Hi, Reader. I know the first question you have in your mind seeing a multi-part story with an episode number higher than 10. You may wonder/guess, “What is there to tell a sex story with 13+ parts? Maybe in each episode male character will fuck one girl. Otherwise in each episode male character will fuck a girl in a different environment like pool, bed, bath, etc.”
This is not that type of story, this is like a novel which has all the ingredients like a strong addictive storyline, conversations, emotions, twists, turns, suspense, erotica, romance, love, affection, sentiment. You will see all the things of a mainstream novel/movie with an adult theme.
You need 20 minutes of your time to just read part 1 to decide if this story is for you or not. Please check part 1 of this story to start a wonderful journey where all other1000’s of people currently enjoying in this series. The number of ‘Likes’ this story has got will indicate the importance of this story.
As an author, I don’t want you to miss a wonderful experience. You will never forget this story. Please start from the first episode to join this wonderful journey. Pooja continues narrating the story in her own words.
Pooja’s story:
I took a magazine from the table and hit his shoulder. He laughed and said, “Ok Anni, sorry if it is too gross to answer. I thought to be open and ask my doubt. If it hurts and makes you uncomfortable to answer, please leave it. No worries.”
I calmed down and said, “It is ok da, I appreciate being open in asking a question. I consider yours is valid concern respecting a women’s feeling. I appreciate you thinking for the person at the opposite end. This is a good trait. Let me try to answer to the best of my knowledge.”
I continued, “In terms of our acting practice if it happens I do not mind. I am ok with it. So do not feel guilty about it. I will wash my hands later. If I speak about myself I will take it in a sporting manner. With respective to acting with the heroine girl and in real shooting, it is a bit tricky to answer.”
Me: I would suggest that you should talk to the heroine girl about the chance of this happening. Ask her concern openly at the very beginning so that she won’t get offended if you cum in her hand. She may feel better if you tell her in advance. Another option is that you may wear…(smile and shyness)
Kishore: Tell me, Anni, I can wear? What?
Me: Condom da, so that you will not make her hands wet. But not sure if your facial expression will be affected if you wear it.
Kishore: Oh my god, How can I ask such questions to her. Anyway, I have to ask. No options left.
Me: (laughed) Oh is your doubt clear now?
Kishore: Thanks Anni, It is clear now. Thanks for clarifying to me.
Me: Ok Kishore, did my nails hurt you during pocket play? As my nails are a bit big?
Kishore: No Anni, not at all.
Me: Nice to know that Kishore. Ok, I think you are getting better and getting the courage to ask openly intimate questions. So I think without wasting much time, we should now try some hard and tough scenes. I think now you can do very normal and casual romantic scenes like a piece of cake. I assess that you are now comfortable hugging, touching, etc. You are doing it so well.
Kishore got excited as I am hinting for advanced scenes. He replied, “Yes Anni, I think I am also ready.” I said in my mind’s voice, “I know you are ready. It will not happen that easily darling. I will make you cry wanting for it. Then only at a moment where the dam is full and ready to break, I will open the gates.”
I said to him, “Ok Kishore, we can pick a highly tough and challenging scene. But before that, I want to make check your comfort level for normal romance scenes. It may not make sense to progress to advanced scenes if you are still weak in the romantic scene.”
Kishore got up from the sofa and said, “No Anni, I am ready. Tell me the scene, I will act now and prove to you that I am better.”
Me: Ok Kishore, this is a really positive attitude, I appreciate it. Just will test two scenes to see if you are fully conversant with basic romance scenes.
Kishore: Ok Anni, I am ready now. Tell me the first scene.
Me: (I got ready to tease him) Ok da, the first scene is the very basic the dress sniffing and expressing on face scene.
Kishore: Oh that one? Yes Anni, give me the dress. I will do it right away.
Me: Ok da, I remember that scene demands very recently worn inner garments with a fragrance that is not washed after wearing. Give me a minute, I will give you a dress. (With surprise expression) Oh shit, I put all the dresses in the washing machine other than the one I am wearing. Ok, no worries I will give you the dress I am wearing right now.
Kishore looked at me and said, “Ok Anni.” I was wearing a long skirt and t-shirt. I said, “Kishore just turn the other side for a minute, please.” Kishore honored my request and turned to the other side. I lifted my skirt and pulled my panty down and called Kishore, “Kishore you may turn now.”
He turned towards me. I said, “Ok da, I asked you to turn as I want to remove my panty.” I showed my panty at my legs. I lifted my legs to remove my panty and gave it to him. He received it as if receiving a precious diamond. That panty was carrying all my love juice that was oozing since this morning through all of these intimate acting scenes.
He took it his nose and smelled it and he got mad. He put on his face, scratched on his face like a crazy guy. He licked it and did all things beyond that is in the script. He treated that panty in such a violent way. I realized how much he is aroused and ready for the hardcore stuff.
I said cut and said, “Ok Kishore, you are doing good, but too much out of the script that is fine. However definitely good acting. I appreciate it.”
I said “Ok the second scene. This is the scene you were a bit scared initially to do. This scene revolves around sniffing my hip and slightly biting the hip. You shivered during the initial take. Let us see if you are better now.”
Kishore: Ok Anni, I am ready. Since it is a hip scene, do you want to change to saree? Or is it Ok I do with this dress itself by lifting your t-shirt?
I was shocked to see he has become so bold asking me directly if he can lift my t-shirt and play with my hip. Therefore, it clearly indicates that he wants to pass these two basic test to do advanced scenes with me. I said, “It is ok doing in this same dress. You may lift the t-shirt to access my hip.”
Kishore without talking walked to me. He kneeled down on the floor, kept his hand on my butts and gently pulled me towards him. His nose gently touched my belly. He gently raised my t-shirt. Slightly pulled my skirt gently two inches down to create a gap in the waist area.
He sniffed my belly button and hip and opened his mouth. He went to the side of my hip and gently bit my hip as if he is taking a big bun into his mouth. He chewed my hip for a few minutes until I said cut. I got aroused a lot with his maneuvers.
I said, “Super da, you got good chemistry now. You are ready for the climax scene itself. Let us try to shoot the climax scenes.”
Kishore got excited and without showing in his face, “Yes Anni, whatever you say it makes sense.” I laughed within myself and said, “Wait and see my torture that you are going to face.”
Me: Ok Kishore, Yes see acting advanced scenes makes it very easy to do basic scenes. See now you are fluently doing the basic scenes after we did the ‘pocket play’ scenes. Therefore, with this climax scene, you will be 100% ready for any scene at any time.
Kishore with too much of excitement as his fucking dream is going to come true said, “Yes Anni, you are absolutely right.”
I said, “Ok da, let us first read the climax part of the story and understand the crux well. Let us figure out how to do it in case if it appears too much. Then do it later in the evening today, especially after 8.30 PM as that is a very auspicious time.” I coined the terms as if we are planning for an auspicious time for the first night.
Kishore with excitement said, “Ok Anni, sure let us do it tonight. Now let us read the script and understand it better to do this scene.”
Me: Ok, read the climax scene from the script.
Kishore started reading the script
Scene No: 420
Scene Name: Climax in Bed
Hero and Heroine: Ravi and Kavya
Location: Hero’s friend’s Bedroom
Scene Background:
Kavya and Ravi are loving for the past several months. They love each other truly. All these days they were playing fun games with each other without any serious sex intention. Their plays like ‘pocket play’ were just for fun and to tease each other.
They were not in a rush for sex with each other as they truly love each other more than sex. Now the situation has changed. Parents and relatives of this young lovely couple are against their love. Therefore, it is the need of the moment that they both need to mix their bodies sexually so that no one can separate them.
Therefore, they decide to join in bed sexually surrendering to each other 100%. Once they have sex, parents and relatives cannot separate them. For such a noble cause, they decide to unite on the bed and enjoy the sex. They got a guesthouse bungalow from one of his friend for this holy activity.
Note to Crew: This is not a porn movie to show a sex scene. This is a divine love story. Lovers are uniting for the purpose of getting united in life forever. So the focus of shooting is towards their face expression and indirect showing of their unification on the bed. So this scene will be composed, edited, background music to amplify the divinity of the story.
Note to Hero and Heroine: This is a very intimate scene showing that hero and heroine are ready to have sex with each other. We need to convince the audience that they are having real sex. Your facial expression should express the happiness of enjoying sex.
Facial expressions will be shown very clear, body movements inside the blanket will be blurred and edited with symbolic representations (honeybee drinking honey from the flower, etc.)
The heroine is in bed and she is covered with a blanket from shoulders to the knee. Bare shoulders should be visible for the camera to show the audience that the heroine is fully surrendering her nude body to the hero to enjoy. Boobs will be covered in a blanket and below the knee will be shown in the camera.
Heroine’s such pose (bare shoulders without bra strap and barefoot under the knee) will indicate she is nude. The hero will be inside the blanket on top of the heroine. Heroine’s legs are spread like inverted V. Hero’s straight legs and between her wide legs indicates critical posture. We show the tangled legs in close-up to indicate the compromising posture
Camera: Show this pose for a few seconds to indicate and make the audience to believe live sex is happening in compromising position.
Heroine spreads her hands wide apart, clamps her fingers with the hero’s fingers. Hero’s face is in close proximity with the heroine’s face and they both gasp heavily. Hero sweats a lot. A blanket covers up to the neck of the hero. The camera shows this shot in a bird’s eye view from the top angle.
Next shot we show the close up of both hero and heroine’s face as they gasp. Their faces express a cute and happy reaction. This close-up shot will prolong for a few seconds. Then later, the hero releases his hand clutch with the heroine’s hand and slowly pulls his head back into the blanket.
Camera operator: Show the shot where the hero takes his head inside the blanket and crawls backward and immediately lock the camera angle to the heroine’s face to capture the expression.
Heroine twists her head and squeezes her body in ecstasy and happiness because of the action hero is doing inside the blanket. (We won’t show what hero is doing inside blanket. We leave it indirect to the audience to guess as they wish.) Heroine emotes her satisfaction, happiness, lust, enjoyment everything in her face as the hero is playing inside the blanket.
A few minutes later again hero emerges from blanket hear the heroine’s neck in the same position (upright in the fucking pose). Hero looks deep into the eyes of the heroine to indicate he is ready. Heroine understands the thirst of the hero and she blinks her eye to give a nod to him
Camera Crew: Hero starts fucking action inside the blanket. We show tangled legs for a few seconds. We show the entire body movement inside the blanket for a few seconds, and we show their facial expression of both of them in close up. We show shaking the bed.
Editing: We show thunder sound, lightning, and wave gushing to symbolic indication.
Hero continues fucking action within a blanket. We show the close-up of both of their faces ignoring what is happening inside the blanket. Hero and Heroine slowly getting aroused and they both reaching peak slowly. We show that enjoyment escalation/progression second by second.
After a stage, they reach the peak and they both moan heavily indicating they have internally mixed and blasted. They gasp heavily and moan for a few seconds. The hero rolls and falls next to the heroine. They look at each other deeply and smile. Thanking each other through eyes for showing the extreme happiness that they have ever experienced
Shot ends.
Kishore stopped reading and looked at me. I was completely out of control and aroused to read such an intimate and erotic scene. I am so anxious that I want to get into that role this second and execute it. I held my nerves to control it and to prolong this for better and erotic results.
I broke the ice, “Oh my god. What a detailed description. So sensitive scene da. Really one should have a lot of courage, boldness, and willingness to do this scene. Good thing is that they are not portrayed as porn video showing nudity. But still, hero and heroines should act in a way for people to believe sex is happening. This is a wonderful thought by the director. But really a challenging task for hero and heroine character.” I shared my analysis with Kishore.
Kishore: Yes Anni, you are right. Very sensitive scene.
I know that he is passionately looking for this scene to act. But trying to follow and agree with what I say. I decided to tease him further by giving him a bit of tension and slight disappointment. I don’t want to show that I am ready to do this scene. he will be over thrilled.
I decided that I would play a ‘moral fear’, disappoint him, and see how it goes. I will not right away declare that I am going to do this scene. Similarly, I don’t want to outright disappoint him that I am not going to do it. I thought to put him in a state of confusion thinking whether I will accept or not.
I said, “Hey Kishore, usually there will be instructions for hero and heroine in the story for each scene, is that not there for this scene?”
Kishore: Yes Anni, it is there. I am yet to read it.
Me: Ok Kishore read it, let us know the further details. I have many questions and concerns about this scene. Let us see the instructions; it will help to decide my stand.
Ok readers this is Varun. This hot story will be continued in the next episode. Please keep watching this space for the next episode. I would like to hear both your positive and critical feedback. Kindly let me know the section you liked in this story. (Situation/Dialog)
If you could point me the detail in this story I will appreciate. As a creator, I want to know where my audience clapped for me. Waiting for your feedback either in comments below or to my email id [email protected].
Pooja is also willing to hear the feedback at her [email protected] In the meantime, you can read my other stories posted on this site.