Jasmin the sexy air hostess

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I glanced at the electronic clock inside the airport lounge. In another 5 minutes, there would be announcement for the passengers for the security-check. So, I thought of relieving myself before the security check and went towards the Men’s toilet. I was not sure whether I glanced on the door correctly as I was attentive on my steps and looking at the mosaic floor so that I did not slip. In the melee, I pushed the door open and went inside without any sound. When I raised my head, I had a shock of my life at what I saw of the reflection of an image on the long and big mirror on the wall. And, believe me, I was not easily shocked. The mirror showed the image of a girl or lady, standing in front of me, bent to look beneath her raised skirt inspecting her panties with her legs a little apart. In utter embarrassment and in a sudden impulse, I said “Very sorry” and rushed back to the door without looking over my shoulder. As got out of the toilet and walked back to one of the lounge chairs, I carefully looked at the toilet door. As if a nursery class student learning words, I spelt the letters “M-E-N” along with the picture of the head of a King neatly painted on the door to show it was Men’s toilet alright.

‘What’s the hell this girl or lady is doing inside a Men’s toilet? Didn’t she notice it?’ I wondered as I sat on the chair! I saw her coming out of the toilet within a few seconds and looking around. And it was for the first time I saw her face. I was amused to see she was an air-hostess from the dress she was wearing. Her searching eyes fell on me for a few seconds and I saw her coming towards me. I was embarrassed again but not scared. She might be around 25 years old, very fair with a provocative bosom and slim legs. Reaching by my side, she placed her right hand on my shoulder.

“Hey, buddy, I am sorry. It was my mistake entering a wrong toilet. In fact, all I needed was only two second’s time to check something privately and how the hell shall I know you will spring suddenly from nowhere” she said and to my surprise winked at me. Before I could react, she walked away towards the entry leading to the tarmac. I admired her slim buttocks swaying to the rhythm of her steps mainly caused by the high-heeled shoes she wore. I noticed her dress was a uniform of a particular airline by which I was also to fly. I wished if she was one of the air-hostesses in my flight. I moved through the security check, boarding pass section and towards the aircraft keeping her in my mind. But right from the time of taking my seat on board, during the flight of two-and-half-hours and landing at my destination I was greatly disappointed not to find a sign of her. May be, she was on duty on another flight, I thought. The driver of the car who came to attend me at airport took my bag. We barely drove 300 meters out of the airport when I noticed the back of an air-hostess with the same uniform walking along the side of the road. In a quick glance I saw a strip of red blood on her left thigh extending up to her knee. As the car passed her, I looked back and was pleasantly surprised it was the same air-hostess I met at my origin place. On my asking, the driver applied the brakes bringing the car to a screeching halt. I opened the door and got out. A few steps took me close to her. She recognized me instantly and smiled.

“You feel like giving me a lift, buddy?” She blended a little sarcasm than a request.

“Goddamn it and get the hell into the car before you make a public exhibition of you. You are in real trouble” I nearly pulled her in to the back-seat with me as I said so.

“What’s the hell do you think you are doing”? She demanded in a strident voice.

“Sit and relax” I raised my voice with a sharp edge drowning her sound.

I asked the driver to move.

She was intelligent to know I was a gentleman and not a kidnapper, so she did not scream for help.

“What’s the great idea, buddy?” She demanded again.

“How the hell on earth stupid air-hostesses like you wearing skirts do not take care of your periods?” I said with a grin on my lips.

This made her look at her thighs and legs suddenly. And she caught her breath sharply.

‘Oh…my God…! How I did not know or feel it before?’ she was talking to herself than to me.

“Thank you, buddy, you are a real helper saving me from a lot of embarrassment”. She paused and continued “Yeah, I know it was about the time of my period. And I was actually checking it at the Men’s toilet over there. But it was fine then”

Now I could realize what she was doing in the toilet.

“Never mind, I shall get you some sanitary napkin at the nearest shop” I said smilingly.

“Thank you, buddy. You are very kind and helpful” she said. “But there is nothing to worry. Usually, I get a sign of bleeding like this before but the onset of my period usually starts after a couple of days only”.

“That does not mean you should be careless” I said.

I stopped the car near a medical shop. “Which is your brand”? I asked her.

“Anything will do” she said looking at my face appreciatively with a smile.

I brought a pack of sanitary napkins and gave her. The car moved. As she opened the pack and took one pad, I looked at the other side.

“Hey buddy! You are a gentleman, alright. But don’t try to show that innocent play with me. Which man on earth would not like to see what is under a girl’s skirt or brassieres”?

She really beat me off my guard.

“Buddy, have a look at my thighs and what I do……” she said.

I knew she was really a girl full of guts and wits. She looked at the driver whose eyes were fixed on the road ahead. Then she raised her skirt revealing her sensual, soft thighs. I had a sudden urge to grab at them. Then she wiped the blood clean with the pad. While doing so, she purposely looked at my eyes and winked.

“Hey buddy, are you married?” She asked.

“I am married alright. And for Heaven’s sake, stop calling me buddy. My name is Jairaj”

“O.k.… Relax. So, Mr. Jairaj, since you are married, you might be knowing what happens to a lady when she menstruates…I need not have to tell you…” she said while throwing the soiled pad out of the car-window.

“Yeah, you need not have to teach me” I said curtly.

“You know, Mr. Jairaj, it is quite embarrassing for a girl to have her period while on duty, that too on an aircraft…..” I was really embarrassed, if not shocked, to see what she was doing while she was saying these.

She took one new pad in her right hand. Then adjusting her sitting position on the seat, she raised her skirt up to her buttocks. That brought her pink panties, now red stained with the blood in view. I felt a sudden gush of blood from my own heart to my face. In a swift move, she pulled the elastic edge of the panties to make space, thrust one pad inside to cover her pussy as a protection. In a fraction of a second, she lowered her skirt and looked at me smilingly.

“That takes care of all that. Nothing to worry now” she said.

“If you are feeling ok, fine” said I.

“Hey, where do you think you are taking me to?” She asked. “My place to the right at the road-junction we passed about half-kilometer back”

I asked the driver to drive back to the place she mentioned. “I am giving you a lift to drop you at your place. You should have given the direction earlier. Did you image I was taking you to my place?” I told.

“Hey buddy…oh…sorry, Mr. Jairaj, please don’t get so offended” she kept her right hand over my shoulders while saying. “I don’t mind you taking me to your place also for the nice things you have done for me”.

I looked deeply into her eyes. I was convinced she did mean what she said.

Reaching the road-junction, she gave direction to the driver and in another four kilometers run, the car pulled up in front of a building.

Without opening the door, she said: “Jairaj, I invite you to visit my place. It is a lodge room shared by two ladies for our frequent stay between our duty schedules. Join me to have a cup of coffee”

“Sorry, I need to go for some urgent work. Thanks, all the same” I said.

“Oh Jairaj, don’t be so curt with me. You know men of all ages love to spend a few minutes with me but I give a kick at their asses. I am surprised you are the first one to refuse my invitation. By the way, do you belong to this place, or on a visit with a job?” She asked.

“Yeah I am on an official assignment here for two days. I would be staying in our company guest-house downtown” I said.

I saw her opening her hand-bag and take out her visiting card. “Here you keep it. If you really feel spending some fun time, please give me a call first before coming over here”

I glanced at the card. I read her name “Jasmin” printed. It gave her mobile number also. Reciprocally, I gave my card to her. With mutual thanks, I left her. Reaching the guest-house, I had a shower, changed my dress and went to our branch office to do the work. Only once I remembered her but she went to the back of my head as I immersed fully in the work requiring concentration. It was only reaching back my room at 8.15 PM I thought of her. For a few minutes, I fought over the idea of calling her to see what she was doing but finally decided against. While I was about to go to the bathroom, I heard my mobile phone ring. The name of the person was not recorded. Before I could complete my answering by saying “H-e-l-l-o” I heard a female voice in a most seductive voice: “Hi Mr. Jairaj…Jasmin here. I thought you would call me”. Before I could respond, she shot arrows of questions: “How are you, where you and what are are you doing?” I replied her questions.

“Jairaj, are you determined not to be subtle? If not, I expect you at my place in another hour” and she hung up before I could respond.

While in the toilet, I brooded over what was the harm in spending some interesting time with an air-hostess. Lastly I decided to go over. Changing my clothes, I took the dinner served in the room by the servant, left him till next morning and went to the road. I took a cab to reach her place.

She responded soon I rang the bell by saying “Come in Mr. Jairaj.” I entered the spacious room but just sufficiently furnished for the inmates’ occasional stay. My steps came to a halt when I looked at the sofa. She sat crossing her legs with a glass of beer in her right hand and a half-bottle on the centre table. She looked a seductive temptress in her yellow bustier and light-blue denim half-pants showing her fair skin and bodies particularly her shapely slim legs and thighs. The first thing any man would look on her body has been her protruding breasts. And under the bustier. The two pin-pointed projections made by her nipples would tell she was not wearing anything under the bustier.

“Welcome Jairaj. I know you would be coming. Come on, sit with me and share the drink” she invited.

I sat beside her. “Thanks, but I don’t take drinks, even beer”.

“That is very strange. But no harm in taking a little, a lot more for the sake of giving a girl company” she said. Before I could resist, she poured beer from the bottle into another glass and gave me. She gaped at me when I drank finishing the beer in consecutive gulps.

“Jairaj, I must say you are really honest. Actually, I could not believe when you had said you don’t drink. But by the way you consumed it; I knew you were speaking the truth only. It is because, you know, any drink is taken slowly taking time”.

I turned to look at her. I was sure the drink could not have hit me so instantly. But rather than its effect, I was getting intoxicated with her charm and close proximity. I said “Jasmin, you look pretty, beautiful, voluptuous, seductive and of course, very sexy. In fact, no adjective would do justice to you”

“Thanks b-u-d-d-y, Oh, sorry, Jairaj. I know what is going on in your mind. Perhaps you might be wondering how it would be like spending the night with me in the bed. Right?”

“Oh you have clairvoyance” I admitted.

She giggled. “By the way, do you mind if I call you Jai?”

“Not at all. My pleasure” I replied.

She took my hand and placed it on her right thigh resting on her left leg. The mere touch of her soft flesh sent thousands of volts of current through my body. When I kept my hand resting on the thigh, she said: “Move it on all along my thigh, Jai. You can even explore the portion under my half-pants also” she encouraged me. So I began caressing her thigh. It gave me a wonderful feeling as if I was running my hand on a bundle of sponge. I allowed my hand to lift the edge of her half-pant and insert it inside to give freedom for my fingers to creep to higher altitudes. While I did so, she adjusted her sitting position to give me more convenience. Without looking at my hand, she said: “Can I tell you a secret?”

“Sure, go ahead. Who do you think I am going to publicize and share your secret with?” I grinned.

“You know, Jai, in my job I meet hundreds of men of all ages and of different nature every day. My duty is in the Business Class section. There, as you know, I am supposed to treat the passengers, mostly very wealthy, with golden gloves. A few, if not many, are eager to touch me if not brush their bodies against mine. Yet, some are audacious to make indecent advancements. It is very difficult to protest always as they might blame me for lapses and I run the risk of losing my job if there were several such complaints. You know, as far as I am concerned, to speak the truth, I love to give these little pleasures to men. Not because I enjoy it myself, but I get fun watching them doing all these. These men are really crazy……”

She paused to take a gulp of beer from her glass and continued. “I shall give you a classic example. Once I was on board attending a night flight. There were only three passengers in the Business class. Two were wealthy old couple at the front end and a businessman in his late fifties at the rear row. The old couple made no fuss at all and they went to sleep soon after taking dinner. Right from the time the businessman saw me while boarding, I knew he was naughty and took fascination for young girls. He called me often with one excuse or the other. While serving the customary drink, he hung his hand touching my leg. While I smiled without looking at him as if I did not notice what he was doing, he ventured to creep his fingers just above my knee. At this time, I purposely made a soft moan just for him to hear. This obviously emboldened him and his hand was now caressing my thigh under the skirt. I intentionally bent forward on the pretext of collecting the plate and glass. I was giving him the pleasure by allowing my bosom to brush on his face. I did not give him more chance then and I withdrew.

She paused again to take another long gulp of the beer. “I served dinner for the old couple first. Before going to serve dinner to this man, I went to the toilet and removed my inner tight-wear under the skirt and unbuttoned two top buttons of my shirt. This time he was emboldened to straightaway place his hand on my thigh while I was serving dinner slowly taking my own time. His creeping hand went beyond the thigh and caressed my asses over the panties. Then it began exploring over my panties on the pussy. Mind you, he was not at all looking at my face while doing all these. Then I knew his fingers were struggling to find their way into my panties. I stood keeping my legs a little apart. Now he succeeded in getting his hand into my panties rubbing my pussy all over. You know, I was not eager to derive any pleasures from an old man, but the mere touch of a male hand on my pussy made me shiver. Absence of any protest from me made him bold. He began to twist and squeeze my pussy lips now. Then he did the wonderful thing. He screwed the middle finger on his hand into my hole. “Aaahh…..” I suppressed a moan more out of pain than pleasure. I adjusted my legs for his benefit and now he succeeded in shooting his finger into my love canal in full. This was followed by his finger-fucking me. I knew my pussy became wet and possibly drenching his finger. Then he took his finger out and I watched him merrily inserting it into his mouth and licking my juices. Then I bent forward as if to serve water allowing the front of my un-buttoned shirt wide open. My young breasts were about to pop out. By the way he watched my breasts, I wondered if his eyes would come out of their sockets. He brushed his face on my bosom several times. Then he shot his finger again into my pussy while he inserted his left hand inside my shirt and bras. I had not unhooked my bras so he had difficulty to squeeze my boobs. While I remained bending and motionless, I saw his penis stirring under his pants. No, I was not prepared to go beyond. I gave him two more minutes for finger-fucking and squeezing my breasts. Then as I was about to retreat, he asked me to stop. I saw him removing his thick gold ring. When he offered it to me, I thankfully refused and went back”.

Though her story was almost complete, I interrupted her. “Jasmin, I think you are making the same effect in me that you made on that man”

“Really?” She said and glanced towards the front of my pants. She smiled noticing a small bulge as my penis was struggling to stand straight but could not due to lack of free space inside the pants.

“Does this tempt you more?” She asked me. I looked curiously as she pressed and squeezed both her breasts with her hands over the bustier. I knocked her hands away and kept my own hands on her boobs and caressed them in circular motions. Often I squeezed them.

I became aware the blood in my body was boiling up gushing through the arteries and veins. As she turned to face me, I pulled up her bustier and removed it over her head. Her nude young boobs came to view. They were round at their bases, conically developed and tapering towards the light pink aureoles and small pink nipples. I cupped her nude right breast with my hand and pressed it once. Yes, the boob was firm as if of any young girl or lady. I kept the nipple in between my thumb and index finger and tweaked. In no time, the soft nipple became hard and erect. She arched her chest forward in a gesture of encouraging me to take her boob into my mouth. Although I had an urge to do so; but I preferred to wait for some more time. I unhooked her denim half-paints and pulled down its zip. The front of the half-pants opened up to show she wore nothing under it. She quickly removed the cloth and kicked it to the corner. She sat the way she was born. I eyed her love triangle which was beautifully shaped. Her cleanly shaven pussy shined. Nothing was visible as her pussy lips remained juxtaposed making a thick line from top to bottom. I brought forward my right hand and rubbed on the dividing line twice. I found her gasping with a deep moan. I remembered she would have felt the same when the old businessman rubbed her pussy in the flight. Then I stopped the rubbing. I watched her face. It remained expressionless. I tried to look deep beyond her big eyes. They said nothing. From experience, I knew that was a sign of danger similar to the quiet clam before the tumultuous tempest.

I knew there would be surprises but did not imagine it would come so soon. I was taken aback when she turned around suddenly and made a leap into free air landing on my laps facing me. She circled my neck with her hands and before I could realize what was coming, her lips had covered my mouth in a deep, hard passionate kiss. Two sharp pointed substances pierced my chest which was her breasts and nipples. She was kissing me exactly the way western girls kiss as seen in English movies. I hugged her tightly pressing to my body. Now she was biting and chewing my lips. Sometimes it pained me heavily when her sharp pointed teeth pierced through my lips. Before I could think of anything, she stood up on the sofa and fell on my body pressing her boobs hard on my face. She was twisting and swaying her body as if to suffocate and kill me of asphyxiation keeping my face in her cleavage. I took a deep breath of the smell of her breasts which was fascinating aroma carried to every cell and hair in my body. The hard press and pressure with the flesh of her young boobs on my face made me go wild and crazy. I used this chance to lick her bosom and caress her beautiful asses with my hands. Once I bit the side of her boob and I was afraid if it left any teeth mark on it. I shook my head sideways as if to liberate my face from the clutches of her boobs. This made her boobs shake and sway violently.

“Jai, I want to kill you out of breathlessness. Do you want me to release you out of this suffocation with my breasts?” She asked.

“Darling, have you ever seen any ant imprisoned inside a jilebi ring trying to come out of it?” I said and she joined me in laughing loudly. However, after a few minutes of struggle, she released my face. I found her panting heavily with her bosom along with her tight boobs rising and falling. There was no smile on her face now and I knew the beer had already hit her. She looked me the way a hungry tigress looked at its prey. I pulled her to me, this time her left breast directly going into my open mouth. In the same action, I began to suck it very hard while my hand squeezed her free boob very hard. I knew I was ruthless by the way I sucked and squeezed her as if to take all the contents out of her breasts. “Hhhaaaaiiiii rrreeeee.” She screamed in a deep moan which was a mixture of plain and pleasure but enough the shake the building. My free hand went between her thighs, found the velvet pussy and began to rub it vigorously. This made eruption of another loud moan from her. She separated her thighs for my benefit. I felt her pussy very warm and a little wet.

“Jasmin, I think your period is running….isn’t it?” I asked releasing her breast from my mouth.

“No darling. I get a sign of a little bleeding only once and it stops abruptly. After two days that only my period begins. It has been always like that right from my first menstruation. So, there is nothing to worry. Okay, I will dispel your doubt with a demonstration.”

She stood up on the sofa again. I could admire her nude body for a brief second. I thought her vital statistics might be 34-28-34. Soon she raised her right leg; put it over my left shoulder resting on the back-rest of the sofa. Then she leaned forward bringing her pussy close to my face. In a surprising gesture, she circled the back of my neck tightly with her right leg, thrusting her pussy on to my mouth. I knew what was coming and I wanted to take a long breath before she suffocated me with her pussy now. But I could not succeed. My nose was pressed on her vagina in the impact and I smelled her pussy. I took a long breath taking the full aroma of her womanhood letting my blood to carry all over my body. I looked probingly and was satisfied there was no sign of bleeding at all.

I made a shower of hot kisses all over her love triangle while she continued to moan. Holding her buttocks with my hands, I pressed her pussy to my face. I brought out my tongue and began licking her slit greedily. I think she wanted full pleasures of my licking. She bent back a little, brought her hands together to her pussy and separated her pussy lips for my benefit. I could see the light pinkish vagina and other contents which included her lovely clitoris. So, I licked her open vagina and I felt my tongue was getting smeared with a oily liquid. I withdrew to examine it. No, it was not blood but her pre-cum. I swallowed it as if it was the last drop of nectar. She withdrew her leg and I saw her taking the beer glass. Then she dipped her right hand into the glass, collected some beer and smeared it all over her pussy. She replaced her leg over my shoulder again.

“Jai, now enjoy my pussy with the added pleasure of beer” she said. So I started licking her pussy with my tongue again, now collecting beer along with her pussy-juices. After interval of every one minute, she smeared beer on her pussy.

“Oh sweetheart, chew my clitoris now it is itching to be roughed up” she yelled.

I had trouble to locate her clit remained hidden inside the hood between the inner labia. I stretched her pussy lips apart sideways. Then I found the small clit and took it into my mouth and began to suck it hard first. “Ooooouuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii…” she hooted. Then I began to bite it with my teeth followed by chewing. I checked if she was feeling any pain but surprisingly she was not, rather she was enjoying getting pleasures. I chewed it for a long time while she pulled the hairs in my head.

“Explore my tunnel with your tongue now” she screamed “because I think it is about to explode violently soon”

I left her now swollen reddish clit and probed her hole with the tip of my tongue. No it won’t give way. I separated her pussy lips stretching very hard. I narrowed my tongue folding it and pressed it hard on her hole. I felt it was going, rather slipping inside, slowly. I could insert only half of it as my tongue was not hard to penetrate further. I twisted it inside her canal. It was marshy inside alright. May be she was already into the mood. I continued to probe and explore her cave as if a man was searching for a coin in a wetland. “Ohhhh aaahhh aaaiii” she moaned in extended rhythms. I wagged my tongue inside her the way a soldier brandishes his sword fighting with an enemy solder. After some time, I took my tongue out gathering whatever precious liquid I could collect. Then seeing her watching my act, I swallowed it down my throat.

“Oh how nice you drink my juices, darling” she kissed me while saying this. I continued the sucking till she exploded with a thundering climax. The quantity of her orgasm juices was not much, yet I enjoyed by gulping down my throat. While she watched me drinking her juices merrily, she noticed one drop of her cum fell on to my shirt.

“Jairaj, let me undress you also” she said and began to remove my clothes. She watched my hard erected penis curiously.

“Hhhmmmmmm…wonderful. Looks likes a monster” she said approvingly “let me enjoy your sugar-cane now, darling”.

While she sat on the sofa fully nude, I stood on floor. Like the same way she did earlier, I placed one leg resting on the sofa bringing my cock near her face. She licked the whole length of my shaft from its base to top as if it was an ice-cream. Then she licked my balls often sucking it too. Like an expert, she drew the skin on my cock backward and brought out its red head. She licked its head with her tongue and said “Ummmmm tastes good”

Soon she began sucking it madly with impressive expertise. I guessed she was an expert in blowjob from the way she sucked often rotating her tongue on my cock. It was my turn to moan out of pleasures now. She played with my balls with her hand while she continued sucking.

“Jai, tell me a few seconds before you cum into my mouth. Okay?” She told.

“Sure” I replied. While she still sucked, I bent forward and inserted my middle finger into her pussy and finger-fucked her. I did so to give her double pleasures at the same time.

“Hhuuummmmm” she moaned out of the pleasure of my finger-fucking her with my cock still inside her mouth. After 2-3 minutes, as her sucking became more and more intense, I felt I might climax soon. So I told her. She took my cock out and grabbed the glass with some beer still left in it. She kept her mouth just below the head of my cock. As my seminal fluid was coming to the orifice at the tip of my penis for ejaculation, she poured the beer over the head of my cock. As I watched with amazement, I saw my cum spurting out going straight into her mouth along with the beer. I watched her swallowing in gulps the way one drinks a cold-drink holding the bottle over the mouth. The beer finished but the last spurt of my cum went straight making a puddle on her nose. I felt a little exhausted and fell on the sofa. She fondled my face lovingly with her hands.

“Jai, your cum was very thick and more in quantity. It seems you have not fucked a lady for long. My stomach is half-full now” she said smilingly.

“You are right” I said. “But then it was the magic of your blowjob”

We both laughed.

“You know Jai, I think no lady ever enjoys drinking the cum of a man the way I do. You have seen me gulping your thick cum with the beer. It is an experience almost similar to the way one consumes a raw egg with the white and yolk in it. Instead of yolk, it is you’re cum here” she said while fondling my sagged cock now. I wondered again at the way of her enjoying pleasures. I noticed the thick drop of my cum was still on her nose. I reminded her. She stood up, went to the dressing mirror and collected the cum on her finger. Then she brought a spoon and transferred the liquid to the spoon. I watched her curiously when she inserted her finger into her vagina, taking a little of her own juice and mixing it with my cum in the spoon.

“What’s the hell are you doing?” I asked.

“Making a test-tube baby” she giggled.

“It won’t work that way” I laughed.

“I know. Let us try”.

She left the spoon on the dressing table. I stood up and went to her. While I placed my left hand at her back, she leaned on my hand. I took her weight and simultaneously I placed my right hand below her knees and lifted her up in my hands. She was now lying on my hands horizontally. She circled her hands around my neck. While looking at her face and nude sensual body, I felt she was a nymph lying on my hands. While taking her to the bed, she asked me: “Jai, what do you think you are going to do with me now?”

“Oh…are you worried about that? Okay, I am going to eat you from head to foot” I said and grinned.

“Can you tell me in a five-word sentence what you are going to do with me?” She persisted.

“I-want-to-fuck-you, if this is what you wanted to hear from me” I replied.

While I lay her on bed, she asked: “Jai, do you mind if I mount on you? Actually, I want to see with my eyes the way you fuck my pussy with your dick” she implored.

“Sure darling, my pleasure” I said.

To fulfill her wish, I lay on my back. She came over my body and took a position near my cock with her legs on my either side. Then she bent her legs bringing her body down. Placing her entire body weight on her feet, she sat exactly the way one sits on an Indian commode. That was a most sensual sight of her. I could see the thick line of her pussy lips widen forming a slit now. She further separated the pussy lips with her hands and brought her hole into view. Then she caught my hot erect penis and placed its tip on her hole.

“Jai, don’t move” she cautioned me.

“Okay, darling” I said and did not attempt to force my penis upward to penetrate into her pussy.

Instead, she slowly brought her body downward now, trying to make my penis to enter into her tunnel. It looked exactly the way a watermelon was kept balancing on the tip of a knife kept in upright position. But her trick did not work. Then I saw her taking some saliva from her mouth and smearing it on my penis as well as on her vagina. She repeated her attempt of penetration again. I think only a few millimeters of the head of my cock went inside but refused to go further. I saw her face in struggle. Then I heard her taking a long breath in and with a big heave, she suddenly brought her body down.

“Pplliiissshhhhhh” we both distinctly heard this sound. This was followed by two wild cries “Ooouuucccchhhhh hhhuuuhhhhhhhh” emanated from both of our mouths which reverberated the atmosphere as I found my cock suddenly missing. Both of us felt excruciating pains by the way my penis was taken inside her in full up to its hilt. I felt as if the outer skin on my cock was peeled off.

“Jasmin, was that not a very hard way to take a man inside you?” I exclaimed.

“Did it hurt you darling? Sorry. It hurt me too” she said apologetically.

“Oh take it easy. That was a wild way. But I enjoyed it all the same” I said grinning. I withdrew my dick a little out and looked at it. Her pussy was very tight indeed. The outer circumference of her hole remained tightly gripped on the outer surface of my dick in a vice like grip which appeared as if I was wearing a thinnest condom. She started maneuvering. She raised and lowered her body two three times, taking my penis a little out and inside her tunnel. I thought she was making some adjustments. Then she said to me: “Jai, I shall call ‘in-out, in-out, and in-out’. When I say ‘in’, you should thrust your dick inside me and I shall lower my body. When I say ‘out’ you should withdraw your dick and I shall also raise my body. Okay?”

“Quite fine” I answered.

She bent forward looking at the beautiful picture of her vagina having swallowed my penis. Then she began calling “in” and “out” in very slow pace. As advised by her, when she called “in” I thrust my cock deep into her cave and she lowered her body in a massive heave. Similarly when she called “out”, I withdrew my cock as she raised her body as much as my cock came out partially only. This went on for several minutes. She was still looking at the picture of my cock going in and out of her in rhythm to her calling in and out. It looked as if the piston shaft of an engine going in and out of the cylinder. Both of us could feel the tight friction while making the movements as her pussy was very tight and its walls very close. That provided us skin-to-skin-touch pleasures. In another couple of minutes, I noticed she stopped calling in and out. It was replaced by her “Haahhh aahhh aahhh aahhh.” Moans. When I looked at her face, I found she had closed her eyes and her moans came out through her widely opened mouth.

As this continued for another two minutes or so, I became uncontrollable out of extreme sexual pleasures I was getting by fucking her. So, I gave her a jerk. She opened her eyes and looked at me. In the next thrust which sent my cock deeply inside her, I did not take it out. I grabbed at her and pulled her to me. My cock still remained inside her, she fell on my body. In virtual frenzy, I grabbed her asses with my hands and separated them forcefully. This would have stretched her anus and pussy together. Then I withdrew my cock only to drill it inside her in a heavy thrust. In that process my own body arched sending her a little up. When she came down, I again drove my cock inside her. I think I must have gone mad in my head because my real assault started from that point. I stabbed her tunnel repeatedly in quick successions with my cock at alarming speed and force. This made her moan more fiercely in a mixture of pleasure and pain. My thrusts were so brutal that with every upward fuck, my cock went fully inside her up to the hilt and I could feel my testicles hitting below her pussy somewhere near her anus or thighs. She grabbed my mouth and began kissing me madly. I could feel the hard punches on my chest made with her breasts.

“Jai, my lover, fuck me again and again please don’t stop go on fucking me like this you are really marvelous please tear my pussy apart injure it make it bleed you are a wonderful fucker I never got this type of fucking and pleasures, please fuck me go on and on and on” she thundered. Her words hardly went inside my ears as I was really stabbing her madly as if it was the last day of my life and I would never get a lady for fucking again. My cock was paining and burning heavily as if it was being grinded with heavy stones inside an electric furnace.

“You bloody bitch…you indeed have a sweet lovely, tight pussy. I feel I am a luckiest man to fuck you as any man who gets a chance to fuck you would feel so. How I wish if I could go on fucking you till my death……” I roared.

“Oh.Jai, thank you for feeling that way about my pussy. But, don’t show any mercy to my pussy. It needs your savage fucking. From the way you are fucking me now, I also feel if you could go on fucking me till I die” she cried.

Her sentences staggered at several places while I continued to mount attack on her fucking more and more fiercely now. I envied myself for the enormous force and speed with which I fucked her that I had never used such force for fucking any lady before nor I believe I was capable to fuck like that. Then I made a slight change. When I drove my penis inside her fully with a massive upward thrust, I kept my cock buried inside her for a few seconds while I pressed her buttocks down with amazing force. At that time, if anyone could have seen us, it would present a picture of two persons with their bodies glued to one just like the way we were born and grown up as two inseparable twins. I continued to fuck her like this for another two minutes or so.

Then I felt her making some spasmodic movements swaying her head madly. She began reciprocating with downward thrusts. However, I found her trembling violently. This followed a thunderous roar from her mouth. I knew she was attaining orgasm. I rammed down hard on the accelerator pedal of my fucking gaining high speed and force. I knew I was also about to climax as I felt a surge and gush of my seminal fluid to my penis. And, with the next upward thrust, I kept my cock remained inside her as my cum spurted out in intermittent jets filling her canal completely. Suddenly, I felt a sort of giddiness out of the cornucopia of extreme sexual pleasures and orgasm. Soon I lay slumped with her, also motionless, on my body. It was after several minutes I woke up when she called me. I opened my eyes and looked around to realize where I was.

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