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For the Part 1 of this story please go to
I finally managed to reach the top berth. I had two guys sitting on my either side and 2 guys sitting in the opposite berth. I asked them which game they were playing and they said it was bluff. Since I knew how to play that game, I also expressed my eagerness to play with them. Anyways I wanted to improve my rapport with my colleagues. I so wished that Riya was also playing with me. Looking down at her she looked like she was already into her 3rd dream. The guy sitting beside me told that after every round the loser had to do a dare. So I was so right. The guys who had come down earlier and tried to feel us up where losers of previous games.
Acting ignorant I asked them what kind of dares are we expecting here. They said it can be anything and the loser has to obey no matter how ridiculous the dare might be. I had a natural ability to conceal my emotions. I agreed to it. The game is bit tricky as the player had to somehow finish off all the cards with them quickly. It was a tricky situation as I was sure the guys would do anything to catch my bluff and make me lose the game.
Though it was difficult I started playing with a poker face and did not bluff at all. There were numerous calls made by the guys to show my cards but every time I was right. Though it was frustrating for the guys, I managed not to lose the first game. The loser was the guy sitting in the opposite berth. Since the guys wanted to hurry up the game they simply asked him to sit shirtless in the AC train till the end of the next game. Humbug, considering the fact that the grandpa AC was too weak to maintain even the temperature outside, it was piece of cake for him. He swiftly removed his shirt. Bloody hell he had a sweet chiseled body. I gave a quick glance at his stomach and they told the story of the countless hours he had spent at the gym. That was a turn on. Though he was sitting right opposite to me, I made sure that my glances were not noticed by everyone.
The second game was a thriller. I was almost losing and the guys where extremely happy. With lots of luck and some foolish calls by the guys I finished second last much to everyone’s dismay. To my happiness it was same guy who lost the last time who lost again. He was a duffer and did not know the game. He was asked to remain shirtless for next 3 games which actually made me happy.
I was actually enjoying this game and I was not shy anymore to look openly at the shirtless guy. He had less hair on his chest. His Bermuda was loose around his waist and I could see jockey tagline peeking at me. I survived the third and the fourth game and by now one more guy was without his shirt and other guy was made to run and get ice water from the pantry as punishment. It was the fifth game where all the forces in the world conspired against me I lost.
The guy came in with ice water got the best news as the reward for all the walking he did and back as the pantry was 8 bogies away. There was silence as the guys were too shy to come up with any sort of dare. I was also tensed. None of them spoke anything but I was sure they had a million ideas in their head on what I could do. I was also tensed waiting for them to speak. I was an awkward silence finally the guy with finely chiseled body asked “Do you have a tattoo on you”?
That came as a surprise to me. I was shocked on hearing it. In fact I did. I thought some time and I replied that I did have one. “Then show us” said the guy again. He did not even ask me where it was. It was a direct order like in the army. I was frozen. The beautiful butterfly with blue and red wings and in the black outline was drilled right at the end of the backbone at the very center. It was sitting just inches above my 2 butt cheeks. It would only be revealed if I was wearing low waist jeans. Currently it was concealed inside my shorts. The butterfly itself was small but it was beautiful. I never show it to anyone. Why did I say yes, I did not understand. Time stood still till one guy cleared his throat, not to speak anything in particular but to bring me back to reality.
I tried to persuade them to change the dare. The very fact that I asked them to change the dare brought glitter in their eyes as they felt I could be located in or near one of my private parts. They opposed vehemently to my pleadings. I was so nervous. I was not wearing my bra and I was in my shorts. I had to pull down my shorts to exactly to the level where I show them the butterfly completely and not reveal by butt cracks. It was impossible as I could not see how much I had exposed. I could understand the guys were getting excited every minute. The other tricky part is that I also had to show my back side to the guys sitting in front of me also. There was not enough space.
The guys were constantly asking me the location of my tattoo. I finally told them that it was on my lower back. Since the guys had seen some amount skin on my stomach already while I was acting sleepy, I decided to boldly go ahead and agreed that I will show it to them. They told me that I should show it properly and show it as long as they wanted to see it. That was a surprise. I asked them since it was congested in the top birth, how can I show it to them. They looked at each other. After internal discussions they told me that I should climb down and go to the middle berth. There I should lie down on my front by pulling down my shorts and wait till they tell me to pull it up. I had to agree to it.
Riya did not have the slightest clue what was happening to me. She was sleeping so peacefully. I would be totally embarrassed if she wakes up when I was lying pants down. I prayed to God that no such thing should happen. I slowly climbed down. Climbed to the middle berth and lied on my front. I was feeling shy to pull down my shorts. I also had to pull down my panties to reveal the butterfly. I loosened the knot of my shorts. The guys were on the top birth waiting to see my tattoo. My hands were shivering and I was not able to even pull my shorts down. The guys were somehow patient. I am sure all of them had a massive hard-on by now. I very slowly pulled my shorts down. I knew my panty was blocking the butterfly. So pulling down the panty was still ok. I then slowly caught either sides of my panty and pulled it down an inch and closed my eyes tightly. One guy came down and told me that nothing was visible as my panty was blocking the butterfly. The excitement was killing me but the task was not completed yet.
I just couldn’t do it. I begged my hands to work harder. The guy who came down asked me if he could do it instead. I was shocked. I wanted to say yes but I was also embarrassed. With lot of courage I nodded. The guys above were delighted. I closed my eyes in shame. But my heart beat send me a different message. An unknown feeling, an excitement, a shiver. I did not know. The guy now slowly held my shorts now. He was pulling it down instead of my panty. My shorts had slid down revealing lot of ass covered by my panty. I was paralyzed. My shorts had come down all the way below my ass. He then slowly pulled down my panty revealing my elegant butterfly. I was imagining in my head on how much of the butterfly could have been revealed by now. I knew that was enough but he did not seem to stop. My panty slid down further exposing my round ass checks. He stopped when it reached midway of the butt. There was again silence. I was sure none of them were even looking at the tattoo. I closed my eyes tightly.
The guys were taking turn in seeing my ass. I was in a train and lying down with my butt exposed. To my surprise the guys were appreciating the tattoo. They all told me that it was good. I felt better on hearing it. Suddenly the urge to pull up pants was slowly gone. I was more comfortable. One guy even felt the tattoo. I did not resist. I liked the feeling now. Seeing this guy, the others also started feeling my tattoo. At this time I did not care how many hands were on my butt. They were slowly caressing my back.
One guy slowly pulled by my shirt revealing more of my bare back. I did not resist again. One guy gave me a small pinch on my butt checks. The guys were not stopping, they had their hands all around my lower back. One guy slowly started pulling down my panty further. This time I tried to resists by pulling it back. Another guy resisted and told me that my ass was really hot. Within no time I felt my shorts being pulled down out of legs and also my panty being pulled down. There were no words spoken. Only silence. I gave up in submission. My panty came down as well. Suddenly I had all the hands feeling me up. I guy turned where around bring my vagina in full view.
I kept my palm to hide the view which was removed immediately. One guy started removing the buttons of my shirt making me completely nude in no time. I had hands feeling my breasts and a tongue on my vagina. The wave of pleasure swept through me as I gripped the hands of the guy next to me. His lips were on my mine in no time. I was being groped by 4 guys at the same time. The tongue brushing against my vagina started faster cycle pushing his tongue to the deepest end of my vagina. I felt current rip through me as another tongue swallowed my entire right boob and starting sucking it.
This is feeling is what they might refer to as heaven. I also felt that some guy was licking my stomach. In no time the first wave of orgasm hit me like tsunami. I shivered and twitched but did not let a single sound escape my mouth dreading that Riya might wake up. My body was weakened as the guy licking my vagina now licking me like an animal. I let out a small sound as I collapsed spend.
The guys let me rest. The train had also stopped at a station. The train had stopped which probably made Riya uncomfortable and she just shifted in her sleep. I was panicked. I immediately asked for my clothes and wore them in a jiffy. I was right, Riya was now slowly waking up. The guys were disappointed and went back to their berths. Riya woke up again and looked at her side and was surprised to see a guy there and not me. She immediately looked up and saw that I was in the middle berth. She was relieved buy had no clue how I ended up on the middle berth.
She was really awake now and it was almost 4am. We would reach Goa anytime now. What happened in Goa will be continued on the third part.