Ladies hostel fun

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Hello every one, I am asha( not real name), now I tell my own story, done in my life. Actually this is done before 8yrs back. This is a real story but your interest I add some more masala, this is real story so I didn’t tell any one name. In that time I am 19yrs.In that time I am study in a college, that is in other city. So I am stay in a room with my friends. One of my friends has a house in that city, but now that is empty, because that is so far from city, so no one stay in that home. My friends parents also not there in this city, may be they buy future purpose.

So once those parents come to my room, that time they told that stay in that house, in that no need to pay rent, if we leave that type, it maybe damage, so we are all use that. And uncle says all house owners also told same thing, if your friends also stay in that place, because in that place more houses are there, all houses is empty, so they are all interested to give those houses to rent. Then we are all accept, and told to my uncle to stay in that place. Then all our friends to accepted to stay in that place, because rent is very less. When we are first visit that is nearly 10km far to city, near some villages is there, and that is 1km to main road. From main road must walk 1 km, totally mud road, but the place is very nice, very peace full, and a big place, and no one come to that, totally covers with fencing, total surrounding is trees, and rocks, and also no water problem, every house had a bore, but problem is if we want to any thing must we are walk ½ km in that small shop is there, other side was a village, that is also near to us, in that every thing is there.

When see that I like that, but some girls not like, but mostly accepted. Totally 20 girls are decided to stay there. But we are have only one problem, security problem, for that they place a gate, and also construct fencing totally, and arrange a land line phone, and says for if members is increasing then we are place a watchman, then we are also accept that, that time we are not require any watchman. In that place we are enjoying very much, for every thing all girls are done, in the evenings we are enjoying very much, till night we are all enjoying like playing and anything. Totally open air, so that is any one like that. Slowly some new girls also came, slowly members are increasing, for that in the empty place, those construct temporary houses.

With in 2 months in that totally 170+ girls are there, now that place is like a girl’s hostel. In that we are all enjoying very much. Till wakeup in the morning to till evening every one enjoying. When we are once entered into that place, cut the total communication from the outer world, because no one has t.v or any thing, but we are enjoying more about that, we like this life style. In that no restrictions to one girl is sleep in her room, so any one can sleep at any room. In the morning we are wakeup, then somebody doing jogging, in that time mostly we are wear short dresses like shorts or short skirts and some girls come with bra and panty’s also. But mostly wear shorts, also in the top wear bra only. That is the time to exhibit those parts, because mostly if any girl have big boobs so she come with bra, if any girl have small then she didn’t exhibit. If total structure is nice then come with panty also. Some shy girls done commonly. After that bathing, every room has a bath room, but we are not interested to do in bathroom, actually in the open, that is in back side of room, contain trees then in that every one bathing playing. Some girls not done like that but, in my room all our friends done same time some time from other room also some girls coming for bathing, because my room is big and back side also more place and totally covered , but other rooms was in the back side is common to everyone, only few rooms is like that, but also in that rooms also some girls bathing.

So mostly in my room more then 10 members bath at same time, in that time every one was Nude, that type we are all bathing, in that time any girl come from out side we are talking like that only. After that some girls are going to Other rooms with towel, that is the time teasing, in that time some girls remove those towel, some girls Says please, but some girls quickly entered into room with out dress. After that we are going to college. And come at evening.When we are come to in the evening, from that time till night we are enjoying very much. When we step down the bus, from that time, in the total way no one is there, so we are coming with play. That time some girls are climb the trees, some times they fell down from tress because of insets, one day one girl also fell down, but that time her skirt is tie up to tree, so when she fell down her skirt totally tear, that incident I never forgot, because she was walking ½ km only with panty.

She wear panty but she walk with panty is less time, because every one pull down her panty in that total way. Also I am also face that type of incidents, if any one wear elastic wears that day she face same problem, for that no girl change her thoughts, because every one take that easily.Then when we are reach the place, somebody already starts playing. We are every game. Sometimes also playing cricket also. Mostly playing volleyball. In that time of playing also maintain same dresses. When we are reach that place every one has maintain short dresses. If any girl wants to peeing then mostly we are done at open place. After playing we are relaxing, then after 8 starts main thing. In that time every girl and come out every one meat at middle of place.In that starting that time every girl prove there talent, singing or dancing or any thing.

But slowly one girl stand in front of us then we are asks her, after that write some thing in a sheet and place in a bowl and every girl take a sheet. In that starting those are nice, but slowly we are boring that then we place some hard, like show your bra and tell about that, after slowly those are now very hard, now if any girl getup, she mentally prepare to show her nude figure, but how can she shows that is only different. Mostly this type of done before weekends or holidays nights, if next day is holiday then that night totally enjoying. But daily we didn’t do like very hardly. I am also do more like that, when I first show my nude figure, that time I am do catwalk, that time every one slap in my ass, some one touching and try to push fingers into my pussy, first time I got little bit shy, because before that more girls see my nude figure, but now walk in front of 100+ girls that time. But slowly I am also enjoy that. Now we are done like fingering, and lesbian sex.

But all girls not done this, because they are not interested, so this type some hot girls only done, even me also didn’t do that. Some times fighting between 2 girls also, that time every one enjoy, because that time, 2 girls beating but not hardly, but squeezing boobs is so hardly, and take other girls hands and turn back and beat with legs, that time, that girl bend opposite side that time her boobs is so nice. This type we are enjoying, but some girls are leave this place also, because of this type of events was done. That why if any new girl was coming, first week we are not called at night, that week those are only seeing, but after week she must show her body, but till some girls are not interested to show her body, because those doesn’t have nice structure, if they didn’t have nice boobs. We are also not pressure to those.

In that also some problems, main is some cold war between 2 girls (I use girls name keerthy and nisha), those girls are like leaders in that, if we do any thing those girls done combined, but those are try to done those own wish, this type some ego problem between those, those are talking each other, but in that words also easily understood any one between those some cold war running. But those girls are very hot and never has shy, always tease other girls. We are fear to argue with those, because those using dirty language, if any girl argue then she open her pussy and says fuck, then all girls laugh.

One day evening, actually from that time we got 2days holidays so we prepare for night, that night we decided to conduct fight between those 2 girls. So that night starts with those fight, those are getup first, in that time one girl wear only long t-shirt, other girl with short skirt and a bra. They are stand with very exiting, first one girl stand and remove her top and show her boobs, then 2nd girl also open her bra, and also panty. Now those are nude. They didn’t have small shy also, they stand without dress in front more girls they didn’t shy little bit also. Then fight starts first they fight commonly, but suddenly they are fight hardly they hardly, they dropped one by one in the sand, finally one girl dropped then other girl hardly beat in pussy with her leg, then pull her to take the hair of other girl, then all girls stops those. First we stop the 2nd girl, then we lift up first girl, then she getup, and beat with her feet.

Finally we are stops, and also stop our night programs. Because now every one mood was change, because if both are stay hear then it is very nice, and hot. Then finally we decided to we must joint together, because if both are live like this, total place is not boring. So first we are all try to convince them, but no use. We are done so many things but no use, finally one day we decided to put those two girls in a single room, we are done like that. First we think they are beating, but both are silent, they are stay there half day, we think both are not quarrel so open door, but from next min they are same. Finally we are leaving that matter. But in the nights is some change, because both girls try to dominate each other, for that those friends also helps, if one girl’s friends do one thing then next other girls friend getup and try same thing but do hardly.

Actually in the weekends we are seeing some hot incidents, but now daily we are seeing. We are all do normal things, but suddenly 2 girls came and show lesbian sex, in that time all are clapping and shouting, then next other girl’s friends came and do very hardly. But now we are not live like past. Because if any girl talk with nisha friends then keerthy friends was angry, this type slowly total place is now two batches, one is nisha batch other is keerthy batch. Actually from beginning with keerthy I have nice relation ship, so in my room all girls’ also keerthy friends, accept one girl, now she was change her room also. That girl was really different, I don’t know why she was so exited for nisha, because she was quarrel with us, totally she didn’t talk with us also. And some other problem has occur that is, for increasing her batch every batch girls was bring some new girls. So now some girls not interested to stay hear, but for batch we are stay, if we go away that maybe big issue.

But in the evenings every one play with those batch girls only, in then nights also same thing, we are done at one end those are other end. Now in the nights not enjoying well like past. But it is done very well. In the evenings when we are walking in the path, if other batch girls appear then those are teasing us or we are tease, based one number of girls there. Advantage is same batch girl are all so friendly now, helping one another, and now very much close to each others. Now our rooms also changed, one end rooms for us and other end rooms to other batch. Now in the morning when bathing time more girls bath at once, because back side totally common to our batch, so now every one has our batch, so some shyer girls also now bathing with others.

That is in the morning time if you see back side more number of girls bathing with out dress in the open air, now morning time no girl bath at our room, because our room back side is covered with a wall, so we are also in the morning go to other room, and bathing, really that time we enjoy more, because that time we are running and playing without dress at more place, every one do like this. If any girl bathing suddenly one girl slap in her ass then she ran away the other girl also try to catch her, we are Enjoy like this. So now we are very much closed to every girl, also every girl see other girls nude figure even see daily. If this story is nice, then mail me [email protected], i will continue…

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