Innocent BIL And Husband – Part 6

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Thanks a lot for reading this wonderful tale. Have you ever questioned why do we have a format of a medium called ‘sex story’ when we have a choice of seeing high-quality porn videos streaming all the fuck, lick, suck, crazy things in vivid detail?

Of course, ‘sex stories’ remain alive because it is so wonderful compared to video content. A wonderfully written story can give a long-lasting effect making one recall the story and enjoy numerous times. It is a powerful way to communicate emotions, feelings, romance intimacy and erotic things.

A thoughtful story creates a warm feeling with the readers and if the medium is used thoughtfully with the right plot, characterization, situations, dialogs, conversations, and emotions. We can create a fabulous sex story where readers can immerse themselves deep into the plot and enjoy them being one of the characters in the story.

Unfortunately, it is very rare to find such high-quality story-driven content for sex stories. Very professional writers write nonsex stories involving sentiment, emotion, love, and all other feelings. But they wont touch on XX rated stories. Sex stories can be entirely different than explaining just pure intercourse explanation.

Many novice writers misunderstand the difference between sex story and sex narration. They are entirely different. Writing pages of content explaining what boy and girl did to each other in sex is sex narration and not sex story. That is too boring to read.

I got fed up with not finding the content of my liking and I started writing a story that fulfills my inner thirst. I created a multi-episode story named name ‘Cleverly Planned Wife Swap – Master Plan To Convince Conservative Couple’. Based on some one’s real experience

I was not sure how this story will be received by readers as it was very lengthy one of 15 episodes. I worried who will read a long story. I was proven that my thought was wrong with a nice response from readers. Later I realized that writing porn is a kind of addiction because one cannot simply write porn.

A writer needs to think of the situation, position, conversation, action, and many other things. In the course of thinking this will make a writer think about sex all the time. This will definitely take their productivity out from their life. They will be always thinking about this. Writing requires a hell lot of time from their daily activity.

I personally felt that I gave the least priority to real life thinking and writing porn. I forgot to progress in career, forgot to service vehicle on time. I thought writing is too injurious to personal and family well being. So I decided to step away from writing to get rid of the addiction.

I managed to be away from writing for a long period. Now I feel a bit of thirst to write again. I want to cautiously balance and spent on writing. Hence decided to time-bound and write one decent story. One of the readers of my story is Pooja. We become close friends after a couple of conversation.

She shared her personal sex experience with her younger brother-in-law (her hubby’s brother). Her experience and story had all the masala ingredients that qualify for a perfect erotic story. When I asked her about making her experience as a story, she gladly agreed to do with protecting her privacy enough.

I finally penned down her experience as a wonderful story and presenting here in the format of Pooja telling the story. From my understanding, Pooja is very conservative, god fearing and conservative girl. Not a wild beast looking for sex. She had a strong compelling situation and rationale behind how such a girl changed like that.

It was wonderful to hear and erotic as well. She will explain it in vivid details.

This tale explains how such a morally good and god-fearing conservative and traditional girl’s (Pooja’s) bonding with her brother-in-law changed into love. What an emotional roller coaster she had gone through in this journey.

How her interest progressed slowly from love to lust and made her determined strongly towards achieving her goal. How she achieved successfully got her desires full filled. Please take a minute of your time to ‘like’ this story. Link to ‘like’ appears at the bottom of the story and if you have time.

Ok time up with intro note. Pooja will explain the story. Read the previous parts before continuing

Part 5 Continued…

My mind started thinking over about how to make it work. As I start thinking slowly, I got a concrete plan to make it. I decided that I will practice these scenes with Kishore. But it will appear so cheap if I go and propose to him that we can act/rehearse together. There is a chance he may think badly about me.

I want to create a compelling reason in his mind so that he acts with me without suspecting me. I quickly planned it in crystal clear detail to exploit the situation. I revised my plans and found that I’m confident in reaching it. Also thought of how to handle Vivek regarding this.

I decided plans so that this will not create any issue with Vivek as well. Now with a proper plan in mind, I gently closed the script book. As the first step to execute this plan, I decided to talk to Vivek first about this. Kishore looked at me, “Anni, I’m totally depressed regarding what happened. Why it happened to me?”

I started my performance and said, “Kishore, very sorry to see it happen like this for you. The reason is that you are a very real gem of a person, 100% pure, 24-carat gold. You are an excellent and nice guy.” Kishore shocked with a contrasting statement that he failed because of his good qualities.

He got puzzled by my statement. Kishore said, “Anni, I don’t understand you.” I replied “Yes Kishore, you are a very good gentleman. You highly respect women and ladies. You clearly maintain a good physical distance from ladies. Moreover, you are not a kind of person flirting with girls in the community or in college, and you are sincere in studies and you do not have any girlfriends.”

“When you are so 100% pure with the qualities towards women. When the director put you into a scene to act with a girl in romance, how you will be able to handle it? It is natural that you were unable to perform well and struggled to give your best. I can understand you 100%.”

Kishore was a bit stunned with my response and weakly asked, “Anni, so do you mean my gentleness and decency with girls is a bad habit?” I quickly intervened, “No Kishore, not at all. No doubt that your qualities are good for a very normal life and person.”

“But you need to be bit extrovert and jovial and social person to bring up your best chemistry in acting with a female artist. You lack that quality. I know this for a long time. But I thought it would be a bit awkward to talk about this to you. You may get personally offended, so I don’t talk about this topic.”

Kishore got interested in the conversation. He started feeling that I am correctly analyzing his physiological traits. I continued “Kishore, please tell openly the feedback provided by the director to you. Did he mentioned the mistakes you made?”

Kishore became shy and said “Anni, Director said that I am too nervous while hugging or kissing heroine. He commented that my move with heroine doesn’t appear to be bold and romantic. He felt like that I am acting in fear. He commented further that my hug and kiss to heroine don’t appear like a lover kissing, hugging a girl. It appears as hugging a close family member and not a lover.”

I laughed, “Kishore, the director has exactly assessed your quality. I agree with him 100%. Kishore, can I be open in providing my feedback and suggestions to you? I hope you will not get offended. I never spoke to you about this in the past as there was no need. Today it becomes a necessity. So if you are open minded, I can talk about it”

I gave good build-up so that I can talk to him a bit casually to motivate him further and bring him to my track. As he is in a desperate situation to get moral support, he politely replied, “Anni, I feel so far your assessment on me is good. I agree with it. I will openly listen to your comments and feedback. I won’t take it bad. So please don’t hesitate and tell me.”

I said, “Thanks, Kishore, for your trust in me. I already said that you are physically not close to a female. But you need to understand the fact that every relationship between opposite sex has an acceptable, approved limit of physical intimacy. For example mom and son, father and daughter, sister and brother, boy and sister in law (bhabhi).”

“This intimacy will be in terms of hugging, kissing on cheeks, sitting together, etc. There is nothing wrong with exercising this physical closeness. Do you remember what your director commented? He said that your intimacy with that girl appeared like a hugging a family member.”

Kishore weakly said, “Yes, he told that.” I grabbed that opportunity and said “See Kishore, so it is a universal fact that certain family members outside lover/wife can kiss, hug. However, as a BIL, you never exercised the right of hugging or kissing your lovely SIL.”

“When you are not in a state of expressing your love to your own SIL, how you will be able to show it some strange new girl. As your SIL, I wished many times that you could be a bit closer to me. But I also thought that it should come naturally and I cannot insist that with you.”

“So I left talking around those topics. I never insisted on it. However, I am worried that this quality of yours is affecting your dream career. Please don’t take it wrong for pointing this. I want to give you my honest feedback, so I am saying all this to you. Kishore, I hope you will take it in the right sense.”

Kishore got stunned with my long explanation “Anni, I completely agree with your assessment. Please don’t ever mistake me thinking that I purposefully ignored you or purposefully kept myself distant from you. I have a lot of love and respect for you. Please don’t take it that I ignored you.”

I interrupted “Hey Kishore, please. I am not telling all this to embarrass you. I am just sharing my observation. Pointing that you are introverted and shy with girls is the root cause of why you failed the audition”

Kishore said, “Ok Anni, I agree with you. I accept that is my nature. Now with just three weeks left for the audition, what can we do? Do you think I can make it this time in the audition?”

I confidently replied, “Kishore, I just told your cons. But you have a lot of positive things with you da. You got a really handsome look to be a hero. You got the well-toned body and you maintain it well. You look attractive and you have a great screen presence.”

“If you just focus on your weak areas for the next 3 weeks, then I promise that you will surely succeed in audition 100%. I am confident that you will recover from your weak areas and improve tremendously.” Kishore is happy with my encouraging and confident boosting feedback.

He quickly thanked me for the positive words. I continued slowly laying a trap for him I said “Kishore, one very good thing happened is that the director has given you the entire script for you to go through and prepare. This is like giving question paper for the student before the exam.”

“Now with the script, you clearly know on which area you will be tested during the audition. You now have access to the complete syllabus. If you practice and prepare the entire syllabus before the exam (audition), you will surely win.”

Without giving a gap for him to think, I continued. “So the only way to succeed is that you need to prepare/rehearse the scenes by acting prior to audition to get perfection. As you failed in the romantic scenes, I think you need to focus on those scenes to practice better.”

“I believe it will be a good idea to call the heroine girl who paired with you during the audition. We will request her to come to our home to practice for the next 3 weeks. I can cater for food and take care of her. You and she can rehearse the scenes in the comfort of our home. Does this sound like a good idea?”

I stopped here giving a gap to listen to him. I thought inside me, “Hey, am I fool to arrange that girl to practice rehearsal? You have to do the rehearsal only with me. If I directly propose that idea, you will get a panic heart attack. I know how to bring you to do the rehearsal with me.”

Kishore face turned excited and said “Yes Anni, this sounds like a good idea. I think it will work out. I was very nervous to act in front of 100’s of people, I think I can do better at home. That will help when I go to a real audition next time.”

I thought to myself, “No da, that is not going to happen. I want to enjoy with you first. My body should be the first one for your hands to touch. My hands should be the first hands to touch your body. I cannot allow anyone else. If still this is required, I can arrange for this once after I am satisfied romancing with you.”

I agreed with him and said, “Yes Kishore, please call that girl. I saw the phone number of all casting members in the script. Call her and invite her to our home to practice acting.”

His face turned panic and he said, “Anni, oh please, how can I call her. She may take it wrong. Please Anni, you better call her. She may feel better a girl especially SIL calling her to our home instead of me calling. She will come without fear as you are inviting.”

I knew exactly this will happen. He is not that courageous to talk to the girl. So I acted that as if I am frustrated and said, “Ohh Kishore, I gave a long lecture all this time and you never corrected yourself. What is this?”

He responded “Anni, I completely got your point. But it is risky to test waters now. We are in a bad situation that we need her for rehearsal. I don’t want to screw the opportunity by not inviting her properly. I know you can talk well to her. Please help this time.”

I took my phone and dialed her number seeing from the script book. I dialed in front of him and just walked a bit away from him so that he doesn’t catch me acting. I disconnected the call discreetly before it rings. Yes, I already planned the script that I will pretend calling her without actually calling the heroine.

Ok readers this is Varun. I’m a bit confused and hesitant here thinking how readers will take a slow-moving story with too many pages. I cannot rush it at a fast pace to show quick sex without explaining the detail. If I don’t see my way of writing interests people read, I will not waste my time and your time to write long parts.

Please provide your genuine feedback about this story to [email protected]. Pooja is also willing to hear the feedback at her [email protected]. In the meantime, you can read my other stories on ISS.


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