Hi, Reader. I know the first question you have in your mind seeing a multi-part story with an episode number higher than 10. You may wonder/guess, “What is there to tell a sex story with 13+ parts? Maybe in each episode male character will fuck one girl. Otherwise in each episode male character will fuck a girl in a different environment like pool, bed, bath, etc.”
his is not that type of story, this is like a novel which has all the ingredients like a strong addictive storyline, conversations, emotions, twists, turns, suspense, erotica, romance, love, affection, sentiment. You will see all the things of a mainstream novel/movie with an adult theme.
You need 20 minutes of your time to just read part 1 to decide if this story is for you or not. Please check part 1 of this story to start a wonderful journey where all other1000’s of people currently enjoying in this series. The number of ‘Likes’ this story has got will indicate the importance of this story.
As an author, I don’t want you to miss a wonderful experience. You will never forget this story. Please start from the first episode to join this wonderful journey. Pooja continues narrating the story in her own words.
I said, “Ok then what? We can start acting now itself na?”
He hesitated and said, “Anni can you give me 5 minutes? We can do it?”
I puzzled and asked, “Why 5 minutes?”
He became so shy to answer my question and said, “Just want to get to the restroom and do a bit of cleaning before we do the scene”
My cheeks turned red in his reply. He realized that his cock will be in full lubrication and wetness now to act in this scene. He didn’t want to put me uncomfortably by making me touch his leaky, juicy, sperm soaked cock. Anyway, I don’t mind touching it that way.
I smiled with shy and said, “Oh, ok I understand.”
He smiled and went to his room to prepare. I found my heart was beating like anything as I am progressing further and further in this acting drama. After 5 minutes, he came out with shyness in the face wearing a different pant. I believe he has cleaned him and kept his shaft dry for the scene.
I gave a friendly smile to him and said, “Ok nice, costume-wise ready for the scene?” (It is indirectly asking him that if he nude inside)
He smiled and said, “Yes Anni.”
I turned my face into bit serious mode and started advising, “Ok da, this is the scene of you enjoying the romance with your lover. So keep your body language natural and facial expressions natural. Don’t try to hide your joy or happiness feeling thinking of anything else.”
“Enjoy as it comes(cums). Don’t worry about anything and act boldly. I will try to do my part best to bring the best emotions on your face. But in case if my side of acting is weak, please help me by giving tip to let me know to give my best to bring facial expression. Like how I hinted you during my acting with ‘Climbing Mount Everest’ example”
He nodded his head with a shy full smiling and happy face. We kept the camera position for the scene, one camera focusing on his face and other camera focusing on his pant cock area. We prepared our self mentally ready for the scene.
He kept his legs wide open and spread his hands apart holding dumbells in hand. I gently went to his back with my pounding heart. I brushed my boobs on his back and kept my chin on his shoulder and said, “Oh Ravi, shall I search your pocket trusting you?”
Ravi: Yes Kavya, please.
I gently inserted my fingers into each of his pockets and slowly advanced inch-by-inch inside with curiosity and excitement. As my fingers advance inch by inch, he slightly parted his legs further waiting for my feather touch. I reached the end of his pocket.
Slowly my fingertips touched his bare skin on his thigh. Kishore shivered a bit on my first intimate touch on his thigh. I started writing gently on his thigh with my fingertip, “I Love” and slowly moved my hands inwards towards his center part. His body shivered his hand nervous holding dumbells become stiff.
His neck nerves started a bit tight in the ecstasy feeling. My heart started pounding as if I am going to hold a live strong banana for the first time in my life. One of my dreams is to be the first person to touch his part and that is going to come true today.
I moved my hands to center and found his cock is standing in hard rock solid pose raised up. Gently brushed my finger and slowly touched it in my right hand. He skewed his body feeling my hand on his penis. I slowly brought my left hand to his penis and touched it in my left hand.
Now my both left and right-hand fingers hold his penis. He started moaning with an uncontrollable feeling of a female touch on his very sensitive body part. He struggled to stand properly. I gently caressed his cock like a small bird in my hand.
My left hand held his cock ball. Pushing it up from the bottom and my right hand caressed slowly top of the cock as if we caress holding a small bird. I slowly moved from gentleness to a bit hard by holding his cock and stroking it gently by moving the skin forward and backward slowly.
He started moaning heavily as I started stroking it gently. While my one hand strokes it gently, I used the other hand to gently caress his balls. I pulled the skin backward and held it in stand still. I could feel his cock tip is ticking like a heartbeat. I used another finger to touch the tip of his cock without the foreskin.
He shivered with my touch. I felt it is a bit moist. I noticed his face in the mirror. It is emoting complete expressions required for the scene. I started stroking it hard as if masturbating him. I could see that he is a bit tensed as I started a bit aggressively stroking. It seems he is a bit worried if he will cum on my hand.
I stroked for a few minutes to take him to the peak. Before he masturbates, I said “Cut,” and pulled my hands outside of his pocket. Leaving him halfway in the peak of his joy. He is ultimately disappointed that I’ve not finished it. I laughed within me and said, “Ok scene over, the shot is complete.”
I clapped heavily and said, “ Fantastic job da. You did great natural body language and acting. I liked the way you acted.” Kishore was in climax with a fully erected cock without reaching climax. He looked at me very weakly begging for more and said, “Thank you, Anni.”
I asked him, “How did you find this scene? Comfortable and confident?” He responded, “Yes Anni, I felt good and tried to be natural as possible.”
I hugged him and said, “So nice da, you did this scene very well. I did look at your face during the entire acting scene. Your face expressed very natural excitement and ecstasy feeling. You did almost everything right, except a very minor observation.”
He became curious and asked, “What is that, Anni?”
I said, “Your body becomes a bit unstable. You squeezed your body a lot where I cannot perform acting properly. Try to keep your pose a bit normal so that heroine girl will be able to do her part. If you twist and squeeze your body too much, it will be difficult for her to act alone.”
Kishore said, “Ok Anni, I understand. Sometimes I was unable to control, when we do next time I will try to improve.”
I laughed inside, “Oh my god, now itself you are thinking about next attempt?” I smiled, “Ok da. Let us take a break from acting and focus on housework. Let us have lunch. Let me serve lunch. Before that let me go and wash my hands before I serve food with this hands,” and I laughed in teasing way.
He became shy and said, “Anni, don’t tease me.” We both laughed like anything and I went to the restroom to wash my hands to serve lunch. I walked to the restroom full of joy in accomplishing my journey towards Kishore. I know he is now like a baked cake ready to eat any time.
Let me go slowly and eat him at one final moment. I relaxed a bit, came back after refreshing myself, served food to him on the dining table. I enjoyed looking at him having his lunch. Now with all these closeness in acting together made me comfortable in touching him without guilt or worry that he will think badly about me.
While he was eating, I gently caressed his hair and head and scolded him to eat well with love. He smiled and ate lunch. I had my lunch and we just sat on the sofa and started chit chatting in general. He moved too friendly with me in talking about various things. Kishore from his end trying to create more bond.
I could see his lust on me as frequently he looks at my boobs. I did not bother it. Now I slowly changed the topic towards spicy stuff and started talking about acting.
Me: Kishore, It is good that your practice for the audition is coming up well and chemistry is improving a lot with you.
Kishore: (he is happy as the conversation turned on to this topic and he showed his active engagement). Thanks, Anni.
Me: Kishore, I do not know if I can ask this to you are not. Slightly thinking about whether to ask or not.
Kishore became curious to know what is my question. He is a bit excited assuming I am opening up something for more fun. Kishore quickly replied, “Anni, please never ever hesitate to ask, scold me, I am your property.”
Me: Ok Kishore, you know very well that before this acting practice started our relationship use to be very formal and I am very normal. Now we started this acting practice and this acting demands bit physical closeness. I am doing this as this is purely acting. So my question is…
Kishore: Please Anni, complete your question. Please don’t hesitate.
Me: Ok da, what about your opinion on me da comparing to me before we started this acting. Do you think cheap about me? Have your respect /admiration on me gone down?
As soon as I completed my question, I saw a drop of tear on his eyes. I was shocked to see it. Immediately consoled him “Hey, did I ask anything wrong? What happen da, why are you crying?”
Kishore: Anni, I don’t know why you think like this. If any of my activity made you feel like that, I am so sorry for it. To be honest, my respect, affection, love on you have grown 1000 times more than before. I was an introvert guy before you advised me and started coaching me.
Kishore: I never ready just to talk to any girl for 3 minutes in total. You broke the shell on me and you traveled with me all the way to make me bold, courageous, extrovert and you taught me so many life skills. How I will think bad about you. What you are doing is sacrifice and you are my goddess.
He stood up and before I realize what he is doing, he fell at my feet. Keeping his forehead on my feet and started dripping his tears on my foot while I was seated on the sofa. I totally melted with his move and felt bad for asking such a question to him.
I quickly pulled him up and hugged him tightly, pressing my face in his neck and said, “Hey sorry da for asking this question. But I am really touched with the way you explained. Sorry for hurting you da.” My hug produced more tears in him. I consoled him patting his back.
I said, “Take it easy my baby, please don’t cry.” He tried to become normal and made him sit next to me. I wrapped my arm on his shoulder and tried to console him. As he was still weeping, I said, “Ok da, it seems this is not getting over. You are still weeping slowly. Let us do rehearse a scene one more time to change the situation in the room.”
As soon as I said rehearse the scene one more time, Kishore become curious and asked, “What is that Anni?” I laughed, “It seems you are in a crying mood. I do not like that. I want to see your happy face. So let us do a quick ‘pant pocket play’ scene rehearsal.”
His face turned from weeping mode to shy mode. I caught it teased him and said, “See now your reaction is changing.” He further smiled in shyness and shame. I said, “Ok Kishore, get up and stand in your pose, let us act the scene now”
He got excited and stood to spread his legs like earlier. He had not changed his pant. I gently went to his back, inserted my hands into his pocket, and groped his cock. It is erected like hard rock. I touched it, peeled it, rotated it, vibrated it by shaking it heavily.
I did every small thing that I can do on his cock. I felt the urge to just ignore my self-control and go in front of him and unzip his pant to take his cock in my throat. I controlled my wild desires and limited myself to just play with his cock using my fingers.
After a few minutes of caress, fondling, I gently started stroking it slowly. He widened his legs to enjoy the handjob. I started stroking and increased the speed of my stroke gradually. I found that he is reaching a peak as my intensity increase. I know if I continue for another 30 seconds he is going to rain his cum.
I stopped there abruptly and said, “Cut / Shot over.” I pulled my hands from his pocket leaving him highly disappointed. I praised him that he acted well. Kishore with disappointment said, “Thanks Anni, give me a few minutes I will be back soon,” and he went to the restroom.
I know why he is going and what he is going to do there. I waited with a smile. He came back after 5 minutes with a relaxed face. I know he would have relaxed in the bathroom. Then we just did general chit chat and not brought personal question like the one I asked earlier which made him cry.
After some time of chitchat again we started about acting matters. He hesitated to ask something.
Kishore: Anni, I have a vulgar doubt, very much hesitant about asking that to you. I thought of skipping it asking to you. But at the same time worried if it would be wrong if I did not check with you. So confused heavily whether to ask or leave it.
My heart started beating heavily, what this guy is going to ask. What if, if he suddenly asks for advanced stuff where I am not prepared well to answer. I with fear encouraged him to open up his question.
Me (laughing): Hey you are frightening me, what is that gross and sensitive question. Please do not hesitate to ask. No formalities, if you feel it vulgar, use gentle words and ask your doubt.
Kishore: Anni, this is related to the pant pocket scene.
Me: Ok da, what doubt/question in it? is it related to acting in that scene?
Kishore: Yes Anni.
Me: What doubt?
Kishore hesitated a lot and I encouraged him to open up
Kishore: Anni, I will try to use gentle words. But I do not think I cannot ask this question without using vulgar words.
Me: (laughed) Don’t build up, come out and ask.
Kishore: Ok Anni, I will ask my doubt. In this pocket play scene…
Me: Ok, tell.
Kishore: When heroine touches my…
Me: Ok she touches yours? (laughed and giggled)
Kishore (with a shy smile): Anni, please don’t tease me as I am struggling to ask the question.
Me: Ok da, feel free to ask without hesitation mentioning the part.
Kishore: Ok Anni, when heroine touches my penis, (extreme shyness)
Me: Got it, (with a smile) I understood, ask your question without hesitation
Kishore: My c..c..cock becomes. Erected.
Me: That is fine and normal for anyone. What is your doubt?
Kishore: When heroine strokes my cock…(silent)
Me: Hmmm.
Kishore: When heroine strongly strokes my cock, I am a bit worried whether I will cum in her hand and whether it will hurt her. I don’t know how to handle this situation if it happens during the audition. I am too much hesitant to ask this question as this nature of this question is a bit vulgar.
I felt a bit shocked by this question. It made me too shy. I really do not know how to respond to this one. My cheeks turned red with such an intimate question.
Me: That is Ok da, don’t mind it.
Kishore: Anni, do you mean that in shooting it is fine that I will let freely cum on her hand while she strokes me? Won’t she feel abused or offended?
Me: (I smiled and closed my eyes with my palm) Ayyo, you are killing me with a very sensitive question and making me too shy to answer.
Kishore enjoyed my shyness and started teasing me, “Anni, first time seeing you shy, very happy to see your shyness.”
Ok readers this is Varun. This hot story will be continued in the next episode. Please keep watching this space for the next episode. I would like to hear both your positive and critical feedback. Kindly let me know the section you liked in this story. (Situation/Dialog)
If you could point me the detail in this story I will appreciate. As a creator, I want to know where my audience clapped for me. Waiting for your feedback either in comments below or to my email id [email protected].
Pooja is also willing to hear the feedback at her [email protected] In the meantime, you can read my other stories posted on this site.