing slightly at his exposed torso. He was kind of ok, not very well built.

Everyone kept sipping their rum & coke & judging by the sexual inneudoes in our banter, I suspected that everyone’s inhibitions were lowering at a fast pace.

So when I won the next round, changing the trend, I asked for roy’s jeans.

“Dude. That’s fucking unfair. You’re supposed to get the chicks naked. Not me.”

“Just don’t wanna be stamped as a sexist. Anyway I hope, the girls will start undressing each other as well.” I said with a smile. Aby grinned at me. She had talked to me often about why guys love girl on girl action & I hadn’t been able to give much of an answer to the why but had explained in detail how much I liked it.

Roy sat there thinking for a moment & then said, “Ok. I think I’ll take the shot.”

So he downed a tequilla shot.

Ria won the next round and with an impish smile at me asked for aby’s pajama top.

“Traitor.” aby muttered but started taking off her top.

“Would you please be gracious enough to do exactly as I hoped?” I said, referring to the bit about ‘chicks undressing each other’.

“You seriously want ria to take my top off?”



So ria went ahead and started pulling aby’s top. I stared with such immense concentration that even a fire under my ass wouldn’t have distracted me at that moment. It was as if everything was happenning in slow motion, I felt my heartbeat rising as inch by inch of aby’s abs and then bra clad tits came into view.She had absolutely creamy skin with no blemishes & the blue satin bra looked extremely sexy in contrast against her very pink skin.

“Wow” roy breathed, sounding as if he had been holding his breath for a while.

Aby won the next round and asked roy for his jeans. He took two shots. He was quite buzzed now.

So the game went on.

Soon everyone except me was sitting in their underwear. I had just my jeans and my boxers on. Aby had her blue bra panty set while ria had black set on. Roy was sporting brown briefs, which didn’t do much to hide his hard-on.

I had a pretty massive hard-on myself but at least it wasn’t visible much.

I won the next round and when asked for roy’s underwear, he opted for a dare.

“Dance on it’s raining men pretending to be a girl” I was buzzed as well & having fun.

“What?” his eyes went wide.

“Yup. Dance like a girl, with proper hip shakes and ass grinding. 4 minutes.”

Both the girls were beyond themselves in laughter at the performance he put forward. When he came back to sit down he was giving me pure murderous glare.

Next round, ria won and gave aby the dare to “French kiss one of the guys for full one minute”

Aby just grinned at this, swayed over to me, and after planting herself on my lap, whispered,

“I’m nervous, but I wanna do this. Please don’t hold back.”

She was about to kiss me. Why on earth will I hold back?

I was no novice to kissing, but still this kiss was my first with her, and first in front of an audience.

Her fingers touched my cheek, and then our lips joined together.After a few seconds I put more pressure and she responded in kind, my hands which were on her waist till now started stroking her spine, and then went on to her ass to shift her so that she was right on top of my bulge.

I nudged forward with my tonge and her mouth opened accepting me eagerly. I brushed her teeth once with my tongue and then met her tongue. She moaned into my mouth, and gripped me even more tightly as if wanting to ensure that there wasn’t a seperation of even a few millimeters between us. Now we were mashing our lips together. The passion in those moments was immense.

I had kissed a few girls before but nothing like this, it was as if every nerve in my body was on fire,

Adrenaline going into overdrive in my body. Clearly the best kiss of life.

“That’s enough.” a loud cry ultimately brought us both back to earth.

“You know the dare was just for a minute but you two didn’t look like you’d ever stop.” ria said looking mad. She looked positively jealous at that moment. I just groaned at not being able to continue the best kiss of my life. I looked over at aby & she appeared flushed & probably as excited as I felt at that moment.

Roy looked just dumbfounded. But somehow luck favoured him and he won the next round. I could see the internal battle going on inside his head. On one hand he wanted to take my clothes to get back at me and on the other hand he wanted to get the girls nude. So he sat indecisive for a few moments & then taking a big sip of his rum & coke asked aby for her bra.

Aby who had already drunk enough was debating whether to take the bra off of go for another dare. Ultimately she decided, “The game is strip poker. There’s nothing wrong with a bit of nudity.” and promptly unclasped the bra.

Now I had seen three pairs of tits in my life till that day.Either in the backseat of a car, or in dark.

So seeing aby’s large melons in bright light of the room was a much better and erotic experience. It was all I could do to just not jump her right then & there.

I heard a moan from my right & saw that roy was absentmindedly rubbing his cock from outside his briefs with his sight still firmly on to aby’s boobs with brown colored nipples.

Wow. I thought to myself, this is really happenning.

Winning the next round I promptly asked ria for her bra.

Emboldened by aby, ria just took a second and shrugged out of her bra.

Her tits were smaller but perfect for her frame. They had light pink nipples that looked so erotic. Somehow her tits turned me on even more than aby’s. This was something I had never thought possible.

Next up everyone went for dares. I had to lick chocolate syrup from ria’s midriff, in which my tongue went wandering towards her nipples a couple of times. But rather than scolding me she simply moaned.Aby had to massage roy for two minutes. He looked like he might just pass out from the pleasure.Another round I was asked to enact my favourite sex scene from a movie. I told them that it was the lovemaking scene from indecent proposal between demi moore & woody harrelson.

“We don’t just wanna know but see it.” slurred aby who was pretty buzzed by now.

“What? I make love to thin air now?”

“Yeah! It’s a dare afterall.” this from roy who seemd to be relishing in my discomfort over this.

So I went to the floor and started the touching, holding & caressing as best as I remembered from the scene that I had seen several times, making the moaning noises. Sometime later, the voice in my head saying ‘this is stupid’ somehow muted away & I started feeling like really there was a beautiful woman beneath me writhing on the floor. This was fabulous. But I came to my senses a few seconds later & decided that the scene was over, but I had enjoyed my dare a lot.

Hence feeling more turend on that ever before in my life, on winning the next round I asked ria

“Have you ever fooled around with a girl?”

“What?” her eyes were wide in shock.

“Kiss aby for a minute.” I sentenced with finality.

I knew for sure that aby wouldn’t mind. She had told me a couple of times that she had learned how to kiss from her elder cousin sister.

Ria sat there fidgetting for a few moments. She looked at me “I can’t do 3 more shots. I totally lose control when drunk.” as she said this, she tucked a stray strand of hairs which had come loose, back behind her ear. This simple motion somehow looked amazingly sexy.

“Well then just make out with aby and you won’t have to do 3 shots.” I knew I was being mean but to see two such hot girls make out in real life would be totally worth it.

She looked hesitant for a few more moments and then went towards aby who looked surprised but went on with the flow. The kiss was hesitant for a few seconds but then aby put her hand behind ria’s neck and pulled her close. After that the kiss became more intimate, and well, hot. They kept mashing their lips at each other for a while clearly enjoying the experience. And well, me & roy were not going to stop them even though a minute had long since passed.

Ultimately they broke it off, both looking mighty pleased, & I whistled

“Girls, that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. You two are so sexy.”

Ria blushed profusely as if just realising that she had an audience.

Roy on the other hand looked dumbstruck, speech a concept far beyond him.

Ria won the next round and asked roy for his briefs. He blushed and then muttered “Fuck it.”

He stood up took his briefs off and threw them away, and stood presenting his erection proudly. Well his confident attitude had to show somewhere.

Both the girls went quite and looked with curiosity at the sight before them. So did I. I had never seen an erect penis apart from mine in real life. Those porn ones don’t count.

His cock was smaller than mine , I congratulated myself at that. It was about 6inches while mine was bigger than 7 & 1/2 inches. His was thinner as well so with a smirk I said “Let’s continue.”

Next couple of rounds went well, not too embarassing dares and I lost my jeans just sitting in my boxers. Roy then asked for ria’s panties, which she reluctanctly took off but sat down immideately crossing her legs and preventing from view.I wasn’t too disappointed. I liked breasts better than pussies anyway and right now I had 4 for my viewing pleasure. The way aby’s tits jiggled whenever she moved or laughed, I felt like I was hypnotised.

Aby won the next round and asked roy to jack off in front of us. Ria actually gasped at this.

Roy, with all his self confidence gone, muttered “I can’t do that.”

“Too bad. Go on drink 4 shots.”

Looking nervous roy managed his first two shots but after the third, he looked ready to hurl. He somehow stopped it and then finished his fourth shot and then went staright to the toilet, looking all green.

All of us were laughing. A couple of minutes later, he came back barely managing to walk looking very angry and shouted “You bitch!” at aby.

But then his foot slipped on something, probably a slipper and he fell facefirst on the floor.

We all went up to him. He was mumbling something unintelligible and his eyes were almost closed.

“I think he is done for the night. Let’s put him to bed.”

I carried him to the bed he had been sitting on,very conscious of the fact that I was holding a naked man with a hard-on, dropped him on the bed, propped a couple of pillows and covered him with a blanket.

Turning to the girls, I said, “Well. I suppose that’s end of the game as well.”

“No way. I am naked, and neither of you are. This is unfair. The game must continue.” ria whined “Anyway. I am having fun. Didn’t you like it?”

“No I liked the game, but I thought the reason behind the game was to tease roy” I said looking at aby.

“It was. But I had fun. Let’s continue.” aby replied.

So we moved the table and cards to aby’s parents’s room & continued the game.

I could feel that the girls were almost as aroused as I was. There was a big wet spot on aby’s panties and a musky aroma could be smelled in the room. I suppose that must be the smell of a girl’s arousal.

The game was a lot sexual now, and both me and aby didn’t take long to lose our last piece of clothing.

Aby similar to ria didn’t give much of a look at her labia but when I took my boxers off both the girls gasped.

“It’s so big.” ria looked like she got santa’s biggest prize. I knew I was not small, but it felt really great to hear a hot girl compliment the size of my ererction.

“Well. I suppose you can say it’s bigger than roy.” I said with a smile.

“I’ll say. It’s so beautiful.” mumbled aby, whose eyes were rivetted on my cock.

I expected the game to be over now that everyone was naked, but since neither one of them said anything about it so I just sat back on the bed.

As I took my seat back, a look passed between both of them, ria grinned nervously before shaking her head as if refusing something but aby just smiled wickedly.

I came to know what all that was about, when the next round ended, aby being the winner, looked at ria

And announced, “Go on. Blow him.I know you want to. And I wanna see how good you really are. The way you keep telling stories about sucking cock, I wanna see how much of it is true.”

Ria looked mildly shocked, but then said,”Ok. But on one condition.” she looked at me with a very serious face. I thought I was ready to do anything, to get my first blowjob.

“I want you to kiss me the way you kissed her earlier tonight. It was the hottest kiss I’ve ever seen, & trust me I’ve seen a few. I will blow you if you kiss me like that” she finished.

A hot babe wanted a kiss in return to blowing me? Hell yeah. At that moment I felt like the luckiest shit in the world.

She came over to me and planted herself on my lap not unlike the way aby had, an hour ago. Her hands went behind my ears and she planted a juicy kiss on my lips. I wasn’t idle either. One of my hands was on her neck and the other on her gloriously naked ass.

Her mouth opened up as I darted my tongue in her mouth and immediately she started wrestling my tongue with hers. I nibbled on her lips and kept up pressure, but somehow it didn’t feel like the kiss with aby. It was a great kiss but just not the same. Still, I pulled every trick I knew.

We kept at it for a while but ultimately broke off heaving for breath. She looked at me and smiled,

“Damn. You are a fantastic kisser.”

“Thanks.” I blushed, & then looked over at aby, who was rubbing herself.

“Now about that blowjob that I promised you…”


“Come and sit on the edge of the bed & pass me a pillow.” I did.

She kept the pillow under her knees as she knelt infront of me on the marble floor and took my erection in her hands, stroking me lightly.

Now, I had been hard for a couple of hours and even though I had jerked off during the party, I knew I couldn’t possibly last long.So I urged her,

“Please suck on it.”

She looked up at me and with a smile, & licked lightly from the base to the crown & I shuddered. She repeated this a couple of times and then took the head of my cock in her mouth and sucked powerfully.

The sensations passing through me are impossible to be described in words.This was so so better than jerking off. Electric sparks were shooting through my spine.

Ria then broke free looked at me relax and then took as much of me as she could in her mouth, while her hand went to my balls scratching them lightly. And then she started bobbing her head up down.

The waves of pleasure shooting through me were incredible.Being a virgin, I spent most of my time fantasizing about sexual scenarios but in none of those fantasies had I ever come anywhere close to imagining so much pleasure.

Then she brought her hand on my shaft and started jerking me off still keeping the tip of my cock in her mouth looking up at me with those gorgeous brown eyes and smiled with my cock still stretching her mouth wide. She looked so beautiful at that moment, and her smile sent a tingling sensation along my cock that the orgasm I had been trying so hard to keep at bay just broke through.

“I’m gonna cum.” I shouted, but she just kept sucking strongly around the head of my cock and kept stroking strongly.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!” I cried as spasms of the strongest orgasm of my life went through me.

She just kept swallowing making a sound like “Mmmmmmmmmmm”

When I was done I just thudded on the bed breathing very heavily.I was sorry I couldn’t last longer. The whole thing took like, 3-4 minutes, but it was glorious all the same. But I sat back up to see ria licking my cock clean and then take a trickle of cum that had slipped out to her chin back into her mouth.

“Wow. That was a lot of cum.” she said looking at me with a broad smile on her lips.

“Ria. That was absolutely incredible. I can’t describe how great I feel right now.”

“Thanks. I enjoyed it too.”

“Let me return the favour.” I said without thinking.

“What?” she asked looking confused.

“Let me orally pleasure you.”

“You’d do that?”

“Of course.”

“Hey. That wasn’t a part of the game” came aby’s voice. Oh. I had totally forgotten there was another gorgeous naked babe in the room. Well I suppose blowjobs tend to concentrate a guy’s mind on only one thing.

“Fuck the game.” I retorted.

“Yeah. I wanna be eaten out. I’ve never done that before.” ria said.

“Uh.Ok.” aby shrugged.

“Are you going to take a center seat to the exhibition?” ria asked.

“Yeah. This stuff is so hot & I’m so horny. I came so hard just looking at you blowing him.”

“Fine. I don’t mind you looking.” I said, after all she had been here till now and I wasn’t going to get rid of eye candy for nothing.

“C’mon stud. You promised to do something for me.” ria said from the bed lying on her back.

As I approached her, I couldn’t help but appreciate her beauty. Absolutely creamy skin, flushed with arousal, her skin was hot to my touch, her tits pointing up without any sign of sag and an expression of being turned on beyond belief with eyes closed, she looked good enought to be sculpted right then.

I went ahead and kissed her firmly on the lips, she kissed me with equal fervor and gasped in my mouth as one of my hands went on help left breast and pinched the nipple.

I started going down with little butterfly kisses. I kissed lightly on both tits one by one and then started playing with them, pinching, kissing, caressing. I was just having fun and judging by the moans from ria, she was enjoying this as well.

When I reached her belly, she was shivering with sexual energy. I kissed her strongly letting my tongue into the bellybutton and she moaned loudly.

But then I went down to get my first close up look at a pussy. True it looked much less exciting than a pair of tits. It was a pink slit surrounded by a mane of black hairs, nothing too erotic but I knew it was the key to everything erotic so I kept myself from judging.

I simply ran my tongue along the slit once and she gasped loudly. So I dove in tongue first. I nibbled for a while, and the taste was not too bad, more like stale strawberries, sweet but musky. Then I introduced my fingers, opening the lips I tensed my tongue and thrashed it in. Almost immediately ria started thrashing on the bed. Encouraged, I had some more fun and then I saw a pink nub at the top of the pussy, which I supposed was the clit. I just rubbed it with my tongue a few times and got very strong reactions from her confirming it was the clit.

Then I started sawing my middle finger in and out of her slit as I kept my tongue at the upper part of her pussy, often rubbing the clit. Ultimately I increased the pace of my finger and wrapped the clit in my mouth and sucked powerfully.

Ria was mouthing the words, “Ohmigod! Ohmigod! Oh my fucking god!!! Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! Fuck.”

This was accompanied by a lot of liquid dumped on my face but it was hard to capture it all in my mouth. Anyway I found it hard to move or even breathe as she had clamped her thighs around my head during her orgasm. I kept fingering her, but just as I thought I might pass out from shortness of breath she released me of the death grip.

Taking big gulps of air I stood up to see ria lying on the bed eyes closed and with taking shallow breaths.

“Wow. That was much better than watching porn.” aby commented from the edge of the bed resting on the headboard. I had totally forgotten that she was in the room. Goddamn, she looked sexy with her hand still in her crotch rubbing herself

“Hell yeah. I’ve never had an orgasm half as good as that. You were wonderful.” ria added her bit still lying on the bed.

“I’m glad you liked it.” I replied

She rose up to kiss me again and slurped up her juices from my lips and then lower jaw.

“Hey, I don’t taste bad.” she said cracking up and then looking at me.

“And you are hard again!” she exclaimed

“What else do you expect? Both of you are sitting here naked and I just spent last 10 minutes kissing your pussy. Of course I’m hard.”

Ria went quiet for a few seconds and then nervously asked me “So do you want me to suck it again or do something else?”

“Something else?” she couldn’t possibly mean what I thought she did.

“But you are a virgin!!!!” aby exclaimed.

“I know.” ria replied reproachfully. Then looking at me with a soft expression, she said, “And I’d love for you to make me a woman.”

Even though I was too dumbfounded to formulate words, aby asked the question that I wanted to ask,

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah.” she breathed running her eyes over my naked body appreciatively, “He’s a hunk, you know I’ve been waiting to lose my virginity to a nice guy like him, and after the wonderful orgasm he gave me, I feel like I wanna give him my cherry.”

Whoa, whoa, this was all happenning too much too fast. A hot babe like ria wanted to have sex with me. Me. I had no idea what lucky stars had caused this to happen but I wasn’t complaining.

I was going to lose my virginity. I had been dreaming about this moment for years but now that it was here, I was scared out of my wits. But then an important point hit me.

“Are you on the pill?” I asked ria.

“No.” her face fell, “Do you have a condom?”


“No. I had no idea something like this could happen.” I was mentally kicking myself. Most of my friends kept condoms in their wallets, but not me. Stupid, idiot, moron me.

“There is a chemist just a block from here.” aby informed me.

“Wait for just a couple of minutes. I’ll be back.” I called to ria as I started grabbing my clothes.

It took me like 4-5 minutes to buy a pack of condoms and get back. I ran back to the bedroom to find both girls still gloriously naked and deep in conversation.

Thank god!

The entire time that I had been gone, nightmares kept running through my head, where I came back to find that ria had her clothes back on and changed her mind, or worse they had engaged in drinking and promptly passed out.

As they noticed me, aby blushed pink with a nervous smile and ria gave me a pure sultry look.

“So. Are you ready?” I asked.

“Hell yeah. And aby will be here watching.” ria smiled

“Huh?” I wasn’t very confident and having an audience only added to my nervousness. But I wasn’t going to say no to anything at this moment.


Ria came up to me and planted a fat kiss on my lips and all the tension and nervousness was forgotten. One of my hands reached for her breast and she smiled “Typical boy. Can’t get enough of tits?”

“What can I say? They are beautiful.” I replied. They really were.

We kept making out and landed on the bed and laying ria on her back I kissed every inch of her body. Man, she smelled good. I found out that she gave pretty strong reactions at many spots like the small of her back, or back of her knees, her collarbone and area near her armpits.

By the time I got to her pussy she was positively trembling.

“Please. You’ve already eaten me out. Now come up and fuck me.”

Hearing her whimpering like that made my blood boil but I wanted to get her close to orgasm so that even if I didn’t last long I could at least claim to have brought her to an orgasm. I had heard too many stories about virgins being horrible the first time. It took me just a couple of minutes to bring her to the edge of orgasm and when her breath was coming in very short gasps I took the condom and put it on.

It felt strange, kind of constriciting and cold. But well, for the pleasure that were promised to me with sex I suppose I could ignore the discomfort.

I moved into position. Moment of truth. Don’t embarass yourself buddy. That’s what I kept telling myself.

I placed my condom-wrapped cock in position and pushed forward with my hips through her labia and into ria’s virgin pussy. Now I had nothing to compare to the tightness I felt around my cock but the going was not very easy with me trying to be as gentle as possible. But the sensation was absolutely awesome, better than even the blowjob. I had no feeling to compare it to, or even the words to describe it.

Ria was moaning constantly, and holding on to me for dear life and then I felt her maidenhood. I stopped retreated and kissed her firmly, maybe she thought that the entire cock was in, because she relaxed in the kiss a moment later. I kept kissing and caressing her for a while and then with a sudden forward movemnt broke through her hymen.

“Oh. Fuck” she gasped. There were tears from her eyes.

“Did it hurt too much?” I couldn’t help from asking.

“Yes. It hurt but at least it’s over now.” she said with tightly clenched teeth.

I just stayed there in position without moving and just kissing her neck and collarbone.

Few moments later she whispered, “It’s ok now. Pain has decreased, go on.”

I moved my hips and found that the friction was exquisite. I had spent a lot of time in the past wondering what this might feel like but never had my imagination conjured such pleasure. My hand was nothing, absolutely nothing compared to this.

Slowly I picked up speed and ria’s moans grew louder.

“Oh. It feels good. Too good. Keep going. Keep going.” she urged me. Yeah, as if I would have stopped or even slowed down for anything in this world.

Giving up all pretenses of gentleness I started ramming my hips with all I had. Just a few seconds of this and ria started shouting

“I’m cumming. I’m cumming.You fucker, you’re making me cum again. Fuuuuuuuuuck”

Her channel clenched and spasmed around my cock as a lot of liquid was dumped at our joining. But I wasn’t there yet. Hell, I was finding it hard to pump through her orgasm, her thrashing had disturbed my rhythm and speed.

But, I was proud to have given her an orgasm, by the looks of it, a big one.Now I could enjoy this fuck without any worries. So when she came down from her high, ria found me still fucking her.

“Fuck. Didn’t you cum?” she looked worried as if it was her fault that I had not had my release yet.

“No. But it won’t take long. You feel too good.” I answered her

Just a couple of minutes later, even though I could detect beginning of another orgasm from ria I just couldn’t hold back. I came filling the condom with all my hot jizz.

“Oh. I can feel it. It’s wonderful.” ria crooned in my ears.

Now this was my third orgasm for tonight, second within an hour but it was huge. I had never thought I could cum so much. I just kept pumping & shooting till it felt I had just lost every energy carrying fibre in my body & I fell in a sweaty mass over ria who hugged me passionately.

“Wow.” that was all I could manage, breathing faster than if I had run a mile & sporting a shit eating grin on my face.

“Wow is right. That looked fucking incredible.” aby screeched from what felt like a distance. Truly speaking, my brain was mush for those few moments.

As I got off ria, she looked at me, “Was it good for you?”

“Are you kidding? I just came worth my bodyweight. It was awesome. You?”

“It was even better than I imagined it to be. I had heard so many horrific tales about first times. But this was the best experience of my life. Thank you. Thank you so very much.” with this she came up & kissed me. She looked positively effervescent.

But now the condom wrapped around my slowly deflating rod felt strage & squishy. So I thought visiting the bathroom & cleaning myself was necessary. For a moment I considered asking if ria wanted to take a shower with me, but then thought better not to push my luck too far.

“Excuse me ladies” I said with a regal wave in my most pompous manner. Both the girls tittered at my theatrics as I started walking towards the bathroom.

God, it felt strange & uncomfortable to have my cock surrounded by my rapidly cooling cum in the condom. I couldn’t wait to get it off. After doing that I washed my cock in water & then took a shower for good measure. The water felt good on my skin & I still had a sense of contentment washing all over me. I suppose I was seeing the aftereffects of having good sex.

So, after a few minutes with a towel wrapped around my waist I came out, but stopped mid-way, because of what I heard,

“He’ll never go for it.” aby said sounding as if she was convincing herself as much as ria.

“He’s a guy. He can never say no. Besides did you forget the kiss you guys had earlier tonight?” ria reasoned.

“Yeah. It was beautiful.” aby purred, then sounding contrite added, “But he doesn’t feel that way, or he would have made a move long ago.”

“You are just being stupid. He is as attracted to you as any guy can possibly be. Hell, he doesn’t notice me half the time because he is so focussed on you.”

“He just looks out for me. He thinks of me like a little sister.” aby replied sounding close to tears.

“I am so jealous of you right now. You just had my fantasy right in front of my eyes.”

Holy crap! Could this be what I thought it was? But how?

Aby was a goddess. I had always thought she liked me just as a friend, our family’s constraints always within sight, I had never seriously considered making a move on her despite having had numerous fantasies starring her.I didn’t exactly think of her like a sister, but I had just assumed my non-platonic desires towards her just won’t materialise, ever.

But this was different. It sounded like, aby had similar desires towards me. Holy crap. How could I have not noticed?

“God. It just breaks my heart that the guy I’ve had a crush on forever doesn’t as much as consider me.” aby’s frustrated voice percolated through to my brain like lightening.

Aby had a crush on me? Shit. Maybe teenaged boys like me are as clueless as they are claimed to be.

It’s just that I had always considered aby to be so out of my league that I had always explained every brush of her body against mine, every little flirtation with some answer in my head. Just never allowed myself to consider that she might want to be with me. But, now it looked like that was the case, & to say that I was surprised would be an understatement.

“But how is that possible?”

Both the girls turned towards me with surprised looks on their faces, just as I realised that I had said these words out loud rather than in my head.

“How much did you hear?” aby asked me looking panic striken.

“Quite a lot.”

“God. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to dump this on you, especially not like this.”

“Don’t be. Rather I’m sorry, I just never realised that this was a possibility.”

“And why would you think that?” this was from ria, in a smoky, angry tone. It was hard to believe that this was the same girl that was dripping honey from our fantastic sex session just 10 minutes ago.

“Well, I thought she was way too beautiful & sexy for a guy like me, & doing something with me might seem like a breach of trust that her parents put on us.” I said slowly, somehow explaining this to them felt very akward.

“You really think I’m too beautiful for you?” aby asked sounding more shocked than before.

“Yeah.Never figured you could like me.”

“You moron.” this again from ria.


“Yeah, you’re sorry & she’s sorry too. Now can you guys please get it on?” ria said sounding impatient.

Aby turned beet red at that & I just grunted, “Huh?” honestly, I was having way too many surprises tonight.

“Dude, she wants you, you want her.Will you two please get started?”

I think I saw what this was getting at , but I at least had to confirm,

“You sure you really wanna do this?” I asked aby & then eyed ria to stop her from snapping a reply. I wanted to hear aby’s reply.

“Yes.I’ve wanted to do this for a long time. I have dreamed about you being my first for almost a year now.” there was something in her eyes as she said this, I couldn’t place it,maybe it was longing for me or plain horniness, but it sure as hell made it sexier.

“Great, because you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.” I said closing the distance between us & capturing her lips with mine. This kiss again felt fabulous like our first one, but there was an added heat between us now.

My hands kept roaming over her fabulous body, until one hand cupped her glorious ass & the other was behind her neck. God, it felt good, after fantasizing about this for so long, to just kiss her like this, hold her, make her mine & goddamn, I will make her mine.

So breaking the kiss, I performed the entire routine of nibbling, kissing, caressing on her body, paying special attention to her giant tits. She was really sensitive, around her ass & promptly jumped when I kissed around & on her asscheeks.She kept moaning constantly.

Ultimately I reached her pussy, I took my time getting her up to the high of orgasm, but ultimately when I wrapped her clit, which was much bigger than ria’s & completely swollen, in my mouth & used my finger with rapid pace, she promptly came to a screaming orgasm, which was muffled for me because she had clamped her thighs around my head. But the biggest surprise was, her cum. It just kept coming & coming in constant stream. It felt like she just couldn’t stop cumming.

When she ultimately let up & I got up ria laughed looking at my face absolutely drenched in aby’s cum. I was still dizzy, but very proud of myself.

She was lying on the bed in a crumpled heap, still looking sexy but brathing very rapidly.

“Wow. That was way beyond any expectations I had.” she said ultimately curling those beautiful lips in a smile.”My turn now.”She said getting up.

She placed me on the bed like ria had earlier, & sat between my legs then looking up at ria said, “A little help here, please.”

“Sure sweetie.” ria replied with a grin & then sashayed over to sit beside aby. She looked up at me, & muttered “Get ready for the ride of your life big boy. You have two girls sucking your cock.”

Grinning like an idiot I just kept looking down at the sight. Two gorgoeus naked girls, taking turns sucking my cock. I had no idea what I might have done to deserve this. Ria explained to aby about keeping her teeth out of the way, how to suck, how to keep her hands busy & then gave her proper demonstrations, which aby duplicated with unwavering enthusiasm. I was too happy to be their practise dummy. But then aby started sucking & looked up at me, I gasped. She looked too sexy with my meat stuffed in her mouth. My response must have enthused her becuase she started sucking harder. It was fun getting a dual blow job, but the girls had other things on their minds.

“Time for me to finally become a woman.” aby said getting up from her knees.

As I moved to get the condom, aby stopped me,”You don’t need it. I have been on the pill for over two years now. Keeps my periods regular.”

Problems with teenaged pregnancy still hovered on my mind.So I asked, “You sure?”

“Yeah. My ob/gyn doctor told me that.”

“Fine.” I said reaching upto her & kissed her with all the passion I could muster. I lost myself in that kiss. All the longing for her that I had suppressed for years came pouring out. She moaned loudly into that kiss & I kept my hands on her ass.

When we broke off, she whispered, “Don’t make me wait anymore.”

“Sure.” was all I could reply because all this time ria had been sucking my cock dutifully.

As I laid on my back on the bed, aby took a moment giving me a once over, tracing her hands over my abs & pecs and smiled,”You are one hot stud.”

This statement surprised me. I had always considered myself ok-looking kinda guy. On a scale of 1 to 10 maybe 6 or 6.5. But such praise from a hot girl is always good for self-esteem. But I didn’t have long to ponder over it because aby promptly jumped over me kissing & licking with abandon.I pinched her nipples & then rolled myself over her, my erection bumping over her belly.

Then I pushed my cock to her pussy resulting in constant moans from her. She was very wet & hot. The sensations were even better than with ria, maybe because this was without a condom. I still had very little length of my cock inside her but aby said to ria,”Feels like he is splitting me in two.”

I kissed her and started making small strokes with just the inch & half of my cock that was inside her. She kissed me hotly & kept moaning & then I pushed forward tearing through her maidenhood. What surprised me was that her reaction was just a gasp.

A few seconds later, she looked at me confused,”Is that it? That was what everyone had been terrifying me about? Hell, that didn’t hurt at all.”

“Well, practise makes a man perfect.” ria piped up from beside us.

“Yeah. Thanks… For making him… Practise on… Yourself.” aby said in between grunts as I had started increasing the length of my strokes. As I kept myself at full length, I turned my hips in a full circle to make space inside her to be able to accomodate me. Her pussy, unbelievably was even tighter than ria’s.

“Oooooooh.” aby crooned in my ear at this.Then looking at me said hotly, “Now fuck me.”

Fuck her I did, giving it all I had, pounding her with all the strength I could muster.Then I increased my pace to such frantic levels that my hips were a mere blur as aby pushed back at me with each stroke. I wondered how could we be fucking so perfectly the first time itself. It was as if human bodies have default reactions towards sex & positions ingrained in them.

Aby was soon screaming, it took her longer than ria to cum but she came neverthless, shouting,” fuck me. Fuck me. Ughhhhhhh.Ughhhhhhhhhhhh.” the spasms in her pussy snugly wrapped around my cock were delicious to say the least.

I didn’t cum because I wasn’t even close right then. Maybe it was because this was my fourth erection of the night, otherwise there was nothing that could have stopped those hot vaginal walls from sucking the cum out of my cock.

Aby again slumped on the bed, all the energy drained from her body, making sure that my hard cock had no home to go to.A few seconds later she got up & with a glint in her eye asked “Wanna try a different position?”

“Sure.” well, I just wanted to start fucking again, no matter what the position. My cock had turned an angry purple due to the lack of attention it had recieved in the last minute or so.

Aby got up & went to all fours raising her fabulous ass & then winking at me muttered, “Come & get it.”

Wow. Doggy style.

I placed my cock in the slot & pushed forward. She was still as tight as ever but wetter, perhaps because of the orgasm.

“Oooooooh. Feels even bigger this way.” aby cooed.

“It was plenty big for me the normal way itself.” ria replied.

I just kept grunting & bottomed out in a couple of strokes. This was awesome. This position afforded me a view of aby’s jiggly ass & I slowly realised that going at breathtaking speed didn’t take as much effort out of me as in missionary position.

I realised that aby specially liked it when I bottomed out & touched the head of my cock to her cervix, so I repeatedly did that. Apart from that she liked to have her nipples pinched, which I was more than willing to do. So fucking her like this for another 5-6 minutes brought me to the brink of orgasm.

“I’m gonna cum.” I shouted hammering into aby.

“Wait! I’m …Almost there.” aby informed, driving her hips into mine with such force that it almost hurt.

“Ria kiss her.” I managed to wheeze. I had no idea holding back your orgasm was such hard work. Thankfully ria complied with my request & bent down to kiss aby on the lips pinching her nipple. That did it for aby as her moaning sounds reached very high pitch.

She came with a muffled moan into ria’s mouth. It was at the same moment that I lost it & let loose a torrent of cum inside aby’s pussy. The spasms of her vaginal walls kept milking cum out of my cock & it felt like I was coming in a single stream rather than separate spurts. Hell, it was amazing.

“I can feel it. Wow, I can feel you coming inside me.” aby shouted to me from what felt like a distance.

After that, I think I might have blacked out from lack of strength or just laid there ignoring everything in my post orgasmic glow, but it was after some time that I was able to notice that ria was moving her hands infront of my face.

“See, you fucked him to death.” she said to aby, as if that was hilairious.

Looking at me, aby asked,”You okay?”

Smiling widely, I replied, “I’m much better than that. I’m in heaven right now.”

“I know what you mean. I had never imagined that sex could be this good. But I kinda expected it to be like this with you.”

Ria said,”I’m going to remember this night for the rest of my life.” after that she came & laid down on my right side while aby was still on my left.It was only a moment later that she squealed, “Damn. There is a big wet spot right under me.”

“Yeah. We should change the sheets.” aby said.

As I got up, I now realised how tired I felt. The adrenaline pumping through my body during sex was gone now & all the drinking & fucking were taking a toll on me. The girls changed the sheets while I collected the bottles & put them away. When I came back after a visit to the bathroom, it was to find both the girls lying on aby’s parents’s king sized bed still gloriously naked.

“C’mon here big boy.” ria said patting a spot between them on the bed.

“We are both exhausted, but I want to have fun again tomorrow morning.”Aby said with droopy eyes.

I took my place between the two girls & kissed each one lightly. It wasn’t long before both of them fell asleep, afterall it was past 3 am. I just grinned as I replayed the events of last few hours in my head. I knew 19 was a late age to lose one’s virginity, but I suppose to do so in a hot threesome with two such godesses more than made up for it.I mean, most guys go through their entire lives, without a threesome & here I was starting with that. I guess my sex life just had a late blooming.

My last thought before sleep blissfully overtook me was to thank the horoscope guy for the prediction he had made in today’s newspaper. He had no idea how accurate his words turned out to be.

Hope you guys enjoyed the story. Feel free to drop a feedback/mails on [email protected]

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