I am Raj, I wrote earlier about my experience of threesome with a close friend Anil. I am narrating of my real experience of pre-marriage engagement with a close friend of mine and his wife. This is not a story. This happened during the period when, as an engineer, I was working in a Government owned corporation near Ahmedabad in India. This is a true incident and a memorable one. In respect of my earlier story; many of the readers wrote to me that such a thing was unlikely to happen in the Indian society. I agree with them; but what I wrote did happen. This is a similar but slightly different type of experience. This also did happen. Many things happen in our life and in the society which are not normal. We are either not aware of them or prefer to ignore or hide them.
His face certainly looked familiar. Smiling and beaming; reflecting the radiance and hidden energy of the newly acquired youth. He had a set of head phones hanging on his neck. He smiled to me and said “Hello, uncle” before taking his allotted seat next to me. I was still over powered by the boy’s youthful charm so much that I could hardly mutter “Hi!” in response to it. With great difficulty I removed my eyes from the boys face. There was indeed some hidden attraction I felt in my heart for this boy. What was it? I tried very hard to remember, if I ever met this boy earlier in my life. I drew blank. I never had any memory of my meeting this boy.
The flight attendant announced all passengers to tighten seat belts, no smoking and all the routine things they were coached to speak. I hardly heard the announcements. I was just trying to locate the boy’s identity in my memory scan. Again blank.
One thing was sure. The boy belonged to a group of students going out on some kind of summer vacation or some school program; because he was accompanied by a number of other students wearing a similar school uniform and enthusiastically waving to those who were seating away from each other. A number of those, who could get seats next to each other, were engaged in deep conversation.
I could barely control myself. Appearing as casual as possible, I asked the boy, “Some kind of school vacation trip, is it?” the boy responded with quite maturity, “Well sir! We are on our way to New Delhi to attend the Independence Day parade representing our school.” My curiosity was bursting to ask the obvious question. But I had to be patient.
“Oh! I see. Which school is that, young man er….?” I stammered. The boy replied in the same tone, “St. Xaviers, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad, Sir. And my name is ‘Divyansh’.” The name did not seem to mean anything to me. I heard it for the first time. “Ahmedabad?” I asked. I had to ask some probing questions to get to satisfy my unending curiosity.
“Hey, I was in Ahmedabad myself for some time. I am familiar with most of Ahmedabad. Where exactly do you live my boy?” I asked.
The boy perhaps realized that he had to tell me all about him if he has to rest a while and although he wanted to listen to the I-Pod music from the electronic gadget, he had hanging on his waist; he replied with some finality, “I live with my parents in Ambavadi. My father’s name is Sudhir Parikh a Civil Engineer and my mother works in a bank.” Saying this and smiling to me and as if to put a stop to any further conversation, the boy pushed his earphones into his ears and slipped into his own world of music.
I almost fell out of my seat. I could not control my reaction. I was in a state of shock. Memories of years gone-by came back flooding to haunt me. I was feeling restless. It had to be the same. Was I dreaming or was I in the real world? I had no courage to ask any further question. If I asked those questions; I was afraid, all that I wanted forgotten might spring back to life; haunting our sentiments. The memories were by no means unpleasant; but I thought were best left alone and away from the present realities.
Suddenly I slipped into the past, it was some 12 long years ago……..
I woke up feeling groggy. I opened my eyes and realized that it was late evening. My head was paining. I was unable to recollect the exact sequence of happenings. I remembered the bang in my head caused by a stick hitting my head with a force. After that it was blank. I tried to get up. Suddenly a pair of delicate hands pushed me from behind to enable me to sit up in my bed. I looked behind me and saw Rekha Bhabhi supporting me from behind.
“You have not completely recovered from your injury”, said Rekha. “I am however glad to see that you have recovered quite well in the last two hours or so.” She finished. I understood that I was in semiconscious state for more than one hour; after I was hit by a rioter on the head. I mumbled something trying to convey that I am OK now. Sudhir was standing in a corner of the room looking out of the window. He turned to look at me hearing our conversation. He asked, “How are you feeling; hero?” I said I was OK.
Sudhir was my classmate from college days. We shared a hostel room in our hostel in Bhavangar, Gujarat. Both of us were engineers and were studying in different disciplines. Those were the days!
I and Sudhir passed out of college from Engineering College in Gujarat. We were room partners for two years and very good friends. I knew Sudhir’s entire family including his parents, his three brothers, their wives, their children etc. I had stayed at their house many times during our college holidays. Sudhir was short, slightly bulky for his size but very jovial and simple. I was very fond of him due to his simple nature. He was not sexually or temperamentally aggressive. However, he pretended to look so.
I remember him; many times, whistling to girls passing on the main road nearby our hostel and making loud and suggestive comments with our other hostel mates. All this was light hearted and perhaps girls passing by, also knew this. I tried to prevent him from doing so. But that was student life and those were the days! Sudhir and I were very close and shared many obscene jokes and incidents.
He was aware about my ongoing affair with my fiancée, Neena. He had seen Neena and was so much awed by her beauty and figure. He joked many times saying, “I wish I were you. I would love to enjoy her daily. When an opportunity comes, will you share her with me?”
I replied, “Well, I want to ask you a counter question. Will you allow me to share your wife with me, if such an opportunity arises?”
Sudhir, without a second thought said, “Raj, you are not only my best friend but also my life. My relation with my wife will not be more than my relation with you. If you desire my wife and if she has no objection, we shall share her. Have no doubt about it.” I was amazed at the instantaneous response. However, I thought this was just a spontaneous response and did not attach much importance to it.
Time passed by. We all graduated and Sudhir and I separated and took jobs in different cities. I got a job in Mehsana, about 60 kilometers from Ahmedabad. My parents were looking for an appropriate bride for me (I had not revealed about my affair with Neena at that time). However, Sudhir got married to Rekha a Gujarati girl. Rekha bhabhi (Sudhir’s wife) is rather thin with a small waist. One could almost encompass her waist by putting two middle fingers and two thumbs of one’s two palms together. She must be 34 22 32. Any normal man could easily lift Rekha without strain.
She had this wonderful smile on her face. She smiled all the time. I thought her smile was always mischievous. She had taste for good things in life. She had long hair, full lips, perky nose, flat oval shaped face, wheatish complexion, fairly thin ass, and peaking breasts. Her breasts, were rather big for her size. Actually, her breasts would be considered as normal for any other lady of good build and height. She was slightly dark complexioned. But I thought that made her sexier. She was not tall but being slim she looked tall enough. She tried to correct her lack of height by wearing high heeled sandals. She was quite slim; on the thin side.
She generally wore a saree and a blouse with the hem of the blouse exposing her tummy almost reaching just below her pinup breasts. Her navel and belly button were always clearly visible. She wore her saree well below her navel fully exposing her thin tummy. This gave me the impression that she was modern thinking and fearless bold woman. In one sentence you may describe her as a small bomb. She talked direct, acted fearlessly and was rather brash at times. She was at that time; working in a bank in Ahmedabad.
I was staying about 60 kms. from Ahmedabad. For official work, I had to come down to Ahmedabad occasionally. At that time, Sudhir was staying with his parents. However, the house was large enough and there were about 5 bedrooms and Sudhir and Rekha bhabhi had a bedroom of their own separately on one floor. During my visits, I always stayed at Sudhir’s house in his bedroom. I slept on the floor on a mattress, which they would lay for me; whilst Sudhir and Rekha slept on their bed. Other brothers and his parents occupied remaining bedrooms.
Whenever I stayed with Sudhir, his wife always complained to me of Sudhir. At one time She was unhappy with Sudhir’s dress-sense; sometimes she would talk about his lack of interest in art and culture etc. All the time, she would tell Sudhir in front of me, “Look at Raj. How smartly he dresses, how well he speaks. I am surprised that although both of you were together, why did you not pickup some smartness from him?” She was always comparing me with Sudhir.
I realized that she was attracted to my personality, youthful vigor, my clear thinking and above all my strong physic. In comparison, Sudhir was short, flabby, and slightly clumsy in speaking. He was a sort of guy, whom people tend to make fun of. I felt that Rekha was attracted to me and desired me but was unable to express the same. Sudhir liked me a lot and always confided in me talking of their sexual activities. He did not mind my complimenting Rekha Bbhabhi on her dress or beauty etc. Many times, I even made light fun by cracking mildly sexy jokes.
Sudhir always enjoyed my doing so and never discouraged my taking some liberties with Rekha Bhabhi. I was however careful not to transgress the limits. Sudhir in fact, in the presence of Rekha, many times, talked of sexy things perhaps to make me feel comfortable with Rekha. In their sex sessions, I might have been a hot topic of discussions. Sudhir was a nice fellow and a good and affectionate friend. After their marriage, Rekha knew me better and I and Rekha Bhabhi were fairly comfortable with each other.
Once, I had to stay with them due to some assignment, which needed my stay in Ahmedabad for three days. On the day of my arrival, I offered to host a dinner for Sudhir and Rekha. They had been married for about almost three years then. We fixed up to meet at “Cama Hotel” in Shahpur. Rekha was to come from her bank at about 6.30 pm. I was to come after finishing my day’s work directly and Sudhir was to come from his place of work. We got together at about 6.45 pm.
After initial pleasantries; I asked Rekha bhabhi jokingly, “How did you choose Sudhir, of all the people?” She understood the banter meant for a close good friend in a light vein. She smiled and said, “Well amongst all the boys with whom I was going around, he was the sweetest, simplest idiot, the only one I could find. I wanted exactly that type.”
I looked at Sudhir. He was blushing like a shy girl. I could see that he was proud to have a wife like Rekha. I found Rekha bhabhi to be direct and straight speaking person. After initial pleasantries, we all went to the coffee shop to have tea and snacks.
As I mentioned, Rekha was impressed with my personality. She asked me whilst we were having tea in a teasing tone, “Raj, Sudhir has told me, that you have a beautiful girl friend Neena. How did you trap her?”
I narrated about my first meeting with Neena at a railway junction, when I was going to my hostel some 300 kilometers away from my home town. She was waiting for the train to start and saw me carrying my bulky suit case along the platform looking for space in the train. Suddenly the belt or the strap holding my suit case snapped. My clothes fell off from suit case. Seeing this Neena, who was with some of her friends; laughed loudly. That was the signal I got and I boarded the train in the same coach and sat by Neena. We subsequently became very close friends and fell in love.
Rekha asked me, “Raj, you are quite a smart boy. Don’t tell me you never had a girl in your life so far.”
By her saying ‘Having a girl’ it was obvious she was referring to, if I slept with any girl. I was thoughtful and said, “Can I talk frankly without reservations?” When both of them nodded, I continued “Well, Bhabhi, if you are asking me; if I slept with a girl, well I will say yes and no. This is because although I have shared all physical pleasures, I have not actually had an intercourse with any girl so far.” My being so forthright caused Rekha to blush, but soon she reasserted and asked, “Raj, how can that be. You are being mysterious. Was it because you had no time, or you were caught red handed or what? Please tell me your experience fully without being mysterious.”
I then talked at length about my engagement with a girl called Usha in the college. I said, “She used to come to meet me when for a short period (six months), I had rented a room, when I did not get hostel accommodation. The room was near Usha’s ladies hostel and Usha and her friends came to a park adjacent to my room. She was sister of one of my class mates who had introduced us. Although I was studying engineering I was very fond of literature and she was studying Gujarati literature in college.
Soon we became good friends and were always engaged in intensely talking about literature. She developed extra attraction for me. She was shy but attractive. She now and then signaled to me that I can take liberty with her. This she did by occasionally deliberately coming close to me and walking past me making her breasts brush my arms or sit close to me and place her hands on my thigh or catch my hand and place it on her thigh. Once I told her, “Look, I am a boy and have extra sexual tendencies. You are a girl and you have to be careful that I should not do something in haste or excitement; that may spoil your life forever.” She would completely disregard my such remarks.
“I think she was madly in love with me. However, I was not looking at her as my lover fiancée or future wife, as I already was committed to Neena. I did not think Usha to be my sex partner. I was idealistic and believed that I should not spoil any girl’s life. I told her repeatedly that I was in love with Neena and that I shall marry Neena only. However, she was so much attracted to me that she ignored my caution. She wanted to show me her body and encouraged me to touch her breasts, her private parts. She prompted me repeatedly to have intimate sexual touching etc.
Once, she came to meet me in the morning. I was in the bathroom. As she knocked repeatedly, I opened the door wearing a towel.
Looking at me half naked, she smiled mischievously, closed the door behind her, came into the room and sat on the bed. She invited me to come and sit by her side. As I sat, my towel was giving way. I held onto the towel lest it falls apart. She removed my hand holding the towel. I was in an acutely embarrassing situation.
I never had such an experience. I was so embarrassed and also so excited seeing a beautiful young woman titillating me, inviting me or rather challenging me to show my masculinity. I let the towel open up and reveal my half erect penis to the young woman who wanted to see it. I was naked and embarrassed but was aroused seeing a beautiful young woman whom I certainly liked very much, playing with me.”
I was looking at Rekha and Sudhir as I was talking. Hearing the word “Penis”, Rekha suddenly twitched her eyes. She was squirming in her chair. She had probably never heard the word from anyone other than her husband. However, she was keenly listening to my narration almost without batting an eyelid.
I continued, “She placed one of her hands on my now fully erect cock. I realized that having gone so far, she was now confused not knowing how to proceed further. I was aroused so much that I clutched her hand holding my cock and pushed it up and down my shaft sliding and covering my manhood so as to give my tool a loving shake. She was pleased to oblige. Now she had a job and a loving partner. She started masturbating me.”
Again I looked at Sudhir and Rekha. Sudhir was hearing with attention. Rekha appeared to be blushing and looking here and there. I stopped. I said, “Look, I do not want to embarrass you.”
Hearing this Rekha gave me a sideways nod. I could not fathom if it was yes or no. But Sudhir interrupted. “Don’t worry, Rekha has asked for this and she has to listen to it.” Said Sudhir. I again looked at Rekha. She nodded her head to ask me to continue.
I said,”She then pulled me to her and offered her lips. We embraced and kissed each other on the lips. She allowed me full liberty. I was the person going slow. She prompted me to remove her clothing. She made me suck her breasts, her private part. She sucked and licked me also.” I continued,
“However, I told her, I was committed to Neena and I was unable to commit to her as my wife to be, therefore we shall do everything but will not fuck.”
The word ‘fuck’ just slipped out of my mouth and I felt sorry for it. I should have used some other method to indicate intercourse. Hearing this, Rekha was visibly trembling in excitement or embarrassment, I did not know. But she was not looking at me in the eyes. Sudhir held her hands. She recovered after about a minute or so. It looked to me that she rather liked my straight talk. I thought that she did not mind my use of the four letter word. I felt that on the contrary, she got turned on by my use of the word.
I thought perhaps that Sudhir was feeling awkward by my word. I said, “Sudhir, I am sorry that I used the four letter word to express my feelings.”
Sudhir dismissed my statement shaking his hands saying, “What are you talking? How many times, I and you have used this word in our talk with each other and I and Rekha have used this word in our talks also. The only difference is this word has been used for the first time when all three of us are present. So what the heck? Its OK, as far as I am concerned.”
I looked at Rekha Bhabhi. She said “Raj, it is OK. Don’t make too much out of it.”
I was sitting across them and saw that Sudhir was making awkward movements and squirming on his chair. I understood that Rekha’s hands were clutching Sudhir’s crotch under the table and he was aroused by it. I felt Rekha’s one foot nudging near my leg and trying to push my trouser up in a provocative gesture. I doubted if this was accidental.
I realized that she became hot. As I was about to say something, there was a loud noise nearby. It was about 8.00 in the evening. That day, there was some communal tension in Ahmedabad. I got up alarmed. Sudhir was puzzled to see alarming expressions on my face and hearing about the commotion outside; asked me, “What happened?. Why are you looking alarmed?”
I replied, “Sudhir, do you not read news papers? There was a tension in the city yesterday evening due to some incidents between two groups. Why I am alarmed is because, we are now in a very riot sensitive locality and I am hoping that there is nothing serious and we could manage to get out and reach home soon.”
I came out of the hotel after paying the bills. I saw that the scene was far from encouraging. I could see some persons running with lathis (long sticks) in their hands towards some persons who were trying to escape. I could see a police van at a distance. I told Sudhir and Rekha, “I think we must leave without delay. Things are not looking good.” We were staying a long distance away and were wondering how we would reach our house.
All three of us took the road towards bus stand in the hope that we shall at least get a bus to reach home. No buses were running; auto rickshaws and taxis also went off the roads. Now we were genuinely worried. Sudhir’s house was at least 12 kilometers away from where we were. We just did not know what to do. After failing to find any taxi, auto rickshaw etc., we decided to walk. There was no other alternative. However, barely after about two kilometers, Rekha declared she could not walk any more. We were in a fix.
Suddenly there was a huge uproar. A group of stick wielding rowdies came running. They were picking on persons of the other community. We saw at some distance a man being beaten mercilessly by the crowds. I was scared. It was easy to be the target of the violent group running in our direction.
In the group of people coming in our direction, one of the persons noticed us. He shouted something and three people advanced towards Rekha making vulgar gestures. As soon as we realized this, we started running. Some of the persons in the group started chasing us. I immediately pulled both Sudhir and Rekha aside and asked them to run behind me to hide ourselves in a lane. However they caught us. The people appeared to be goons. One of them caught Rekha’s hand started pulling her. Sudhir got scared and ran away to some distance and hid behind a building.
I could not control myself. I was in fit of rage. Without bothering about consequences, I went close to the boy, hit him with my feast. The boy did not expect this. He fell to the floor bleeding. Two of his mates started fighting with me. One of them hit me with a stick in the back. The other fellow caught me by the neck and hit me with his feast several times. They hit me on the back and below my waist with a stick. I had a deep scratch just below my navel and it started bleeding. I was stronger than both of them. I pushed one of them with great force. He stumbled on the pavement and hit a pole. Some other young men came up to fight with me.
I stood there with my chest bulging and eyes blazing. Now there were five persons surrounding me. I was no great fighter. But I was fit and strong. The boys surrounding me had sticks (called lathis) in their hands. They started hitting me. I snatched a lathi from the hands of one of the persons and was vehemently swinging it in all directions to good effect. Suddenly there was a bang in my head. I was out cold.