Thanks a lot for reading this wonderful tale. I will not bore you and will let Pooja continue with the next part of the story.
Kishore curiously started watching me, biting his nails. I gestured him saying the phone is ringing. After pretending for a few seconds, I acted as if someone picked the phone at the other end and started speaking to him. Actually, I was not talking to anyone. I just pretended as if I am.
I gave silence as if I am listening to other people over the call. I ensured that I convey the message to Kishore by the way I speak in mono acting.
Me: (over the phone) “Hello, am I talking to Ahalya? (Ahalya is the name of the heroine girl. Kept silent as if listening to another end)
Me: “Oh, are you her brother? Nice talking to you. Can you give the phone to your sister Ahalya”
(Kept silent as if listening to the other person.)
Me: “Oh Sorry, forgot to introduce myself, I am Pooja, SIL of the hero artist Kishore, who attended the audition with Ahalya.”
(Kept silent as if listening to the person at another end.)
Me: “Oh nice to know that you are her manager and as well brother. But this is personal, I feel it will be better if I can directly talk to her. I kindly request you to please give the phone to Ahalya.”
(Kept silent as if listening to the person at another end.)
Me: “Oh nice to know that you make the decision for her, then no way for me. I will request you. Hope you know that your sister and my BIL have next audition in three weeks. I feel it will be better if they practice rehearsal for next three weeks before the audition.”
Me: “So I called to invite your sister Ahalya to come to my home to practice acting. This will help my BIL a lot as he failed audition. This practice will help him. For him, this opportunity is very precious and he doesn’t want to miss it. If you can allow your sister for acting rehearsal it will be of great help. Could you please allow her?”
(Kept silent as if listening to another person.) I kept pretending more silence for a long time to hear the other person’s conversation. Kishore was watching all this from a distance nervously. After a long gap, with mixed shock and surprise reaction, I said.
Me: (with laughing and nervous) “Sir, I think you are playing a prank. Sir, I am talking seriously, please don’t play jokes. Please send your sister.” (Kept silent as if listening to him) Now I turned my face bit serious with worry.
Me: “Sir, are you really serious about this? It is not all logical that we both need to rehearse together before you send your sister for practice? They are going to be professional actors. They are rehearsing with reason to do best during their acting. What is the reason that we need to act together? Total nonsense.”
I ended this and Kishore got highly tensed by understanding the context. I gestured him to be silent and I pretended few minute silence and I continued
Me: “What? You want this for fun and enjoyment. Sir, please understand that I am not that type of girl. I think you mistake me. I am not interested in acting, I cannot do this. I asked for your sister as she is ready for a movie acting career.”
Me: “But your request is a bit offensive. Please reconsider my request sir, It is for good life of my BIL and your sister. Please don’t bring your personal lust and desire in this.”
I pretended by the back and forth conversation that he is not willing to compromise on his condition. I prolonged it as if I am begging Ahalya’s brother to consider my request. Kishore meanwhile was getting nervous, tensed, and waving hands at me indicating to cut the call. I muted the line and said him to not disturb the conversation.
Me: “Sir, I understand you are expecting some return favor that will excite you. Can I suggest this? Can you please take money as fees in daily or hourly rate as acting fees for your sister? I can pay that compared to me doing a rehearsal with you.” (Kept silent as if listening)
Me: (with shock and panic) “Sorry sir, I don’t mean to hurt you. I was thinking of many alternatives. Please do not get offended. Sorry to propose the idea of this fee. I think you got it in the wrong sense. Please do not cut the phone. Give me a minute to think.”
I pretended thinking deeply as if I am making a lifetime decision. Kishore meanwhile started saying, “Anni, I understand what that guy is looking for. Please ignore him and cut the call. Don’t take the pressure, let us think other alternatives.”
I said, “Kishore, please keep quiet. We need her for practice. Leave it to me.” and I returned to the phone.
Me: “Sir, I am ok with your condition. Sir, please understand that I am not a call girl. I deserve respect. I can do a few romance scenes from the script with you. Please don’t expect too much from me. Hope you will understand in the right sense and keep up the promise of sending your sister for acting practice”
Kishore is shocked to see that I have accepted for his condition. I continued on the phone, “Sir, ok thanks. Reminding you that I am doing this because I want your sister for practice. I don’t have any personal interest in you. So please keep this in mind and do the acting in a professional way with me. How long you want to have the practice session?” (Kept silent as if listening to him)
Me with shocked: “Oh sir, 8 hours is too much. What we are going to act for 8 hours. We can keep it for 2 to 3 hours only.” (Kept silent as if listening.) Kishore was getting angry and tensed with Ahalya’s brother.
Me: “Ok Sir, thanks for agreeing. Where should I come? And when should I come?” (Kept silent as if listening.)
Me: “Oh now itself? Ok, I will come. Please give the address.” (Kept silent as if listening to him) I started taking paper and writing address.
Me: “Ok sir, Hotel GRT Grand days, Room Number 305 right? Name is Anand, right? Ok sir will come there.”
I pretended to cut the phone. I appreciated myself for a wonderful mono acting session. I looked at Kishore with a sad face.
Me: “Kishore, it is a very bad day. He is not ready to compromise. We don’t have any option. I know it will be difficult for me, but I cannot see you losing your dream career. I will hold my nerves and go through this to get his sister for rehearsal. It is very important for us to get her for practice.”
Without waiting for him, I started preparing to leave. I picked my handbag, and phone as if I am going to leave. Kishore became so nervous and started begging me.
“Anni, acting career is important to me. But I am not a person to sacrifice your life and put you as a scapegoat to reach my career goal. If you do this and later if I am successful in my career, the feeling that I spoiled your life will be ever with me. I will live the rest of my life with this guilty feeling. Please don’t ever do this. Drop this plan.”
I responded, “Kishore, you know me very well. I never had any boyfriend even before marriage. I kept away from these things. Even I am not happy doing this. But the only thing I am happy with doing this is that this will help your career progress. I understand your concern”
“I strictly said to that person that he cannot expect too much from me. I think just a few romance scenes he wants to do. I think he is in a craze of touching and feeling female. I will hold my nerves, do it with him, and come back. Don’t feel guilty or emotional. I am doing this by myself and you are not forcing for it. Therefore, you do not need to feel guilty.”
Kishore was not yet convinced and started begging, “Anni, what so ever. Don’t do this. My mind won’t accept compromising you with someone for my career benefit. You swear on me that you are not going.” He said in a strict and possessive voice. I pretended that I am giving up that idea.
I threw my handbag on the sofa and sat. I gave a deep breath and said, “Ok Kishore, let us temporarily stop the plan of me compromising with Ahalya’s brother. Let us think of other alternatives.” Kishore agreed and relaxed a bit as I decided to hold the plan temporarily.
I politely asked Kishore “Kishore, do you have any female friends who can come for acting practice?” I know he does not have any single person. Kishore came back with the expected reply, “Anni, you know about me. I don’t have any friends”
I exhibited slight disappointment and said, “Mm I got friends, but it will be inappropriate to call them for this purpose. Chances are there that they may not take it in the right sense.” Kishore said, “Yes Anni, I agree.”
I slowly started with a build up and bit politely and hesitantly. “Kishore, I got an idea, but I am not sure how you will take it. I am too scared worrying if you will think bad about me.”
Kishore quickly responded “Anni, why I am going to think bad about you. You are the goddess of sacrifice. You took such an ultimate decision of compromising yourself with some unknown guy for my career. I will not think bad about you, please openly tell if you got an idea. Don’t hesitate.”
Me: “Ok Kishore, thanks for very high praising words and trust on me. I am telling this plan trusting you that you will take it in the right sense and won’t misunderstand my intention.”
Kishore “Please Anni, tell me, don’t worry I won’t take it wrong.”
Me: “Ok Kishore. Our current situation is that you need to thoroughly rehearse the romance scenes in the script book before the audition. We tried to get Ahalya to pair with you. But we were not successful. And you are not permitting to compromise me to get Ahalya. You don’t have any female friends who can act with you. I don’t have any friends I can arrange acting with you. In this situation, I have an idea.”
Kishore “Yes Anni, please tell.”
Me: “Kishore, if you don’t mistake me. Why don’t we can practice the scenes together? I will play the heroine character in our home for practice. I have personal good taste in reviewing the acting. I will be able to guide and tell you if you are acting well. I can guide you as your well-wisher.”
Me: “Beyond all these, this is a better arrangement compared to me compromising with someone else. Instead of me compromising to some unknown person to get some unknown girl for practice, why don’t we both get into acting? This arrangement is far better than me compromising with someone else.”
Me: “Moreover, I will be comfortable to give company to you for acting. I will be able to freely and relaxedly act with you compared to Ahalya’s brother. We can shoot our acting in our cameras. We can sit together, review it, find the mistakes and correct them until you get 100% perfection.”
Me: “Time will not be a constraint if we both are going to do it. If required we can practice late nights as well until you get perfect. What do you think about this?”
Thank you for your feedback. I am sorry if I have not been able to answer all your emails. But be assured that I will take your feedback constructively.
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