Karate Slut – Part 1 (Sex With My Virgin Wife In A Forest)

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“Look at that. These cowards have closed shop early, yet again.” I said to myself while looking through a gap in the curtain of my window. “When are they going to learn? My way is the right way.”

I shrugged out of disappointment.

“Anyways, it only gives me more me time,” I said, caressing my half-erect cock.

At that moment I wasn’t wearing any clothes. I walked from room to room in search of something. I tried rubbing my penis, but it wasn’t getting hard. I guess a hot memory of your woman is not enough when you decide to masturbate for the fourth time in one day.

“Where are you, Abha? I know I kept you somewhere here.” I said to myself while searching for a photo book in the kitchen. “There is a cabinet just above the utensils rack that I barely open. Maybe I kept you there.”

While searching, I purposely let my dick rub against the cold metallic utensils. For a moment, it gave me a feeling as if someone else was touching it. It shook, giving a momentary erection. But it was gone as fast as it came. “Do dicks simply stop working at the age of sixty-seven?”

It was an old dusty cabinet with stuff just forced in to make the rest of the house look clean. “What junk! I need to find time to throw out this useless garbage,” I said, looking at all my Karate trophies, certificates, and photographs honoring my service to society.

It was garbage. What was the point in having all the martial arts training if you can’t save your village from some cheap amateur bandits? That’s not entirely true. This fitness training and healthy eating habits have kept me fit and healthy even as I fast approach seventy.

Looking at my naked self in the mirror, I can still say with pride that I am seventy, but I don’t look or feel older than fifty. Somehow nature has gifted me with eternal youth. The only thing that gives away my age is my full grey hair.

That’s why I keep my head shaved at all times. I only keep my thick mustache to twirl with pride.

I let all that stuff fall on the kitchen floor while I looked for that thing. One thing that can make my night a bit more pleasurable.

“Ohh… Abha. By this act. I make you my wife for eternity!” I said while cumming inside my wife’s womb.

The memory is still fresh in my mind – the time when I took my wife’s virginity in an open forest. I kept on looking while remembering that delicate and very dramatic moment.

This happened many, many decades ago. Back then, I was a traveler. I didn’t have a place I could call home. I went from village to village and state to state to display my fighting skills to earn money.

The goal was to inspire others to learn the art of self-defense. That’s the mission my master set me on. But soon, I realized that it was pointless.

People were too happy in their blissful life to learn to fight. Instead, I danced like a clown to earn my daily bread. People used to be impressed by my flexibility and give me money.

On my lucky days, some women would take me behind a tree in the forest for a quick fuck or into their beautiful house for a night of passionate sex. Usually, fighters retain their semen. They say it makes them stronger.

But my master had a different philosophy. He used to say, “Sure, it will keep your virgin body stronger, but sex is the best exercise. It will keep you younger for a longer time.”

Returning to that night, I cursed myself, “What’s the fucking point in being younger if you have nobody to fuck!”

I blamed myself for living two decades post the death of my wife. The shelf was empty, and the photobook was not there. I then went to look elsewhere. On my way, I stroked my cock, hoping I would get aroused by those memories of casual sex with countless women. They weren’t enough.

“Only my wife can get me hard now,” I said, climbing in the attic.

It was just a normal afternoon when I walked through a South Indian forest to the next destination to perform. I got a tip at my last performance that the people at the village I am heading to are wealthy and generous.

I had a huge piece of luggage on my back. It had many things like a pair of clothes, some food, basic cooking utensils, a first aid kit, and many awards and trophies that I took pride in back then. My most prized possession was a big camera that a king gifted me.

Suddenly I heard footsteps fast approaching me. It felt like someone was running. I heard whispers in a female voice reacting to getting hurt on the way. “Ohhh! Ahh! Ouch!”

Quickly I kept my luggage and looked for who it was. From far I saw the most beautiful woman running towards me. She was very young. I was in my early twenties, and probably she was younger than me.

She was a dark-skinned beauty. She had a chubby petite figure. Long black hair tied in two ponies. Her prominent and the most appealing feature were her seemingly recently matured breasts that jiggled as she ran towards me. Those were the times when women in remote areas didn’t wear bras.

She was wearing a beautiful traditional dress which was torn in some places. In her hand was a big red velvet bag that was full to the brim. She had it pressed against her chest while she ran. She appeared terrified as she ran. She looked back from time to time, which made her stumble on the way and get hurt.

She still kept running. Once she was close, I tried stopping her. “Hey, wait, slow down!” I said, standing in her way. But she wanted to run past me. I tried catching her by opening my arms wide. But she slipped past me by ducking through the left side.

Swiftly I turned and grabbed her by her hand. That very instant, she lost her balance, and so did I. We both fell. I, on top of her. Usually, when I am on top of women, they want me to kiss them on their lips. So I did exactly that.

In that pleasurable moment, I shut my eyes and pressed my lips against hers. I could feel my dick growing in her presence. That very instant, I felt a hard slap against my cheek. She threw me on the side and quickly got up. “What are you… you can’t do this to me!” she cried while dusting her clothes.

Quickly she went on to gather stuff fallen on the ground. There were a lot of golden ornaments and some money. All packed in one simple red cloth. She was still hasty and panicking. I got up too.

“Wait! What happened? I can help.”

I tried touching her. But every time my hand landed on her arm, she shrugged me off, saying, “Please don’t touch me like that. I’m a virgin. I’m still nineteen.”

I stood steady while I let her gather all her stuff. Once done, she was about to run, but then I held her in place. “Please, let me go. Please!” she begged, but I had a firm grip on her arms. She had her eyes shut and was constantly looking away.

“Please don’t! Please don’t!” she screamed, thinking I would kiss her again.

I calmed her down and let her tell her story. It was a horrific tale. She introduced herself as Abha Kumari. She was running for over two hours to save her life. She cried uncontrollably while telling her tale.

Her parents had sold all their land in their native place and converted it into money and gold as they looked for a new place to settle. They were heading towards the village where I was going when a gang of dacoits attacked their bus. These people weren’t just stealing but also killing the people.

Fearing for Abha’s life, her mother sent her away with all their valuables while her father distracted the armed terrorists. As she started running, she heard her mother scream, “Run! Abha Run! (in her native language so that the dacoits won’t understand)” followed by gunshots.

She cried while telling her tale. I know I should have listened to her seriously, but I was distracted by her cute innocent face. Those big round eyes, expressive black eyebrows, tiny nose, and rosy lips I had the pleasure of touching a couple of minutes ago.

Watching her, I had this instant gut feeling, “I want to protect her with my life.”

She continued with her tale, but I interrupted her by grabbing her arms yet again. “Abha, look, look at me. I’ll protect you from them.” I made her look into my eyes as I said, “I will protect you till I die. I can. I’m a fighter.”

“Why would you do that?” she said, wiping her tears, “I am not your wife.”

I smiled at her naivety. Then looking at her, I said, “How about… I make you my wife.”

She looked at me with her eyes wide open. She didn’t say ‘yes,’ but she didn’t say ‘no’ either. She simply blushed. I know it was an impulsive decision, but I wanted to do it. Seeing her approval, I took out a red powder I had in my backpack and pressed it against her forehead like sindoor.

She blushed yet again, looking away.

“See. Now we are married,” I said.

I went for a kiss, but still, she didn’t let me. For the rest of the day, we sat waiting for those dacoits. I wore my karate uniform and trained while she watched me with amusement. Well, I was pretty confident that those dacoits won’t come. If they were coming, they would be here by now.

Still, I wanted another taste of her lips. If it meant pretending to be her hero for that, so be it. We waited for a very long time. Till then we sat, we talked, we ate whatever I could get in the forest. Once it was dark, I prepared a soft leaves bed for us to sleep in.

It was a full moon night. We simply lay on the bed staring at the sky. At one point, she turned to me and said, “We are not married yet.”


“Because we haven’t made love.”

Just the thought of making love with her got me excited. She was already comfortable enough to let me run my fingers on her arm. From there, her beautiful breasts were just an inch away. I was waiting for her approval.

“So let’s do that,” I said with a smile.

“Okay. But I don’t know what ‘making love’ means. I asked my mother several times, but she said I was not ready. Do you know how to make love?” she asked innocently.

“Yes. Yes, I do,” I said with a wide grin on my face.

I’m pretty sure she saw lust on my face. I was doing a poor job of hiding it.

“First step is to do what we did before.”


“Yes,” I said while gently getting on top of her.

“Okay,” she said, closing her eyes.

The moment was finally here. I pressed my lips against hers, using all my years of training to make it pleasurable for her. While our lips were pressed, I moved those soft lips to breathe into her. She then did the same into my mouth. I could feel her warm breath in me.

I gently moved my hand to cup her boob. It was a handful, comparatively big for a girl of her age. Her thick fabric dress was in the way of me locating her nipple. They weren’t hard yet. There was a torn area in between her breasts. I had the urge to dig my fingers in and rip them apart to expose her breasts.

But then I calmed myself, saying, “Patience…”

I then dug my tongue in through her lips to enter her mouth. Our tongues touched as we had saliva exchange. Our tongues were going deeper and deeper, exploring every inch of pleasure we could get. She was reacting to my every touch and thankfully not resisting. I continued to kiss her neck while slowly unbuttoning her dress.

“What are you doing?”

“I want to see you without your clothes.”


“It is part of the love-making process.”


I kissed her lips to shut her up while undressing her. She pushed me back, saying, “But no man has seen me like that. Not even my father.”

“That’s what a husband is for. You get to show yourself without your clothes. You show your body, and I’ll show mine. It is part of the love-making process.”

She agreed to let me strip her. Unwrapping her virgin body out of her clothes was very exciting. The moon-lit night was bright enough for me to appreciate her curves. First, her mature breasts, brown pointy nipples, flat belly, and hairless virgin pussy.

She felt a bit embarrassed as she covered her pussy with her hands. It only made her breasts pop. While admiring her beauty, I, too, undressed. Then moving her hands to the side, I pressed my body on her.

I went for yet another kiss. That very instant, my penis grew, rubbing against her flat belly.

“What is that?” she said, instantly grabbing my shaft.

“All men have that. We use it to make love.”

“How?” she asked naively, looking at me.

“By doing this,” I said while gently rubbing my dick head against her vaginal opening. I knew she liked it.

“No one has ever touched me like that.”

“Now that we are married, no other man can. I will make love to you every day and every night till our time together runs out.”

She blushed while spreading her legs so that I could rub my dick on her pussy a bit deeper. While maintaining strong eye contact, I pushed my big dick inside her virgin pussy. That very instant, she gave out a soft moan.


That was the night when we first had sex, consummating our marriage in the presence of the full moon. Just like that, Abha had forgotten the tragic thing that happened with her parents. My virgin wife was ready to begin the new chapter of her life with me.

“Ahh!” I moaned, back in my older self.

Remembering this memory was enough to give me an erection. I stared at the full moon through a window while stroking my cock. I continued to masturbate while remembering all the nasty things I did to my wife during our suhaagraat in the name of the ‘love-making process.’

At one point, I made Abha take the doggy position while I stuck my dick in her pussy from behind. Grabbing her by her hip, I pounded her ass. The pounding made her bubbly butt jiggle.

“Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!” she moaned shamelessly as her voice echoed in the silent jungle.

Her voice was still fresh in my mind as I stroked my cock. I was close to climax when there was a sudden knock on my door. I wanted to finish what I started. But the person outside was impatient. I didn’t find that photo book, but I did get my long karate robe. Wearing that, I rushed to the door.

By rule, the villagers don’t open their doors during nighttime out of fear of being robbed. But I was not scared. I opened the door wide to see who had come. What I saw brought back the horrors that I saw on my virgin wife’s face.

All I could say was, “Minu, you weren’t supposed to come.”

To Be Cont-i-nude

This is just the beginning where I enjoyed myself with my virgin wife. The story continues in part 2. Till then, can you guess who is at the door? Tell me via email at [email protected] or in the comments below. You can also enjoy my other stories here.

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