Innocent BIL And Husband

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Thanks a lot for reading this wonderful tale. Have you ever questioned why do we have a format of a medium called ‘sex story’ when we have a choice of seeing high-quality porn videos streaming all the fuck, lick, suck, crazy things in vivid detail?

Of course, ‘sex stories’ remain alive because it is so wonderful compared to video content. A wonderfully written story can give a long-lasting effect making one recall the story and enjoy numerous times. It is a powerful way to communicate emotions, feelings, romance intimacy and erotic things.

A thoughtful story creates a warm feeling with the readers and if the medium is used thoughtfully with the right plot, characterization, situations, dialogs, conversations, and emotions. We can create a fabulous sex story where readers can immerse themselves deep into the plot and enjoy them being one of the characters in the story.

Unfortunately, it is very rare to find such high-quality story-driven content for sex stories. Very professional writers write nonsex stories involving sentiment, emotion, love, and all other feelings. But they wont touch on XX rated stories. Sex stories can be entirely different than explaining just pure intercourse explanation.

Many novice writers misunderstand the difference between sex story and sex narration. They are entirely different. Writing pages of content explaining what boy and girl did to each other in sex is sex narration and not sex story. That is too boring to read.

I got fed up with not finding the content of my liking and I started writing a story that fulfills my inner thirst. I created a multi-episode story named name ‘Cleverly Planned Wife Swap – Master Plan To Convince Conservative Couple’. Based on some one’s real experience

I was not sure how this story will be received by readers as it was very lengthy one of 15 episodes. I worried who will read a long story. I was proven that my thought was wrong with a nice response from readers. Later I realized that writing porn is a kind of addiction because one cannot simply write porn.

A writer needs to think of the situation, position, conversation, action, and many other things. In the course of thinking this will make a writer think about sex all the time. This will definitely take their productivity out from their life. They will be always thinking about this. Writing requires a hell lot of time from their daily activity.

I personally felt that I gave the least priority to real life thinking and writing porn. I forgot to progress in career, forgot to service vehicle on time. I thought writing is too injurious to personal and family well being. So I decided to step away from writing to get rid of the addiction.

I managed to be away from writing for a long period. Now I feel a bit of thirst to write again. I want to cautiously balance and spent on writing. Hence decided to time-bound and write one decent story. One of the readers of my story is Pooja. We become close friends after a couple of conversation.

She shared her personal sex experience with her younger brother-in-law (her hubby’s brother). Her experience and story had all the masala ingredients that qualify for a perfect erotic story. When I asked her about making her experience as a story, she gladly agreed to do with protecting her privacy enough.

I finally penned down her experience as a wonderful story and presenting here in the format of Pooja telling the story. From my understanding, Pooja is very conservative, god fearing and conservative girl. Not a wild beast looking for sex. She had a strong compelling situation and rationale behind how such a girl changed like that.

It was wonderful to hear and erotic as well. She will explain it in vivid details.

This tale explains how such a morally good and god-fearing conservative and traditional girl’s (Pooja’s) bonding with her brother-in-law changed into love. What an emotional roller coaster she had gone through in this journey.

How her interest progressed slowly from love to lust and made her determined strongly towards achieving her goal. How she achieved successfully got her desires full filled. Please take a minute of your time to ‘like’ this story. Link to ‘like’ appears at the bottom of the story and if you have time.

Ok time up with intro note. Pooja will explain the story

Hi readers, my name is Pooja. I am married to a smart and handsome Vivek, a civil engineer. I don’t believe in describing my beauty myself. This is someone else to judge my beauty. But I believe I may look beautiful for a few reasons. I received 80+ love proposal during college days.

After I joined working in IT in my office I got around 15+ love proposal before marriage. These things indicate that I look beautiful for guys around me. I appreciate my shapes and body curves when I glance at my own structure in the mirror while bathing.

I’m 5.4” height and own expressive eyes, lips, and wheatish complexion, curly hairs up long below my shoulders When Varun expressed his thought of sharing my personal experience as a wonderful story, I was a bit hesitant, to begin with. Later I felt it would be very thrilling for me to remember every detail that occurred in the course of my journey and apprize those reminiscences.

I finally said, “OK.” I cannot forget that remarkable experience till my last breath. If I would have questioned myself a few years back that whether I would have had lust on my brother-in-law in the future, I would ferociously reply myself that it is too low to think like that.

However, fortunately, or unfortunately, I have slowly fallen in love with my brother-in-law. My affection for him has increased slowly over the months. I reached a frantic stage where I seriously need him bodily close as we always keep a moderate distance. My infatuation on him made me unbalanced.

I was in a serious predicament, confusion, and moral anxiety. Lastly, I came out of all these confusions and found that I have breached the state of confusion. I very clearly decided that I very badly need my brother-in-law sexually, emotionally and bodily closer to me.

I was in a terrible situation as nothing happen the way that my heart desires. I cannot go low like a B grade girl to seduce him dropping my saree as u see in movies, I want dignity and respect from him as his respectable sister-in-law, but at the same time, I want all the fun. I know you are getting angry with my crazy desires and conditions.

Trying to seduce him is a riskier for me as my brother-in-law is not the kind of person who will appreciate it. It is a greater danger that I will lose his trust, admiration and even the current relationship. I truly value his relationship more than my lust, I don’t want to take even a 1 % risk by any failure attempt of seducing him.

I know 100% he will not also make any attempt from his side as he admires and respects me as his Bhabhi (Hindi), Anni (Tamil), Vodina (Telugu). Anyway, I strongly believe that magic will happen if my faith in God is true. If all my prayers to God are true, definitely God will help in some way to make my fantasy and desire come true.

I made serious efforts and meticulous planning to achieve my goal. Finally with the help of God’s grace I was able to achieve my lifetime goal of attaining him without losing my respect as his sister-in-law. That time I realized that the mind is so powerful and if one continuously thinks and plans for it and it will happen successfully.

It will be very difficult to explain all my experience and journey in a short paragraph, I need to explain all of the incidents in a chain of events, so I need to explain in detail. So I kindly request your patience to hear my detailed narration of events. Please excuse the length.

To tell about my family and me. I’m the only daughter of my parents. I’ve been brought up with high moral values and culture. I never ever engaged in any filthy activities during my adolescence and teenage. I never had any boyfriend even in the age of sex feeling peaks.

I stayed away from gents, boys during college and school days to protect my modesty. I was very determined that my hubby should be the first and only person to enjoy me. I completed my graduation and parents arranged a marriage with Vivek.

I liked him a lot. He is a smart, handsome young chap any girl will fall in love. I feel blessed to marry him. And I love him beyond everything in the world. I’m naturally good in heart and have tolerance and accept people well. So I happily settled with his family and took care of his aged parents.

I treated them as my parents. I settled smoothly within Vivek’s family and their family member’s heart because of my kind and good qualities. Vivek and his family’s top priority is to bring up Kishore well in his academics and get him to settle in his career.

I was requested to take care of his studies and help with his education as I’m well educated. He got a bit closer to me after a few interactions. I helped him with his studies and he shined well. He became close to me to help me in many things like buying groceries, taking me to temple and parent’s house and etc. when Vivek is not available.

During these time even in extreme wild dreams, I did not have any lust or bad intention on him. I just treated him in a brother sort of relationship. Aah, I have to tell about how he looks. He’s got a well-built body with toned muscles. He appeared like a teen model.

I liked him with pure affection and without any bad thought. I pampered him with my love and affection by making/cooking delicious items for him time to time and taking care of him. The whole of Vivek’s family admired and appreciated that I gelled with them and the way I’m taking care of Kishore.

I would like to highlight one key problem with Kishore. It is the main concern for Vivek as well as this is the only reason they both fight intensely. Kishore is fond of movies and he spends a lot of time watching movies. His ambition is to become an actor in the movie field.

Vivek is totally against this wish of Kishore. He wanted Kishore to become an engineer. Vivek is highly worried that Kishore’s movie interest will introduce unnecessary distraction with his studies and he may fail. Moreover, an acting career is not always guaranteed to be successful.

Hence Vivek vigorously rejected the idea of Kishore’s acting career interest. Despite the movie interest, Kishore did well in his academics. I coached him well and got very good marks in his final examination. Many times I used to get scolding from Vivek as I was spoiling him with pocket money for his movie expenses.

But I tried to convince Vivek that he needs a bit of fun in life as he is really studying well. I try to strike balance between both of them when they take this topic and started quarreling. Kishore respects my words. I try to save Kishore from Vivek during such heated conversations.

Finally, Kishore finished his pre-college education with a good academic result. The core issue started in the family again. Kishore stood firm to proceed his career by enrolling into Viscom. Also proceeding with entry with all acting related courses like dance, martial arts, horse riding, etc.

Vivek became terrified hearing Kishore’s plan. Vivek was adamant that he wants him to enroll in engineering studies. Heated discussions crossed limits where Vivek started raising his hand against Kishore on this topic. I struggled to meddle between them to make them calm.

I intervened and tried to tame the situation by talking to them separately. Vivek brought out his very valid concern about the success/winning rate of an acting career. He worried that Kishore will spoil his life without success in this field. Vivek wanted to ensure Kishore gets well settled in some professional career.

I could deeply understand Vivek’s valid concern. I spent time with Kishore in explaining his brother’s concern and justification of why Vivek is adamant. On the other end, Kishore shared his justification. He insisted that one’s career decision should come from themselves and not forced by others.

He strongly argued that he has all the strong potential to become successful as an actor. For me, it became tough to convince both of them and bring them to a common ground. I told Kishore, “Kishore, I agree with all your points and ambition. I really want to support them.”

“But you need to understand that your brother’s concern is also valid. I and Vivek worry about you failing in your career. If you cannot succeed, your entire career/life is lost. You cannot start academics later. At the same time, I respect your opinion that career should be of your choice. But we need to settle in between which is win-win for you and also us. I have a plan, will you agree?”

Kishore: “What is it, Anni?”

Me: “Kishore, for everyone a career is important. I support your interest in movie acting career. But you need to have a backup career in the engineering field in case you fail in the movie field.”

Me: “So I would like to propose that you enroll engineering course and at the same time enroll in all other movie-related classes like acting, dancing. We as a family will support you. You just need to give up your idea of enrolling in Viscom course. You can do all the attempts to grab movie chance.”

Me: “ If you prove successful in an acting career, you can drop out engineering studies. We won’t have any issue there. In case if you don’t succeed in it, you should seriously pursue engineering. During the course of study, you should give your best towards academics and follow your heart with acting proposals. Does it sound like a good deal for you?”

Kishore settled down with the deal understanding the justification from both sides. I explained this decision to my hubby Vivek. Vivek was still very hesitant to agree with this decision. He was worried that Kishore may not keep his promise towards engineering academics.

I convinced that I will take care of monitoring his studies and ensure that Kishore focuses on his studies as well. I insisted that we need to trust Kishore and we need to make him feel confident. Vivek finally agreed to the plan. Finally, we planned to move to Chennai.

It was the best place for his further study, Vivek’s engineering career and also for my IT career. Vivek quickly grabbed a good position with a reputed MNC with an excellent pay package. I managed to find an excellent job in an IT Multinational company with extremely good pay.

We happily moved to Chennai. We hired a high-end apartment in the posh Adyar area as we both earned more than enough to live a posh luxury life. Kishore joined an engineering college. He got all personal grooming items like home gym exercise equipment and all personal grooming accessories.

I started my new job and I liked the environment and my office job. Overall I enjoyed the new lifestyle in Chennai. Ours is a three bedroom apartment. We have one bedroom for Kishore. We occupied another bedroom. We lived a very contented life in the new city.

Vivek started working for his new office. Life of all three of us went very happy and smooth. I spent evening times with Kishore to mentor his engineering studies. He kept his promise of studies. Also, he joined in extracurricular activities for the cine industry like dancing, swimming, aerobics, horse riding, etc.

As usual, Kishore played a great role in helping me in household chores. Taking me around places, shops in his bike when Vivek gets delayed coming back home from his construction site. Even during this time I never had any sexual attraction on him.

While our life was going very smooth, we got a massive disruption in terms of Vivek’s job. Vivek’s company liked his performance a lot. They wanted him to oversee a Mega construction project in Dubai for a short term. Vivek was in a pathetic situation.

He could not refuse this offer as he joined recently and it may risk his job. On the other than the offer is very lucrative in nature and a big boost for his career. Considering all these situations Vivek did not have any option other than accepting it.

My heart was devastated with the news of Vivek leaving me and going to Dubai. We had never been apart after our marriage so far. At the same time as a matured girl, I could understand his situation. He convinced me that this project will be short term and he will come soon.

He will also come frequently. He promised that he will come every 3 months for a break. Finally no option for me to other than accepting the situation.

Vivek convinced me that I don’t need to have any concern about safety and security as Kishore is with me. He will take care of domestic work and help.

Neither I nor Vivek did not feel odd that I and Kishore going to be in the same house alone. Because I never saw or thought him in any such angle. Moreover, Kishore is also a gentle nice guy. So we did not find anything wrong with me and Kishore staying in the same home.

Moreover, my hubby trusts me a lot. Kishore also felt sad about Vivek leaving for Dubai. We went to the airport to send off Vivek. I broke down seeing Vivek leaving me. I cried on his shoulder without worrying about people seeing me. Vivek felt heart touched and proud to get such a loving wife.

He convinced me and kissed me. Kishore watched all this and felt bad for my situation. Finally, after all, emotional drama, we waved bye. I and Kishore headed back home. It was a late night flight, so we came home almost 12 am. I entered home with a sad feeling of missing Vivek.

First time in my life I felt a strange and different feeling while locking the door. This is not the first time being alone with Kishore in privacy at home. But this time I felt different because it is a new home. We just recently we set up everything. My hubby is several thousand miles away and parents are a few hundred miles away.

It is a locked door. No one will knock the door the whole night. Whatever happens within this closed door will be secret from the world. I un-intentionally compared my situation with a newlywed couple starting their life in an apartment.

Where parents setup every arrangement and leave them in privacy to enjoy life. I immediately shook my head violently scolding myself, chee chee what sort of cheap thinking? How can I think like that? I quickly shrugged my bad thoughts by scolding myself.

I thought, “I’m an elder and responsible SIL. Kishore is my lovely BIL (BIL = Brother in LAW, SIL = Sister in law). There is nothing beyond this. Even thinking like that is a sin.” But at that time I did not know there are a lot of twists/turns waiting for me in my life.

This will be continued in the next episode. Please take a minute of your time to share your feedback about this story to me/Pooja at our respective email IDs:  [email protected] and [email protected]

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